Difference between revisions of "Knockback 2"

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(Created page with " (r5 = TX, r6 = TY) 00184610: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,0xffd8 00184614: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29) 00184618: 00a09021 addu r18,r5,r0 r18 = TX 0018461c: afb3001c sw r19,0x0...")
Line 156: Line 156:
  00184878: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0
  00184878: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0
  0018487c: 02602821 addu r5,r19,r0
  0018487c: 02602821 addu r5,r19,r0
  00184880: 0c05f722 jal 0x0017dc88
  00184880: 0c05f722 jal 0x0017dc88               Get ID of unit if tile is targetable
  00184884: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0
  00184884: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0
  00184888: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff
  00184888: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff

Revision as of 14:00, 27 November 2012

(r5 = TX, r6 = TY)
00184610: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,0xffd8
00184614: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29)
00184618: 00a09021 addu r18,r5,r0		r18 = TX
0018461c: afb3001c sw r19,0x001c(r29)
00184620: 00c09821 addu r19,r6,r0		r19 = TY
00184624: afbf0020 sw r31,0x0020(r29)
00184628: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)
0018462c: 064000a1 bltz r18,0x001848b4		Branch if TX is negative (off the  map)
00184630: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)
00184634: 066000a0 bltz r19,0x001848b8		Branch if TY is negative (off the  map)
00184638: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff		r2 = FFFF
0018463c: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e
00184640: 90424e9c lbu r2,0x4e9c(r2)		Load Map's Max X
00184644: 00000000 nop
00184648: 0242102a slt r2,r18,r2
0018464c: 1040009a beq r2,r0,0x001848b8		Branch if TX >= Max X (off the map)
00184650: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff		r2 = FFFF
00184654: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e
00184658: 90424ea0 lbu r2,0x4ea0(r2)		Load Map's Max Y
0018465c: 00000000 nop
00184660: 0262102a slt r2,r19,r2
00184664: 10400093 beq r2,r0,0x001848b4		Branch if TY >= Max Y (off the map)
00184668: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001		r2 = 1 (Knocked Left)
0018466c: 10820012 beq r4,r2,0x001846b8		Branch if Target was Knocked Left
00184670: 28820002 slti r2,r4,0x0002
00184674: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0018468c		Branch if Target was Knocked  Up/Right
00184678: 00000000 nop
0018467c: 10800011 beq r4,r0,0x001846c4		Branch if Target was Knocked Down
00184680: 00000000 nop
00184684: 080611b3 j 0x001846cc			(jump if value was negative?)
00184688: 00000000 nop
0018468c: 34020002 ori r2,r0,0x0002		r2 = 2
00184690: 10820006 beq r4,r2,0x001846ac		Branch if Target was Knocked Up
00184694: 34020003 ori r2,r0,0x0003		r2 =  3
00184698: 1482000c bne r4,r2,0x001846cc		Branch if Target was not Knocked  Right
0018469c: 00000000 nop
001846a0: 00008021 addu r16,r0,r0
001846a4: 080611b3 j 0x001846cc			Knocked Right, r16 = 0, r17 = 2
001846a8: 34110002 ori r17,r0,0x0002
001846ac: 34100006 ori r16,r0,0x0006
001846b0: 080611b3 j 0x001846cc			Knocked Up, r16 = 6, r17 = 4
001846b4: 34110004 ori r17,r0,0x0004
001846b8: 34100002 ori r16,r0,0x0002
001846bc: 080611b3 j 0x001846cc			Knocked Left, r16 = 2, r17 = 0
001846c0: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0
001846c4: 34100004 ori r16,r0,0x0004
001846c8: 34110006 ori r17,r0,0x0006		Knocked Down, r16 = 4, r17 = 6
001846cc: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019
001846d0: 8c842d98 lw r4,0x2d98(r4)		Load Target's Data Pointer
001846d4: 0c060428 jal 0x001810a0		Map Location Calculation
001846d8: 00000000 nop
001846dc: 000210c0 sll r2,r2,0x03		Tile ID * 8
001846e0: 3c058019 lui r5,0x8019
001846e4: 24a5f8cc addiu r5,r5,0xf8cc
001846e8: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5
001846ec: 90440003 lbu r4,0x0003(r2)		Load Tile's Height (halves) + Depth
001846f0: 90430004 lbu r3,0x0004(r2)		Load Tile's slope height?
001846f4: 3084001f andi r4,r4,0x001f		r4 = Tile's Height (halves)
001846f8: 02031807 srav r3,r3,r16		Tile's Slope Height? / 4 OR 16 OR 64 (OR no change)
001846fc: 30630003 andi r3,r3,0x0003		Tile's Slope Mod? (0->3)
00184700: 00830018 mult r4,r3			Tile's Height (halves) * Slope  Height?
00184704: 00002012 mflo r4			r4 = Tile's Height (halves) * Slope Height?
00184708: 3c03800e lui r3,0x800e
0018470c: 90634e9c lbu r3,0x4e9c(r3)		Load Map's Max X
00184710: 00000000 nop
00184714: 02630018 mult r19,r3			TY * Max X
00184718: 90420002 lbu r2,0x0002(r2)		Load Tile's Height
0018471c: 00000000 nop
00184720: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01		Height * 2
00184724: 00443021 addu r6,r2,r4		Height * 2 + Height (halves) *  Slope Mod? (total height?)
00184728: 00001012 mflo r2			TY * Max X
0018472c: 00521021 addu r2,r2,r18		TY * Max X + TX
00184730: 24430100 addiu r3,r2,0x0100		TY * Max X + TX + 100h
00184734: 000210c0 sll r2,r2,0x03		(TY * Max X + TX) * 8
00184738: 00454021 addu r8,r2,r5		(TY * Max X + TX) * 8 + Current Tile Pointer
0018473c: 000318c0 sll r3,r3,0x03		(TY * Max X + TX + 100h) * 8 (new  Tile ID)
00184740: 91020006 lbu r2,0x0006(r8)		Load New Tile's Misc. Flags
00184744: 00000000 nop
00184748: 30420001 andi r2,r2,0x0001
0018474c: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018475c		Branch if tile is able to be selected
00184750: 00653821 addu r7,r3,r5		(TY * Max X + TX + 100h) * 8 +  Current Tile Pointer
00184754: 080611e2 j 0x00184788
00184758: 340400ff ori r4,r0,0x00ff		r4 = FF (Max Height)
0018475c: 91030003 lbu r3,0x0003(r8)		Load New Tile's Height (halves) +  Depth
00184760: 91020004 lbu r2,0x0004(r8)		Load New Tile's Slope Height?
00184764: 3063001f andi r3,r3,0x001f		Leave only Height (halves)
00184768: 02221007 srav r2,r2,r17		Slope Height? / 4 OR 16 OR 64 (OR  no change)
0018476c: 30420003 andi r2,r2,0x0003		Slope Mod? (0->3)
00184770: 00620018 mult r3,r2			Height (halves) * Slope Mod?
00184774: 91020002 lbu r2,0x0002(r8)		Load Height
00184778: 00000000 nop
0018477c: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01		Height * 2
00184780: 00001812 mflo r3			r3 = Height (halves) * Slope Mod?
00184784: 00432021 addu r4,r2,r3		Height * 2 + Height (halves) *  Slope Mod? (total height?)
00184788: 90e20006 lbu r2,0x0006(r7)		Load Higher Elevation Tile's Misc  Flags
0018478c: 00000000 nop
00184790: 30420001 andi r2,r2,0x0001
00184794: 1440000c bne r2,r0,0x001847c8		Branch if tile is unable to be  selected
00184798: 340300ff ori r3,r0,0x00ff		r3 = FF (max Height)
0018479c: 90e30003 lbu r3,0x0003(r7)		Load Higher Elevation Tile's  Height (halves) + Depth
001847a0: 90e20004 lbu r2,0x0004(r7)		Load Higher Elevation Tile's Slope  Height?
001847a4: 3063001f andi r3,r3,0x001f
001847a8: 02221007 srav r2,r2,r17		Slope Height? / 4 OR 16 OR 64 (OR  no change)
001847ac: 30420003 andi r2,r2,0x0003		Slope Mod? (0->3)
001847b0: 00620018 mult r3,r2			Height (halves) * Slope Mod?
001847b4: 90e20002 lbu r2,0x0002(r7)		Load Height
001847b8: 00000000 nop
001847bc: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01		Height * 2
001847c0: 00001812 mflo r3			r3 = Height (halves) * Slope Mod?
001847c4: 00431821 addu r3,r2,r3		Height * 2 + Height (halves) *  Slope Mod? (total height?)
001847c8: 00c4282a slt r5,r6,r4
001847cc: 10a00005 beq r5,r0,0x001847e4		Branch if Knockback Total Height >= Current Total Height
001847d0: 00c3102a slt r2,r6,r3 
001847d4: 10400012 beq r2,r0,0x00184820		Branch if Higher KB Total Height  >= Current Total Height
001847d8: 00c4102a slt r2,r6,r4
001847dc: 0806122e j 0x001848b8
001847e0: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff		r2 = FFF F
001847e4: 1040000d beq r2,r0,0x0018481c		Branch if Higher KB Total Height  >= Current Total Height
001847e8: 00000000 nop
001847ec: 14a0000e bne r5,r0,0x00184828		Branch if Knockback Total Height <  Current Total Height
001847f0: 00000000 nop
001847f4: 90e20005 lbu r2,0x0005(r7)		Load Higher Elevation's ?
001847f8: 00000000 nop
001847fc: 3042001f andi r2,r2,0x001f		Leave only  ?
00184800: 00621823 subu r3,r3,r2		Higher Elevation  Total Height - ?
00184804: 24c20004 addiu r2,r6,0x0004		Current height + 4
00184808: 0062102a slt r2,r3,r2
0018480c: 1440002a bne r2,r0,0x001848b8		(to be continued)
00184810: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
00184814: 0806121a j 0x00184868
00184818: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0
0018481c: 00c4102a slt r2,r6,r4
00184820: 1040000d beq r2,r0,0x00184858
00184824: 00c3102a slt r2,r6,r3
00184828: 1440000c bne r2,r0,0x0018485c
0018482c: 0083102a slt r2,r4,r3
00184830: 91020005 lbu r2,0x0005(r8)
00184834: 00000000 nop
00184838: 3042001f andi r2,r2,0x001f
0018483c: 00822023 subu r4,r4,r2
00184840: 24c20004 addiu r2,r6,0x0004
00184844: 0082102a slt r2,r4,r2
00184848: 1440001b bne r2,r0,0x001848b8
0018484c: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
00184850: 0806121c j 0x00184870
00184854: 34110001 ori r17,r0,0x0001
00184858: 0083102a slt r2,r4,r3
0018485c: 14400004 bne r2,r0,0x00184870
00184860: 34110001 ori r17,r0,0x0001
00184864: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0
00184868: 0806121d j 0x00184874
0018486c: 00c48023 subu r16,r6,r4
00184870: 00c38023 subu r16,r6,r3
00184874: 0600000f bltz r16,0x001848b4
00184878: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0
0018487c: 02602821 addu r5,r19,r0
00184880: 0c05f722 jal 0x0017dc88                Get ID of unit if tile is targetable
00184884: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0
00184888: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff
0018488c: 1443000a bne r2,r3,0x001848b8
00184890: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
00184894: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019
00184898: 906338c1 lbu r3,0x38c1(r3)
0018489c: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019
001848a0: a03038ee sb r16,0x38ee(r1)
001848a4: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019
001848a8: a02338ef sb r3,0x38ef(r1)
001848ac: 0806122e j 0x001848b8
001848b0: 02201021 addu r2,r17,r0
001848b4: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
001848b8: 8fbf0020 lw r31,0x0020(r29)
001848bc: 8fb3001c lw r19,0x001c(r29)
001848c0: 8fb20018 lw r18,0x0018(r29)
001848c4: 8fb10014 lw r17,0x0014(r29)
001848c8: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)
001848cc: 27bd0028 addiu r29,r29,0x0028
001848d0: 03e00008 jr r31
001848d4: 00000000 nop