Difference between revisions of "Open ENTD with event ID"

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Latest revision as of 07:13, 11 June 2024

000427a4: 3c038004 lui r3,0x8004
000427a8: 8c637600 lw r3,0x7600(r3)             current event
000427ac: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8
000427b0: 1060002e beq r3,r0,0x0004286c
000427b4: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)
000427b8: 28620080 slti r2,r3,0x0080
000427bc: 10400007 beq r2,r0,0x000427dc         branch if not ENTD1 event
000427c0: 3c040001 lui r4,0x0001
000427c4: 0c011105 jal 0x00044414               C51 Malloc
000427c8: 34844000 ori r4,r4,0x4000             allocate 0x4000 bytes
000427cc: 3c018004 lui r1,0x8004
000427d0: ac227604 sw r2,0x7604(r1)             store where ENTD was put
000427d4: 08010a0f j 0x0004283c                 
000427d8: 3404ebc1 ori r4,r0,0xebc1             ENTD1 LBA
000427dc: 28620100 slti r2,r3,0x0100
000427e0: 10400007 beq r2,r0,0x00042800         branch if not ENTD2 event
000427e4: 28620180 slti r2,r3,0x0180
000427e8: 0c011105 jal 0x00044414               C51 Malloc
000427ec: 34844000 ori r4,r4,0x4000             allocate 0x4000 bytes
000427f0: 3c018004 lui r1,0x8004
000427f4: ac227604 sw r2,0x7604(r1)             store where ENTD is
000427f8: 08010a0f j 0x0004283c
000427fc: 3404ebe9 ori r4,r0,0xebe9             ENTD2 LBA
00042800: 10400008 beq r2,r0,0x00042824         branch if not ENTD3
00042804: 00000000 nop
00042808: 3c040001 lui r4,0x0001
0004280c: 0c011105 jal 0x00044414               C51 Malloc
00042810: 34844000 ori r4,r4,0x4000
00042814: 3c018004 lui r1,0x8004
00042818: ac227604 sw r2,0x7604(r1)             store where ENTD is
0004281c: 08010a0f j 0x0004283c
00042820: 3404ec11 ori r4,r0,0xec11             ENTD3 LBA
00042824: 3c040001 lui r4,0x0001
00042828: 0c011105 jal 0x00044414               C51 Malloc
0004282c: 34844000 ori r4,r4,0x4000
00042830: 3c018004 lui r1,0x8004
00042834: ac227604 sw r2,0x7604(r1)             store where ENTD is
00042838: 3404ec39 ori r4,r0,0xec39             ENTD4 LBA
0004283c: 3c050001 lui r5,0x0001
00042840: 34a54000 ori r5,r5,0x4000             0x4000 bytes
00042844: 0c0111a5 jal 0x00044694               Load Data From Disc (0x44694) open our entd set of choice
00042848: 00403021 addu r6,r2,r0
0004284c: 10400008 beq r2,r0,0x00042870
00042850: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
00042854: 3c048004 lui r4,0x8004
00042858: 8c847604 lw r4,0x7604(r4)             load where our ENTD is
0004285c: 0c011273 jal 0x000449cc               C52 Free but with extra steps
00042860: 00000000 nop
00042864: 08010a1c j 0x00042870
00042868: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0
0004286c: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
00042870: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)
00042874: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018
00042878: 03e00008 jr r31
0004287c: 00000000 nop