Difference between revisions of "00123288 - 0012342c"

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<font face='Courier New'>
  00123288: 84a20000 lh r2,0x0000(r5) #(from item preview) load new move (all are Bonus; irrespective of current unit's actual stats.)
  00123288: 84a20000 lh r2,0x0000(r5) #(from item preview) load new move (all are Bonus; irrespective of current unit's actual stats.)
Line 107: Line 106:
  00123428: 03e00008 jr r31
  00123428: 03e00008 jr r31
  0012342c: a4820022 sh r2,0x0022(r4) #store total accessory M-ev% to preview to stack
  0012342c: a4820022 sh r2,0x0022(r4) #store total accessory M-ev% to preview to stack
Return Locations:
[[001231cc - 00123284]]: 0x00123264

Latest revision as of 03:03, 10 June 2022

00123288: 84a20000 lh r2,0x0000(r5)			#(from item preview) load new move (all are Bonus; irrespective of current unit's actual stats.)
0012328c: 00000000 nop
00123290: 00e20018 mult r7,r2				#r7 input (1?) * new move
00123294: 94c20000 lhu r2,0x0000(r6)			#load old move
00123298: 00001812 mflo r3
0012329c: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3			#find difference of move
001232a0: a4820000 sh r2,0x0000(r4)			#store total move to preview to stack
001232a4: 84a20002 lh r2,0x0002(r5)			#load new speed
001232a8: 00000000 nop
001232ac: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001232b0: 94c20002 lhu r2,0x0002(r6)			#load old speed
001232b4: 00001812 mflo r3
001232b8: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001232bc: a4820002 sh r2,0x0002(r4)			#store total speed to preview to stack
001232c0: 84a20004 lh r2,0x0004(r5)			#load new jump
001232c4: 00000000 nop
001232c8: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001232cc: 94c20004 lhu r2,0x0004(r6)			#load old jump
001232d0: 00001812 mflo r3
001232d4: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001232d8: a4820004 sh r2,0x0004(r4)			#store total jump to preview to stack
001232dc: 84a20006 lh r2,0x0006(r5)			#load new LH WP
001232e0: 00000000 nop
001232e4: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001232e8: 94c20006 lhu r2,0x0006(r6)			#load old LH WP
001232ec: 00001812 mflo r3
001232f0: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001232f4: a4820006 sh r2,0x0006(r4)			#store total LH WP to preview to stack
001232f8: 84a20008 lh r2,0x0008(r5)			#load new RH WP
001232fc: 00000000 nop
00123300: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123304: 94c20008 lhu r2,0x0008(r6)			#load old RH WP
00123308: 00001812 mflo r3
0012330c: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00123310: a4820008 sh r2,0x0008(r4)			#store total RH WP to preview to stack
00123314: 84a2000a lh r2,0x000a(r5)			#load new LWP-ev%
00123318: 00000000 nop
0012331c: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123320: 94c2000a lhu r2,0x000a(r6)			#load old LWP-ev%
00123324: 00001812 mflo r3
00123328: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
0012332c: a482000a sh r2,0x000a(r4)			#store total LWP-ev% to preview to stack
00123330: 84a2000c lh r2,0x000c(r5)			#load new RWP-ev%
00123334: 00000000 nop
00123338: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
0012333c: 94c2000c lhu r2,0x000c(r6)			#load old RWP-ev%
00123340: 00001812 mflo r3
00123344: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00123348: a482000c sh r2,0x000c(r4)			#store total RWP-ev% to preview to stack
0012334c: 84a20012 lh r2,0x0012(r5)			#load new PA
00123350: 00000000 nop
00123354: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123358: 94c20012 lhu r2,0x0012(r6)			#load old PA
0012335c: 00001812 mflo r3
00123360: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00123364: a4820012 sh r2,0x0012(r4)			#store total PA to preview to stack
00123368: 84a20014 lh r2,0x0014(r5)			#c-ev%?
0012336c: 00000000 nop
00123370: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123374: 94c20014 lhu r2,0x0014(r6)			#c-ev%?
00123378: 00001812 mflo r3
0012337c: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00123380: a4820014 sh r2,0x0014(r4)			#always nothing - no equipment grants class evasion
00123384: 84a20016 lh r2,0x0016(r5)			#load new shield P-ev%
00123388: 00000000 nop
0012338c: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123390: 94c20016 lhu r2,0x0016(r6)			#load old shield P-ev%
00123394: 00001812 mflo r3
00123398: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
0012339c: a4820016 sh r2,0x0016(r4)			#store total shield P-ev% to preview to stack
001233a0: 84a20018 lh r2,0x0018(r5)			#load new accessory P-ev%
001233a4: 00000000 nop
001233a8: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001233ac: 94c20018 lhu r2,0x0018(r6)			#load old accessory P-ev%
001233b0: 00001812 mflo r3
001233b4: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001233b8: a4820018 sh r2,0x0018(r4)			#store total accessory P-ev% to preview to stack
001233bc: 84a2001c lh r2,0x001c(r5)			#load new MA
001233c0: 00000000 nop
001233c4: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001233c8: 94c2001c lhu r2,0x001c(r6)			#load old MA
001233cc: 00001812 mflo r3
001233d0: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001233d4: a482001c sh r2,0x001c(r4)			#store total MA to preview to stack
001233d8: 84a2001e lh r2,0x001e(r5)			#Mc-ev%?
001233dc: 00000000 nop
001233e0: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
001233e4: 94c2001e lhu r2,0x001e(r6)			#Mc-ev%?
001233e8: 00001812 mflo r3
001233ec: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
001233f0: a482001e sh r2,0x001e(r4)			#no equipment grants magic c-ev%
001233f4: 84a20020 lh r2,0x0020(r5)			#load new shield M-ev%
001233f8: 00000000 nop
001233fc: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
00123400: 94c20020 lhu r2,0x0020(r6)			#load old shield M-ev%
00123404: 00001812 mflo r3
00123408: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
0012340c: a4820020 sh r2,0x0020(r4)			#store total shield M-ev to preview to stack
00123410: 84a20022 lh r2,0x0022(r5)			#load new accessory M-ev%
00123414: 00000000 nop
00123418: 00e20018 mult r7,r2
0012341c: 94c20022 lhu r2,0x0022(r6)			#load old accessory M-ev%
00123420: 00001812 mflo r3
00123424: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00123428: 03e00008 jr r31
0012342c: a4820022 sh r2,0x0022(r4)			#store total accessory M-ev% to preview to stack
Return Locations:
001231cc - 00123284: 0x00123264