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(Created page with "=== Find New Formation Screen Unit Index === Finds the new formation screen unit index after considering button input (directional, L1/R1) ==== Parameters ==== {| class="wiki...")
Line 27: Line 27:
| r7
| r7
| oldFormationUnitIndex
| oldFormationUnitIndex
| *0x8018ba20
| Currently selected formation unit index
| Currently selected formation unit index

Latest revision as of 18:11, 10 May 2018

Find New Formation Screen Unit Index

Finds the new formation screen unit index after considering button input (directional, L1/R1)


Location Name Value Notes
r4 unitsPerRow 4 Number of units per row in the formation screen
r5 numRows 5 Number of rows in the formation screen
r6 maxFormationUnitIndex (*0x801cd788 - 1) Number of units - 1. Maximum index into the formation screen unit array
r7 oldFormationUnitIndex *0x8018ba20 Currently selected formation unit index
*(sp + 16) buttonInput Button input from Get Inverted Button Input function


Location Name Notes
r2 formationUnitIndex New formation unit index, after considering button input


8012bb88: 00804821 addu r9,r4,r0                   #   unitsPerRow
8012bb8c: 8faa0010 lw r10,0x0010(r29)              #   buttonInput
8012bb90: 00000000 nop
8012bb94: 31421000 andi r2,r10,0x1000              
8012bb98: 10400011 beq r2,r0,0x8012bbe0            
8012bb9c: 00e04021 addu r8,r7,r0                   #   formationUnitIndex = oldFormationUnitIndex
                                                   #   if (buttonInput & BUTTON_UP) {
8012bba0: 01094023 subu r8,r8,r9                   #       formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex - unitsPerRow
8012bba4: 05010022 bgez r8,0x8012bc30                            
8012bba8: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
                                                   #       if (formationUnitIndex < 0) {
8012bbac: 01250018 mult r9,r5
8012bbb0: 00001012 mflo r2
8012bbb4: 01024021 addu r8,r8,r2                   #           formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex + (unitsPerRow * numRows)
8012bbb8: 00c8102a slt r2,r6,r8
8012bbbc: 1040001c beq r2,r0,0x8012bc30
8012bbc0: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
                                                   #           if (maxFormationUnitIndex < formationUnitIndex) {
8012bbc4: 01094023 subu r8,r8,r9                   #               formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex - unitsPerRow                           
8012bbc8: 00c8102a slt r2,r6,r8                    #               do {
8012bbcc: 1440fffe bne r2,r0,0x8012bbc8
8012bbd0: 01094023 subu r8,r8,r9                   #                   formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex - unitsPerRow
                                                   #               } while (maxFormationUnitIndex < formationUnitIndex);
8012bbd4: 01094021 addu r8,r8,r9                   #               formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex + unitsPerRow
8012bbd8: 0804af0c j 0x8012bc30
8012bbdc: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
                                                   #           }
                                                   #       }
                                                   #   }
8012bbe0: 31424000 andi r2,r10,0x4000
8012bbe4: 10400012 beq r2,r0,0x8012bc30            #   else if (buttonInput & BUTTON_DOWN) {
8012bbe8: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
8012bbec: 0109001a div r8,r9
8012bbf0: 00001012 mflo r2                         #       oldRow = formationUnitIndex / unitsPerRow
8012bbf4: 00002810 mfhi r5                         #       oldCol = formationUnitIndex % unitsPerRow
8012bbf8: 00000000 nop
8012bbfc: 00000000 nop
8012bc00: 00c9001a div r6,r9                              
8012bc04: 00001812 mflo r3                         #       maxRow = maxFormationUnitIndex / unitsPerRow
8012bc08: 00000000 nop
8012bc0c: 14430003 bne r2,r3,0x8012bc1c
8012bc10: 01094021 addu r8,r8,r9                   #       formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex + unitsPerRow
                                                   #       if (oldRow == maxRow) {
8012bc14: 0804af0b j 0x8012bc2c
8012bc18: 00a04021 addu r8,r5,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = oldCol
8012bc1c: 00c8102a slt r2,r6,r8                    
8012bc20: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x8012bc30            #       } else if (maxFormationUnitIndex < formationUnitIndex) {
8012bc24: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
8012bc28: 00c04021 addu r8,r6,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = maxFormationUnitIndex
8012bc2c: 31422000 andi r2,r10,0x2000
                                                   #       }
                                                   #   }
8012bc30: 10400012 beq r2,r0,0x8012bc7c            #   if (buttonInput & BUTTON_RIGHT) {
8012bc34: 25040001 addiu r4,r8,0x0001              #       formationUnitIndex + 1
8012bc38: 0089001a div r4,r9
8012bc3c: 00001010 mfhi r2                         #       newCol = (formationUnitIndex + 1) % unitsPerRow
8012bc40: 00000000 nop
8012bc44: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x8012bc54
8012bc48: 00c4102a slt r2,r6,r4
8012bc4c: 10400009 beq r2,r0,0x8012bc74            #       if ((newCol == 0) or (maxFormationUnitIndex < (formationUnitIndex + 1))) { 
8012bc50: 00000000 nop
8012bc54: 0109001a div r8,r9
8012bc58: 00001012 mflo r2                         #           oldRow = formationUnitIndex / unitsPerRow
8012bc5c: 00000000 nop
8012bc60: 00000000 nop
8012bc64: 01220018 mult r9,r2                      
8012bc68: 00004012 mflo r8                         #           formationUnitIndex = unitsPerRow * oldRow
8012bc6c: 0804af3e j 0x8012bcf8
8012bc70: 00000000 nop                             #       } else {
8012bc74: 0804af3e j 0x8012bcf8
8012bc78: 00804021 addu r8,r4,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex + 1 
                                                   #       }
                                                   #   }
8012bc7c: 31428000 andi r2,r10,0x8000
8012bc80: 1040000f beq r2,r0,0x8012bcc0            #   else if (buttonInput & BUTTON_LEFT) {
8012bc84: 31420008 andi r2,r10,0x0008
8012bc88: 0109001a div r8,r9
8012bc8c: 00001010 mfhi r2                         #       oldCol = formationUnitIndex % unitsPerRow
8012bc90: 00000000 nop
8012bc94: 14400003 bne r2,r0,0x8012bca4
8012bc98: 01091021 addu r2,r8,r9                   
                                                   #       if (oldCol == 0) {
8012bc9c: 0804af2a j 0x8012bca8
8012bca0: 2442ffff addiu r2,r2,-0x0001             #           newValue = (formationUnitIndex + unitsPerRow) - 1
                                                   #       } else {
8012bca4: 2502ffff addiu r2,r8,-0x0001             #           newValue = formationUnitIndex - 1
                                                   #       }
8012bca8: 00404021 addu r8,r2,r0                   #       formationUnitIndex = newValue
8012bcac: 00c8102a slt r2,r6,r8
8012bcb0: 10400011 beq r2,r0,0x8012bcf8            #       if (maxFormationUnitIndex < formationUnitIndex) {
8012bcb4: 00000000 nop
8012bcb8: 0804af3e j 0x8012bcf8
8012bcbc: 00c04021 addu r8,r6,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = maxFormationUnitIndex
                                                   #       }
8012bcc0: 10400007 beq r2,r0,0x8012bce0            #   } else if (buttonInput & BUTTON_R1) {
8012bcc4: 31420004 andi r2,r10,0x0004
8012bcc8: 25080001 addiu r8,r8,0x0001              #       formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex + 1 
8012bccc: 00c8102a slt r2,r6,r8
8012bcd0: 10400009 beq r2,r0,0x8012bcf8            #       if (maxFormationUnitIndex < formationUnitIndex) {
8012bcd4: 00000000 nop
8012bcd8: 0804af3e j 0x8012bcf8
8012bcdc: 00004021 addu r8,r0,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = 0
                                                   #       }
8012bce0: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x8012bcf8            #   } else if (buttonInput & BUTTON_L1) {
8012bce4: 00000000 nop
8012bce8: 2508ffff addiu r8,r8,-0x0001             #       formationUnitIndex = formationUnitIndex - 1
8012bcec: 05010002 bgez r8,0x8012bcf8              #       if (formationUnitIndex < 0) {
8012bcf0: 00000000 nop
8012bcf4: 00c04021 addu r8,r6,r0                   #           formationUnitIndex = maxFormationUnitIndex
                                                   #       }
                                                   #   }
8012bcf8: 11070004 beq r8,r7,0x8012bd0c            #   if (formationUnitIndex != oldFormationUnitIndex) {
8012bcfc: 00000000 nop
8012bd00: 34020003 ori r2,r0,0x0003
8012bd04: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019
8012bd08: a022bacc sb r2,-0x4534(r1)               #       *0x8018bacc = 3
                                                   #   }
8012bd0c: 03e00008 jr r31                          #   return formationUnitIndex
8012bd10: 01001021 addu r2,r8,r0