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(Created page with "'''Edit Instructions:''' * Copy paste the code below for each tool (no need to repeat the section name) * Rename everything accordingly * Remove the icons that aren't applicab...")
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'''Edit Instructions:'''
* Copy paste the code below for each tool (no need to repeat the section name)
* Rename everything accordingly
* Remove the icons that aren't applicable: windows/mac/linux/psx/psp
* Remove <span style="color: red">Deprecated</span> if the tool isn't actually deprecated
* Always include Main Article even if there is none. Just name the article the tool name itself; it won't create a page, but rather a red link to easily create a page. I'll probably have you create an article for every tool down the line, but right now we'll keep it at this
* Only include a github link if there's one
* Make sure authors are properly credited, use [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=mlist;sa=search SMF's member search feature] to get a link to their forum profile
* Leave one line break after ''Authors'' before the next tool or section
* Preview before submitting changes, makes sure everything looks good, then save
* If you mess up, you can always rollback changes and check history to fetch what you forgot.
= General Tools =
{| class="wikitable"
! colspan="3"|OS !! colspan="3"|Console
| [[File:win.png]] || [[File:mac.png]] || [[File:tux.png]] || [[File:psx.png]] || [[File:psp.png]] || [[File:Mobile.png]]
The tools on this page use the symbols in the table above to designate which OS and game system they are meant to be used with (Mobile being the Android/iOS app version). <br />
If you see any inaccuracies, or know of any alternatives for tools that don't work on all operating systems, let us know!
== General Tools ==
All programs linked here are free to download and use. The only paid software you'll ever need for FFT modding is Microsoft Excel for most of the spreadsheet-based tools. <br />
Note that some download links in this section may take you to a web page where you can get the newest version, which may be a newer version than listed here, instead of a direct download link. <br />
These programs update at various different times, so linking to their web pages ensures you can get the newest version even if this page hasn't been updated in time. <br />
This also allows you, in some cases, to choose between x86 and x64 based versions and/or install-able and portable versions, something we can't assume or choose for you. <br />
Unless otherwise stated, you probably want the newest version of any given program, but feel free to ask on our [https://discord.gg/xpXa8VEV2k Discord] if you're unsure which version you'll need.
=== 7-Zip [[File:win.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [File Archiver] !! [[7-Zip | Main Article]] !! [https://www.7-zip.org/download.html 💾 Latest v22.01] !! [https://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/ SourceForge]
Open almost any archived folders, which some of the tools on this page come in to reduce download sizes. These include .7z, .zip, and .rar files, among many more.
''Author: Igor Pavlov''
=== pSX [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Emulator] !! [[Psxfin | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/f/f7/PSX_1_13.rar 💾 Latest v1.13]
A tried and true PS1 emulator that also includes a great debugger for modders. <br />
There are better options for those looking for better graphics to actually ''play'' games with, but this is the best for development.
[https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie] has also hacked a version of psxrel to have higher framerates, see [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=5185 this forum thread] for more info on it.
''Author: pSX Author''
=== PPSSPP [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Emulator] !! [[PPSSPP | Main Article]] !! [https://www.ppsspp.org/download/ 💾 Latest v1.14.4] !! [https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp GitHub]
A great PSP emulator with custom mods and cheats support as well as tons of visual and other settings.
''Author: Henrik Rydgård''
=== PPF Studio [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[PPF Studio | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/d/de/PPFStudio.7z 💾 Latest v1.01]
Allows mod-makers to create a .ppf for their mod to share to the public. Only includes ''changes'' from the base game image, so no licensed assets get distributed.
''Author: Starbee''
=== PPF-O-Matic [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[PPF-O-Matic | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/c/cf/Pdx-pom3.7z 💾 Latest v3.0]
Allows users to apply a .ppf for a mod they want to play to a base game image (make a backup of your base game first!).
Non-Windows users: use either [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/a/a9/Pdx-pmc3.zip the OS-9 version] or [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/d/d6/Pdx-pom3j.zip the Java version] depending on your OS.
For anyone who prefers command-line, there's a version called [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/b/ba/Pdx-ppf3.zip PPF Full Distribution] that includes ppf creation and application, as well as dev tools.
''Author: Paradox''
=== MultiPatch [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[MultiPatch | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/3/33/Multipatch20.zip 💾 Latest v2.0]
Create and apply .ppf files on Mac OS.
''Author: Sappharad''
=== Rom Patcher JS [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[Rom Patcher JS | Main Article]] !! [https://www.romhacking.net/patch/ 💾 Latest v2.7] !! [https://github.com/marcrobledo/RomPatcher.js/ GitHub]
A web-based patcher that allows users on any OS to apply a .ppf to a base game image (make a backup of your base game first!).
''Author: Marc Robledo''
=== CDMage [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [ISO Editor] !! [[CDMage | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/6/68/CDmage.7z 💾 Latest v1.02.1 B5]
Opens PS1 game images, allowing for individual file viewing, importing, and extracting.
''Author: TWoeMS''
=== GraphicsGale [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[GraphicsGale | Main Article]] !! [https://graphicsgale.com/us/download.html 💾 Latest v2.09.00]
One of the best free image editors for pixel art, GG can do most of the things you'll need to edit or create FFT sprites.
=== MemCardRex [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [MemCard Editor] !! [[MemCardRex | Main Article]] !! [https://github.com/ShendoXT/memcardrex/releases 💾 Latest v1.9] !! [https://github.com/ShendoXT/memcardrex GitHub]
Edits ps1-emulator memory cards to allow conversion for compatibility with various save editors or emulators.
''Author: Shendo''
=== HxD [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Hex Editor] !! [[HxD | Main Article]] !! [https://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD20 💾 Latest v2.5]
Basic hex editor to view raw hex of game files. Great for verifying changes, comparing modifications, and browsing for specific code in an unknown location.
''Author: Maël Hörz''
== FFT Modding Tools ==
All non-spreadsheet tools for FFT modding are in this section.
=== FFTPatcher Suite [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Core] !! [[FFTPatcher Suite | Main Article]] !! [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694459198687281182/1061469081871593605/FFTPatcher_495_5.rar 💾 Latest v0.495.5] !! [https://github.com/Glain/FFTPatcher GitHub]
The "basic" toolset of FFT modding, the Patcher suite can handle a wide variety of modding tasks, and includes 6 programs:
* FFTPatcher
* FFTactext
* Shishi Sprite Editor
* EntryEdit
* MassHexASM
''Authors: Melonhead and [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2692 Glain]''
=== EasyVent Editor Super Perfect [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[EasyVent Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11675.0;attach=19627 💾 Latest v2.1]
The all-in-one event editor of FFH. Includes the event compiler and decompiler, which can be run independently or automated within EVSP.
''Authors: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1204 RavenOfRazgriz], updated by [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=3103 Elric]''
=== Attack.out Editor Special Awesome [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[Attack.out Editor Special Awesome | Main Article]] !! [https://www.mediafire.com/file/ngqnu7h4a76wgbe/ATTACK.OUT_Editor_Special_Awesome%25282%2529.rar/file 💾 Latest v1/24/2022]
Allows editing of squadrons, music, map choices, and more for every event.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1204 RavenOfRazgriz]''
=== Random Battle Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[Random Battle Editor | Main Article]] !! [http://www.mediafire.com/file/wb8bbfzrs111bsw/Random+Battle+Editor.rar 💾 Latest v4/12/2017]
Allows editing of random battle properties.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1204 RavenOfRazgriz]''
=== GaneshaDX [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Map Editing] !! [[GaneshaDX | Main Article]] !! [https://github.com/Garmichael/GaneshaDx/releases/download/v.91-beta/GDX_v-0.91.zip 💾 Latest v0.91] !! [https://github.com/Garmichael/GaneshaDx/ GitHub]
The new FFT map editor built from the ground up to edit almost anything about FFT maps, including polygons, textures, meshes, and even animations!
Requires .NET 3.1 to run as-is.
[EXPERIMENTAL] To use newer versions of .NET (as 3.1 has reached end-of-life), edit the included GaneshaDX.runtimeconfig.json file as follows:
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:400px; overflow:auto;">
<div style="font-weight:bold;line-height:1.6;">Updated runtimeconfig</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
  "runtimeOptions": {
    "tfm": "netcoreapp3.1",
    "framework": {
      "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
      "version": "3.1.0",
      "rollForward": "major"
    "configProperties": {
      "System.Runtime.TieredCompilation": false
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=8895 Garmichael]''
=== JuraviS [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [https://juravis.ffhacktics.com/ Main Article] !! [https://juravis.ffhacktics.com/_media/juravis_2.1.2.zip 💾 Latest v2.1.2]
Modify the File Index for PSX CD Images (not just FFT), Import/Export files, and automatically associate Files and their Sectors + Filesizes to data locations inside the game.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Online Map Viewer [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Map Editing] !! [[Online Map Viewer | Main Article]] !! [https://mmatyas.github.io/fft/mapviewer/ 💾 Latest v1]
Easily view FFT maps in a browser setting! Reads from a selected bin on your PC so it can view custom maps too! <br />
While the wiki also has 3D map displays, these are very close to the same rendering as in-game.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=8116 Mmatyas]''
=== Palette Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Image Editing] !! [[Palette Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/d/dc/Palette_Editor.7z 💾 Latest v1.31b]
Easily view and edit all palettes of an FFT spritesheet.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== FFTastic [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Save Editing] !! [[FFTastic | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/2/23/FFTastic_1.44.7z 💾 Latest v1.44]
Save editor for the PSX version of FFT saves (cards must be in .gme format, use MemCardRex to convert other file types).
''Authors: Avaj, Donovan''
=== Lion Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:psp.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Save Editing] !! [[Lion Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/d/d8/LionEditor-0.147.7z 💾 Latest v.147]
Save editor for the PSP version of FFT saves.
''Author: Melonhead''
=== LiOS Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mobile.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Save Editing] !! [[LiOS Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9530.0;attach=12256 💾 Latest v1.0]
Save editor for the mobile versions of FFT saves (note that accessing saves on Android/iOS can be difficult, but it's not impossible, even without rooting/jailbreaking).
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=4341 Izlud3]''
== FFT Modding Spreadsheets ==
Most of these spreadsheets, including all by Xifanie, specifically require Excel to function fully, as they are coded with add-ins that don't work in other alternative programs. <br />
However, anyone with a Microsoft account can use the free [https://www.office.com/launch/excel Excel Online] to view and edit those sheets, including saving any edits, but to use the add-ins, often including the export functions, you will need an Excel installation.
=== Raven's Spreadsheet Shop [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Raven's Spreadsheet Shop | Main Article]] !! [http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7271.0;attach=13275 💾 Latest v7/15/2013]
A collection of the following workbooks:
* Item Workbook Compilation
* Job and Skillset Workbook Compilation
* Game Progression Workbook Compilation
* Status, Terrain, and Multiplier Workbook Compilation
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1204 RavenOfRazgriz]''
=== Xifi-Sheets [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Xifi-Sheets | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=953.0#post_p2 💾 Latest]
A large collection of spreadsheets from Xif, including the following sheets:
* Alternate Animations
* Guests in Randoms and Unit Restrictions
* Skillset Behaviors
* Soldier Office Upgrade
* Synthesis Shop
* Trap Extension
* FFTText Editor
* Permadeath Terminator
* Special Snowflakes
* FFT Mod Helper
* FFT Hack Template
* Camera Helper
* Arc Generator
* FFT Conditionals
* World Map Editor
* FFT Font Character Creator
* EVTCHR Frame Editor
* Brave Story Bios Unit Link
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Ability Requirement Hack (ARH) [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Ability Requirement Hack | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7344.0;attach=7807 💾 Stable v1.1]
Edit requirements for ability casting, including tons of new conditions. Newer versions add more functionality but also introduce bugs, see [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7344.0 this thread] for more info.
''Authors: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie], [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1804 Pokeytax]''
=== Multi-Hit Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Multi-Hit Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8507.0;attach=12417 💾 Latest v1.2]
Edit abilities to allow for multiple hits per cast, among other new changes.
== FFTPatcher Suite [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]]  ==
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2976 Choto]''
=== Reaction Rewrite [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! <span style="color: red">Deprecated</span> !! [[FFTPatcher Suite | Main Article]] !! [https://github.com/Glain/FFTPatcher/releases/download/v0.494.2/FFTPatcher_494.rar 💾 Latest v0.494] !! [https://github.com/Glain/FFTPatcher github]
! [General] !! [[Reaction Rewrite | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11708.0;attach=16517 💾 Latest v1.2]  
Description of the tool here. Keep it all in one paragraph, unless it's a set of tools, then you can also
Edit reaction abilities to alter how they're triggered and what they do when activated.
* list them
* like this
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1740 Pride]''
=== Generate Treasure Rewrite [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Generate Treasure Rewrite | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11708.0;attach=16627 💾 Latest v1.2]
Alters how Treasure'd units hold items, customizable within this sheet.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1740 Pride]''
=== Attribute Rewrite [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Attribute Rewrite | Main Article]] !! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rLHTjVP_rC5qULpRyqwzypQZSka2S0CVNfFcVB6PCck/edit#gid=1308119187 💾 Latest v2.043]
Add new modifiers to equipment, including new stat alterations, R/S/M linking, and more.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1740 Pride]''
=== Job Defense Boost [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Job Defense Boost | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6999.0;attach=7949 💾 Latest v1.01]
Add innate damage reduction to jobs.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1740 Pride]''
=== Critical Hit ASM [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Critical Hit ASM | Main Article]] !! [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EKFYaQjfC3LWCNmZg_Nv4Kvb1wHejsAQwkxOfmclVLA/edit#gid=0 💾 Latest v1.0]
Adjust critical hit rate per item and job.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1740 Pride]''
=== Bios Age Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [[Bios Age Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12937.0;attach=19248 💾 Latest v9/10/2022]
Edit starting ages of characters.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=465 Kokojo]''
=== Alazam Speech Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[Alazam Speech Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12538.0;attach=18239 💾 Latest v1.01]
Rewrite the text displayed a the beginning of the game during Alazam's speech on the initial setting of FFT.
''Authors: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie] and [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=3103 Elric]''
=== Frame.bin Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[Frame.bin Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12536.0;attach=18229 💾 Latest v1.02]
Reassign locations of images/text moved within Frame.bin
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=3103 Elric]''
=== Wldtex3 Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[Wldtex3 Editor | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12537.0;attach=18240 💾 Latest v1.02]
Reassign locations of text moved within WLDTEX.TM2
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=3103 Elric]''
== Deprecated Tools ==
All of the tools in this section still work, and can be used if you really prefer them, but they have been functionally replaced by, or incorporated into, other (newer) tools. <br />
The recommended replacements for each tool below are in their descriptions.
=== Rad's Toolkit [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Core] !! [[Rad's Toolkit | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/e/e2/RadsToolkit.7z 💾 Latest v1.06]
This spreadsheet was the base for the [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite FFTPatcher].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Extend ISO [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [ISO Editor] !! [[Extend ISO | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/2/24/Extend_ISO.7z 💾 Latest v1.00]
A .ppf file that increases the size of the FFT game image to the max that PS1 games could be. This method is no longer recommended, however; instead, use the "Expand ISO" function in [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite Shishi].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Event Compiler & Decompiler [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[Event Compiler & Decompiler | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/6/62/Event_Decompiler_and_Compiler.7z 💾 Latest v2.04]
Extract and compile FFT Events. These tools are now included and built into [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#EasyVent_Editor_Super_Perfect Raven's EasyVent Editor Super Perfect].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Attack.out Editor [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[Attack.out Editor (Deprecated) | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/6/67/ATTACK.OUT_Editor.7z 💾 Latest v1.02]
The first iteration of scenario editing, to edit an event's loaded map, songs, ENTD, etc. This is replaced by [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#Attack.out_Editor_Special_Awesome Raven's Attack.out Editor Special Awesome].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Random Battle Editor Spreadsheet [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Scenario] !! [[Random Battle Editor Spreadsheet | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/6/62/Event_Decompiler_and_Compiler.7z 💾 Latest v1.01]
Edit which random battles is triggered where. Replaced by [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#Random_Battle_Editor Raven's Random Battle Editor].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== FFTEVGRP [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[FFTEVGRP | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/7/7f/FFTEVGRP.7z 💾 Latest v1.00]
Change the formation portrait/sprites. Now handled in [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite Shishi].
''Author: Mr 273''
=== UWEntries [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[UWEntries | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7833.0;attach=17201 💾 Latest v8/28/2018]
Reallocate which jobs use which formation sprites/portraits. Now handled in [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite FFTPatcher].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2692 Glain]''
=== TIM Tool [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[TIM Tool | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7833.0;attach=17201 💾 Latest v3.0]
Convert .TIM image files. No longer needed since [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite Shishi] can now import and export .bmp image files.
''Author: SCEE''
=== TIM Utility [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[TIM Utility | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/a/a7/TIMUTIL.7z 💾 Latest v1.0?]
Convert .bmp image files to .TIM with transparency. No longer needed since [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite Shishi] can now import and export .bmp image files.
''Author: Yaroze ''
=== Psx Multi Converter [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Graphics] !! [[Psx Multi Converter | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/7/77/PsxMC253.7z 💾 Latest v2.53]
View .STR movie files and .TIM graphics files. These files can now be converted into modern file types for viewing/editing, so using the original files isn't necessary anymore.
''Author: Fyiro''
=== FFTorgASM XML Generator [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[FFTorgASM XML Generator | Main Article]] !! [http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7719.0;attach=9862 💾 Latest v1.3]
Generate .xml files from hex code. Since [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite orgASM] can now import hacks written in assembly, there isn't really a need to convert hacks into hex and then import them that way anymore.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1204 RavenOfRazgriz]''
=== ISO Manager Spreadsheet [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Patching] !! [[ISO Manager | Main Article]] !! [http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11500.0;attach=16202 💾 Latest v1.00b]
Create a completely new File Index for PSX Images, Import/Export files, and automatically associate Files and their Sectors + Filesizes to data locations. Replaced by [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#JuraviS JuraviS].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2 Xifanie]''
=== Ganesha [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Map Editing] !! [[Ganesha | Main Article]] !! [https://www.dropbox.com/s/3d532zacfwgt9vm/ganesha%20v0.75.rar?dl=1 💾 Latest v0.75]
Edit FFT maps' polygons and textures. Replaced by [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#GaneshaDX GDX].
''Authors: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=97 Gomtuu], [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1244 Twinees], and [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=945 Jumza]''
=== Map2gl [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Map Editing] !! [[Map2gl | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/5/5c/Map2gl21-bin.zip 💾 Latest v0.21]
View FFT map files. Python source version available [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/4/49/Map2gl21-src.zip here]. Not needed since the release of [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#GaneshaDX GDX].
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=97 Gomtuu]''
=== FFT MiniPSF archive [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Music] !! [[FFT MiniPSF archive | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/9/91/FFT_psf.zip 💾 Latest v8/21/08]
Play FFT songs in raw PSX quality. More than enough people have ripped and converted the FFT soundtrack with good quality at this point, into file types more easily accessible. They're even on [https://ffhacktics.com/wiki/Songs this wiki].
''Author: Neill Corlett''
=== Level Up Simulator [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Misc] !! [[Level Up Simulator | Main Article]] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/w/images/9/96/LvlSimv1.0.7z 💾 Latest v1.0]
Simulate a unit's stat growth by level. Now built into the [https://ffhacktics.com/w/index.php?title=Talk:Tools&action=submit#FFTPatcher_Suite FFTPatcher].
''Author: Ganon''
=== PSX SDK [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [Misc] !! [[PSX SDK | Main Article]] !! [http://xifanie.ffhacktics.com/Psxdev.7z 💾 Latest v1998]
Software Development Kit provided to PS1 developers.
''Author: Sony, Various''
==Unstable Tools==
These spreadsheet hacks offer a lot, but introduce too many bugs to be used in any legitimate manner. Individual parts of these may or may not work, but we do not provide support for them in any form. <br />
Their inclusion on this page is solely informational, to offer an insight to particular areas of hacking. You use them completely at your own risk. You will get bugs/crashes.
=== RAD3 [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
! [General] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7031.0 Main Article] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7031.0;attach=7988 💾 Latest v3]
A bold attempt at expanding the job wheel and job requirements. Very broken, do not use.
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1804 Pokeytax]''
''Authors: melonhead and [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2692 Glain]''
== FFTPatcher Suite [[File:win.png]] [[File:mac.png]] [[File:tux.png]] [[File:psx.png]] [[File:psp.png]]  ==
=== ALMA [[File:win.png]] [[File:psx.png]] ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! <span style="color: red">Deprecated</span> !! [[FFTPatcher Suite | Main Article]] !! [https://github.com/Glain/FFTPatcher/releases/download/v0.494.2/FFTPatcher_494.rar 💾 Latest v0.494] !! [https://github.com/Glain/FFTPatcher github]
! [General] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6664.0 Main Article] !! [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6664.0;attach=12183 💾 Latest v4.2]  
Description of the tool here. Keep it all in one paragraph, unless it's a set of tools, then you can also
Modify stats, status, elements, innates, and equipment availability based on a unit's loadout. Very broken, do not use.
* list them
* like this
''Authors: melonhead and [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=2692 Glain]''
''Author: [https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=1804 Pokeytax]''

Revision as of 23:05, 9 April 2023

OS Console
Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png Psp.png Mobile.png

The tools on this page use the symbols in the table above to designate which OS and game system they are meant to be used with (Mobile being the Android/iOS app version).
If you see any inaccuracies, or know of any alternatives for tools that don't work on all operating systems, let us know!

General Tools

All programs linked here are free to download and use. The only paid software you'll ever need for FFT modding is Microsoft Excel for most of the spreadsheet-based tools.
Note that some download links in this section may take you to a web page where you can get the newest version, which may be a newer version than listed here, instead of a direct download link.
These programs update at various different times, so linking to their web pages ensures you can get the newest version even if this page hasn't been updated in time.
This also allows you, in some cases, to choose between x86 and x64 based versions and/or install-able and portable versions, something we can't assume or choose for you.
Unless otherwise stated, you probably want the newest version of any given program, but feel free to ask on our Discord if you're unsure which version you'll need.

7-Zip Win.png Tux.png Psx.png Psp.png

[File Archiver] Main Article 💾 Latest v22.01 SourceForge

Open almost any archived folders, which some of the tools on this page come in to reduce download sizes. These include .7z, .zip, and .rar files, among many more.

Author: Igor Pavlov

pSX Win.png Psx.png

[Emulator] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.13

A tried and true PS1 emulator that also includes a great debugger for modders.
There are better options for those looking for better graphics to actually play games with, but this is the best for development.

Xifanie has also hacked a version of psxrel to have higher framerates, see this forum thread for more info on it.

Author: pSX Author

PPSSPP Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psp.png

[Emulator] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.14.4 GitHub

A great PSP emulator with custom mods and cheats support as well as tons of visual and other settings.

Author: Henrik Rydgård

PPF Studio Win.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.01

Allows mod-makers to create a .ppf for their mod to share to the public. Only includes changes from the base game image, so no licensed assets get distributed.

Author: Starbee

PPF-O-Matic Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v3.0

Allows users to apply a .ppf for a mod they want to play to a base game image (make a backup of your base game first!).

Non-Windows users: use either the OS-9 version or the Java version depending on your OS.

For anyone who prefers command-line, there's a version called PPF Full Distribution that includes ppf creation and application, as well as dev tools.

Author: Paradox

MultiPatch Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.0

Create and apply .ppf files on Mac OS.

Author: Sappharad

Rom Patcher JS Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.7 GitHub

A web-based patcher that allows users on any OS to apply a .ppf to a base game image (make a backup of your base game first!).

Author: Marc Robledo

CDMage Win.png Psx.png

[ISO Editor] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.02.1 B5

Opens PS1 game images, allowing for individual file viewing, importing, and extracting.

Author: TWoeMS

GraphicsGale Win.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.09.00

One of the best free image editors for pixel art, GG can do most of the things you'll need to edit or create FFT sprites.


MemCardRex Win.png Psx.png

[MemCard Editor] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.9 GitHub

Edits ps1-emulator memory cards to allow conversion for compatibility with various save editors or emulators.

Author: Shendo

HxD Win.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Hex Editor] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.5

Basic hex editor to view raw hex of game files. Great for verifying changes, comparing modifications, and browsing for specific code in an unknown location.

Author: Maël Hörz

FFT Modding Tools

All non-spreadsheet tools for FFT modding are in this section.

FFTPatcher Suite Win.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Core] Main Article 💾 Latest v0.495.5 GitHub

The "basic" toolset of FFT modding, the Patcher suite can handle a wide variety of modding tasks, and includes 6 programs:

  • FFTPatcher
  • FFTactext
  • FFTorgASM
  • Shishi Sprite Editor
  • EntryEdit
  • MassHexASM

Authors: Melonhead and Glain

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect Win.png Mac.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.1

The all-in-one event editor of FFH. Includes the event compiler and decompiler, which can be run independently or automated within EVSP.

Authors: RavenOfRazgriz, updated by Elric

Attack.out Editor Special Awesome Win.png Mac.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v1/24/2022

Allows editing of squadrons, music, map choices, and more for every event.

Author: RavenOfRazgriz

Random Battle Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v4/12/2017

Allows editing of random battle properties.

Author: RavenOfRazgriz

GaneshaDX Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png

[Map Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v0.91 GitHub

The new FFT map editor built from the ground up to edit almost anything about FFT maps, including polygons, textures, meshes, and even animations!

Requires .NET 3.1 to run as-is.

[EXPERIMENTAL] To use newer versions of .NET (as 3.1 has reached end-of-life), edit the included GaneshaDX.runtimeconfig.json file as follows:

Updated runtimeconfig


 "runtimeOptions": {
   "tfm": "netcoreapp3.1",
   "framework": {
     "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App",
     "version": "3.1.0",
     "rollForward": "major"
   "configProperties": {
     "System.Runtime.TieredCompilation": false


Author: Garmichael

JuraviS Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.1.2

Modify the File Index for PSX CD Images (not just FFT), Import/Export files, and automatically associate Files and their Sectors + Filesizes to data locations inside the game.

Author: Xifanie

Online Map Viewer Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png

[Map Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v1

Easily view FFT maps in a browser setting! Reads from a selected bin on your PC so it can view custom maps too!
While the wiki also has 3D map displays, these are very close to the same rendering as in-game.

Author: Mmatyas

Palette Editor Win.png Psx.png Psp.png

[Image Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.31b

Easily view and edit all palettes of an FFT spritesheet.

Author: Xifanie

FFTastic Win.png Psx.png

[Save Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.44

Save editor for the PSX version of FFT saves (cards must be in .gme format, use MemCardRex to convert other file types).

Authors: Avaj, Donovan

Lion Editor Win.png Psp.png

[Save Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v.147

Save editor for the PSP version of FFT saves.

Author: Melonhead

LiOS Editor Win.png Mobile.png

[Save Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.0

Save editor for the mobile versions of FFT saves (note that accessing saves on Android/iOS can be difficult, but it's not impossible, even without rooting/jailbreaking).

Author: Izlud3

FFT Modding Spreadsheets

Most of these spreadsheets, including all by Xifanie, specifically require Excel to function fully, as they are coded with add-ins that don't work in other alternative programs.
However, anyone with a Microsoft account can use the free Excel Online to view and edit those sheets, including saving any edits, but to use the add-ins, often including the export functions, you will need an Excel installation.

Raven's Spreadsheet Shop Win.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v7/15/2013

A collection of the following workbooks:

  • Item Workbook Compilation
  • Job and Skillset Workbook Compilation
  • Game Progression Workbook Compilation
  • Status, Terrain, and Multiplier Workbook Compilation

Author: RavenOfRazgriz

Xifi-Sheets Win.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest

A large collection of spreadsheets from Xif, including the following sheets:

  • Alternate Animations
  • Guests in Randoms and Unit Restrictions
  • Skillset Behaviors
  • Soldier Office Upgrade
  • Synthesis Shop
  • Trap Extension
  • FFTText Editor
  • Permadeath Terminator
  • Special Snowflakes
  • FFT Mod Helper
  • FFT Hack Template
  • Camera Helper
  • Arc Generator
  • FFT Conditionals
  • World Map Editor
  • FFT Font Character Creator
  • EVTCHR Frame Editor
  • Brave Story Bios Unit Link

Author: Xifanie

Ability Requirement Hack (ARH) Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Stable v1.1

Edit requirements for ability casting, including tons of new conditions. Newer versions add more functionality but also introduce bugs, see this thread for more info.

Authors: Xifanie, Pokeytax

Multi-Hit Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.2

Edit abilities to allow for multiple hits per cast, among other new changes.

Author: Choto

Reaction Rewrite Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.2

Edit reaction abilities to alter how they're triggered and what they do when activated.

Author: Pride

Generate Treasure Rewrite Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.2

Alters how Treasure'd units hold items, customizable within this sheet.

Author: Pride

Attribute Rewrite Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.043

Add new modifiers to equipment, including new stat alterations, R/S/M linking, and more.

Author: Pride

Job Defense Boost Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.01

Add innate damage reduction to jobs.

Author: Pride

Critical Hit ASM Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.0

Adjust critical hit rate per item and job.

Author: Pride

Bios Age Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v9/10/2022

Edit starting ages of characters.

Author: Kokojo

Alazam Speech Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.01

Rewrite the text displayed a the beginning of the game during Alazam's speech on the initial setting of FFT.

Authors: Xifanie and Elric

Frame.bin Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.02

Reassign locations of images/text moved within Frame.bin

Author: Elric

Wldtex3 Editor Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.02

Reassign locations of text moved within WLDTEX.TM2

Author: Elric

Deprecated Tools

All of the tools in this section still work, and can be used if you really prefer them, but they have been functionally replaced by, or incorporated into, other (newer) tools.
The recommended replacements for each tool below are in their descriptions.

Rad's Toolkit Win.png Mac.png Tux.png Psx.png

[Core] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.06

This spreadsheet was the base for the FFTPatcher.

Author: Xifanie

Extend ISO Win.png Mac.png Psx.png

[ISO Editor] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.00

A .ppf file that increases the size of the FFT game image to the max that PS1 games could be. This method is no longer recommended, however; instead, use the "Expand ISO" function in Shishi.

Author: Xifanie

Event Compiler & Decompiler Win.png Psx.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.04

Extract and compile FFT Events. These tools are now included and built into Raven's EasyVent Editor Super Perfect.

Author: Xifanie

Attack.out Editor Win.png Psx.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.02

The first iteration of scenario editing, to edit an event's loaded map, songs, ENTD, etc. This is replaced by Raven's Attack.out Editor Special Awesome.

Author: Xifanie

Random Battle Editor Spreadsheet Win.png Psx.png

[Scenario] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.01

Edit which random battles is triggered where. Replaced by Raven's Random Battle Editor.

Author: Xifanie

FFTEVGRP Win.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.00

Change the formation portrait/sprites. Now handled in Shishi.

Author: Mr 273

UWEntries Win.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v8/28/2018

Reallocate which jobs use which formation sprites/portraits. Now handled in FFTPatcher.

Author: Glain

TIM Tool Win.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v3.0

Convert .TIM image files. No longer needed since Shishi can now import and export .bmp image files.

Author: SCEE

TIM Utility Win.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.0?

Convert .bmp image files to .TIM with transparency. No longer needed since Shishi can now import and export .bmp image files.

Author: Yaroze

Psx Multi Converter Win.png Psx.png

[Graphics] Main Article 💾 Latest v2.53

View .STR movie files and .TIM graphics files. These files can now be converted into modern file types for viewing/editing, so using the original files isn't necessary anymore.

Author: Fyiro

FFTorgASM XML Generator Win.png Psx.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.3

Generate .xml files from hex code. Since orgASM can now import hacks written in assembly, there isn't really a need to convert hacks into hex and then import them that way anymore.

Author: RavenOfRazgriz

ISO Manager Spreadsheet Win.png Psx.png

[Patching] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.00b

Create a completely new File Index for PSX Images, Import/Export files, and automatically associate Files and their Sectors + Filesizes to data locations. Replaced by JuraviS.

Author: Xifanie

Ganesha Win.png Psx.png

[Map Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v0.75

Edit FFT maps' polygons and textures. Replaced by GDX.

Authors: Gomtuu, Twinees, and Jumza

Map2gl Win.png Psx.png

[Map Editing] Main Article 💾 Latest v0.21

View FFT map files. Python source version available here. Not needed since the release of GDX.

Author: Gomtuu

FFT MiniPSF archive Win.png Psx.png

[Music] Main Article 💾 Latest v8/21/08

Play FFT songs in raw PSX quality. More than enough people have ripped and converted the FFT soundtrack with good quality at this point, into file types more easily accessible. They're even on this wiki.

Author: Neill Corlett

Level Up Simulator Win.png Psx.png

[Misc] Main Article 💾 Latest v1.0

Simulate a unit's stat growth by level. Now built into the FFTPatcher.

Author: Ganon

PSX SDK Win.png Psx.png

[Misc] Main Article 💾 Latest v1998

Software Development Kit provided to PS1 developers.

Author: Sony, Various

Unstable Tools

These spreadsheet hacks offer a lot, but introduce too many bugs to be used in any legitimate manner. Individual parts of these may or may not work, but we do not provide support for them in any form.
Their inclusion on this page is solely informational, to offer an insight to particular areas of hacking. You use them completely at your own risk. You will get bugs/crashes.

RAD3 Win.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v3

A bold attempt at expanding the job wheel and job requirements. Very broken, do not use.

Author: Pokeytax

ALMA Win.png Psx.png

[General] Main Article 💾 Latest v4.2

Modify stats, status, elements, innates, and equipment availability based on a unit's loadout. Very broken, do not use.

Author: Pokeytax