Difference between revisions of "Initialise Secondary Effect"

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Line 4: Line 4:
  #          r5 = element as integer
  #          r5 = element as integer
  #          r6 = Stack pointer to effect's data
  #          r6 = Stack pointer to effect's data
#                for all units 0 -> f:
#                - 0x0000: target counter
#                - 0x0002: non-targeted unit counter
#                - 0x0003: math skill flag
#                - 0x0004: animate on miss flag
#                - 0x0006: Unit misc ID // if no targets, X pos of effect (+ below)
#                - 0x0007: display type // if no targets, X pos of effect (+ above)
#                - 0x0008: ?            // if no targets, elevation of effect
#                - 0x000a: ?            // if no targets, Y pos of effect
#                appended:
#                - 0x00a4: 0?
#                - 0x00a6: caster misc ID
  801add54: 27bdffe0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0020
  801add54: 27bdffe0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0020

Latest revision as of 12:04, 16 March 2024

#   ROUTINE: (Effect related) ? 0x1add54
#       Parameters:
#           r4 = Secondary Animation ID
#           r5 = element as integer
#           r6 = Stack pointer to effect's data
#                for all units 0 -> f:
#                - 0x0000: target counter
#                - 0x0002: non-targeted unit counter
#                - 0x0003: math skill flag
#                - 0x0004: animate on miss flag
#                - 0x0006: Unit misc ID // if no targets, X pos of effect (+ below)
#                - 0x0007: display type // if no targets, X pos of effect (+ above)
#                - 0x0008: ?            // if no targets, elevation of effect
#                - 0x000a: ?            // if no targets, Y pos of effect
#                appended:
#                - 0x00a4: 0?
#                - 0x00a6: caster misc ID

801add54: 27bdffe0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0020
801add58: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)
801add5c: 00808821 addu r17,r4,r0               #   animationID
801add60: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29)
801add64: 00a09021 addu r18,r5,r0               #   elements
801add68: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)
801add6c: afbf001c sw r31,0x001c(r29)
801add70: 0c06b60a jal 0x801ad828               #   Shift Current Effect Target ID // returns current effect target ID
801add74: 00c08021 addu r16,r6,r0               #   p3
801add78: 304200ff andi r2,r2,0x00ff            #   
801add7c: 00021880 sll r3,r2,0x02               #   
801add80: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2                #   
801add84: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02               #   
801add88: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2                #   
801add8c: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02               #   Current effect target ID * 0x54
801add90: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801add94: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801add98: a4318ba0 sh r17,-0x7460(r1)           #   Store current secondary effect animation ID 
801add9c: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801adda0: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801adda4: 94248ba0 lhu r4,-0x7460(r1)           #   load secondary animation
801adda8: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801addac: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801addb0: a4208ba8 sh r0,-0x7458(r1)            #   reset effect progression counter
801addb4: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801addb8: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801addbc: a4328ba2 sh r18,-0x745e(r1)           #   store ability element
801addc0: 00042080 sll r4,r4,0x02               #   secondary anim ID * 4
801addc4: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801addc8: 00240821 addu r1,r1,r4
801addcc: 902484dc lbu r4,-0x7b24(r1)           #   load secondary effect's function ID
801addd0: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801addd4: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801addd8: a0248b9f sb r4,-0x7461(r1)            #   store seconday anims effect function
801adddc: 3c04801c lui r4,0x801c
801adde0: 24848bac addiu r4,r4,-0x7454          #   effect target data table + 0x10
801adde4: 00642821 addu r5,r3,r4                #   effect target's data table + 0x10
801adde8: 8a0600a7 lwl r6,0x00a7(r16)
801addec: 9a0600a4 lwr r6,0x00a4(r16)           #   *(p3 + 0xa4)
801addf0: 8a0700ab lwl r7,0x00ab(r16)
801addf4: 9a0700a8 lwr r7,0x00a8(r16)           #   *(p3 + 0xa8)
801addf8: 860800ac lh r8,0x00ac(r16)            #   *(p3 + 0xac)
801addfc: a8a60003 swl r6,0x0003(r5)
801ade00: b8a60000 swr r6,0x0000(r5)            #   store misc. unit ID of target & caster to effect target data?
801ade04: a8a70007 swl r7,0x0007(r5)
801ade08: b8a70004 swr r7,0x0004(r5)            #   ?
801ade0c: a4a80008 sh r8,0x0008(r5)             #   ?
801ade10: 2484000a addiu r4,r4,0x000a           #   
801ade14: 00642021 addu r4,r3,r4                #   effect target's data table + 0x1a
801ade18: 8a050007 lwl r5,0x0007(r16)
801ade1c: 9a050004 lwr r5,0x0004(r16)           #   
801ade20: 8a06000b lwl r6,0x000b(r16)
801ade24: 9a060008 lwr r6,0x0008(r16)           #   *(p3 + 8)
801ade28: 8607000c lh r7,0x000c(r16)            #   *(p3 + 12)
801ade2c: a8850003 swl r5,0x0003(r4)
801ade30: b8850000 swr r5,0x0000(r4)            #   store hit# & x coordinate of target?
801ade34: a8860007 swl r6,0x0007(r4)
801ade38: b8860004 swr r6,0x0004(r4)            #   store map level & y coordinate of target?
801ade3c: a4870008 sh r7,0x0008(r4)             #   ?
801ade40: 960500c6 lhu r5,0x00c6(r16)           #   load used weapon ID
801ade44: 34040001 ori r4,r0,0x0001             #   1
801ade48: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801ade4c: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801ade50: ac248ba4 sw r4,-0x745c(r1)            #   set current secondary effect phase to initialised
801ade54: 3c01801c lui r1,0x801c
801ade58: 00230821 addu r1,r1,r3
801ade5c: ac258bc0 sw r5,-0x7440(r1)            #   store used weapon ID
801ade60: 8fbf001c lw r31,0x001c(r29)
801ade64: 8fb20018 lw r18,0x0018(r29)
801ade68: 8fb10014 lw r17,0x0014(r29)
801ade6c: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)
801ade70: 27bd0020 addiu r29,r29,0x0020
801ade74: 03e00008 jr r31
801ade78: 00000000 nop