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(Created page with " 80093b20 - World Map Month Image Data (WLDCORE.BIN 0x2cb20) Each month has one entry. (Size per entry: 0x14 = 20 bytes) (Entries for the numbers used for the day are locat...")
Line 25: Line 25:
  8018ba20 - Selected formation unit index (WORLD.BIN)
  8018ba20 - Selected formation unit index (WORLD.BIN)
8018cf68 - Status Image Data (8 bytes each, 0x140 total)
                0x00 - X Load Location
                0x01 - 00
                0x02 - Y Load Location
                0x03 - 00
                0x04 - Image Width
                0x05 - 00
                0x06 - Image Height
                0x07 - 00
                0x00  - "Blank Status"
                0x08  - "Crystal"
                0x10  - "Dead"
                0x18  - "Undead"
                0x20  - "Charging"
                0x28  - "Jump"
                0x30  - "Defending"
                0x38  - "Performing"
                0x40  - "Petrify"
                0x48  - "Invite"
                0x50  - "Blind"
                0x58  - "Confusion"
                0x60  - "Silence"
                0x68  - "Vampire"
                0x70  - "Cursed"
                0x78  - "Treasure"
                0x80  - "Oil"
                0x88  - "Float"
                0x90  - "Reraise"
                0x98  - "Invisible"
                0xa0  - "Berserk"
                0xa8  - "Chicken"
                0xb0  - "Frog"
                0xb8  - "Critical"
                0xc0  - "Poison"
                0xc8  - "Regen"
                0xd0  - "Protect"
                0xd8  - "Shell"
                0xe0  - "Haste"
                0xe8  - "Slow"
                0xf0  - "Stop"
                0xf8  - "Wall"
                0x100 - "Faith"
                0x108 - "Atheist"
                0x110 - "Charm"
                0x118 - "Sleep"
                0x120 - "Immobilize"
                0x128 - "Disable"
                0x130 - "Reflect"
                0x138 - "Doom"
  8018d844 - Shop Item Availability Table - 2 bytes per item, 256 items (technically the first 1 and last 2 are unavailable).
  8018d844 - Shop Item Availability Table - 2 bytes per item, 256 items (technically the first 1 and last 2 are unavailable).
         0x00 - First Byte
         0x00 - First Byte
Line 45: Line 97:
               0x02 - Zarghidas Trade City
               0x02 - Zarghidas Trade City
               0x01 - Unknown
               0x01 - Unknown

Revision as of 10:24, 20 February 2024

80093b20 - World Map Month Image Data (WLDCORE.BIN 0x2cb20)
Each month has one entry.
(Size per entry: 0x14 = 20 bytes)
(Entries for the numbers used for the day are located directly after the months.  11 entries corresponding to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /)
Offset (bytes): Notes
    0x00 (4): Number of images to display? (Default 1)
    0x04 (4): ? Affects display (Default 0x01000180)
    0x08 (4): ? Affects colors? (Default 0x01e60000)
    0x0c (1): Screen Location Offset X (Default 0x80 = 128)
    0x0d (1): Screen Location Offset Y (Default 0x80 = 128)
    0x0e (1): Palette? (Default 0) (Messed up colors if changed)
    0x0f (1): Flip
        0: Upright
        1: Vertical flipped
        2: Horizontal flipped
        3: Both flipped
    0x10 (1): Pixel Height (Default 12)
    0x11 (1): Pixel Width (Default 24)
    0x12 (1): Source Bitmap Y Location
    0x13 (1): Source Bitmap X Location
8018aa98 - WORLD.BIN: Formation unit Preview data
		Contains some data regarding the unit, such as level, exp, etc., directly from world.bin party data
		Also contains Bonus stat information, bonus/malus HP/MP/PA/SP etc. to show in blue text when previewing equipment while changing, or movement abilities when changing.
8018ba20 - Selected formation unit index (WORLD.BIN)
8018cf68 - Status Image Data (8 bytes each, 0x140 total)
               0x00 - X Load Location
               0x01 - 00
               0x02 - Y Load Location
               0x03 - 00
               0x04 - Image Width
               0x05 - 00
               0x06 - Image Height
               0x07 - 00

               0x00  - "Blank Status"
               0x08  - "Crystal"
               0x10  - "Dead"
               0x18  - "Undead"
               0x20  - "Charging"
               0x28  - "Jump"
               0x30  - "Defending"
               0x38  - "Performing"
               0x40  - "Petrify"
               0x48  - "Invite"
               0x50  - "Blind"
               0x58  - "Confusion"
               0x60  - "Silence"
               0x68  - "Vampire"
               0x70  - "Cursed"
               0x78  - "Treasure"
               0x80  - "Oil"
               0x88  - "Float"
               0x90  - "Reraise"
               0x98  - "Invisible"
               0xa0  - "Berserk"
               0xa8  - "Chicken"
               0xb0  - "Frog"
               0xb8  - "Critical"
               0xc0  - "Poison"
               0xc8  - "Regen"
               0xd0  - "Protect"
               0xd8  - "Shell"
               0xe0  - "Haste"
               0xe8  - "Slow"
               0xf0  - "Stop"
               0xf8  - "Wall"
               0x100 - "Faith"
               0x108 - "Atheist"
               0x110 - "Charm"
               0x118 - "Sleep"
               0x120 - "Immobilize"
               0x128 - "Disable"
               0x130 - "Reflect"
               0x138 - "Doom"

8018d844 - Shop Item Availability Table - 2 bytes per item, 256 items (technically the first 1 and last 2 are unavailable).
       0x00 - First Byte
              0x80 - Lesalia Imperial Castle
              0x40 - Riovanes Castle
              0x20 - Igros Castle
              0x10 - Lionel Castle
              0x08 - Limberry Castle
              0x04 - Zeltennia Castle
              0x02 - Gariland Magic City
              0x01 - Yardow Fort City
       0x01 - Second Byte
              0x80 - Goland Coal City
              0x40 - Dorter Trade City
              0x20 - Zaland Fort City
              0x10 - Goug Machine City
              0x08 - Warjilis Trade City
              0x04 - Bervenia Trade City
              0x02 - Zarghidas Trade City
              0x01 - Unknown

8018de34 - NPC Formation Screen Sprites (for jobs 0x00 to 0x49 only), 1 byte per entry
       0x00 - Formation Sprite, not sure what it references, someone who does spriting should know.
801c83f8 - Job Wheel Bytes(2 bytes each, goes until FF FF is reached)
       0x4000 - Grey out job on Job Wheel
       0x00xx - Job ID
801c8638 (WORLD.BIN)
   Formation screen unit definition : 0x128 (296) bytes
   Data copies here from party data at routine 0x80120bb0 (WORLD.BIN)
   Offset (bytes): Description
       0x000 (2): Level
       0x002 (2): 2 if unit is Guest, otherwise 0
       0x008 (2): Experience
       0x00a (2): Party unit index (controls portrait)
       0x00c (2): Max HP (HP?)
       0x010 (2): Max HP
       0x012 (2): Max MP (MP?)
       0x016 (2): Max MP
       0x018 (2): CT
       0x01c (2): 100 (Max CT)?
       0x022 (2): Party unit index (controls display name)
       0x024 (2): Job ID
       0x026 (2): Brave
       0x028 (2): Faith
       0x02a (2): Birthday (first 4 bits)
       0x02c (2): Party unit index
       0x030 (2): Move
       0x032 (2): Speed
       0x034 (2): Jump
       0x036 (2): Right Hand WP
       0x038 (2): Left Hand WP
       0x03a (2): Right Hand W-EV
       0x03c (2): Left Hand W-EV
       0x03e (2): 1 if primary skillset is Monster skillset (between 0xB0 and 0xDF, inclusive), 0 otherwise
       0x040 (2): Two Hands active (1 if active, 0 if inactive)
       0x042 (2): PA
       0x044 (2): C-Ev
       0x046 (2): Physical S-Ev
       0x048 (2): Physical A-Ev
       0x04c (2): MA
       0x04e (2): 0 (Magical C-Ev?)
       0x050 (2): Magical S-Ev
       0x052 (2): Magical A-Ev
       0x054 (2): Right Hand Equip
       0x056 (2): Left Hand Equip
       0x058 (2): Head Equip
       0x05a (2): Body Equip
       0x05c (2): Accessory
       0x05e (2): Primary skillset
       0x060 (2): Secondary skillset
       0x062 (2): Reaction ability
       0x064 (2): Support ability
       0x066 (2): Movement ability
       0x070 (1): Flags ("Gender" Byte)
           0x80 - Male
           0x40 - Female
           0x20 - Monster
           0x10 - Join after event
           0x08 - Load Formation
           0x04 - ??? Stats
           0x02 - 
           0x01 - Join as Guest
       0x072 (1): Base class
       0x073 (1): Equippable Items 1
           0x80 - Barehanded
           0x40 - Knife
           0x20 - Ninja Blade
           0x10 - Sword
           0x08 - Knight's Sword
           0x04 - Katana
           0x02 - Axe
           0x01 - Rod
       0x074 (1): Equippable Items 2
           0x80 - Staff
           0x40 - Flail
           0x20 - Gun
           0x10 - Crossbow
           0x08 - Bow
           0x04 - Instrument
           0x02 - Book
           0x01 - Polearm
       0x075 (1): Equippable Items 3
           0x80 - Pole
           0x40 - Bag
           0x20 - Cloth
           0x10 - Shield
           0x08 - Helmet
           0x04 - Hat
           0x02 - Hair Adornment
           0x01 - Armor
       0x076 (1): Equippable Items 4
           0x80 - Clothing
           0x40 - Robe
           0x20 - Shoes
           0x10 - Armguard
           0x08 - Ring
           0x04 - Armlet
           0x02 - Cloak
           0x01 - Perfume
       0x077 (1): Unlocked Jobs 1
       0x078 (1): Unlocked Jobs 2
       0x079 (1): Unlocked Jobs 3
       0x07a (1): Base Action Abilities 1-8
       0x07b (1): Base Action Abilities 9-16
       0x07c (1): Base R/S/M 1-6
       0x07d (1): Chemist Action Abilities 1-8
       0x07e (1): Chemist Action Abilities 9-16
       0x07f (1): Chemist R/S/M 1-6
       0x080 (1): Knight Action Abilities 1-8
       0x081 (1): Knight Action Abilities 9-16
       0x082 (1): Knight R/S/M 1-6
       0x083 (1): Archer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x084 (1): Archer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x085 (1): Archer R/S/M 1-6
       0x086 (1): Monk Action Abilities 1-8
       0x087 (1): Monk Action Abilities 9-16
       0x088 (1): Monk R/S/M 1-6
       0x089 (1): Priest Action Abilities 1-8
       0x08a (1): Priest Action Abilities 9-16
       0x08b (1): Priest R/S/M 1-6
       0x08c (1): Wizard Action Abilities 1-8
       0x08d (1): Wizard Action Abilities 9-16
       0x08e (1): Wizard R/S/M 1-6
       0x08f (1): Time Mage Action Abilities 1-8
       0x090 (1): Time Mage Action Abilities 9-16
       0x091 (1): Time Mage R/S/M 1-6
       0x092 (1): Summoner Action Abilities 1-8
       0x093 (1): Summoner Action Abilities 9-16
       0x094 (1): Summoner R/S/M 1-6
       0x095 (1): Thief Action Abilities 1-8
       0x096 (1): Thief Action Abilities 9-16
       0x097 (1): Thief R/S/M 1-6
       0x098 (1): Mediator Action Abilities 1-8
       0x099 (1): Mediator Action Abilities 9-16
       0x09a (1): Mediator R/S/M 1-6
       0x09b (1): Oracle Action Abilities 1-8
       0x09c (1): Oracle Action Abilities 9-16
       0x09d (1): Oracle R/S/M 1-6
       0x09e (1): Geomancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x09f (1): Geomancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a0 (1): Geomancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a1 (1): Lancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a2 (1): Lancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a3 (1): Lancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a4 (1): Samurai Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a5 (1): Samurai Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a6 (1): Samurai R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a7 (1): Ninja Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a8 (1): Ninja Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a9 (1): Ninja R/S/M 1-6
       0x0aa (1): Calculator Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0ab (1): Calculator Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0ac (1): Calculator R/S/M 1-6
       0x0ad (1): Bard Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0ae (1): Bard Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0af (1): Bard R/S/M 1-6
       0x0b0 (1): Dancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0b1 (1): Dancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0b2 (1): Dancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0b3 (1): Base/Chemist Job Level
       0x0b4 (1): Knight/Archer Job Level
       0x0b5 (1): Monk/Priest Job Level
       0x0b6 (1): Wizard/Time Mage Job Level
       0x0b7 (1): Summoner/Thief Job Level
       0x0b8 (1): Mediator/Oracle Job Level
       0x0b9 (1): Geomancer/Lancer Job Level
       0x0ba (1): Samurai/Ninja Job Level
       0x0bd (1): Calculator/Bard Job Level
       0x0bc (1): Dancer/Mime Job Level
       (Gap for alignment?)
       0x0be (2): Base Job JP
       0x0c0 (2): Chemist Job JP
       0x0c2 (2): Knight Job JP
       0x0c4 (2): Archer Job JP
       0x0c6 (2): Monk Job JP
       0x0c8 (2): Priest Job JP
       0x0ca (2): Wizard Job JP
       0x0cc (2): Time Mage Job JP
       0x0ce (2): Summoner Job JP
       0x0d0 (2): Thief Job JP
       0x0d2 (2): Mediator Job JP
       0x0d4 (2): Oracle Job JP
       0x0d6 (2): Geomancer Job JP
       0x0d8 (2): Lancer Job JP
       0x0da (2): Samurai Job JP
       0x0dc (2): Ninja Job JP
       0x0de (2): Calculator Job JP
       0x0e0 (2): Bard Job JP
       0x0e2 (2): Dancer Job JP
       0x0e4 (2): Mime Job JP
       0x0e6 (2): Total Base Job JP
       0x0e8 (2): Total Chemist Job JP
       0x0ea (2): Total Knight Job JP
       0x0ec (2): Total Archer Job JP
       0x0ee (2): Total Monk Job JP
       0x0f0 (2): Total Priest Job JP
       0x0f2 (2): Total Wizard Job JP
       0x0f4 (2): Total Time Mage Job JP
       0x0f6 (2): Total Summoner Job JP
       0x0f8 (2): Total Thief Job JP
       0x0fa (2): Total Mediator Job JP
       0x0fc (2): Total Oracle Job JP
       0x0fe (2): Total Geomancer Job JP
       0x100 (2): Total Lancer Job JP
       0x102 (2): Total Samurai Job JP
       0x104 (2): Total Ninja Job JP
       0x106 (2): Total Calculator Job JP
       0x108 (2): Total Bard Job JP
       0x10a (2): Total Dancer Job JP
       0x10c (2): Total Mime Job JP
       0x10e-0x11d: Unit Name
       0x11e (1): Graphic
       0x11f (1): Proposition byte
       0x120 (2): Birthday
       0x122 (2): ? (0xd2 party data)
       0x124 (1): Support 1
           0x80 - Equip Armor
           0x40 - Equip Shield
           0x20 - Equip Sword
           0x10 - Equip Katana
           0x08 - Equip Crossbow
           0x04 - Equip Spear
           0x02 - Equip Axe
           0x01 - Equip Gun
       0x125 (1): Support 2
           0x80 - Half of MP
           0x40 - Gained JP-UP
           0x20 - Gained EXP-UP
           0x10 - Attack UP
           0x08 - Defense UP
           0x04 - Magic Attack UP
           0x02 - Magic Defense UP
           0x01 - Concentrate
       0x126 (1): Support 3
           0x80 - Train
           0x40 - Secret Hunt
           0x20 - Martial Arts
           0x10 - Monster Talk
           0x08 - Throw Item
           0x04 - Maintenance
           0x02 - Two Hands
           0x01 - Two Swords
       0x127 (1): Support 4
           0x80 - Monster Skill
           0x40 - Defend
           0x20 - Equip Change
           0x10 - 
           0x08 - Short Charge
           0x04 - Non-Charge
           0x02 - 
           0x01 -

801cd170 - Current thread ID (WORLD.BIN); index into array at 0x80195cd0

801cd330 - Unit Names

801cd43c - Reserve Items array for Fitting Room - Added to inventory after finished (Old equipment replaced with fitted equipment)
   10 bytes per unit (5 item IDs as halfwords)

801cd5ec - Formation unit reference array (WORLD.BIN); each entry is a pointer to formation unit data

801cd788 - Number of formation screen units (WORLD.BIN)