Difference between revisions of "PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick, Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart check"

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  0018cdfc: 03e00008 jr r31       
  0018cdfc: 03e00008 jr r31       
  0018ce00: 00000000 nop
  0018ce00: 00000000 nop
=== Return location ===
0018c634: [[Attack_Finalisation_%26_Reaction_Flagging]]

Latest revision as of 13:13, 25 November 2022

PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, HP Restore, MP Restore, Critical Quick,  Meatbone Slash, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart Check:
0018ccd8: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8      
0018ccdc: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019      
0018cce0: 906338e5 lbu r3,0x38e5(r3)      	Load Attack formula ?
0018cce4: 34020007 ori r2,r0,0x0007       
0018cce8: 10620042 beq r3,r2,0x0018cdf4      	Branch if used Formula is the  "Healing" Weapon Formula?
0018ccec: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)      
0018ccf0: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019      
0018ccf4: 8c842d98 lw r4,0x2d98(r4)      	Load Defender's Stats
0018ccf8: 0c063248 jal 0x0018c920              Check if unit can react 1
0018ccfc: 00000000 nop            
0018cd00: 1440003c bne r2,r0,0x0018cdf4      
0018cd04: 00000000 nop            
0018cd08: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019      
0018cd0c: 8c842d98 lw r4,0x2d98(r4)      	Load Defender's Stats
0018cd10: 00000000 nop            
0018cd14: 9083008b lbu r3,0x008b(r4)      	Load Defender's 1st Set of Reactions
0018cd18: 00000000 nop            
0018cd1c: 30620080 andi r2,r3,0x0080      
0018cd20: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd30      	Branch if PA Save is not equiped
0018cd24: 30620040 andi r2,r3,0x0040      	R2 = 40
0018cd28: 0806337b j 0x0018cdec         
0018cd2c: 340401a6 ori r4,r0,0x01a6      	Prepares Reaction ID check?
0018cd30: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd40      	Branch if MA Save is not equiped
0018cd34: 30620020 andi r2,r3,0x0020      	R2 = 20
0018cd38: 0806337b j 0x0018cdec         
0018cd3c: 340401a7 ori r4,r0,0x01a7      	Prepares Reaction ID check?
0018cd40: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd50      	Branch if Speed Save is not equiped
0018cd44: 30620002 andi r2,r3,0x0002      	R2 = 2
0018cd48: 0806337b j 0x0018cdec         
0018cd4c: 340401a8 ori r4,r0,0x01a8      	Prepares Reaction ID check?
0018cd50: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd60      	Branch if Regenerator is not equiped
0018cd54: 00000000 nop            
0018cd58: 0806337b j 0x0018cdec         
0018cd5c: 340401ac ori r4,r0,0x01ac      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cd60: 9083008c lbu r3,0x008c(r4)      	Load Defender's 2nd set of Reactions
0018cd64: 00000000 nop            
0018cd68: 30620040 andi r2,r3,0x0040      
0018cd6c: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd84      	Branch if HP Restore is not equiped
0018cd70: 30620020 andi r2,r3,0x0020      	R2 = 20
0018cd74: 0c0633bd jal 0x0018cef4              Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash usability
0018cd78: 340401af ori r4,r0,0x01af      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cd7c: 0806337d j 0x0018cdf4         
0018cd80: 00000000 nop            
0018cd84: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0018cd9c      	Branch if MP Restore is not equiped
0018cd88: 30620010 andi r2,r3,0x0010      	R2 = 10
0018cd8c: 0c0633bd jal 0x0018cef4              Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash usability
0018cd90: 340401b0 ori r4,r0,0x01b0      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cd94: 0806337d j 0x0018cdf4         
0018cd98: 00000000 nop            
0018cd9c: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0018cdb4      	Branch if Critical Quick is not  equiped
0018cda0: 30620008 andi r2,r3,0x0008      	R2 = 8
0018cda4: 0c0633bd jal 0x0018cef4              Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash usability
0018cda8: 340401b1 ori r4,r0,0x01b1      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cdac: 0806337d j 0x0018cdf4         
0018cdb0: 00000000 nop            
0018cdb4: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0018cdcc      	Branch if Meatbone Slash is not equiped
0018cdb8: 00000000 nop            
0018cdbc: 0c0633bd jal 0x0018cef4              Critical Quick, HP Restore, MP Restore, Meatbone Slash usability
0018cdc0: 340401b2 ori r4,r0,0x01b2      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cdc4: 0806337d j 0x0018cdf4         
0018cdc8: 00000000 nop            
0018cdcc: 9083008d lbu r3,0x008d(r4)      	Load Defender's 3th Set of Reactions
0018cdd0: 00000000 nop            
0018cdd4: 30620040 andi r2,r3,0x0040      	
0018cdd8: 14400004 bne r2,r0,0x0018cdec      	Branch if unit is not equiped with Gilgame Heart
0018cddc: 340401b7 ori r4,r0,0x01b7      	Prepares Reaction ID Check?
0018cde0: 30620010 andi r2,r3,0x0010      	
0018cde4: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018cdf4      	Branch if unit is not equiped with Auto Potion
0018cde8: 340401b9 ori r4,r0,0x01b9      	Prepares Reaction ID CHeck?
0018cdec: 0c0633a2 jal 0x0018ce88      	PA Save, MA Save, Speed Save, Regenerator, Auto Potion, Gilgame Heart usability	
0018cdf0: 00000000 nop            		
0018cdf4: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)      	
0018cdf8: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018      	
0018cdfc: 03e00008 jr r31         		
0018ce00: 00000000 nop

Return location

0018c634: Attack_Finalisation_&_Reaction_Flagging