Difference between revisions of "Set type of target for all targets"

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(Created page with " 00194314: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a 00194318: 90420d7b lbu r2,0x0d7b(r2) Load ? 0019431c: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,0xffd8 00194320: afb3001c sw r19,0x001c(r29) 00194324: 3c13...")
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  00194314: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
  BATTLE.BIN : Set type of target for all targets
  00194318: 90420d7b lbu r2,0x0d7b(r2) Load ?
0019431c: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,0xffd8
  Parameters : Nothing
00194320: afb3001c sw r19,0x001c(r29)
00194324: 3c13801a lui r19,0x801a
  Returns : r2 = 0x00 if [[AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc.]] returns -0x01
00194328: 2673f3c4 addiu r19,r19,0xf3c4 r19 = AI Data Pointer
                    then flag 0x01000000 at [0x801a0078] if OFF  (aka 8019f3c4 + 0xcb4)
0019432c: afbf0024 sw r31,0x0024(r29)
          r2 = -0x01 if [[AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc.]] does'nt return -0x01
  00194330: afb40020 sw r20,0x0020(r29)
                      then flag 0x01000000 at [0x801a0078] is untouched (ON ?)  (aka 8019f3c4 + 0xcb4)
  00194334: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29)
00194338: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)
  Set Some AI decision flags for all units
  0019433c: 14400077 bne r2,r0,0x0019451c Branch if ? != 0
00194340: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)
00194314: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a            |
00194344: 00009021 addu r18,r0,r0 Unit Counter = 0
  00194318: 90420d7b lbu r2,0x0d7b(r2)        |{{f/load|Load Action decision flag}}
00194348: 0000a021 addu r20,r0,r0 Pointer Mod = 0
  0019431c: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,-0x0028    |
0019434c: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019
00194320: afb3001c sw r19,0x001c(r29)       |
00194350: 244208cc addiu r2,r2,0x08cc
  00194324: 3c13801a lui r19,0x801a          |
00194354: 02828821 addu r17,r20,r2 r17 = Unit's Data Pointer
  00194328: 2673f3c4 addiu r19,r19,0xf3c4    |{{f/adr|Start AI Data Pointer}}
00194358: 00121100 sll r2,r18,0x04 UC * 16
  0019432c: afbf0024 sw r31,0x0024(r29)      |
  0019435c: 2442182c addiu r2,r2,0x182c
  00194330: afb40020 sw r20,0x0020(r29)       |
  00194360: 02628021 addu r16,r19,r2 r16 = AI Decision Data Pointer
  00194334: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29)      |
  00194364: 0c065b3a jal 0x00196ce8 Check if Unit can be Targeted (Cryst/Trea/Mount/Trans)
  00194338: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)      |
  00194368: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0 r4 = Unit Counter
  0019433c: 14400077 bne r2,r0,0x0019451c    {{f/Cond|If Action is not decided}}
  0019436c: 10400006 beq r2,r0,0x00194388 Branch if Unit can be targeted
  00194340: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)           |
  00194370: 00000000 nop
  00194344: 00009021 addu r18,r0,r0              |{{f/std|Initialize Unit Counter (Used as Unit ID in the loop)}}
  00194374: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  00194348: 0000a021 addu r20,r0,r0              |{{f/std|Unit battle data offset (+0x1c0 each iteration)}}
  00194378: 00000000 nop
  0019434c: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019                {{f/bloop|LOOP}}
  0019437c: 34420010 ori r2,r2,0x0010 Enable Can't Be Targeted?
  00194350: 244208cc addiu r2,r2,0x08cc              {{f/Cond|Start of Unit Battle Data pointer}}
  00194380: 0806513c j 0x001944f0
00194354: 02828821 addu r17,r20,r2                  |{{f/adr|This iteration Unit's Data Pointer}}
  00194384: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store AI Targeting Flags
  00194358: 00121100 sll r2,r18,0x04                  |{{f/std|Unit ID * 16}}
  00194388: 92620e2e lbu r2,0x0e2e(r19) Load Acting Unit's ID
  0019435c: 2442182c addiu r2,r2,0x182c              |
  0019438c: 00000000 nop
  00194360: 02628021 addu r16,r19,r2                  |{{f/adr|This iteration AI Decision Data Pointer}} {{f/std| 8019f3c4 + 0x182c + Unit offset}}
00194390: 12420008 beq r18,r2,0x001943b4 Branch if Unit Counter = Acting Unit
  00194364: 0c065b3a jal 0x00196ce8                  |{{f/jal|Check if Unit can be Targeted (Cryst/Trea/Mount/Trans)|Check if Unit can be Targeted (Cryst/Trea/Mount/Trans)}} {{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0x00 if unit is targetable</nowiki>}}
  00194394: 00000000 nop
  00194368: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0                   |{{f/std|<nowiki>r4 = Unit ID</nowiki>}}
  00194398: 922201ba lbu r2,0x01ba(r17) Load Unit's Modified ENTD Flags
0019436c: 10400006 beq r2,r0,0x00194388            {{f/Cond|If Unit is not Targetable}}
  0019439c: 92630e39 lbu r3,0x0e39(r19) Load Acting Unit's Team
00194370: 00000000 nop                                  |
  001943a0: 30420030 andi r2,r2,0x0030
  00194374: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                   |{{f/load|Load Unit AI Targeting Flags}}
  001943a4: 10430003 beq r2,r3,0x001943b4 Branch if Unit's Team = Acting Unit's Team
  00194378: 00000000 nop                                 |
  001943a8: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001 r2 = 1
  0019437c: 34420010 ori r2,r2,0x0010                    |{{f/std|Enable [Can't Be Targeted]}}
001943ac: 080650ee j 0x001943b8
  00194380: 0806513c j 0x001944f0                        {{f/jump|Jump to }} {{f/loc|next Unit}}
001943b0: a2020008 sb r2,0x0008(r16) Store Enemy Flag = True
00194384: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                   |{{f/store|Store updated Flags}}
  001943b4: a2000008 sb r0,0x0008(r16) Store Enemy Flag = False
                                                    '''Else - Unit is Targetable'''
  001943b8: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  00194388: 92620e2e lbu r2,0x0e2e(r19)                   |{{f/load|Load Acting Unit's ID}}
  001943bc: 00000000 nop
  0019438c: 00000000 nop                                 |
  001943c0: 3043000c andi r3,r2,0x000c
  00194390: 12420008 beq r18,r2,0x001943b4                {{f/Cond|If Unit is not Acting unit}}
  001943c4: a2030007 sb r3,0x0007(r16) Store Flags with only ?/Save CTProtect Self? enabled
  00194394: 00000000 nop                                      |
  001943c8: 92220058 lbu r2,0x0058(r17) Load Unit's Current Statuses 1
  00194398: 922201ba lbu r2,0x01ba(r17)                       |{{f/load|Load Unit's Modified ENTD Flags}}
  001943cc: 00000000 nop
  0019439c: 92630e39 lbu r3,0x0e39(r19)                      |{{f/load|Load Acting Unit's Team}}
  001943d0: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020
  001943a0: 30420030 andi r2,r2,0x0030                        |{{f/std|Check This Unit [Team]}}
  001943d4: 10400008 beq r2,r0,0x001943f8 Branch if Unit isn't Dead
  001943a4: 10430003 beq r2,r3,0x001943b4                    {{f/Cond|If This Unit is not in Acting Unit Team}}
  001943d8: 00000000 nop
  001943a8: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001                            |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0x1</nowiki>}}
001943dc: 9222005a lbu r2,0x005a(r17) Load Unit's Current Statuses 3
  001943ac: 080650ee j 0x001943b8                                {{f/jump|Avoid Ally Team section}}
  001943e0: 00000000 nop
  001943b0: a2020008 sb r2,0x0008(r16)                           |{{f/store|<nowiki>Store Enemy Flag = True</nowiki>}}
  001943e4: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020
                                                        '''Else - This Unit is acting unit or is in the team of Acting Unit'''
  001943e8: 14400002 bne r2,r0,0x001943f4 Branch if Unit has Reraise
  001943b4: a2000008 sb r0,0x0008(r16)                       |{{f/store|<nowiki>Store Enemy Flag = False</nowiki>}}
  001943ec: 34620040 ori r2,r3,0x0040 Enable Dead Unit with Reraise
  001943b8: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                   |{{f/load|Load AI Targeting Flags}}
  001943f0: 34620020 ori r2,r3,0x0020 Enable Dead Unit without Reraise
001943bc: 00000000 nop                                  |
  001943f4: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  001943c0: 3043000c andi r3,r2,0x000c                    |{{f/std|Preserve [Save CT] and [Allied Target?] flags}}
  001943f8: 9622002a lhu r2,0x002a(r17) Load Max HP
  001943c4: a2030007 sb r3,0x0007(r16)                    |{{f/store|Erase all flags but [Save CT] and [Allied Target]}}
  001943fc: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17) Load Current HP
  001943c8: 92220058 lbu r2,0x0058(r17)                  |{{f/load|Load Unit's Current Statuses 1}}
  00194400: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01 Max HP / 2
  001943cc: 00000000 nop                                 |
  00194404: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2
  001943d0: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020                    |{{f/std|Check [Dead]}}
  00194408: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194420 Branch if Current HP >= Max HP / 2
001943d4: 10400008 beq r2,r0,0x001943f8                {{f/Cond|If Unit is Dead}}
  0019440c: 00000000 nop
  001943d8: 00000000 nop                                     |
  00194410: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  001943dc: 9222005a lbu r2,0x005a(r17)                      |{{f/load|Load Unit's Current Statuses 3}}
  00194414: 00000000 nop
  001943e0: 00000000 nop                                      |
  00194418: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001 Enable Low HP Unit
001943e4: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020                        |{{f/std|Check [Reraise]}}
  0019441c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  001943e8: 14400002 bne r2,r0,0x001943f4                    {{f/Cond|If Unit do not have reraise}}
  00194420: 9202000b lbu r2,0x000b(r16) Load MP Using Ability Mod
  001943ec: 34620040 ori r2,r3,0x0040                        |{{f/std|Enable Dead Unit with Reraise}}
  00194424: 00000000 nop
  001943f0: 34620020 ori r2,r3,0x0020                            |{{f/std|Enable Dead Unit without Reraise}}
00194428: 10400019 beq r2,r0,0x00194490 Branch if no MP abilities are available
  001943f4: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                    |{{f/store|Store new AI Targeting Flags (Dead w/o Reraise)}}
  0019442c: 00000000 nop
  001943f8: 9622002a lhu r2,0x002a(r17)                   |{{f/load|Load Max HP}}
  00194430: 9622002e lhu r2,0x002e(r17) Load Max MP
  001943fc: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17)                  |{{f/load|Load Current HP}}
  00194434: 9623002c lhu r3,0x002c(r17) Load Current MP
00194400: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01                       |{{f/std|Max HP / 2}}
  00194438: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01 Max MP / 2
  00194404: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2                       |
  0019443c: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2
  00194408: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194420                {{f/Cond|If Unit HP has Less than 50% of HP}}
  00194440: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194458 Branch if Current MP >= Max MP / 2
  0019440c: 00000000 nop                                     |
  00194444: 00000000 nop
  00194410: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                       |{{f/load|Load AI Targeting Flags}}
  00194448: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  00194414: 00000000 nop                                     |
  0019444c: 00000000 nop
  00194418: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001                        |{{f/std|Enable Low HP Unit}}
  00194450: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002 Enable Low MP Unit
  0019441c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                       |{{f/store|Enable Low HP Unit in  AI Targeting Flags}}
  00194454: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  00194420: 9202000b lbu r2,0x000b(r16)                   |{{f/load|Load MP Usage Mod}} {{f/std| (Based on Nb of available Abilities using MP)}}
  00194458: 92620e39 lbu r2,0x0e39(r19) Load Acting Unit's Team
  00194424: 00000000 nop                                 |
  0019445c: 00000000 nop
  00194428: 10400019 beq r2,r0,0x00194490                 {{f/Cond|If Unit uses some abilities with MP}}
  00194460: 1040000b beq r2,r0,0x00194490 Branch if Team = Blue
  0019442c: 00000000 nop                                     |
  00194464: 00000000 nop
  00194430: 9622002e lhu r2,0x002e(r17)                       |{{f/load|Load Max MP}}
  00194468: 9622002c lhu r2,0x002c(r17) Load Unit's Current MP
  00194434: 9623002c lhu r3,0x002c(r17)                       |{{f/load|Load Current MP}}
  0019446c: 92030009 lbu r3,0x0009(r16) Load Highest MP Cost
  00194438: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01                          |{{f/std|Max MP / 2}}
  00194470: 00000000 nop
  0019443c: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2                           |
00194474: 0043102b sltu r2,r2,r3
00194440: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194458                    {{f/Cond|If Unit HP has Less than 50% of MP}}
  00194478: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x00194490 Branch if Current MP >= Highest MP Cost
  00194444: 00000000 nop                                         |
  0019447c: 00000000 nop
  00194448: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                           |{{f/load|Load AI Targeting Flags}}
  00194480: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  0019444c: 00000000 nop                                         |
  00194484: 00000000 nop
  00194450: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002                             |{{f/std|Enable Low MP Unit}}
  00194488: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002 Enable Low MP Unit
  00194454: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                           |{{f/store|Enable Low MP Unit in AI Targeting Flags}}
  0019448c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  00194458: 92620e39 lbu r2,0x0e39(r19)                       |{{f/load|Load Acting Unit's Team}}
  00194490: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16) Load AI Targeting Flags
  0019445c: 00000000 nop                                     |
  00194494: 00000000 nop
  00194460: 1040000b beq r2,r0,0x00194490                    {{f/Cond|If Unit is not in Player Team}}
  00194498: 3045007f andi r5,r2,0x007f Disable 0x80 (already done above with AND 0x0c)
  00194464: 00000000 nop                                          |
  0019449c: a2050007 sb r5,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  00194468: 9622002c lhu r2,0x002c(r17)                           |{{f/load|Load Unit's Current MP}}
  001944a0: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17) Load Unit's Current HP
  0019446c: 92030009 lbu r3,0x0009(r16)                           |{{f/load|Load Highest MP Cost}}
  001944a4: 9624002a lhu r4,0x002a(r17) Load Unit's Max MP
  00194470: 00000000 nop                                          |
  001944a8: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02 CHP * 4
  00194474: 0043102b sltu r2,r2,r3                                |
  001944ac: 00041080 sll r2,r4,0x02 MHP * 4
  00194478: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x00194490                        {{f/Cond|If Unit lack of MP to cast is Higher MP ability}}
  001944b0: 00441023 subu r2,r2,r4 MHP * 4 - CHP * 4
  0019447c: 00000000 nop                                              |
  001944b4: 0062182a slt r3,r3,r2
  00194480: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                               |{{f/load|Load AI Targeting Flags}}
  001944b8: 10600002 beq r3,r0,0x001944c4 Branch if CHP >= 12.5% MHP
  00194484: 00000000 nop                                              |
001944bc: 34a20080 ori r2,r5,0x0080 Enable Critical HP Unit
00194488: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002                                |{{f/std|Enable Low MP Unit}}
001944c0: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16) Store new AI Targeting Flags
  0019448c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                               |{{f/store|Store new AI Targeting Flags}}
  001944c4: 92020004 lbu r2,0x0004(r16) Load ?
  00194490: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                  |{{f/load|Load AI Targeting Flags}}
  001944c8: 92030008 lbu r3,0x0008(r16) Load Enemy Flag
  00194494: 00000000 nop                                  |
  001944cc: 3044007f andi r4,r2,0x007f Disable Charging/Performing
00194498: 3045007f andi r5,r2,0x007f                    |{{f/std|Disable 0x80 (already done above with AND 0x0c)}}
  001944d0: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x001944e8 Branch if Unit is an Ally
  0019449c: a2050007 sb r5,0x0007(r16)                   |{{f/store|Store new AI Targeting Flags}}
  001944d4: a2040004 sb r4,0x0004(r16) Store new ?
  001944a0: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17)                   |{{f/load|Load Unit's Current HP}}
  001944d8: 9223015d lbu r3,0x015d(r17) Load Current Ability CT
  001944a4: 9624002a lhu r4,0x002a(r17)                  |{{f/load|Load Unit's Max HP}}
  001944dc: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff r2 = FF
  001944a8: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02                      |{{f/std|Current * 4}}
  001944e0: 10620003 beq r3,r2,0x001944f0 Branch if Unit doesn't have a charging ability
  001944ac: 00041080 sll r2,r4,0x02                      |{{f/std|Max * 4}}
  001944e4: 00000000 nop
  001944b0: 00441023 subu r2,r2,r4                        |{{f/std|Max * 3}}
001944e8: 34820080 ori r2,r4,0x0080 Enable Charging/Performing
  001944b4: 0062182a slt r3,r3,r2                        |{{f/std|Check Current *4 Vs Max*3}}
  001944ec: a2020004 sb r2,0x0004(r16) Store new ?
  001944b8: 10600002 beq r3,r0,0x001944c4                {{f/Cond|If Unit has less than 75% HP}}
  001944f0: 26520001 addiu r18,r18,0x0001 Unit Counter ++
  001944bc: 34a20080 ori r2,r5,0x0080                        |{{f/std|Enable Critical HP Unit (?)}}
  001944f4: 2a420015 slti r2,r18,0x0015
  001944c0: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                        |{{f/store|Store new AI Targeting Flags}}
  001944f8: 1440ff94 bne r2,r0,0x0019434c Branch if Unit Counter < 0x15
  001944c4: 92020004 lbu r2,0x0004(r16)                  |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags (from Battle 0x167)}}
  001944fc: 269401c0 addiu r20,r20,0x01c0 Pointer Mod += 0x1c0
  001944c8: 92030008 lbu r3,0x0008(r16)                   |{{f/load|Load Enemy Flag}}
  00194500: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001 r2 = 1
  001944cc: 3044007f andi r4,r2,0x007f                    |{{f/std|Disable [0x80]}} {{f/std|Take in consideration ? (AI ignores unit without this flag)}}
  00194504: a2620014 sb r2,0x0014(r19) Store ? = 1
  001944d0: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x001944e8                {{f/Cond|If Unit is an enemy}}
  00194508: 8e620cb4 lw r2,0x0cb4(r19) Load ?
  001944d4: a2040004 sb r4,0x0004(r16)                       |{{f/store|Disable 0x80}}
  0019450c: 3c030100 lui r3,0x0100
  001944d8: 9223015d lbu r3,0x015d(r17)                       |{{f/load|Load Current Ability CT}}
  00194510: a260001d sb r0,0x001d(r19) Store Skillset = 0
  001944dc: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff                        |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0xff (not doing anything)</nowiki>}}
  00194514: 00431025 or r2,r2,r3 Enable 0x01000000
  001944e0: 10620003 beq r3,r2,0x001944f0                    {{f/Cond|<nowiki>Branch if CT = 0xFF and Unit is an enemy (keeping flag 0x80 off)</nowiki>}} {{f/std|No proof of life so far ?}}
00194518: ae620cb4 sw r2,0x0cb4(r19) Store new ?
  001944e4: 00000000 nop                                          |
  0019451c: 0c0674df jal 0x0019d37c
                                                        '''Else : Ally or enemy charging/performing something'''
00194520: 00000000 nop
001944e8: 34820080 ori r2,r4,0x0080                            |{{f/std|Enable Charging/Performing}}
  00194524: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff
  001944ec: a2020004 sb r2,0x0004(r16)                            |{{f/store|Enable [0x80] (Take in consideration ?)}}
00194528: 10430007 beq r2,r3,0x00194548
  001944f0: 26520001 addiu r18,r18,0x0001            |{{f/std|Unit counter + 1}}
  0019452c: 3c04feff lui r4,0xfeff
  001944f4: 2a420015 slti r2,r18,0x0015              |{{f/std|Check limit}}
00194530: 3484ffff ori r4,r4,0xffff
  001944f8: 1440ff94 bne r2,r0,0x0019434c        {{f/eloop|Loop 0x15 Time}}
  00194534: 8e630cb4 lw r3,0x0cb4(r19)
  001944fc: 269401c0 addiu r20,r20,0x01c0            |{{f/std|<nowiki>Pointer Mod += 0x1c0</nowiki>}}
  00194538: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0
  00194500: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001            |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0x1</nowiki>}}
  0019453c: 00641824 and r3,r3,r4
00194504: a2620014 sb r2,0x0014(r19)            |{{f/store|Store 0x1 at 0x8019f3d8}} {{f/std| 8019f3c4 + 0x14}}
  00194540: 08065153 j 0x0019454c
00194508: 8e620cb4 lw r2,0x0cb4(r19)            |{{f/adr|Load [ 801a0078 ]}} {{f/std| 8019f3c4 + 0xcb4}}
  00194544: ae630cb4 sw r3,0x0cb4(r19)
0019450c: 3c030100 lui r3,0x0100                |
  00194548: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
00194510: a260001d sb r0,0x001d(r19)            |{{f/store|Reset Skillset of last Attack}} {{f/std| 8019f3c4 + 0x1d}}
  0019454c: 8fbf0024 lw r31,0x0024(r29)
00194514: 00431025 or r2,r2,r3                  |
00194518: ae620cb4 sw r2,0x0cb4(r19)            |{{f/store|Enable flag 0x01000000 at 0x801a0078}} {{f/std| Flag 0x01 at 801a007b}}
0019451c: 0c0674df jal 0x0019d37c          |{{f/jal|AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc.|AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc.}} {{f/std|returns r2}}
00194520: 00000000 nop                      |
00194524: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,-0x0001      |
00194528: 10430007 beq r2,r3,0x00194548    {{f/Cond|If returned value is not -0x01}}
0019452c: 3c04feff lui r4,0xfeff                |
00194530: 3484ffff ori r4,r4,0xffff             |{{f/std|<nowiki>r4 = 0xfeffffff</nowiki>}}
00194534: 8e630cb4 lw r3,0x0cb4(r19)            |{{f/adr|Load [ 801a0078 ]}}
00194538: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0                |{{f/std|<nowiki>returns r2 = 0x00</nowiki>}}
0019453c: 00641824 and r3,r3,r4                |{{f/std|Remove flag 0x01000000}}
00194540: 08065153 j 0x0019454c                |
00194544: ae630cb4 sw r3,0x0cb4(r19)            |{{f/store|Disable flag 0x01000000 at 0x801a0078}}
                                            '''Else : returned value is -0x0001'''
00194548: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,-0x0001          |{{f/std|<nowiki>Returns r2 = -0x01</nowiki>}}
  0019454c: 8fbf0024 lw r31,0x0024(r29)       END
  00194550: 8fb40020 lw r20,0x0020(r29)
  00194550: 8fb40020 lw r20,0x0020(r29)
  00194554: 8fb3001c lw r19,0x001c(r29)
  00194554: 8fb3001c lw r19,0x001c(r29)
Line 150: Line 165:
  00194568: 03e00008 jr r31
  00194568: 03e00008 jr r31
  0019456c: 00000000 nop
  0019456c: 00000000 nop
=== Return Locations ===
00193ff8: [[Main_AI_action_setup]]

Latest revision as of 09:22, 21 March 2024

BATTLE.BIN : Set type of target for all targets
Parameters : Nothing

Returns : r2 = 0x00 if AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc. returns -0x01
                    then flag 0x01000000 at [0x801a0078] if OFF   (aka 8019f3c4 + 0xcb4)
          r2 = -0x01 if AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc. does'nt return -0x01
                     then flag 0x01000000 at [0x801a0078] is untouched (ON ?)   (aka 8019f3c4 + 0xcb4)

Set Some AI decision flags for all units
00194314: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a            |
00194318: 90420d7b lbu r2,0x0d7b(r2)        |Load Action decision flag
0019431c: 27bdffd8 addiu r29,r29,-0x0028    |
00194320: afb3001c sw r19,0x001c(r29)       |
00194324: 3c13801a lui r19,0x801a           |
00194328: 2673f3c4 addiu r19,r19,0xf3c4     |Start AI Data Pointer
0019432c: afbf0024 sw r31,0x0024(r29)       |
00194330: afb40020 sw r20,0x0020(r29)       |
00194334: afb20018 sw r18,0x0018(r29)       |
00194338: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)       |
0019433c: 14400077 bne r2,r0,0x0019451c     #If Action is not decided
00194340: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)           |
00194344: 00009021 addu r18,r0,r0               |Initialize Unit Counter (Used as Unit ID in the loop)
00194348: 0000a021 addu r20,r0,r0               |Unit battle data offset (+0x1c0 each iteration)
0019434c: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019                @LOOP
00194350: 244208cc addiu r2,r2,0x08cc               #Start of Unit Battle Data pointer
00194354: 02828821 addu r17,r20,r2                  |This iteration Unit's Data Pointer
00194358: 00121100 sll r2,r18,0x04                  |Unit ID * 16
0019435c: 2442182c addiu r2,r2,0x182c               |
00194360: 02628021 addu r16,r19,r2                  |This iteration AI Decision Data Pointer  8019f3c4 + 0x182c + Unit offset
00194364: 0c065b3a jal 0x00196ce8                   |-->Check if Unit can be Targeted (Cryst/Trea/Mount/Trans) r2 = 0x00 if unit is targetable
00194368: 02402021 addu r4,r18,r0                   |r4 = Unit ID
0019436c: 10400006 beq r2,r0,0x00194388             #If Unit is not Targetable
00194370: 00000000 nop                                  |
00194374: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                   |Load Unit AI Targeting Flags
00194378: 00000000 nop                                  |
0019437c: 34420010 ori r2,r2,0x0010                     |Enable [Can't Be Targeted]
00194380: 0806513c j 0x001944f0                         >>Jump to  next Unit
00194384: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                    |Store updated Flags
                                                    Else - Unit is Targetable
00194388: 92620e2e lbu r2,0x0e2e(r19)                   |Load Acting Unit's ID
0019438c: 00000000 nop                                  |
00194390: 12420008 beq r18,r2,0x001943b4                #If Unit is not Acting unit
00194394: 00000000 nop                                      |
00194398: 922201ba lbu r2,0x01ba(r17)                       |Load Unit's Modified ENTD Flags
0019439c: 92630e39 lbu r3,0x0e39(r19)                       |Load Acting Unit's Team
001943a0: 30420030 andi r2,r2,0x0030                        |Check This Unit [Team]
001943a4: 10430003 beq r2,r3,0x001943b4                     #If This Unit is not in Acting Unit Team
001943a8: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001                             |r2 = 0x1
001943ac: 080650ee j 0x001943b8                                 >>Avoid Ally Team section
001943b0: a2020008 sb r2,0x0008(r16)                            |Store Enemy Flag = True
                                                        Else - This Unit is acting unit or is in the team of Acting Unit
001943b4: a2000008 sb r0,0x0008(r16)                        |Store Enemy Flag = False
001943b8: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                   |Load AI Targeting Flags
001943bc: 00000000 nop                                  |
001943c0: 3043000c andi r3,r2,0x000c                    |Preserve [Save CT] and [Allied Target?] flags
001943c4: a2030007 sb r3,0x0007(r16)                    |Erase all flags but [Save CT] and [Allied Target]
001943c8: 92220058 lbu r2,0x0058(r17)                   |Load Unit's Current Statuses 1
001943cc: 00000000 nop                                  |
001943d0: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020                    |Check [Dead]
001943d4: 10400008 beq r2,r0,0x001943f8                 #If Unit is Dead
001943d8: 00000000 nop                                      |
001943dc: 9222005a lbu r2,0x005a(r17)                       |Load Unit's Current Statuses 3
001943e0: 00000000 nop                                      |
001943e4: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020                        |Check [Reraise]
001943e8: 14400002 bne r2,r0,0x001943f4                     #If Unit do not have reraise
001943ec: 34620040 ori r2,r3,0x0040                         |Enable Dead Unit with Reraise
001943f0: 34620020 ori r2,r3,0x0020                             |Enable Dead Unit without Reraise
001943f4: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                    |Store new AI Targeting Flags (Dead w/o Reraise)
001943f8: 9622002a lhu r2,0x002a(r17)                   |Load Max HP
001943fc: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17)                   |Load Current HP
00194400: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01                       |Max HP / 2
00194404: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2                        |
00194408: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194420                 #If Unit HP has Less than 50% of HP
0019440c: 00000000 nop                                      |
00194410: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                       |Load AI Targeting Flags
00194414: 00000000 nop                                      |
00194418: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001                         |Enable Low HP Unit
0019441c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                        |Enable Low HP Unit in  AI Targeting Flags
00194420: 9202000b lbu r2,0x000b(r16)                   |Load MP Usage Mod  (Based on Nb of available Abilities using MP)
00194424: 00000000 nop                                  |
00194428: 10400019 beq r2,r0,0x00194490                 #If Unit uses some abilities with MP
0019442c: 00000000 nop                                      |
00194430: 9622002e lhu r2,0x002e(r17)                       |Load Max MP
00194434: 9623002c lhu r3,0x002c(r17)                       |Load Current MP
00194438: 00021042 srl r2,r2,0x01                           |Max MP / 2
0019443c: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2                            |
00194440: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x00194458                     #If Unit HP has Less than 50% of MP
00194444: 00000000 nop                                          |
00194448: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                           |Load AI Targeting Flags
0019444c: 00000000 nop                                          |
00194450: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002                             |Enable Low MP Unit
00194454: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                            |Enable Low MP Unit in AI Targeting Flags
00194458: 92620e39 lbu r2,0x0e39(r19)                       |Load Acting Unit's Team
0019445c: 00000000 nop                                      |
00194460: 1040000b beq r2,r0,0x00194490                     #If Unit is not in Player Team
00194464: 00000000 nop                                          |
00194468: 9622002c lhu r2,0x002c(r17)                           |Load Unit's Current MP
0019446c: 92030009 lbu r3,0x0009(r16)                           |Load Highest MP Cost
00194470: 00000000 nop                                          |
00194474: 0043102b sltu r2,r2,r3                                |
00194478: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x00194490                         #If Unit lack of MP to cast is Higher MP ability
0019447c: 00000000 nop                                              |
00194480: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                               |Load AI Targeting Flags
00194484: 00000000 nop                                              |
00194488: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002                                 |Enable Low MP Unit
0019448c: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                                |Store new AI Targeting Flags
00194490: 92020007 lbu r2,0x0007(r16)                   |Load AI Targeting Flags
00194494: 00000000 nop                                  |
00194498: 3045007f andi r5,r2,0x007f                    |Disable 0x80 (already done above with AND 0x0c)
0019449c: a2050007 sb r5,0x0007(r16)                    |Store new AI Targeting Flags
001944a0: 96230028 lhu r3,0x0028(r17)                   |Load Unit's Current HP
001944a4: 9624002a lhu r4,0x002a(r17)                   |Load Unit's Max HP
001944a8: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02                       |Current * 4
001944ac: 00041080 sll r2,r4,0x02                       |Max * 4
001944b0: 00441023 subu r2,r2,r4                        |Max * 3
001944b4: 0062182a slt r3,r3,r2                         |Check Current *4 Vs Max*3
001944b8: 10600002 beq r3,r0,0x001944c4                 #If Unit has less than 75% HP
001944bc: 34a20080 ori r2,r5,0x0080                         |Enable Critical HP Unit (?)
001944c0: a2020007 sb r2,0x0007(r16)                        |Store new AI Targeting Flags
001944c4: 92020004 lbu r2,0x0004(r16)                   |Load AI Behavior Flags (from Battle 0x167)
001944c8: 92030008 lbu r3,0x0008(r16)                   |Load Enemy Flag
001944cc: 3044007f andi r4,r2,0x007f                    |Disable [0x80] Take in consideration ? (AI ignores unit without this flag)
001944d0: 10600005 beq r3,r0,0x001944e8                 #If Unit is an enemy
001944d4: a2040004 sb r4,0x0004(r16)                        |Disable 0x80
001944d8: 9223015d lbu r3,0x015d(r17)                       |Load Current Ability CT
001944dc: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff                         |r2 = 0xff (not doing anything)
001944e0: 10620003 beq r3,r2,0x001944f0                     #Branch if CT = 0xFF and Unit is an enemy (keeping flag 0x80 off) No proof of life so far ?
001944e4: 00000000 nop                                          |
                                                        Else : Ally or enemy charging/performing something
001944e8: 34820080 ori r2,r4,0x0080                             |Enable Charging/Performing
001944ec: a2020004 sb r2,0x0004(r16)                            |Enable [0x80] (Take in consideration ?)
001944f0: 26520001 addiu r18,r18,0x0001             |Unit counter + 1
001944f4: 2a420015 slti r2,r18,0x0015               |Check limit
001944f8: 1440ff94 bne r2,r0,0x0019434c         Λ Loop 0x15 Time
001944fc: 269401c0 addiu r20,r20,0x01c0             |Pointer Mod += 0x1c0
00194500: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001             |r2 = 0x1
00194504: a2620014 sb r2,0x0014(r19)            |Store 0x1 at 0x8019f3d8  8019f3c4 + 0x14
00194508: 8e620cb4 lw r2,0x0cb4(r19)            |Load [ 801a0078 ]  8019f3c4 + 0xcb4
0019450c: 3c030100 lui r3,0x0100                |
00194510: a260001d sb r0,0x001d(r19)            |Reset Skillset of last Attack  8019f3c4 + 0x1d
00194514: 00431025 or r2,r2,r3                  |
00194518: ae620cb4 sw r2,0x0cb4(r19)            |Enable flag 0x01000000 at 0x801a0078  Flag 0x01 at 801a007b
0019451c: 0c0674df jal 0x0019d37c           |-->AI_End_of_turn,_in_between_turn,_etc. returns r2
00194520: 00000000 nop                      |
00194524: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,-0x0001      |
00194528: 10430007 beq r2,r3,0x00194548     #If returned value is not -0x01
0019452c: 3c04feff lui r4,0xfeff                |
00194530: 3484ffff ori r4,r4,0xffff             |r4 = 0xfeffffff
00194534: 8e630cb4 lw r3,0x0cb4(r19)            |Load [ 801a0078 ]
00194538: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0                |returns r2 = 0x00
0019453c: 00641824 and r3,r3,r4                 |Remove flag 0x01000000
00194540: 08065153 j 0x0019454c                 |
00194544: ae630cb4 sw r3,0x0cb4(r19)            |Disable flag 0x01000000 at 0x801a0078
                                            Else : returned value is -0x0001
00194548: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,-0x0001          |Returns r2 = -0x01
0019454c: 8fbf0024 lw r31,0x0024(r29)       END
00194550: 8fb40020 lw r20,0x0020(r29)
00194554: 8fb3001c lw r19,0x001c(r29)
00194558: 8fb20018 lw r18,0x0018(r29)
0019455c: 8fb10014 lw r17,0x0014(r29)
00194560: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)
00194564: 27bd0028 addiu r29,r29,0x0028
00194568: 03e00008 jr r31
0019456c: 00000000 nop

Return Locations

00193ff8: Main_AI_action_setup