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BATTLE.BIN - Get Number of Turns to Resolve(Alt) ALTERNATIVE VERSION : Get_Number_of_Turns_to_Resolve --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters : r4 = Unit ID r5 = Ability CT r6 = Pointer to AT List Returns : r2 = Nb of Turn to resolve r2 = 0x0ff if resolution occurs after 40 Turns or Unit ID is invalid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00181720: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019 | 00181724: 8c63f51c lw r3,-0x0ae4(r3) |8018f51c control variable 00181728: 34020009 ori r2,r0,0x0009 | 0018172c: 14620004 bne r3,r2,0x00181740 #If Control value = 0x09 (Unit Active Turn) 00181730: 00004021 addu r8,r0,r0 | 00181734: 10a00002 beq r5,r0,0x00181740 #If CT <> 0x00 00181738: 00000000 nop | 0018173c: 24a50001 addiu r5,r5,0x0001 |CT + 1 00181740: 00052a00 sll r5,r5,0x08 |(CT + 1)* 128 00181744: 340a001f ori r10,r0,0x001f | @LOOP 00181748: 90c30000 lbu r3,0x0000(r6) |This iteration AT List Unit ID 0018174c: 00000000 nop | 00181750: 30690040 andi r9,r3,0x0040 |Check Mount (?) 00181754: 3063001f andi r3,r3,0x001f |Keep only ID 00181758: 106a0017 beq r3,r10,0x001817b8 #If Unit ID is 0x1f (was 0xFF ?) returns 0xff End of list ? 0018175c: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff | 00181760: 94c70002 lhu r7,0x0002(r6) |load units CT 00181764: 00000000 nop | 00181768: 00e5102a slt r2,r7,r5 |set if units CT < (CT + 1)* 128 0018176c: 1440000d bne r2,r0,0x001817a4 #If This Unit CT < (Ability CT+1)*128 : Go to Next Iteration 00181770: 00000000 nop | 00181774: 14a70009 bne r5,r7,0x0018179c #If Not Same CT : returns Nb of turns 00181778: 00000000 nop | Else : Same CT 0018177c: 14830003 bne r4,r3,0x0018178c #If This AT Unit is the Acting Unit 00181780: 0064102a slt r2,r3,r4 |0x1 if AT Unit ID < Acting unit ID 00181784: 15200005 bne r9,r0,0x0018179c #If Unit is not mounted returns Nb of turns Mounted unit get no valid turns ? 00181788: 00000000 nop | 0018178c: 10400003 beq r2,r0,0x0018179c #If AT Unit ID > Acting Unit ID returns Nb of turns 00181790: 00000000 nop | 00181794: 15200003 bne r9,r0,0x001817a4 #If Mounted : Next Iteration 00181798: 00000000 nop | 0018179c: 080605ee j 0x001817b8 >>Exit and returns Nb of turns 001817a0: 310200ff andi r2,r8,0x00ff |return number of turns before resolution 001817a4: 25080001 addiu r8,r8,0x0001 |AT list counter +1 001817a8: 29020028 slti r2,r8,0x0028 |limit = 0x28 001817ac: 1440ffe6 bne r2,r0,0x00181748 Λ Loop 0x28 times 001817b0: 24c60004 addiu r6,r6,0x0004 |AT list pointer + 4 001817b4: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff 001817b8: 03e00008 jr r31 001817bc: 00000000 nop
Return location
Battle.bin 00181aa4: Load_ability_data_for_skillset 00181ae4: Load_ability_data_for_skillset 001836a4: AT_List_Preview?