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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
An item attribute is 25 bytes long. Item attribute 0 starts at 0x642c4 in RAM.
An item attribute is 25 (0x19) bytes long. Item attribute 0 starts at 0x642c4 in RAM.
Byte 1-5: PA, MA, SP, MOV, JMP
Byte 1-5: PA, MA, SP, MOV, JMP
Line 20: Line 20:
1 - Rune Blade [MA +2] (Same as 9 and 24 and 33)
{| class="wikitable"
!|Mem. Location
!|Same as...
| 01
| 0x642DD
| Rune Blade
| MA +2
| 09, 24, 33
| 02
| 0x642F6
| Save the Queen
| Always: Protect
| 03
| 0x6430F
| Excalibur
| Absorb: Holy; Strength: Holy; Always: Haste
| 04
| 0x64328
| Ragnarok
| Always: Shell
| 05
| 0x64341
| Chaos Blade
| Always: Regen
| 0D
| 06
| 0x6435A
| Thunder Rod
| Strengthen: Lightning
| 07
| 0x64373
| Flame Rod
| Strengthen: Fire
| 08
| 0x6438C
| Ice Rod
| Strengthen: Ice
| 09
| 0x643A5
| Wizard Rod
| MA +2
| 01, 24, 33
| 0A
| 0x643BE
| Wizard Staff
| MA +1
| 0C, 11, 16, 19, 3F
| 0B
| 0x643D7
| Mace of Zeus
| PA +2, MA +1
| 0C
| 0x643F0
| C Bag
| MA +1
| 0A, 11, 16, 19, 3F
| 0D
| 0x64409
| P Bag
| Always: Regen
| 05
| 0E
| 0x64422
| H Bag
| Speed +1
| 17, 2F
| 0F
| 0x6443B
| Ice Shield
| Absorb: Ice, Halve: Fire; Weakness: Lightning
| 10
| 0x64454
| Flame Shield
| Absorb: Fire, Halve: Ice; Weakness: Water
| 11
| 0x6446D
| Aegis Shield
| MA +1
| 0A, 0C, 16, 19, 3F
| 12
| 0x64486
| Kaiser Shield
| Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice
| 27
| 13
| 0x6449F
| Venetian Shield
| Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice
| 26
| 14
| 0x644B8
| Grand Helmet
| Status Immunity: Darkness, Sleep
| 15
| 0x644D1
| Headgear
| PA +1
| 31
| 16
| 0x644EA
| Triangle Hat
| MA +1
| 0A, 0C, 11, 19, 3F
| 17
| 0x64503
| Green Beret
| Speed +1
| 0E, 2F
| 18
| 0x6451C
| Twist Headband
| PA +2
| 1F
| 19
| 0x64535
| Holy Miter
| MA +1
| 0A, 0C, 11, 16, 3F
| 1A
| 0x6454E
| Golden Hairpin
| Status Immunity: Silence
| 1B
| 0x64567
| Flash Hat
| MA +1, Speed +1
| 1C
| 0x64580
| Thief Hat
| Speed +2; Status Immunity: Don't Act, Don't Move
| 1D
| 0x64599
| Reflect Mail
| Always: Reflect
| 35
| 1E
| 0x645B2
| Judo Outfit
| PA +1; Status Immunity: Dead
| 1F
| 0x645CB
| Power Sleeve
| PA +2
| 18
| 20
| 0x645E4
| Earth Clothes
| Absorb: Earth; Strength: Earth
| 21
| 0x645FD
| Secret Clothes
| Speed +2; Starting Status: Transparent
| 22
| 0x64616
| Black Costume
| Status Immunity: Stop
| 23
| 0x6462F
| Rubber Costume
| Cancel: Lightning
| 24
| 0x64648
| Wizard Robe
| MA +2
| 01, 09, 33
| 25
| 0x64661
| Chameleon Robe
| Absorb: Holy; Status Immunity: Dead
| 26
| 0x6467A
| White Robe
| Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice
| 13
| 27
| 0x64693
| Black Robe
| Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice
| 12
| 28
| 0x646AC
| Light Robe
| None
| 29
| 0x646C5
| Robe of Lords
| PA +2, MA +1; Permanent Status: Protect, Shell
| 2A
| 0x646DE
| Battle Boots
| Move +1
| 2B
| 0x646F7
| Spike Shoes
| Jump +1
| 2C
| 0x64710
| Germinas Boots
| Move +1, Jump +1
| 2D
| 0x64729
| Rubber Shoes
| Cancel: Lightning; Status Immunity: Don't Move
| 2E
| 0x64742
| Feather Boots
| Permanent Status: Float
| 2F
| 0x6475B
| Sprint Shoes
| Speed +1
| 0F, 17
| 30
| 0x64774
| Red Shoes
| MA +1, Move +1
| 31
| 0x6478D
| Power Wrist
| PA +1
| 15
| 32
| 0x647A6
| Genji Gauntlet
| PA +2, MA +2
| 33
| 0x647BF
| Magic Gauntlet
| MA +2
| 01, 09, 24
| 34
| 0x647D8
| Bracer
| PA +3
| 35
| 0x647F1
| Reflect Ring
| Permanent Status: Reflect
| 1D
| 36
| 0x6480A
| Defense Ring
| Status Immunity: Sleep, Death Sentence
| 37
| 0x64823
| Magic Ring
| Status Immunity: Silence, Berserk
| 38
| 0x6483C
| Cursed Ring
| PA +1, MA +1, Sp +1; Permanent Status: Undead; Status Immunity:
| 39
| 0x64855
| Angel Ring
| Status Immunity: Dead, Darkness; Starting Status: Reraise
| 3A
| 0x6486E
| Diamond Armlet
| PA +1, MA +1; Status Immunity: Slow
| 3B
| 0x64887
| Jade Armlet
| Status Immunity: Petrify, Stop
| 3C
| 0x648A0
| 108 Gems
| Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark;
Status Immunity: Undead, Blood Suck, Frog, Poison
| 3D
| 0x648B9
| N-Kai Armlet
| Status Immunity: Confusion, Charm; Half: Dark
| 3E
| 0x648D2
| Defense Armlet
| Status Immunity: Don't Move, Don't Act
| 3F
| 0x648EB
| Wizard Mantle
| MA +1
| 01, 0C, 11, 16, 19
| 40
| 0x64904
| Vanish Mantle
| Starting Status: Transparent
| 41
| 0x6491D
| Chantage
| Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen
| 59 '''{PSP}''', 5D '''{PSP}'''
| 42
| 0x64936
| Cherche
| Permanent Status: Float, Reflect
| 43
| 0x6494F
| Setiemson
| MA +1; Permanent Status: Haste; Starting Status: Transparent
| 44
| 0x64968
| Salty Rage
| Permanent Status: Protect, Shell
| 55 '''{PSP}'''
| 45
| 0x64981
| Cachusha
| Status Immunity: Undead, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence
| 46
| 0x6499A
| Barette
| Status Immunity: Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Berserk, Stop, Charm, Sleep
| 47
| 0x649B3
| Ribbon
| Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence
| 61 '''{PSP}'''
| 48
| 0x649CC
| Stone Gun
| Start: Petrify
| 49
| 0x649E5
| Faith Rod
| Always: Faith
| 4A
| 0x649FE
| None
| None
| 4B
| 0x64A17
| None
| None
| 4C
| 0x64A30
| None
| None
| 4D
| 0x64A49
| None
| None
| 4E
| 0x64A62
| None
| None
| 4F
| 0x64A7B
| None
| None
2 - Save the Queen [Permanent Status: Protect]
== PSP Only ==
3 - Excalibur [Absorb: Holy; Strength: Holy; Permanent Status: Haste]  
50 - Moonblade [Permanent Status: Haste]
4 - Ragnarok [Permanent Status: Shell]  
51 - Nirvana [MA +3] (Same as 53)
5 - Chaos Blade [Permanent Status: Regen] (Same as D)  
52 - Dreamwalker [MA +4] (Same as 54)
6 - Thunder Rod [Strength: Lightning]  
53 - Stardust Rod [MA +3] (Same as 51)
7 - Flame Rod [Strength: Fire]  
54 - Crown Scepter [MA +4] (Same as 52)
8 - Ice Rod [Strength: Ice]  
55 - Durandal [Permanent Status: Protect, Shell] (Same as 44)
9 - Wizard Rod [MA +2] (Same as 1 and 24 and 33)
56 - Reverie Shield [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]
A - Wizard Staff [MA +1] (Same as C and 11 and 16 and 19 and 3F)
57 - Acacia Hat [Sp +2; Status Immunity: Confusion, Berserk, Charm]
B - Mace Of Zeus [PA +2, MA +1]  
58 - Brass Coronet [MA +3; Status Immunity: Silence]
C - C Bag [MA +1] (Same as A and 11 and 16 and 19 and 3F)  
59 - Grand Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 5D)
D - P Bag [Permanent Status: Regen] (Same as 5)
5A - Onion Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell]
E - H Bag [Sp +1] (Same as 17 and 2F)
5B - Minerva Bustier [Cancel: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Dark; Halve: Ice, Earth, Water, Holy]
F - Ice Shield [Absorb: Ice, Halve: Fire; Weakness: Lightning]  
5C - Mirage Vest [Sp +1; Status Immunity: - Petrify, Poison, Sleep]
10 - Flame Shield [Absorb: Fire, Halve: Ice; Weakness: Water]  
5D - Brave Suit [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 59)
11 - Aegis Shield [MA +1] (Same as A and C and 16 and 19 and 3F)
5E - Sage's Robe [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]
12 - Kaiser Plate [Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice](Same as 27)
5F - Gaius Caligae [Move +2]
13 - Venetian Shield [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice] (Same as 26)
60 - Brigand's Gloves [Sp +1; Permanent Status: Haste]
14 - Grand Helmet [Status Immunity: Darkness, Sleep]  
61 - Onion Gloves [Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence] (Same as 47)
15 - Headgear [PA +1] (Same as 31)
62 - Empyreal Armband [Sp +1; Status Immunity: Slow, Stop, Don't Move]
16 - Triangle Hat [MA +1] (Same as A and C and 11 and 19 and 3F)
63 - Tynar Rouge [Permanant Status: Protect, Shell, Haste]
17 - Green Beret [Sp +1] (Same as E and 2F)
64 - Sage's Ring - [Absorb: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark;
Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]
18 - Twist Headband [PA +2] (Same as 1F)
19 - Holy Miter [MA +1] (Same as A and C and 11 and 16 and 3F)
1A - Golden Hairpin [Status Immunity: Silence]
1B - Flash Hat [MA +1, Sp +1]
1C - Thief Hat [Sp +2; Status Immunity: Don't Act, Don't Move]
1D - Reflect Mail [Permanent Status: Reflect] (Same as 35)
1E - Judo Outfit [PA +1; Status Immunity: Dead]
1F - Power Sleeve [PA +2] (Same as 18)
20 - Earth Clothes [Absorb: Earth; Strength: Earth]
21 - Secret Clothes [Sp +2; Starting Status: Transparent]
22 - Black Costume [Status Immunity: Stop]
23 - Rubber Costume [Cancel: Lightning]
24 - Wizard Robe [MA +2] (Same as 1 and 9 and 33)
25 - Chameleon Robe [Absorb: Holy; Status Immunity: Dead]
26 - White Robe [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice](Same as 13)
27 - Black Robe [Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice] (Same as 12)
== See also ==
28 - Light Robe [Empty]
* [[Data/Table Locations]]
29 - Robe of Lords [PA +2, MA +1; Permanent Status: Protect, Shell]
2A - Battle Boots [Move +1]
2B - Spike Shoes [Jump +1]
2C - Germinas Boots [Move +1, Jump +1]
2D - Rubber Shoes [Cancel: Lightning; Status Immunity: Dead]
2E - Feather Boots [Permanent Status: Float]
2F - Sprint Shoes [Sp +1] (Same as F and 17)
30 - Red Shoes [MA +1, Move +1]
31 - Power Wrist [PA +1] (Same as 15)
32 - Genji Gauntlet [PA +2, MA +2]
33 - Magic Gauntlet [MA +2] (Same as 1 and 9 and 24)
34 - Bracer [PA +3]
35 - Reflect Ring [Permanent Status: Reflect] (same as 1D)
36 - Defense Ring [Status Immunity: Sleep, Death Sentence]
37 - Magic Ring [Status Immunity: Silence, Berserk]
38 - Cursed Ring [PA +1, MA +1, Sp +1; Permanent Status: Undead; Status Immunity:
39 - Angel Ring [Status Immunity: Dead, Darkness; Starting Status: Reraise]
3A - Diamond Armlet [PA +1, MA +1; Status Immunity: Slow]
3B - Jade Armlet [Status Immunity: Petrify, Stop]
3C - 108 Gems [Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark;
Status Immunity: Undead, Blood Suck, Frog, Poison]
3D - N-Kai Armlet [Status Immunity: Confusion, Charm]
3E - Defense Armlet [Status Immunity: Don't Move, Don't Act]
3F - Wizard Mantle [MA +1] (Same as 1 and C and 11 and 16 and 19)
40 - Vanish Mantle [Starting Status: Transparent]
41 - Chantage [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen]  (Same as 59 {PSP} and 5D {PSP})
42 - Cherche [Permanent Status: Float, Reflect]
43 - Setiemson [MA +1; Permanent Status: Haste; Starting Status: Transparent]
44 - Salty Rage [Permanent Status: Protect, Shell] (Same as 55 {PSP})
45 - Cachusha [Status Immunity: Undead, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence]
46 - Barrette [Status Immunity: Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Berserk, Stop, Charm, Sleep]
47 - Ribbon [Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence] (Same as 61 {PSP})
48 - Stone Gun [Starting Status: Petrify]  
49 - Faith Rod [Permanent Status: Faith]
4A - Empty
4B - Empty
4C - Empty
4D - Empty
4E - Empty
4F - Empty
50 - Moonblade [Permanent Status: Haste] - PSP ONLY
51 - Nirvana [MA +3] (Same as 53) - PSP ONLY
52 - Dreamwalker [MA +4] (Same as 54) - PSP ONLY
53 - Stardust Rod [MA +3] (Same as 51) - PSP ONLY
54 - Crown Scepter [MA +4] (Same as 52) - PSP ONLY
55 - Durandal [Permanent Status: Protect, Shell] (Same as 44) - PSP ONLY
56 - Reverie Shield [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark] - PSP ONLY
57 - Acacia Hat [Sp +2; Status Immunity: Confusion, Berserk, Charm] - PSP ONLY
58 - Brass Coronet [MA +3; Status Immunity: Silence] - PSP ONLY
59 - Grand Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 5D) - PSP ONLY
5A - Onion Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell]- PSP ONLY
5B - Minerva Bustier [Cancel: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Dark; Halve: Ice, Earth, Water, Holy] - PSP ONLY
5C - Mirage Vest [Sp +1; Status Immunity: - Petrify, Poison, Sleep] PSP ONLY
5D - Brave Suit [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 59)- PSP ONLY
5E - Sage's Robe [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark] - PSP ONLY
5F - Gaius Caligae [Move +2] - PSP ONLY
60 - Brigand's Gloves [Sp +1; Permanent Status: Haste] - PSP ONLY
61 - Onion Gloves [Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence] (Same as 47) - PSP ONLY
62 - Empyreal Armband [Sp +1; Status Immunity: Slow, Stop, Don't Move] - PSP ONLY
63 - Tynar Rouge [Permanant Status: Protect, Shell, Haste]- PSP ONLY
64 - Sage's Ring - [Absorb: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark;
Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark] - PSP ONLY

Latest revision as of 16:06, 31 May 2022

An item attribute is 25 (0x19) bytes long. Item attribute 0 starts at 0x642c4 in RAM.

Byte 1-5: PA, MA, SP, MOV, JMP

Bytes 6-10: Auto-Statuses

Bytes 11-15: Status Immunity

Bytes 16-20: Initial Statuses

Byte 21: Elemental Absorb

Byte 22: Elemental Cancel

Byte 23: Elemental Half

Byte 24: Elemental Weakness

Byte 25: Elemental Strengthen

ID Mem. Location Item Attributes Same as...
01 0x642DD Rune Blade MA +2 09, 24, 33
02 0x642F6 Save the Queen Always: Protect
03 0x6430F Excalibur Absorb: Holy; Strength: Holy; Always: Haste
04 0x64328 Ragnarok Always: Shell
05 0x64341 Chaos Blade Always: Regen 0D
06 0x6435A Thunder Rod Strengthen: Lightning
07 0x64373 Flame Rod Strengthen: Fire
08 0x6438C Ice Rod Strengthen: Ice
09 0x643A5 Wizard Rod MA +2 01, 24, 33
0A 0x643BE Wizard Staff MA +1 0C, 11, 16, 19, 3F
0B 0x643D7 Mace of Zeus PA +2, MA +1
0C 0x643F0 C Bag MA +1 0A, 11, 16, 19, 3F
0D 0x64409 P Bag Always: Regen 05
0E 0x64422 H Bag Speed +1 17, 2F
0F 0x6443B Ice Shield Absorb: Ice, Halve: Fire; Weakness: Lightning
10 0x64454 Flame Shield Absorb: Fire, Halve: Ice; Weakness: Water
11 0x6446D Aegis Shield MA +1 0A, 0C, 16, 19, 3F
12 0x64486 Kaiser Shield Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice 27
13 0x6449F Venetian Shield Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice 26
14 0x644B8 Grand Helmet Status Immunity: Darkness, Sleep
15 0x644D1 Headgear PA +1 31
16 0x644EA Triangle Hat MA +1 0A, 0C, 11, 19, 3F
17 0x64503 Green Beret Speed +1 0E, 2F
18 0x6451C Twist Headband PA +2 1F
19 0x64535 Holy Miter MA +1 0A, 0C, 11, 16, 3F
1A 0x6454E Golden Hairpin Status Immunity: Silence
1B 0x64567 Flash Hat MA +1, Speed +1
1C 0x64580 Thief Hat Speed +2; Status Immunity: Don't Act, Don't Move
1D 0x64599 Reflect Mail Always: Reflect 35
1E 0x645B2 Judo Outfit PA +1; Status Immunity: Dead
1F 0x645CB Power Sleeve PA +2 18
20 0x645E4 Earth Clothes Absorb: Earth; Strength: Earth
21 0x645FD Secret Clothes Speed +2; Starting Status: Transparent
22 0x64616 Black Costume Status Immunity: Stop
23 0x6462F Rubber Costume Cancel: Lightning
24 0x64648 Wizard Robe MA +2 01, 09, 33
25 0x64661 Chameleon Robe Absorb: Holy; Status Immunity: Dead
26 0x6467A White Robe Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice 13
27 0x64693 Black Robe Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice 12
28 0x646AC Light Robe None
29 0x646C5 Robe of Lords PA +2, MA +1; Permanent Status: Protect, Shell
2A 0x646DE Battle Boots Move +1
2B 0x646F7 Spike Shoes Jump +1
2C 0x64710 Germinas Boots Move +1, Jump +1
2D 0x64729 Rubber Shoes Cancel: Lightning; Status Immunity: Don't Move
2E 0x64742 Feather Boots Permanent Status: Float
2F 0x6475B Sprint Shoes Speed +1 0F, 17
30 0x64774 Red Shoes MA +1, Move +1
31 0x6478D Power Wrist PA +1 15
32 0x647A6 Genji Gauntlet PA +2, MA +2
33 0x647BF Magic Gauntlet MA +2 01, 09, 24
34 0x647D8 Bracer PA +3
35 0x647F1 Reflect Ring Permanent Status: Reflect 1D
36 0x6480A Defense Ring Status Immunity: Sleep, Death Sentence
37 0x64823 Magic Ring Status Immunity: Silence, Berserk
38 0x6483C Cursed Ring PA +1, MA +1, Sp +1; Permanent Status: Undead; Status Immunity:


39 0x64855 Angel Ring Status Immunity: Dead, Darkness; Starting Status: Reraise
3A 0x6486E Diamond Armlet PA +1, MA +1; Status Immunity: Slow
3B 0x64887 Jade Armlet Status Immunity: Petrify, Stop
3C 0x648A0 108 Gems Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark;

Status Immunity: Undead, Blood Suck, Frog, Poison

3D 0x648B9 N-Kai Armlet Status Immunity: Confusion, Charm; Half: Dark
3E 0x648D2 Defense Armlet Status Immunity: Don't Move, Don't Act
3F 0x648EB Wizard Mantle MA +1 01, 0C, 11, 16, 19
40 0x64904 Vanish Mantle Starting Status: Transparent
41 0x6491D Chantage Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen 59 {PSP}, 5D {PSP}
42 0x64936 Cherche Permanent Status: Float, Reflect
43 0x6494F Setiemson MA +1; Permanent Status: Haste; Starting Status: Transparent
44 0x64968 Salty Rage Permanent Status: Protect, Shell 55 {PSP}
45 0x64981 Cachusha Status Immunity: Undead, Darkness, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence
46 0x6499A Barette Status Immunity: Dead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck, Berserk, Stop, Charm, Sleep
47 0x649B3 Ribbon Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence 61 {PSP}
48 0x649CC Stone Gun Start: Petrify
49 0x649E5 Faith Rod Always: Faith
4A 0x649FE None None
4B 0x64A17 None None
4C 0x64A30 None None
4D 0x64A49 None None
4E 0x64A62 None None
4F 0x64A7B None None

PSP Only

50 - Moonblade [Permanent Status: Haste]

51 - Nirvana [MA +3] (Same as 53)

52 - Dreamwalker [MA +4] (Same as 54)

53 - Stardust Rod [MA +3] (Same as 51)

54 - Crown Scepter [MA +4] (Same as 52)

55 - Durandal [Permanent Status: Protect, Shell] (Same as 44)

56 - Reverie Shield [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]

57 - Acacia Hat [Sp +2; Status Immunity: Confusion, Berserk, Charm]

58 - Brass Coronet [MA +3; Status Immunity: Silence]

59 - Grand Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 5D)

5A - Onion Armor [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell]

5B - Minerva Bustier [Cancel: Fire, Lightning, Wind, Dark; Halve: Ice, Earth, Water, Holy]

5C - Mirage Vest [Sp +1; Status Immunity: - Petrify, Poison, Sleep]

5D - Brave Suit [Permanant Status: Reraise, Regen] (Same as 41 and 59)

5E - Sage's Robe [Halve: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]

5F - Gaius Caligae [Move +2]

60 - Brigand's Gloves [Sp +1; Permanent Status: Haste]

61 - Onion Gloves [Status Immunity: Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Blood Suck, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Slow, Stop, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence] (Same as 47)

62 - Empyreal Armband [Sp +1; Status Immunity: Slow, Stop, Don't Move]

63 - Tynar Rouge [Permanant Status: Protect, Shell, Haste]

64 - Sage's Ring - [Absorb: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark; Strengthen: Fire, Lightning, Ice, Wind, Earth, Water, Holy, Dark]

See also