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Line 2,401: Line 2,401:
  0x08 - if prepared correctly, 0x01?
  0x08 - if prepared correctly, 0x01?
  0x10 - Contains unit misc ID (and a bunch of unrelated stack.)
  0x10 - Contains unit misc ID (and a bunch of unrelated stack.)
  0x1a - contains valid hit# & X coordinate of target (if no targets are hit.) otherwise contains secondary animation effect? (0x1d?)
  0x1a - X coordinate of target
  0x1e - contains map level & Y coordinate of target (if no targets are hit.)
  0x1e - map level & Y coordinate of target
- if effect target ID 0x00 (null); stores centre tile of ability aoe instead?
  0x24 - used weapon ID
  0x24 - used weapon ID
  0x28 - hit counter
  0x28 - hit counter

Revision as of 05:55, 27 May 2023

For additional ASM notes and an easier to use version of this data in .txt format, visit this thread: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6538.140#msg181059 and download New Asm Files.7z
Main Data Locations:

RAM -> File
   0x00F800 -> SCUS_942.21
   0x067000 -> WLDCORE.BIN
   0x067000 -> BATTLE.BIN
   0x067000 -> OPEN.BIN
   0x0E0000 -> WORLD.BIN
   0x1BF000 -> ATTACK.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> REQUIRE.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> OPTION.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> ETC.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> EQUIP.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> CARD.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> BUNIT.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> JOBSTTS.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> HELPMENU.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> SP2 + effects + other.
Main Routine Locations:

RAM -> File
   0x00F800 -> SCUS_942.21
   0x067000 -> WLDCORE.BIN
   0x067000 -> BATTLE.BIN
   0x067000 -> OPEN.BIN
   0x0E0000 -> WORLD.BIN
   0x1BF000 -> ATTACK.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> REQUIRE.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> OPTION.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> ETC.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> EQUIP.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> CARD.OUT
   0x1BF000 -> BUNIT.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> JOBSTTS.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> HELPMENU.OUT
   0x1DF000 -> SP2 + effects + other.
Controller Inputs
Title Screen: 0x800851BC
Event/Battle: 0x80045944
World Map/Formation: 0x8019A204

  0x8000  Left
  0x4000  Down
  0x2000  Right
  0x1000  Up
  0x0800  Start
  0x0400  R3
  0x0200  L3
  0x0100  Select
  0x0080  Square
  0x0040  Cross (X)
  0x0020  Circle
  0x0010  Triangle
  0x0008  R1
  0x0004  L1
  0x0002  R2
  0x0001  L2

59854-5e90b code is here (why is this here?)

8006fbf0 - Ability Data Pointer 2 (this seems off by 0x10000 addresses. was someone's math wrong?)
	0x00 - Range
	0x01 - Effect Area
	0x02 - Vertical
	0x03: Flags 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - Ranged Weapon
		0x10 - Vertical Fixed
		0x08 - Vertical Tolerence
		0x04 - Weapon Strike
		0x02 - Auto
		0x01 - Can't Target Self
	0x04: Flags 2
		0x80 - Can't Hit Enemies
		0x40 - Can't Hit Allies
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - Can't Follow Target
		0x08 - Random Fire
		0x04 - Linear Attack
		0x02 - 3 Directions
		0x01 - Can't Hit Caster
	0x05: Flags 3
		0x80 - Reflectable
		0x40 - Math Skill
		0x20 - Affected By Silence
		0x10 - Can't Mimic
		0x08 - Normal Attack?
		0x04 - Persevere
		0x02 - Quote
		0x01 - Animate on Miss
	0x06: Flags 4
		0x80 - Counter Flood
		0x40 - Counter Magic
		0x20 - Direct
		0x10 - Blade Grasp
		0x08 - Requires Sword
		0x04 - Requires Materia Blade
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - No Targeting
	0x07 - Element
	0x08 - Formula
	0x09 - X
	0x0a - Y
	0x0b - Inflict Status
	0x0c - CT
	0x0d - MP Cost

80093b20 - World Map Month Image Data (WLDCORE.BIN 0x2cb20)
Each month has one entry.
(Size per entry: 0x14 = 20 bytes)
(Entries for the numbers used for the day are located directly after the months.  11 entries corresponding to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /)
Offset (bytes): Notes
    0x00 (4): Number of images to display? (Default 1)
    0x04 (4): ? Affects display (Default 0x01000180)
    0x08 (4): ? Affects colors? (Default 0x01e60000)
    0x0c (1): Screen Location Offset X (Default 0x80 = 128)
    0x0d (1): Screen Location Offset Y (Default 0x80 = 128)
    0x0e (1): Palette? (Default 0) (Messed up colors if changed)
    0x0f (1): Flip
        0: Upright
        1: Vertical flipped
        2: Horizontal flipped
        3: Both flipped
    0x10 (1): Pixel Height (Default 12)
    0x11 (1): Pixel Width (Default 24)
    0x12 (1): Source Bitmap Y Location
    0x13 (1): Source Bitmap X Location

801612dc - Start of SAMPLE.LZW

8018aa98 - WORLD.BIN: Formation unit Preview data
		Contains some data regarding the unit, such as level, exp, etc., directly from world.bin party data
		Also contains Bonus stat information, bonus/malus HP/MP/PA/SP etc. to show in blue text when previewing equipment while changing, or movement abilities when changing.
8018ba20 - Selected formation unit index (WORLD.BIN)

8018d844 - Shop Item Availability Table - 2 bytes per item, 256 items (technically the first 1 and last 2 are unavailable).
       0x00 - First Byte
              0x80 - Lesalia Imperial Castle
              0x40 - Riovanes Castle
              0x20 - Igros Castle
              0x10 - Lionel Castle
              0x08 - Limberry Castle
              0x04 - Zeltennia Castle
              0x02 - Gariland Magic City
              0x01 - Yardow Fort City
       0x01 - Second Byte
              0x80 - Goland Coal City
              0x40 - Dorter Trade City
              0x20 - Zaland Fort City
              0x10 - Goug Machine City
              0x08 - Warjilis Trade City
              0x04 - Bervenia Trade City
              0x02 - Zarghidas Trade City
              0x01 - Unknown

8018f4e0 - Pointer to Scratch Pad 0x1f800000
8018f4e4 - Pointer to Scratch Pad 0x1f800080
8018f4e8 - Pointer to Scratch Pad 0x1f800180
8018f4ec - Pointer to Scratch Pad 0x1f800100
8018f4f0 - Pointer to Scratch Pad 0x1f800200
8018f4f4 - Counter for some panel targeting
8018f4f8 - set to 1 during linear attack routine (word)
8018f4fc - 

8018de34 - NPC Formation Screen Sprites (for jobs 0x00 to 0x49 only), 1 byte per entry
       0x00 - Formation Sprite, not sure what it references, someone who does spriting should know.

80190814 - 
801908cc - Unit Data start (Unit ID * 0x1c0 for specific location)
	0x0000: Base Class / Character ID (Also affects sprites)
		0x?? - Special Character
		0x80 - Generic Male
		0x81 - Generic Female
		0x82 - Monster
	0x0001: Unit ID (FF doesn't exist)
	0x0002: Party ID (Party unit index; 0xFF means not in party) (FE prevents HP/MP growth?)
	0x0003: Job ID
	0x0004: Palette
		0x00 Default
		0x01 Hokuten
		0x02 Nanten
		0x03 Death Corps
		0x04 Glabados Church
		0x05 No Palette? 
	0x0005: ENTD Flags
		0x80 - Always Present
		0x40 - Randomly Present
		0x20 - Team Bit 1. 0x20 and 0x10 is Light Blue. 0x20 is Green.
		0x10 - Team Bit 2. 0x10 is Red. If neither bit, team is Blue.
		0x08 - Control
		0x04 - Immortal
		0x02 - (if both 01 and 02, then immune to knockback)
		0x01 - (both set by Ramza when initialized)
	0x0006: Gender Byte
		0x80 - Male
		0x40 - Female
		0x20 - Monster
		0x10 - Join after event
		0x08 - Load Formation
		0x04 - ??? Stats
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Save Formation
	0x0007: Death Counter (3 for living units)
	0x0008: Bithday (days, plus bit 0 from next byte)
		0x000-0x01e - January
		0x01f-0x03a - February
		0x03b-0x059 - March
		0x05a-0x077 - April
		0x078-0x096 - May
		0x097-0x0b4 - June
		0x0b5-0x0d3 - July
		0x0d4-0x0f2 - August
		0x0f3-0x110 - September
		0x111-0x12f - October
		0x130-0x14d - November
		0x14e-0x16c - December
	0x0009: Zodiac Sign
		0xf0 - 
		0xe0 - 
		0xd0 - 
		0xc0 - Serpentarius
		0xb0 - Pisces
		0xa0 - Aquarius
		0x90 - Capricorn
		0x80 - Sagittarius
		0x70 - Scorpio
		0x60 - Libra
		0x50 - Virgo
		0x40 - Leo
		0x30 - Cancer
		0x20 - Gemini
		0x10 - Taurus
		0x00 - Aries
	0x000a - Innate Ability 1
	0x000c - Innate Ability 2
	0x000e - Innate Ability 3
	0x0010 - Innate Ability 4
	0x0012 - Primary Skillset
	0x0013 - Secondary Skillset
	0x0014 - Reaction Ability
	0x0016 - Support Ability
	0x0018 - Movement Ability
	0x001a - Head
	0x001b - Body
	0x001c - Accessory
	0x001d - Right Hand Weapon
	0x001e - Right Hand Shield
	0x001f - Left Hand Weapon
	0x0020 - Left Hand Shield
	0x0021 - Experience
	0x0022 - Level
	0x0023 - Original Brave
	0x0024 - Brave
	0x0025 - Original Faith
	0x0026 - Faith
	0x0027 - 1 = Unit's Turn?
	0x0028 - HP
	0x002a - Max HP
	0x002c - MP
	0x002e - Max MP
	0x0030 - Original PA
	0x0031 - Original MA
	0x0032 - Original SP
	0x0033 - Bonus PA (doubles as minimum (bonus + 1) stats?)
	0x0034 - Bonus MA
	0x0035 - Bonus SP
	0x0036 - PA
	0x0037 - MA
	0x0038 - SP
	0x0039 - CT
	0x003a - Move
	0x003b - Jump
	0x003c - WP 1
	0x003d - WP 2
	0x003e - WEVA 1
	0x003f - WEVA 2
	0x0040 - Acc. PEV
	0x0041 - RH Shield PEV
	0x0042 - LH Shield PEV
	0x0043 - C-Ev
	0x0044 - Acc. MEV
	0x0045 - RH Shield MEV
	0x0046 - LH Shield MEV
	0x0047 - X Coordinate
	0x0048 - Y Coordinate
		0x80 - Higher Elevation
		0x40 - Stepping Stone
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - 
		0x03 - Facing East
		0x02 - Facing North
		0x01 - Facing West
		0x00 - Facing South
	0x004a: Equippable Items 1
		0x80 - Barehanded
		0x40 - Knife
		0x20 - Ninja Blade
		0x10 - Sword
		0x08 - Knight's Sword
		0x04 - Katana
		0x02 - Axe
		0x01 - Rod
	0x004b: Equippable Items 2
		0x80 - Staff
		0x40 - Flail
		0x20 - Gun
		0x10 - Crossbow
		0x08 - Bow
		0x04 - Instrument
		0x02 - Book
		0x01 - Polearm
	0x004c: Equippable Items 3
		0x80 - Pole
		0x40 - Bag
		0x20 - Cloth
		0x10 - Shield
		0x08 - Helmet
		0x04 - Hat
		0x02 - Hair Adornment
		0x01 - Armor
	0x004d: Equippable Items 4
		0x80 - Clothing
		0x40 - Robe
		0x20 - Shoes
		0x10 - Armguard
		0x08 - Ring
		0x04 - Armlet
		0x02 - Cloak
		0x01 - Perfume
	0x004e: Innate Statuses 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x004f: Innate Statuses 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x0050: Innate Statuses 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x0051: Innate Statuses 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0052: Innate Statuses 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x0053: Status Immunities 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x0054: Status Immunities 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x0055: Status Immunities 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x0056: Status Immunities 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0057: Status Immunities 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x0058: Current Statuses 1 
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x0059: Current Statuses 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x005a: Current Statuses 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x005b: Current Statuses 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x005c: Current Statuses 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	Status CT decrement routines ~1837A0
	0x005d - Poison CT
	0x005e - Regen CT
	0x005f - Protect CT
	0x0060 - Shell CT
	0x0061 - Haste CT
	0x0062 - Slow CT
	0x0063 - Stop CT
	0x0064 - Wall CT
	0x0065 - Faith CT
	0x0066 - Innocent CT
	0x0067 - Charm CT
	0x0068 - Sleep CT
	0x0069 - Don't Move CT
	0x006a - Don't Act CT
	0x006b - Reflect CT
	0x006c - Death Sentence CT
	0x006d: Elemental Absorption
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x006e: Elemental Nullification
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x006f: Elemental Halving
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0070: Elemental Weakness
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0071: Elements Strengthened
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0072 - Raw HP
	0x0075 - Raw MP
	0x0078 - Raw SP
	0x007b - Raw PA
	0x007e - Raw MA
	0x0081 - HP Growth
	0x0082 - HP Multiplier
	0x0083 - MP Growth
	0x0084 - MP Multiplier
	0x0085 - SP Growth
	0x0086 - SP Multiplier
	0x0087 - PA Growth
	0x0088 - PA Multiplier
	0x0089 - MA Growth
	0x008a - MA Multiplier
	0x008b: Reactions 1 
		0x80 - PA Save
		0x40 - MA Save
		0x20 - Speed Save
		0x10 - Sunken State
		0x08 - Caution
		0x04 - Dragon Spirit
		0x02 - Regenerator
		0x01 - Brave UP
	0x008c: Reactions 2
		0x80 - Face (Faith) UP
		0x40 - HP Restore
		0x20 - MP Restore
		0x10 - Critical Quick
		0x08 - Meatbone Slash
		0x04 - Counter Magic
		0x02 - Counter Tackle
		0x01 - Counter Flood
	0x008d: Reactions 3
		0x80 - Absorb Used MP
		0x40 - Gilgame Heart
		0x20 - Reflect
		0x10 - Auto Potion
		0x08 - Counter
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - Distribute
		0x01 - MP Switch
	0x008e: Reactions 4    
		0x80 - Damage Split
		0x40 - Weapon Guard
		0x20 - Finger Guard
		0x10 - Abandon
		0x08 - Catch
		0x04 - Blade Grasp
		0x02 - Arrow Guard
		0x01 - Hamedo
	0x008f: Support 1
		0x80 - Equip Armor
		0x40 - Equip Shield
		0x20 - Equip Sword
		0x10 - Equip Katana
		0x08 - Equip Crossbow
		0x04 - Equip Spear
		0x02 - Equip Axe
		0x01 - Equip Gun
	0x0090: Support 2
		0x80 - Half of MP
		0x40 - Gained JP-UP
		0x20 - Gained EXP-UP
		0x10 - Attack UP
		0x08 - Defense UP
		0x04 - Magic Attack UP
		0x02 - Magic Defense UP
		0x01 - Concentrate
	0x0091: Support 3
		0x80 - Train
		0x40 - Secret Hunt
		0x20 - Martial Arts
		0x10 - Monster Talk
		0x08 - Throw Item
		0x04 - Maintenance
		0x02 - Two Hands
		0x01 - Two Swords
	0x0092: Support 4
		0x80 - Monster Skill
		0x40 - Defend
		0x20 - Equip Change
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Short Charge
		0x04 - Non-Charge
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0093: Movement 1
		0x80 - Move +1
		0x40 - Move +2
		0x20 - Move +3
		0x10 - Jump +1
		0x08 - Jump +2
		0x04 - Jump +3
		0x02 - Ignore Height
		0x01 - Move-HP UP
	0x0094: Movement 2
		0x80 - Move-MP UP
		0x40 - Move-Get EXP
		0x20 - Move-Get JP
		0x10 - Cannot Enter Water
		0x08 - Teleport
		0x04 - Teleport 2
		0x02 - Any Weather
		0x01 - Any Ground
	0x0095: Movement 3
		0x80 - Walk on Water
		0x40 - Move in Water
		0x20 - Move on Lava
		0x10 - Move Underwater
		0x08 - Float
		0x04 - Fly
		0x02 - Silent Walk
		0x01 - Move-Find Item
	0x0096 - Unlocked Jobs 1-8 (all of these start at 0x80 and count down)
	0x0097 - Unlocked Jobs 9-16
	0x0098 - Unlocked Jobs 17-20
	0x0099 - Base Action Abilities 1-8
	0x009a - Base Action Abilities 9-16
	0x009b - Base R/S/M 1-6
	0x009c - Chemist Action Abilities 1-8
	0x009d - Chemist Action Abilities 9-16
	0x009e - Chemist R/S/M 1-6
	0x009F - Knight Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A0 - Knight Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A1 - Knight R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A2 - Archer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A3 - Archer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A4 - Archer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A5 - Monk Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A6 - Monk Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A7 - Monk R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A8 - Priest Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A9 - Priest Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00AA - Priest R/S/M 1-6
	0x00AB - Wizard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00AC - Wizard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00AD - Wizard R/S/M 1-6
	0x00AE - Time Mage Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00AF - Time Mage Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B0 - Time Mage R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B1 - Summoner Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B2 - Summoner Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B3 - Summoner R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B4 - Thief Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B5 - Thief Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B6 - Thief R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B7 - Mediator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B8 - Mediator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B9 - Mediator R/S/M 1-6
	0x00BA - Oracle Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00BB - Oracle Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00BC - Oracle R/S/M 1-6
	0x00BD - Geomancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00BE - Geomancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00BF - Geomancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C0 - Lancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C1 - Lancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C2 - Lancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C3 - Samurai Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C4 - Samurai Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C5 - Samurai R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C6 - Ninja Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C7 - Ninja Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C8 - Ninja R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C9 - Calculator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00CA - Calculator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00CB - Calculator R/S/M 1-6
	0x00CC - Bard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00CD - Bard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00CE - Bard R/S/M 1-6
	0x00CF - Dancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00D0 - Dancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00D1 - Dancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00D2 - Base/Chemist Job Level
	0x00D3 - Knight/Archer Job Level
	0x00D4 - Monk/Priest Job Level
	0x00D5 - Wizard/Time Mage Job Level
	0x00D6 - Summoner/Thief Job Level
	0x00D7 - Mediator/Oracle Job Level
	0x00D8 - Geomancer/Lancer Job Level
	0x00D9 - Samurai/Ninja Job Level
	0x00DA - Calculator/Bard Job Level
	0x00DB - Dancer/Mime Job Level
	0x00DC - Base Job JP
	0x00DE - Chemist Job JP
	0x00E0 - Knight Job JP
	0x00E2 - Archer Job JP
	0x00E4 - Monk Job JP
	0x00E6 - Priest Job JP
	0x00E8 - Wizard Job JP
	0x00EA - Time Mage Job JP
	0x00EC - Summoner Job JP
	0x00EE - Thief Job JP
	0x00F0 - Mediator Job JP
	0x00F2 - Oracle Job JP
	0x00F4 - Geomancer Job JP
	0x00F6 - Lancer Job JP
	0x00F8 - Samurai Job JP
	0x00FA - Ninja Job JP
	0x00FC - Calculator Job JP
	0x00FE - Bard Job JP
	0x0100 - Dancer Job JP
	0x0102 - Mime Job JP
	0x0104 - Total Base Job JP
	0x0106 - Total Chemist Job JP
	0x0108 - Total Knight Job JP
	0x010A - Total Archer Job JP
	0x010C - Total Monk Job JP
	0x010E - Total Priest Job JP
	0x0110 - Total Wizard Job JP
	0x0112 - Total Time Mage Job JP
	0x0114 - Total Summoner Job JP
	0x0116 - Total Thief Job JP
	0x0118 - Total Mediator Job JP
	0x011A - Total Oracle Job JP
	0x011C - Total Geomancer Job JP
	0x011E - Total Lancer Job JP
	0x0120 - Total Samurai Job JP
	0x0122 - Total Ninja Job JP
	0x0124 - Total Calculator Job JP
	0x0126 - Total Bard Job JP
	0x0128 - Total Dancer Job JP
	0x012A - Total Mime Job JP
	0x012C - 0x013B Unit Name
	0x013C - 0x014B Job Name
	0x014C - 0x0153 Primary Skillset Name (first 8 bytes)
	0x0154 - 0x015B Secondary Skillset Name (First 8 bytes)
 	0x015c - Number of times unit has been KOed this battle
	0x015d - Current Ability CT
	0x015e - Graphic
	0x015f - Portrait   // Special Unit ID, if applicable, for allies (e.g. 0x1E for Agrias); otherwise, it was something else... sometimes 0x6X?
	0x0160 - Palette
	0x0161 - ENTD ID    // (Non-Ramza allies: 0x70-0x7F; Ramza: (his base job, 01/02/03); Others: ENTD Unit ID)
	0x0162 - Special Skillset? (Specials set their skillset here)
	0x0163 - War Trophy
	0x0164 - Bonus Money Mod (* 100 = Gil)
	0x0165 - X Location? (For where AI tends to stay near)
	0x0166 - Y Location?
	0x0167 - 
		0x80 - Higher Elevation Flag (for location)?
		0x40 - Focus on target?
		0x20 - Stay near X/Y? (+0x08 = never move once there)
		0x10 - more aggressive?
		0x08 - Coward-like?
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0168 - Prioritized Target
	0x0169 - (ENTD)
	0x016a - (ENTD)
		0x04 - Save CT? (don't move unless needed?)
	0x016b - (ENTD)
	0x016c - Unit Name ID
		0x00XX - Special
		0x01XX - Generic Male
		0x02XX - Generic Female
		0x03XX - Generic Monster
	Target Data for action
	0x016e/0x00 - Attacker/Self ID? (this data for charging attacks?)
	0x016f/0x01 - Skillset of Last Attack Used
	0x0170/0x02 - Last Attack Used ID (Currently Charging/performing action?)(half)
	0x0172/ox04 - Calculator Type Ability ID
	0x0174/0x06 - Calculator Multiplier Ability ID
	0x0176/0x08 - Used Item/Equip ID?
	0x0178/0x0a - reaction ID?
		0x05 - Tile-Specific Ability?
		0x06 - Target-Specific Ability?
	0x0179/0x0b - Target ID? 
	0x017a/0x0c - X target panel coordinate (half)
	0x017c/0x0e - half - Target map level   (half)
	0x017e/0x10 - Y target panel coordinate (half
	0x0180/0x12 - death on chocobo?
	0x0181/0x13 - 
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - Stepping Stone
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Walkable
	0x0182/0x14: Mount Info 
		0x80 - Riding A Unit
		0x40 - Being Ridden
		0x20 - 
		0x1f - ID of unit Riding/Being ridden by this unit
	0x0183 - Dealing with unit's ability to appear in battle?
			(FF if unit can't exist?)
			(01 if unit exists, 00 if not (but later can?)?)
		0x80 - Was active, but is now disabled?
		0x02 - Unit will be removed from party? (no longer exists, treas/cryst?)
	0x0184: Equipped Flags?
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Sword Equipped
		0x04 - Materia Blade Equipped
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0185 - 
	0x0186 - Character's turn if 01, otherwise 00 - able to use move/act/wait menu
	0x0187 - Movement Taken 
		0x01 - Movement taken
		0x00 - has not moved yet
	0x0188 - Action Taken
		0x01 - action taken
		0x00 - has not acted yet
	0x0189 - 
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - target learning ability?
		0x02 - Target hit by ability?
		0x01 - Turn ended (set to 01 when reacting)
	0x018a - Unit ID (without "Unit Exists" check)
	0x018b - Ability CT

	CURRENT ACTION DATA  dedicated page here 
	0x018c/0x00 - Hit Flag
			0x00 - Miss
			0x01 - Hit
	0x018d/0x01 - Critical Hit Flag
	0x018e/0x02 - Evade Type
			0x00 - Hit
			0x01 - Guarded (Accessory) / Evaded (Accessory)
			0x02 - Evaded (Right Hand Item)
			0x03 - Evaded (Left Hand Item)
			0x04 - Arrow Guard? / Evaded (Class Evade)
			0x05 - Nullified
			0x06 - Miss
			0x07 - Catch? / Attack forced to miss (Status infliction denied) / Float+Earth element / Finger Guard / Maintenance
			0x08 - Canceled by status (death, petrify, wall)  Set_some_data_for_current_attack  (override previous values)
			0x09 - Reflected?
			0x0a - Golem
			0x0b - Blade Grasp?
	0x018f/0x03 - ID of the Item to remove (break/use/steal)
	0x0190/0x04 - HP Damage
	0x0192/0x06 - HP Recovery
	0x0194/0x08 - MP Damage
	0x0196/0x0a - MP Recovery
	0x0198/0x0c - Gil Stolen/Lost
	0x019a/0x0e - Reaction ID
	0x019c/0x10 - Special Flags 1
			0x80 - +1 Level
			0x40 - Switch Team
			0x20 - Poached
			0x10 - Steal Item
			0x08 - Stole targets item? - Katana not broken overrides others flag : here)
			0x04 - Break Item
			0x02 - Malboro (moldball virus)
			0x01 - Golem
	0x019d/0x11 - Special Flags 2
			0x80 - Reducing Golem Amount?
			0x40 - Knockback
			0x20 - 
			0x10 - Katana broken 
			0x08 - Weakness?
			0x04 - Absorption?
			0x02 - Proc is Triggered - Enabled here Conditional_Status_Proc_Roll_(19%)_Inner_Routine
			0x01 - -1 Level
	0x019e/0x12 - SP Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x019f/0x13 - CT Change
			0xFF = "Quick"
			0x7F = "CT0"
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a0/0x14 - PA Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x01a1/0x15 - MA Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a2/0x16 - Brave Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a3/0x17 - Faith Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x01a4/0x18 - Status Change?
			0x80 - animate on miss
			0x02 - ("Guarded"?)
			0x01 - Failed status infliction? ("Missed!")
	0x01a5/0x19 - Remove Equipment
			0x80 - Remove Helmet
			0x40 - Remove Armor
			0x20 - Remove Accessory
			0x10 - Remove Right Hand Weapon
			0x08 - Remove Right Hand Shield
			0x04 - Remove Left Hand Weapon
			0x02 - Remove Left Hand Shield
			0x01 - 
	0x01a6/0x1a - Stolen Item ID
	0x01a7/0x1b - Attack's Status Infliction 1
			0x80 - 
			0x40 - Crystal
			0x20 - Dead
			0x10 - Undead
			0x08 - Charging
			0x04 - Jump
			0x02 - Defending
			0x01 - Performing
	0x01a8/0x1c - Attack's Status Infliction 2
			0x80 - Petrify
			0x40 - Invite
			0x20 - Darkness
			0x10 - Confusion
			0x08 - Silence
			0x04 - Blood Suck
			0x02 - Cursed
			0x01 - Treasure
	0x01a9/0x1d - Attack's Status Infliction 3
			0x80 - Oil
			0x40 - Float
			0x20 - Reraise
			0x10 - Transparent
			0x08 - Berserk
			0x04 - Chicken
			0x02 - Frog
			0x01 - Critical
	0x01aa/0x1e - Attack's Status Infliction 4
			0x80 - Poison
			0x40 - Regen
			0x20 - Protect
			0x10 - Shell
			0x08 - Haste
			0x04 - Slow
			0x02 - Stop
			0x01 - Wall
	0x01ab/0x1f - Attack's Status Infliction 5
			0x80 - Faith
			0x40 - Innocent
			0x20 - Charm
			0x10 - Sleep
			0x08 - Don't Move
			0x04 - Don't Act
			0x02 - Reflect
			0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x01ac/0x20 - Attack's Status Removal 1
			0x80 - 
			0x40 - Crystal
			0x20 - Dead
			0x10 - Undead
			0x08 - Charging
			0x04 - Jump
			0x02 - Defending
			0x01 - Performing
	0x01ad/0x21 - Attack's Status Removal 2
			0x80 - Petrify
			0x40 - Invite
			0x20 - Darkness
			0x10 - Confusion
			0x08 - Silence
			0x04 - Blood Suck
			0x02 - Cursed
			0x01 - Treasure
	0x01ae/0x22 - Attack's Status Removal 3
			0x80 - Oil
			0x40 - Float
			0x20 - Reraise
			0x10 - Transparent
			0x08 - Berserk
			0x04 - Chicken
			0x02 - Frog
			0x01 - Critical
	0x01af/0x23 - Attack's Status Removal 4
			0x80 - Poison
			0x40 - Regen
			0x20 - Protect
			0x10 - Shell
			0x08 - Haste
			0x04 - Slow
			0x02 - Stop
			0x01 - Wall
	0x01b0/0x24 - Attack's Status Removal 5
			0x80 - Faith
			0x40 - Innocent
			0x20 - Charm
			0x10 - Sleep
			0x08 - Don't Move
			0x04 - Don't Act
			0x02 - Reflect
			0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x01b1/0x25: Attack Type
			0x80 - HP Damage
			0x40 - HP Recovery
			0x20 - MP Damage
			0x10 - MP Recovery
			0x08 - Status Change?
			0x04 - ?
			0x02 - ?
			0x01 - Pseudo-Status change?
	0x01b2/0x26 - Last Attack Recieved
	0x01b4/0x28 - Stolen Exp?

0x80 = Malus (Steal Xp)

	0x01b5/0x29 - Stolen JP?
	0x01b6/0x2a - Hit % (Display data?)
	0x01b7/0x2b - 
	0x01b8/0x2c - Auto Battle Flag
	0x01b9/0x2d - Main Target ID?
	0x01ba/0x2e - Modified ENTD Flags
		0x80 - Always Present
		0x40 - Randomly Present
		0x20 - Team Bit 1. 0x20 and 0x10 is Light Blue. 0x20 is Green.
		0x10 - Team Bit 2. 0x10 is Red. If neither bit, team is Blue.
		0x08 - Control
		0x04 - Immortal
		0x02 - (if both 01 and 02, then immune to knockback)
		0x01 - (both set by Ramza when initialized)
	0x01bb/0x2f - Inflicted Status List 1
	0x01bc/0x30 - Inflicted Status List 2
	0x01bd/0x31 - Inflicted Status List 3
	0x01be/0x32 - Inflicted Status List 4
	0x01bf/0x33 - Inflicted Status List 5
80192d8c - Attacker Current Action Data Pointer
80192d90 - Target Current Action Data Pointer
80192d94 - Attacker's Data Pointer
80192d98 - Target Data Pointer
80192d9c - Reaction ID
80192da0 - Copy of Acting Unit's Current Action Data? 0x2c long

80192db0 - 
80192dcc - X coordinate of target
80192dd0 - Y coordinate of target
80192dd4 - map level of target
80192dda - 
80192dd8 - Moveable/Targetable Panel Grid (By rows of X panels, 0x10 in each row)
	0x00 - AoE of panels to highlight (1 only highlights panel, 2 highlights AoE 1 panels, etc.)
	0x01 - set to 01 when panel is green (targeted with ability) - used as a stack in Select_Random_Tile_For_Random_Fire_Abilities
	0x02 - Unit Number (battle) of unit standing on panel?
	0x03 -
	0x04 - Obstructed (set to 0xff if panel is obstructed)/ Not reachable?

80193844 - Sum of enemy levels (when loaded; doesn't factor in level ups) 
80193848 - (Data from 0x16e-0x182 of Unit Data)
8019385c - end of above data
80193860 - ? (set to 0 if an item is used on undead) - Host 1st set of canceled statuses (routine 0018b9f8called from pre formula set up)
80193861 - 2nd set of canceled statuses
80193862 - 3rd set of canceled statuses
80193863 - 4th set of canceled statuses
80193864 - 5th set of canceled statuses

80193868 - Targets hit by ability (0x10 bytes; amount of non-FF data is counted, 
			and the data c/p to misc. unit data, 0x18e)
	0x0f long
80193877 - End of target list
80193878 - Targets Hit Counter 
80193881 - start of some panel data (0x03 bytes each)
Current Ability Data
8019389c - Attacker's Facing (byte)
8019389d - (set to 1 when setting the weapon IDs) action performed byte?
8019389e - Attacker's RH Weapon
8019389f - Attacker's LH Weapon
801938a0 - Attacker's Team
801938a2 - X Distance between Attacker/Target (halfword)
801938a4 - Y Distance between Attacker/Target (halfword)
801938a6 - Attacker/Self ID
801938a7 - Used Skillset ID
801938a8 - Used Ability ID
801938aa - Calculator Type ID
801938ac - Calculator Multiplier ID
801938ae - Used Item/Equip ID
801938af - (0x177)
801938b0 - Reaction ID?/flags
801938b1 - Target ID?
801938b2 - Target X
801938b4 - Target Map Level
801938b6 - Target Y
801938b8 - (0x180)
801938b9 - (0x181) stepping stone flags?
801938ba - Mount Info
801938bb - 
801938bc - (word) Learn on hit?   Hamedo Byte (set to 1 if hamedoing) - tells you to skip original attack

801938c0 - Attacker Unit ID
801938c1 - Target Unit ID
801938c2 - #Hits
801938c3 - Strike Counter
801938c4 - Primary Weapon ID (Also used for used item/weapon ID for Weapon Inventory)
801938c5 - Secondary Weapon ID
801938c6 - Reaction ID (half)
		also set to 0x01 if reaction is occurring, then later set with ability ID
801938c8 - ? (Deals with elemental nullification)/poach (post action thing? used in reaction routine too) (half)
		0x01 - perform reaction?
801938ca - Target new X Coordinate
801938cb - Target new Y coordinate
801938cc - target new elevation
801938cd - Caster Tile Type
801938ce - XA
801938d0 - YA
801938d2 - Defender's Effective Faith
801938d3 - Attacker's Effective Faith (set to 100 after checking faith)
801938d4 - Used Ability's Skillset 
801938d6 - Used Ability ID?
801938d8 - Used Weapon ID
801938d9 - ? (01 = two-hands is in use?)
801938da - Proc ID
801938db - Used Item ID
801938dc - Base Hit
801938de - Accessory Evade
801938df - RH Evade
801938e0 - LH Evade
801938e1 - Class Evade
801938e2 - Facing Modifier (00 Front, 01 Side, 02 Back)
801938e4 - Charge's Power?
801938e5 - Ability Formula?
801938e6 - Undead Reverse flag (So far, met only in Formula 0E free to be used anywhere else ?)
801938e7 - Earned Experience
801938e8 - Can earn EXP?
801938e9 - defaults to weapon attack? (default to attack flag?)
			0x01 - default to weapon attack?
			0x00 - don't default
801938ea - Random Damage modifier (Formula 0x32 : just stored and loaded - no other occurences found) - did some test with other formulas does nothing (free to use ?)			
801938eb - MP Used
801938ec - able to knock back? (checked in knockback calculation) / Target Counter
801938ed - can poach?/fall damage flags?
		0x80 - Fall damage not calculated
        0xX2 - Ignore Fall Damage (Flying Unit)
        0xX1 - Take Fall Damage (non-flying units, flying 
801938ee - Fall Distance (divide by 2 for tiles fallen)
801938ef - post-action target ID? (used in knockback 2)
801938f0 - Ability Range
801938f1 - Ability Effect Area
801938f2 - Ability Vertical
801938f3 - Ability Flags 1
	0x80 - 
	0x40 - 
	0x20 - Ranged Weapon
	0x10 - Vertical Fixed
	0x08 - Vertical Tolerence
	0x04 - Weapon Strike
	0x02 - Auto
	0x01 - Can't Target Self
801938f4 - Ability Flags 2
	0x80 - Can't Hit Enemies
	0x40 - Can't Hit Allies
	0x20 - 
	0x10 - Can't Follow Target
	0x08 - Random Fire
	0x04 - Linear Attack
	0x02 - 3 Directions
	0x01 - Can't Hit Caster
801938f5 - Ability Flags 3
	0x80 - Reflectable
	0x40 - Math Skill
	0x20 - Affected By Silence
	0x10 - Can't Mimic
	0x08 - Normal Attack?
	0x04 - Persevere
	0x02 - Quote
	0x01 - Animate on Miss
801938f6 - Ability Flags 4
	0x80 - Counter Flood
	0x40 - Counter Magic
	0x20 - Direct
	0x10 - Blade Grasp
	0x08 - Requires Sword
	0x04 - Requires Materia Blade
	0x02 - Evadeable
	0x01 - Np Targetting
801938f7 - Ability Element
	0x80 - Fire
	0x40 - Lightning
	0x20 - Ice
	0x10 - Wind
	0x08 - Earth
	0x04 - Water
	0x02 - Holy
	0x01 - Dark
801938f8 - Ability Formula
801938f9 - Ability X
801938fa - Ability Y
801938fb - Ability Inflict Status ID
801938fc - Ability CT
801938fd - Ability MP Cost
801938fe - Weapon Range
801938ff: Weapon Characteristics
	0x80 - Striking
	0x40 - Lunging
	0x20 - Direct
	0x10 - Arc Attack
	0x08 - 2 Swordable
	0x04 - 2h enabled
	0x02 - Cast Spell (disabled, with formula 02), or inflict status (enabled)?
	0x01 - Forced 2h
80193900 - Weapon Formula
80193901 - 
80193902 - WP
80193903 - W-Evade
80193904 - Weapon's Element
80193905 - Inflict Status/Cast Spell Index
80193906 - Status Infliction Type
	0x80 - All or Nothing
	0x40 - Random
	0x20 - Separate
	0x10 - Cancel
	0x08 - 
	0x04 - 
	0x02 - 
	0x01 - 
80193907 - Status Set 1
	0x80 - 
	0x40 - Crystal
	0x20 - Dead
	0x10 - Undead
	0x08 - Charging
	0x04 - Jump
	0x02 - Defending
	0x01 - Performing
80193908 - Status Set 2
	0x80 - Petrify
	0x40 - Invite
	0x20 - Darkness
	0x10 - Confusion
	0x08 - Silence
	0x04 - Blood Suck
	0x02 - Cursed
	0x01 - Treasure
80193909 - Status Set 3
	0x80 - Oil
	0x40 - Float
	0x20 - Reraise
	0x10 - Transparent
	0x08 - Berserk
	0x04 - Chicken
	0x02 - Frog
	0x01 - Critical
8019390a - Status Set 4
	0x80 - Poison
	0x40 - Regen
	0x20 - Protect
	0x10 - Shell
	0x08 - Haste
	0x04 - Slow
	0x02 - Stop
8019390b - Status Set 5
	0x80 - Faith
	0x40 - Innocent
	0x20 - Charm
	0x10 - Sleep
	0x08 - Don't Move
	0x04 - Don't Act
	0x02 - Reflect
	0x01 - Death Sentence
	wrong i think
			8019390c - Ability Type
			8019390d - Ability Element (Set to 0x01 if Unit gain a Job Lv at Main_Reaction_subroutine_-_ENTD/ID_stuff)
			8019390e - Post Formula flag set to 0x06 if target is poached / 0x09 if target is trained (switch team)
			8019390f - Ability Power 1 
			80193910 - Ability Power 2
			80193911 - Ability Inflict Status ID?
			80193912 - Ability CT (?)
			80193913 - Ability MP Cost

During movement?
80193910 - Move find item data 1
	0x00 - coordinates (XY)
	0x01 - Trap Flags/activation
		0x20 - always trap
		0x10 - disable trap
		0x03 - steel needle
		0x02 - sleeping gas
		0x01 - deathtrap
		0x00 - degenerator
	0x02 - Rare Item
	0x03 - Common Item
 Move find item data 2
 Move find item data 3
 Move find item data 4
80193920 - Highest enemy level (when loaded; doesn't factor in level ups) 
80193924 - Unit AI Extended Status Data (16 total, 0x40 bytes each)
	0x00 - Unit ID
	0x01 - Death Counter
	0x02 - Death Sentence CT?
	0x03 - Current Statuses 1
	0x04 - Current Statuses 2
	0x05 - Current Statuses 3
	0x06 - Current Statuses 4
	0x07 - Current Statuses 5
	0x08 - Poison CT
	0x09 - Regen CT
	0x0a - Protect CT
	0x0b - Shell CT
	0x0c - Haste CT
	0x0d - Slow CT
	0x0e - Stop CT
	0x0f - Wall CT
	0x10 - Faith CT
	0x11 - Innocent CT
	0x12 - Charm CT
	0x13 - Sleep CT
	0x14 - Don't Move CT
	0x15 - Don't Act CT
	0x16 - Reflect CT
	0x17 - Death Sentence CT
	0x18 - ENTD Flags
	0x19 - Faith
	0x1a - Turn Flag?
	0x1b - HP
	0x1e - MP
	0x20 - Current Ability CT
	0x21 - Base PA
	0x22 - Base MA
	0x23 - Base SP
	0x24 - PA
	0x25 - MA
	0x26 - SP
	0x27 - CT
	0x28 - X Coordinate
	0x29 - Y Coordinate
	0x2a - Map Flags (Map Level, Facing, etc.)
	0x2b - Turn Flag?
	0x2c - Unit Moved Flag?
	0x2d - Unit Acted Flag?
	0x2e - (0x1b8 in unit data)
	0x2f - Main Target ID?
	0x30 - Modified ENTD Flags
	0x31 - Inflicted Statuses 1
	0x32 - Inflicted Statuses 2
	0x33 - Inflicted Statuses 3
	0x34 - Inflicted Statuses 4
	0x35 - Inflicted Statuses 5
	0x36 - Helmet
	0x37 - Armor
	0x38 - Accessory
	0x39 - Right Hand Weapon
	0x3a - Right Hand Shield
	0x3b - Left Hand Weapon
	0x3c - Left Hand Shield
	0x3d - Brave
	0x3e - Mount Info
80193d24 - Attacker's AI Data
	0x00 - Facing
	0x01 - (set to 1 when setting the weapon IDs)
	0x02 - RH Weapon
	0x03 - LH Weapon
	0x04 - Team
	0x05 - 
	0x06 - X Distance between Attacker/Target
	0x08 - Y Distance between Attacker/Target
	0x0a - Attacker/Self ID
	0x0b - Used Skillset ID
	0x0c - Used Ability ID
	0x0e - Calculator Type ID
	0x10 - Calculator Multiplier ID
	0x12 - Used Item/Equip ID
	0x13 - (0x177)
	0x14 - Reaction ID?/flags
	0x15 - Target ID?
	0x16 - Target X
	0x17 - 
	0x18 - Target Map Level
	0x19 - 
	0x1a - Target Y
	0x1b - 
	0x1c - (0x181) stepping stone flags?
	0x1d - Mount Info

80193d44 - Acting Unit's Used Ability ID
80193d98 - AI Targeting? Code Pointers
80193aec - Player unit information (0x40 long for 5 units?)
	0x0000 - Poison CT
	0x0001 - Regen CT
	0x0002 - Protect CT
	0x0003 - Shell CT
	0x0004 - Haste CT
	0x0005 - Slow CT
	0x0006 - Stop CT
	0x0007 - Wall CT
	0x0008 - Faith CT
	0x0009 - Innocent CT
	0x000a - Charm CT
	0x000b - Sleep CT
	0x000c - Don't Move CT
	0x000d - Don't Act CT
	0x000e - Reflect CT
	0x000f - Death Sentence CT
	0x0010 - Units Current Faith (not original)
	0x0011 - Unit CT
	0x0012 - Units HP
	0x0013 - Units HP (2nd Byte)
	0x0019 - Original PA
	0x001a - Original MA
	0x001b - Original Speed
	0x001c - Current MA?
	0x001d - Current Spd
	0x001e - byte 0x39 in unit data... other CT byte?
	0x001f - X Coordinate
	0x0020 - Y Coordinate
	0x0021 - Higher Elevation, facing direction?
	0x0022 - Movement taken flag
	0x0023 - action taken flag    (perhaps double as "Able to Move/Act")
	0x0024 - Main Target ID
	0x0025 - Copy of 0x0006 in unit data, team/ENTD/Immortal flags (Current Action Data)
	0x0026 - Inflicted statii (factors in random/seperate/etc. and accuracy) (Current Action Data)
	0x0027 - Byte 2 ^^
	0x0028 - Byte 3 ^^
	0x0029 - Byte 4 ^^
	0x002a - 2d - Last bytes of unit data?? (list may have gotten out of order)
	( Routine (0x0019ab44) starts loading THIS data into UNIT data.... wtF?)
	0x002e - Equipped body
	0x002f - equipped accessory
	0x0030 - equipped right hand weapon
	0x0031 - equipped right hand shield
	0x0032 - equipped left hand weapon
	0x0033 - equipped left hand shield
80193b2c - Unit 2
80193b6c - unit 3
80193bac - unit 4
80193bec - unit 5
80193c2c - ??

80193d48 - code

80195cd0 - Thread array (WORLD.BIN) (Each thread data block is 0x400 = 1024 bytes, and includes its own stack); 17 entries total
   0x00 - Thread function parameter 1
   0x04 - Thread function parameter 2
   0x08 - Thread function parameter 3
   0x0c - ? (Set to 0 when thread is initialized)
   0x10 - 0x2c: Saved register values for this thread ($s0 - $s7)
   0x30 - 0x34: Kernal register values for this thread ($k0 - $k1)
   0x38 - Global pointer for this thread ($gp)
   0x3c - Stack pointer for this thread ($sp)
   0x40 - Frame pointer for this thread ($fp)
   0x44 - Address of first command for this thread to run upon being started or resumed ($ra)
   0x48 - IsRunning value (boolean; True (1) if thread is currently active/running, false (0) if not)
   0x4c - Task ID (Matches those listed in WaitForInstruction event command)
   0x50 - 0x68: ? (Set to 0 when thread is initialized)
   0x6c and beyond: Stack for this thread; ~900 bytes available
Table of Offsets from 0x193D48-E4F
801959D4 (Throw Item)
80195A30 (Something to do with moving?)
80195BBC (?)
80195C00 (?)
80195A24 (?)
80195944 (?)
80195A90 (CTR calculation for spells)
80195BA0 (?)
80198578 (?)
801985F8 (?)
8019870C (Checks r2 for 1 or -1 at beginning, ELSE, proceed to bottom routines...stuff for positive or negative status, maybe?)
80198748 (?)
80198788 (?...very similar to above...one's for damage, the other healing?)
801987C0 (?...very similar to above...this one's for pseudo-status?)
801986A0 (Goes into routine 0x19870C but inputs different variables)
801992E8 (Blood Suck)
80199240 (All routines that go to the same place as Blood Suck...telling the AI know unit is KO'd?)
80199288 (Check something?  Increment r18 by 1 to check 21 times.)
801992FC (AI Routine for crystal/treasure?)
801992A0 (More routines that go to the same place as Blood Suck)
80199214 (Check something different?  Increment r18 by 1 to check 21 times.)
8019B0B8 (?)
8019B100 (?...very similar to above...again, there's a check for -1 that voids the routine)
8019B160 (?...very similar to above...again, there's a check for -1 that voids the routine)
8019B1CC (?)
8019B240 (?)
8019B2C0 (?)
8019B068 (?...leads into 0x190B8 but with 2 extra checks, with a check for -1 that voids the 80routine)
8019AF74 (?...leads into previous routine but loads a random number...something to do with decision making?)
8019B094 (The second check of 0x19B068)
8019D8EC (Multiplies X? with r4 for CT?)
8019D91C (AI on CT effects like slow/stop and sleep/don't move/don't act)
8019D8F8 (Multiplies Y? with r4 for CT?)
8019D978 (CT effects' AI)
8019D950 (AI for control effects like Blood Suck/Confuse/Charm...my AI hack for Invite probably also needs to edit this or the AI won't use invite the way he uses charm...0x19D974 touches something important?)

Status Priority Values (19f308)

Values are interpreted as curHP%, thus, each status is +/- effective curHP.
   0x01: Statuses 1
       0x80 -                          0% (0000)
       0x40 - Crystal                  -150% -c0(ff40)
       0x20 - Dead                     -150% -c0(ff40)
       0x10 - Undead                   -30.5% -27(ffd9)
       0x08 - Charging                 0% (0000)
       0x04 - Jump                     0% (0000)
       0x02 - Defending                0% (0000)
       0x01 - Performing               0% (0000)
   0x02: Statuses 2
       0x80 - Petrify                  -90.6% -74(ff8c)
       0x40 - Invite                   -180.4% -e7(ff19)
       0x20 - Darkness                 -50% [-40(ffc0) * Evadable abilities] + 3 / 4
       0x10 - Confusion                -50% -40(ffc0) (+1 / 4 if slow/stop/sleep/don't move/act/)
       0x08 - Silence                  -70.3% [-5a(ffa6) * Silence abilities] + 3 / 4
       0x04 - Blood Suck               -90.6% -74(ff8c) (+1 / 4 if slow/stop/sleep/don't move/act/)
       0x02 - Cursed                   0%(0000)
       0x01 - Treasure                 -150% -c0(ff40)
   0x03: Statuses 3
       0x80 - Oil                      -5.5% -7(fff9)
       0x40 - Float                    9.4% c(000c)
       0x20 - Reraise                  39.8% 33(0033)
       0x10 - Transparent              29.7% 26(0026)
       0x08 - Berserk                  -30.5% -27(ffd9)
       0x04 - Chicken                  -20.3% -1a(ffe6)
       0x02 - Frog                     -40.6% -34(ffcc)
       0x01 - Critical                 -25% -20(ffe0)
   0x04: Statuses 4
       0x80 - Poison                   -20.3% -1a(ffe6)
       0x40 - Regen                    19.5% 19(0019)
       0x20 - Protect                  19.5% 19(0019)
       0x10 - Shell                    19.5% 19(0019)
       0x08 - Haste                    14.8% 13(0013)
       0x04 - Slow                     -30.5% -27(ffd9) 0 if Confusion/Charm/Blood Suck
       0x02 - Stop                     -70.3% -5a(ffa6) 0 if Confusion/Charm/Blood Suck
       0x01 - Wall                     50% 40(0040)
   0x05: Statuses 5
       0x80 - Faith                    4.7% 6(0006)
       0x40 - Innocent                 -5.5% -7(fff9)
       0x20 - Charm                    -50% -40(ffc0) (+1 / 4 if slow/stop/sleep/don't move/act/)
       0x10 - Sleep                    -30.5% -27(ffd9) 0 if Confusion/Charm/Blood Suck
       0x08 - Don't Move               -30.5% -27(ffd9) 0 if Confusion/Charm/Blood Suck
       0x04 - Don't Act                -50% -40(ffc0) 0 if Confusion/Charm/Blood Suck          
       0x02 - Reflect                  19.5% 19(0019)
       0x01 - Death Sentence
8019f358 - X/Y Mods (2 bytes each, 4 total)(for targeting? gets added to base values)
	0x00 - X Mod
	0x01 - Y Mod
	0x00 - -1 Y
	0x02 - -1 X
	0x04 - +1 Y
	0x06 - +1 X
8019f3ac - pointer to start of skillset/AI data (8019f3c4)
8019f3c0 - Unit AI Extended Status Data Pointer
8019f3c4 - Start of AI data
	*AI Ability Use Data (0x14 total?)*
	0x0000 - Skillset
	0x0001 - CT
	0x0002 - Ability ID
	0x0004 - Range
	0x0005 - AoE
	0x0006 - Item Considered (Destroyed/Stolen/Used)
	0x0007 - Status Infliction 1
	0x0008 - Status Infliction 2
	0x0009 - Status Infliction 3
	0x000a - Status Infliction 4
	0x000b - Status Infliction 5
	0x000c - AI Behavior Flags 1
		0x80 - HP
		0x40 - MP
		0x20 - Cancel Status
		0x10 - Add Status
		0x08 - Stats
		0x04 - Unequip
		0x02 - Target Enemies
		0x01 - Target Allies
	0x000d - AI Behavior Flags 2
		0x80 - Ignore Range?
		0x40 - Reflectable
		0x20 - Undead Reverse
		0x10 - Follow Target?
		0x08 - Random Hits
		0x04 - Faith
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
	0x000e - AI Behavior Flags 3
		0x80 - Arc Attack?
		0x40 - Direct Attack
		0x20 - Linear Attack
		0x10 - Vertical Increase (default off)
		0x08 - Triple Attack
		0x04 - Triple Bracelet
		0x02 - Magic Defense UP
		0x01 - Defense UP
	0x000f - AI Behavior Flags 4?
		0x80 - Usable by AI?
		0x40 - Cannot Target Enemy?
		0x20 - Cannot Target Ally?
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Requires Monster Skill?
		0x04 - Weapon-Range? (physical/weapon attacks)
		0x02 - (raise/wall/Wave fist/dash/accumulate)
		0x01 - Evade with Motion
	0x0010 - Ability Elements
	0x0011 - MP Cost
	0x0014 - (set to 1 after setting AI Targeting Flags)
	0x0018 - Acting Unit's X Coordinate
	0x0019 - Acting Unit's Map Level
	0x001a - Acting Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x001b - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0xf3df/0x001b - (set to 0 when initializing current unit's data)
	0xf3e0/0x001c/0x00 - Acting Unit's ID
	0xf3e1/0x001d/0x01 - Skillset of Last Attack
	0xf3e2/0x001e/0x02 - Last Attack Used ID
	0xf3e4/0x0020/0x04 - Calculator Type Ability ID
	0xf3e6/0x0022/0x06 - Calculator Multiplier Ability ID
	0xf3e8/0x0024/0x08 - Item Destroyed/Stolen ID
	0xf3ea/0x0026 - 
		0x05 - ability that uses weapon/physical animation
		0x06 - ability that uses a target-specific animation
	0xf3eb/0x0027 - Target ID?
	0xf3ec/0x0028 - Target X
	0xf3ee/0x002a - Target Map Level
	0xf3f0/0x002c - Target Y
	0xf3f4/0x0030 - Mount Info
	0xf3f5/0x0031 - Base Hit%
	0xf3f6/0x0032 - (halfword) - set to 0 after setting AI extended status
	0xf3f8/0x0034 - ??
	0xf3f9/0x0035 - ??
	0x0050 - 
	0x0000/0x0082 - set to 1 if ability is affect MP but not target enemy
	0xf468/0x00a4 - Start of some data
	0x????/0x0100 - ?? some flag?
	0x????/0x0148 - Start of some data
	0x????/0x01ec - ability MP cost list? (0x51 bytes, 0xff marks end of list)
	0x????/0x0200 - Golem Amounts
		0x00 - Blue Team
		0x01 - Red Team
		0x02 - Light Blue Team
		0x03 - Green Team
	0xf5f4/0x0230 - ? list (list from 0xe3c, 8 bytes)
	0xf5f0/0x022c - AI Calculation Types?
                        0 skips Reaction calculations (Attack Phase?)
	0xf5f4/0x0230 - ? list (list from 0xe3c, 8 bytes)
	0xf5fc/0x0238 - set to 1 when moving Acting Unit data to AI (word)
                        0 = Attack Phase?
                        2 skips storing MP after subtracting MP used in 0x0017da20
                        != 0 skips formulas 1e and 1f random hits calculation
	0x????/0x23e - action menu byte?
		  /0x290 - 
	0xf750/0x038c - Graphical Data?
		   0x4e4 - trap settings?
	      /0x04ec - unit has weapon bytes? (check routine at 80182f34)
		  0x0a74 - data based on unit ID (0x48 bytes each)
	0x0031/0x0c6d - set to 0 if 0xffff returned from 0x1971b8
	0x0032/0x0c6e - set to 1 if able to move to target? (cleared when main target ID is set?
	0x0036/0x0c72 - set to 0 if 801a0d7b != 0, else set to 1
	0x0038/0x0c74 - X Coordinate
	0x0039/0x0c75 - Map Level
	0x003a/0x0c76 - Y Coordinate
	0x003b/0x0c77 - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0x003c/0x0c78 - Active Unit List? (0x15 long)
	0x0051/0x0c8d - Targetable Unit List (0x15 long, initialized targetable)
	0x0065/0x0ca1 - 
	0x0078/0x0cb4 - (word)
		0x40000000 - enabled after setting some targetability flags / Disabled if Acting unit has [Allied Target] or [Death Sentence]
		0x20000000 - set if ability ID = holy water???
		0x01000000 - (enabled after setting AI Targeting Data)
	0x007c/0x0cb8 - (halfword)
	0x007e/0x0cba - (checked against FF)(byte) (set to 0xFF based on skillset = 0, 2?
	0x0082/0x0cbe - (set to 0 after checking AI move list stuff)
                        (set to 1 if MP/Target Enemies isn't enabled)
	0x0000/0x0cc4 - list of words determined by 0x01f1 in AI data
	0x0082/0x???? - set to 1 if ability has MP or target enemies flagged
	0x0098/0x0cd4 - List of Unit AI/Action? Data (0x14 bytes - 16 Units)
		0x00 - Attacker/Self? ID
		0x01 - Last Attack Skillset
		0x02 - Last Attack ID
		0x04 - Calculator Type ID
		0x06 - Calculator Multiplier ID
		0x08 - Used Item/Equip? ID
		0x09 - (0x177 in unit data)
		0x0a - (0x178)
		0x0b - Target ID?
		0x0c - Target X
		0x0d - (0x17b)
		0x0e - Map Level Flag
		0x0f - (0x17d)
		0x10 - Target Y
		0x11 - (0x17f)
		0x12 - (0x180)
		0x13 - (0x181)
	0x01d8/0x0e14 - Chosen Throw Ability ID?
	0x01da/0x0e16 - Chosen Throw Weapon ID?
	0x01dc/0x0e18 - ? list (0x14 bytes)
		Set to 0 after Extended Status CT is set
	0x01f1/0x0e2d - cleared after setting main target ID
	0x01f2/0x0e2e - Acting Unit's ID
		  /0x0e2f - Acting units ID?
	0x01f3/0x0e3e - Acting Unit's Battle ID
	0x01f4/0x0e30 - Acting Unit's X Coordinate
	0x01f5/0x0e31 - Acting Unit's Map Level
	0x01f6/0x0e32 - Acting Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x01f7/0x0e33 - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0x01f8/0x0e34 - Acting Unit's AI Decision Pointer
	0x01fc/0x0e38 - Acting Unit's Move
	0x01fd/0x0e39 - Acting Unit's Team
	0x01fe/0x0e3a - Map Max X
	0x01ff/0x0e3b - Map Max Y
	0x0200/0x0e3c - Team Golem values(8 bytes)
	0x0000/0x0e44 - Status inflictions 1
	0x0000/0x0e45 - Status inflictions 2
	0x0000/0x0ef6 - Status inflictions 3
	0x0000/0x0ef7 - Status inflictions 4
	0x0000/0x0ef8 - Status inflictions 5
	0x0213/0x0e4f - Remaining Clockticks
	0x0214/0x0e50 - Unit AI Status Data Pointer (16 total, 8 bytes each)
		0x00 - Unit ID
		0x01 - Death Counter
		0x02 - Death Sentence CT
		0x03 - Current Statuses 1
		0x04 - Current Statuses 2
		0x05 - Current Statuses 3
		0x06 - Current Statuses 4
		0x07 - Current Statuses 5
	0x0294/0x0ed0 - current abiliity CT
	0x0295/0x0ed1 - current status
	0x0296/0x0ed2 - inflicted status list 1
	0x0298/0x0ed4 -0x0298/0x0ed4 - Main AI Progress? (0-2, for 0x00193e50)(byte) set to 0x02 if ability fails?
	0x029a/0x0ed6 - 
	0x0???/0x0ee0 - In between turn control variable 
	0x0???/0x0ee4 - Menu loading control variable?
	0x0???/0x0ee8 - active unit ID?
	0x02b2/0x0eee - AI Progress? (0-2, for 0x0019d37c)(byte)
	0x02b4/0x0ef0 - Unit's Move List (0x4 bytes each, 0x22 abilities per unit, 16 units, 0x88 bytes per unit, 0x880 total)
		0x00 - Ability/R/S/M/Item ID
		0x01 - 
			0x80 - 
			0x7c - Unit ID << 2
			0x02 - 
			0x01 - bit 8 of A/R/S/M ID
		0x02 - Ability's Skillset
		0x03 - Usage Type?
			0x80 - Set if usable ability?
			0x40 - Allies/Self Only
			0x20 - Enemies Only
			0x10 - 
			0x08 - Requires Monster Skill?
			0x04 - Weapon-Range? (physical/weapon attacks)
			0x02 - (raise/wall/Wave fist/dash/accumulate)
			0x01 - Evade with Motion? (may mean fail)
	0x0b34/0x1770 - Hardcoded AI-Status abilities
		0x00 - C8 - Blood Suck
		0x01 - 00 (Target ID stored here shifted by 0x0a)
		0x02 - A7
		0x03 - Usage Type = 0x84
		0x04 - 6F (frog attack?)
		0x05 - 01
		0x06 - A9
		0x07 - Usage Type = 0x84			
	0x0b3c/0x1778 - Unit Weapon? Attack Data (16 entries, 8 bytes each)
		0x00 - Range
		0x01 - AI Behavior Flags 1
			0x80 - HP
			0x40 - MP
			0x20 - Cancel Status
			0x10 - Add Status
			0x08 - Stats
			0x04 - Unequip
			0x02 - Target Enemies
			0x01 - Target Allies
		0x02 - AI Behavior Flags 2
			0x80 - Ignore Range?
			0x40 - Reflectable
			0x20 - Undead Reverse
			0x10 - Follow Target?
			0x08 - Random Hits
			0x04 - Faith
			0x02 - Evadeable
			0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
		0x03 - AI Behavior Flags 3
			0x80 - Arc Attack?
			0x40 - Direct Attack
			0x20 - Linear Attack
			0x10 - Vertical Increase (default off)
			0x08 - Triple Attack
			0x04 - Triple Bracelet
			0x02 - Magic Defense UP
			0x01 - Defense UP
		0x04 - Weapon ID
		0x05 - Elements
		0x06 - 
		0x07 - 
	0x0bbc/0x17f8 - Acting Unit's Data Pointer
	0x0bc3/0x17ff - (byte)
	0x0000/0x1800 - word from AI + cc4 stored here
	0x0bdc/0x1818 - (byte)

	0x0bf0/0x182c - AI Decision Data? (16 bytes each, 21 total?)
		0x00 - X Location? (these 3 are for where the AI will stay around) - Target X if focusing a unit
		0x01 - Higher Elevation Flag?
		0x02 - Y Location? - Target Y if focusing a unit
		0x03 - (set to 0 after finding usable abilities) (Set to 0 in Store_main_target_ID_and_focus_on_target_flag - Target found)
		0x04 - (0x167 in Unit's Data)
			0x80 - Not dead/petrified/death sentenced Enemy unit (Unit without this flag are ignored)
			0x40 - Focus on Target? (Auto flags this as well)
			0x20 - Stay Near X/Y Location?
			0x10 - More Aggressive?
			0x08 - Coward-like? (0x19a1 value set to 0x11)
			0x04 - unit is jumping
			0x02 - needs to be un-petrified
			0x01 - needs to be revived
		0x05 - Main Target ID (Based on Unit ID)
		0x06 - (0x169 ")AI Targeting Flags 1
			0x80 -
			0x40 -
			0x20 -
			0x10 -
			0x08 - Charging?(disabled if Ability CT = FF)
			0x04 - Unit has largest # of usable abilities?
			0x02 - Has HP recovery on ally ability?
			0x01 - has ability that's not direct or arcing attack?
		0x07 - AI Targeting Flags
			0x80 - Critical HP Unit (HP < 12.5% Max HP)
			0x40 - Dead Unit with Reraise
			0x20 - Dead Unit without Reraise
			0x10 - Can't be targeted? (enabled if result from 0x196ce8 = 1)
			0x08 - [Allied Target] - AI Panic mod : Enabled if Acting unit allies are all frog or critical or Acting unit has one ally left (AI Team only)
			0x04 - Save CT/Protect self?
			0x02 - Low MP Unit (MP < 50% Max MP)
			0x01 - Low HP Unit (HP < 50% Max HP)
		0x08 - Enemy Flag (set to 1 if Acting Unit's team is different)(0x16b ")
		0x09 - Highest MP Cost
		0x0a - Lowest MP Cost
		(These have a value of 0-4, possibly for priorities)
		0x0b - MP Using Ability Mod (# MP Using abilities * 4 / # abilities)
		0x0c - Silence Blocking Mod (# silence ignoring abilities ")
		0x0d - Evade Ignoring Mod (# evadeable (physical?) abilities ")
		0x0e - Range of Lowest range ability (+ Unit Move)
		0x0f - Range of Highest range ability (+ Unit Move)

	0x0d50/0x198c - Unit's Battle ID (21 unit ID's; based on number of units; FF = not used) 
	0x0d65/0x19a1 - ? (21 unit values?)
		0x11 - (AI set to Coward? + Save CT/Protect self
		0x0e - (AI set to Target Unit + Aggressive?, and teams are different)
		0x0c - (AI set to Target Unit + Aggressive?, and teams are the same)
	0x0d7a/0x19b6 -  AI/Autobattle setting (0x1b8 in unit data)
	0x0d7b/0x19b7 - (byte) - involved in skillset/ability usage calculations (able to act if = 0?)
	0x0d7c/0x19b8 - # of random hits abilities*128 / number of usable abilities...
	0x0d7d/0x19b9 - water movement flag
		0x01 - normal movement capability
		0x00 - move in water/walk on water/float

	0x0d7e/0x19ba -  0 if base hit = FF (byte)
	0x0d7f/0x19bb - Unit targetable flag? - Set to 0x01 when there is only one enemy left (Some_targetability_setting)
	0x0d80/0x19bc - (byte)set to 0 in section after initialization 
	0x0d81/0x19bd - AI Action Taken Flag?
	0x0d82/0x19be -  AI Movement Taken Flag?
	0x0d8b/0x19c7 - (byte)
	0x????/0x245c - List of tile data? (half each, 0x24 bytes for each map level, 0x48 total)
		0x8000 - Moveable panel?
0x8019f3c4 - Player's ability list menu data (if not AI.)
	0x0000 - Ability ID (0x100 bytes long at max, if throw with maxed out weapon inv)
	0x0001 - Ability Type flag (0x70 is ability, 0x38 is item, determines menu text.)
	0x00a4 - MP cost/item stock (halfwords)
	0x0148 - No. Turns to complete (halfwords)
	0x01ec - MP cost/item stock (bytes)
	0x023e - No. Turns to complete (bytes)
	0x0290 - Silence/reflect flags
	0x02e2 - No. Turns to complete (bytes)
	0x0334 - No. Turns to complete (bytes)
	0x06XX - skillset list 
8019f5ac - word
8019f5b0/0x01ec - Items used list/ MP list?
8019f602/0x23e - ability CT?
8019f654/0x0290 - Silence/reflect flags (related: if performance is checked here as well, the game won't set "No. turns to complete")
	0x02 - affected by silence
	0x01 - reflect
	0x00 - none
8019f9b4 - Extra Battle Stats. (Used for saving/loading certain Battle Stats at certain times.)
801b48d0 - table of effect file start locations
801b53e8 - start of data (8 bytes each, by effect ID)
801b63e8 - Effect running state 
   0 = Not running
   1 = Started
   (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing)    // set to 0x03 after getting palette data
   4 = Playing
801b63f0 - Ability Effect (2 bytes each, 0x1c6 total)
801b677c - Event & non-ability Effects (2 bytes each, 0x25 total)
801b84ac - table for secondary effect anims per 1st ability animation byte
801b8544 - 

801b8874 - a gravity value? (0x53a)
801b8878 - "Gravity" Mod (0xa8000, constant? loaded with map?) (word)
           28 (X/Y Mod mult) * 12 (tile height mult) * 2048 = 0xa8000
           not really sure what it is exactly yet
801b8ba4 - Start of some data (0x54 bytes each, by effect ID)
	0x00 - set to 0x03 when used?
801b8b60 - Acting Unit's ID (Word)
801b8b64 - Target's ID (Word)
801b8b68 - Attack's Current X (for checking targets)
801b8b6a - Attack's Current Map Level
801b8b6c - Attack's Current Y
801b8b70 - ArcTan Angle Mod (may be for other angle mods too)
801b8b74 - ??? Related to trajectory (see stored in arc weapon trajectory validation)
801b8b7c - Attack's X Mod Difference (Current X Mod - Previous X Mod)
801b8b80 - Attack's Z Mod Difference ()
801b8b84 - Attack's Y Mod Difference
801b8b88 - ??? Stored (not seen set) in arc weapon trajectory routine
801b8b8c - Attack's Current X Mod
801b8b8e - Attack's Current Z Mod
801b8b90 - Attack's Current Y Mod
801b8b94 - Target Tile's 0x06 byte's 0x10-0x40 flags stored as 0x01 0x02 0x04(on hitting a tile) 
801b8b9c - (byte, start/part of chunk with 84 byte long sections?)
                (replaces 0x1b9134)
                (replaced by 0x1b9130)
801b8bc0 - used weapon ID? (Word)

801b8ba4 - set to 1 after storing data
801b8da4 - 
801b9134 - ?
801b9144 - Effect instruct. 0x6: pointer to arg. 2's file by ID? could have up to 0xe pointers
801b925c - Acting Unit's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer
        0x00/0x5c - X Mod
        0x02/0x5e - Z Mod (-Height)
        0x04/0x60 - Y Mod
801b9264 - Target's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer
        0x00/0x64 - X Mod
        0x02/0x66 - Z Mod (-Height)
        0x04/0x68 - Y Mod
801bbf3c - 3D Step Counter / 4 (number of passes needed for 3D attack?)
           (can also store 3D Distance / 512)
801bbf64 - check for different abilities
801c24c8 - 
801c24d0 - loaded ability effect (half)
Loaded into RAM 0x1dc000 during battle setup
0x00 - Base Class / Character ID (Also affects sprites)
0x01 - "Gender" Byte (ENTD Flags)
   0x80 - Male
   0x40 - Female
   0x20 - Monster
   0x10 - Join After Event
   0x08 - Load as Guest
   0x04 - Has ??? Stats
   0x02 - ?
   0x01 - Join as Guest
0x02 - Name
0x03 - Level (over 99 = Party Level + Value - 100)
0x04 - Birth Month
0x05 - Birth Day
0x06 - Brave
0x07 - Faith
0x08 - Job Unlocked
	0x13 - Mime
	0x12 - Dancer
	0x11 - Bard
	0x10 - Calculator
	0x0f - Ninja
	0x0e - Samurai
	0x0d - Lancer
	0x0c - Geomancer
	0x0b - Oracle
	0x0a - Mediator
	0x09 - Thief
	0x08 - Summoner
	0x07 - Time Mage
	0x06 - Wizard
	0x05 - Priest
	0x04 - Monk
	0x03 - Archer
	0x02 - Knight
	0x01 - Chemist
0x09 - Job Level
0x0a - Job ID
0x0b - Secondary ID
0x0c - Reaction
0x0e - Support
0x10 - Movement
0x12 - Helmet
0x13 - Armor
0x14 - Accessory
0x15 - RH Equip
0x16 - LH Equip
0x17 - Palette
0x18 - ENTD Flags
	0x80 - Always Present
	0x40 - Randomly Present
	0x20 - Team Bit 1. 0x20 and 0x10 is Light Blue. 0x20 is Green.
	0x10 - Team Bit 2. 0x10 is Red. If neither bit, team is Blue.
	0x08 - Control
	0x04 - Immortal
	0x02 - (if both 01 and 02, then immune to knockback)
	0x01 - (both set by Ramza when initialized)
0x19 - X Coordinate
0x1a - Y Coordinate + Facing/Upper Level Flag
0x1c - Starting Experience
0x1d - Primary Skillset
0x1e - War Trophy
0x1f - Gil (* 100)
0x20 - Unit ID
0x21 - X Position (for AI)
0x22 - Y Position
0x23 - 
	0x40 - Focus on Target in 0x24?
	0x20 - Stay near X/Y in 0x21/22? (0x28 = move and stay at position)
	0x10 - More aggressive? (when with 40, ONLY target that unit unless healing self)
	0x08 - Coward-like? (stay behind X/Y location?)
	Notes:  0x10 seems to override 0x20
		0x20 seems to keep it's distance until it can get close enough to you?
		0x08 will move up to 4 tiles away from the X/Y listed (0/0 = anywhere?)
			seems to keep a 10 tile distance, unless an enemy moves within
			their 10 tile radius (testing with 3 move archer with bow)
			they will not move unless they need to.
		seem to keep 10 away unless unable to move farther back, then they move
		back towards the center of their radius. you can force them out of their
		area by moving towards them (but out of their firing range), and continue
		to push them out, but the turn after they leave the area they will move
		back towards it, even if you are within the 10 tile radius.
		managed to get a 4 move unit 12 tiles away by moving close to them when
		they had a bow... they seem to retreat away from the spot if they can't
		get to it and can still attack you (close-range would move to you)
0x24 - Target Unit ID
0x25 - 
0x26 - 
	0x04 - Save CT (don't move if not needed; also buff before attacking?)?
0x27 -
***Effect Data Section

801b48d0 - Per effect ID, start of effect data; will be different from 0x801c2500 if the file has any assembly/extraneous data to accompany it
801b53e8 - List of data by Effect ID (0x08 bytes each, goes to 801b63e8)
	0x04 - LBA value (word) [Blank effects get routed to E0511, 71150
	0x08 - Byte length rounded up to the nearest multiple of 0x800

801b63e8 - Effect running state 
   0 = Not running
   1 = Started
   (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing)    // set to 0x03 after getting palette data
   4 = Playing
801b67c8 - list of effect code instruction return addresses
			001b67c8: 801a2238     0x00
			001b67cc: 801a225c     0x01
			001b67d0: 801a2280     0x02
			001b67d4: 801a22f8     0x03
			001b67d8: 801a236c     0x04
			001b67dc: 801a2374     0x05
			001b67e0: 801a23a8     0x06
			001b67e4: 801a2414     0x07
			001b67e8: 801a2488     0x08
			001b67ec: 801a2524     0x09
			001b67f0: 801a2560     0x0a
			001b67f4: 801a259c     0x0b
			001b67f8: 801a262c     0x0c
			001b67fc: 801a2668     0x0d
			001b6800: 801a26a4     0x0e
			001b6804: 801a2734     0x0f
			001b6808: 801a2770     0x10
			001b680c: 801a27b0     0x11
			001b6810: 801a2810     0x12
			001b6814: 801a2870     0x13
			001b6818: 801a28d4     0x14
			001b681c: 801a2938     0x15
			001b6820: 801a2998     0x16
			001b6824: 801a29e0     0x17
			001b6828: 801a2a2c     0x18
			001b682c: 801a2a7c     0x19
			001b6830: 801a2b18     0x1a
			001b6834: 801a2b70     0x1b
			001b6838: 801a2bc8     0x1c
			001b683c: 801a2c28     0x1d
			001b6840: 801a2c7c     0x1e
			001b6844: 801a2cfc     0x1f
			001b6848: 801a2d48     0x20
			001b684c: 801a2d94     0x21
			001b6850: 801a2de0     0x22
			001b6854: 801a2e2c     0x23
			001b6858: 801a2e78     0x24
			001b685c: 801a2eb4     0x25
			001b6860: 801a30ec     0x26
			001b6864: 801a3148     0x27
			001b6868: 801a3408     0x28
			001b686c: 801a4838     0x29
			001b6870: 801a4c44     0x2a
			001b6874: 801a4c84     0x2b
			001b6878: 801a4cc0     0x2c
			001b687c: 801a4cd8     0x2d
			001b6880 - 001b69a4: 801a2214    0x2e - 0x??

801b69a8 - effect palette address
801b69cc - check this half! used in enormous determination routine
801b84dc - Table of Extra particle effect flags?
			  AA BB CC DD
	0x00 Nothing	: 00 00 00 00
	0x01 Bow Arrow	: 08 00 00 01
	0x02 Spell chrg : 00 00 00 04
	0x03 X-bow Bolt	: 08 00 00 14 
	0x04 Spell chrg : 00 01 00 04 
	0x05 Smn Chrg	: 00 00 00 16 
	0x06 Throw Stone: 08 01 00 14 
	0x07 Glowing Tar: 00 00 00 02 
	0x08 Glowing Tar: 00 00 00 02 
	0x09 Falling far: 00 00 00 08 
	0x0a Reflect	: 0c 02 00 12 
	0x0b Zodiac Poof: 00 00 00 11 
	0x0c Death Poof	: 00 00 00 0f
	0x0d Level Up	: 00 00 00 0d
	0x0e Venom trap	: 00 00 00 0c
	0x0f Splash	: 00 00 00 09
	0x10 Throw Item	: ff ff 00 14
	0x11 red orbs	: 00 00 00 06
	0x12 equip Break: 00 00 00 15
	0x13 teleport	: 00 00 00 13
	0x14 Golem	: 00 00 00 03
	0x15 Erroneous? : 00 00 00 05
it's remarkable this isn't all hard coded, there's actually some wriggle room here if you know what you're doing.
AA - no idea, seems to have very little effect. it's only set on empty set particles, and reflect, which is never read from.
BB - for animation types 0x1 and 0x14, this is the model used for the projectile of the attack. ff is simply no model, or the item.bin graphic for the used weapon.
	Model data can be found Secondary Effect 0x1b69dc Table here, 0x801b69dc is the model data of an arrow, 0x801b6d00 for a stone, 0x801b6f00 for the reflect barrier.
Not sure yet what spell charge is doing with a BB, but it is the only other instance of this being a non-0 value, and also the only other routine that reads the value.
CC - zero
DD - the actual function of the particles. 
801b8900 - call addresses per secondary animation effect type Effect Related (0x1b47e0)
	0x00 Nothing	: 801b0fec
	0x01 Arrow Arc	: 801b0ffc
	0x02 Glowing Tar: 801b153c
	0x03 Golem	: 801b1aec
	0x04 Spell chrg : 801b1c04
	0x05 Unsure	: 801b27dc
	0x06 Red Orbs   : 801b284c
	0x07 Not Called : 801b2968
	0x08 Falling Tar: 801b2970
	0x09 Splash     : 801b2a88
	0x0a Not Called : 801b2bfc
	0x0b Not Called : 801b2c04
	0x0c Venom Trap : 801b2c0c
	0x0d Level Up	: 801b2d28
	0x0e Not Called : 801b2e60
	0x0f Death Poof	: 801b2e68
	0x10 Not Called : 801b3118
	0x11 Zodiac Poof: 801b3120
	0x12 Reflect    : 801b33d4
	0x13 teleport	: 801b3820
	0x14 Lin. Proj. : 801b3938
	0x15 Equip Break: 801b40f8
	0x16 Smn chrg   : 801b4234
801b8a40 - first 0x10 bytes of first section of main motion data stored here
801b8b9c - current effect target data (not in MISC/battle ID unit order; entries in order of unit being animated.) 0x54 bytes long per unit (up to 0x10 entries)
	0x00 - previous effect target ID
	0x01 - current effect target ID
	0x02 - next effect target ID
	0x03 - secondary effect's function byte
	0x05 - Additional animation effects? 
		0x00 - nothing
		0x01 - nothing
		0x02 - spell charging spots and lines (if called incorrectly, will loop indefinitely)
		0x03 - nothing
		0x04 - spell charging spots and lines (ditto)
		0x05 - Summon charge (if called incorrectly, will loop indefinitely)
		0x06 - nothing
		0x07 - an additional strike glow on target?
		0x08 - an additional strike glow on target?
		0x09 - landing from a height in sand
		0x0a - reflect spiiiIIIiiIIiin
		0x0b - green zodiac stone poof?
		0x0c - death poof
		0x0d - level up sparkles? job level up sparkles?
		0x0e - triggering a venom trap
		0x0f - landing in water
		0x10 - nothing
		0x11 - red focus orbs
		0x12 - break equipment shatter particles
		0x13 - teleport send-recieve
		0x14 - golem block 
	0x06 - ability element, presented in awful format (none, fire, water, earth, wind, holy, dark, Ice, Lightning) and also its just a value, not bitflags. edits target palette?
	0x08 - if prepared correctly, 0x01?
	0x10 - Contains unit misc ID (and a bunch of unrelated stack.)
	0x1a - X coordinate of target
	0x1e - map level & Y coordinate of target
		- if effect target ID 0x00 (null); stores centre tile of ability aoe instead?
	0x24 - used weapon ID
	0x28 - hit counter
	0x50 - pointer to effect data in RAM (after loaded in)
801b9130 - previous effect target ID
801b9134 - current effect target ID
801b9138 - Next effect target ID
801bacc8 - start of on hit effect header
801baccc - GTE data
	0x14 - X vector
	0x18 - Y vector
	0x1c - Z vector
801bad0c - effect coordinate data stored here
	0x00 - Hit Counter
	0x02 - Counter of found targets
	0x04 - animate on miss flag (01 if animate on miss
	0x06 - Target ID / X coordinate for animate on miss
	0x07 - Type of attack
			0x00 - normal hit
			0x01 - critical hit
			0x02 - reflected
			0x03 - evaded
	0x08 - map level of animate on miss
	0x0a - Y coordinate
	0x0c - some address (word) 0x800bdd24
	0x0e - 00?
	0x10 - next units Data
	0x12 - next target ID
	0x34 - acting unit data address
	0x38 - acting unit ID? byte
	0x40 - some address (8017ac40)
	0x48 - some address (80026cec) something for GPU?
	0x54 - pointer to start of misc data
	0x74 - unit ID
	0x78 - 801938ef - post action byte address
	0x7c - units misc data pointer
801badca - X/Y Coordinate for effect?
801badcc - map level
801badce - X/Y?

801bbf78 - start of frame data address
801bbf7c - 0x10 in effect data (coordinates?)
801bbf80 - effect palette address
801bbf84 - start of misc timed display? (effect misc. timing data + 0x8)
801bbf8c - parameter sets address (+ 0x04?)
801bbf90 - Is effect playing? 0 = false, 1 = true
           // used in effect control routine
801bc094 - Ptr. to effect's code scripts (relative to start of effect data.)
801bc0c8 - misc effect data address
801bc0cc - (while processing models/effects) pointer to polygons by depth table

0x1bc0d4 - set to 0 after storing data to 0x801bad0c
0x1bc0dc - 0x0a in sound effect data (word)
801bf000 - 2nd byte in header / 16 (shifted 0x04 right) 1 space to the right
801bf02c - Temp effect data table (0xf8 per phase?)
	0x00 - Is effect playing(?)
	0x06 - header counter
	0x08 - Ptr. to effect code scripts
	0x1c - 
	0x1e - 0x1, skip some step. 
	0x28 - timer
	0x2c - when not 0, execute custom code in 0xd4?
	0xd4 - ptr. to extra code for effect to execute
801bf21c - start of some data (temp effect data?)
0x00 - 
801bf242 - skip effect routine if = 2?
0x1e - some counter (decremented)
801c00c8 - Copied/edited of effect parameter data in RAM. 0x24 bytes per parameter?
	0x06 - Function flags for effect
		0x01 - set when loading new frame. 0 otherwise.
		0x02 - set on initialisation; Don't multiply motion vector by some matrix (describes camera rotation?)
		0x04 - set on initialisation; Don't multiply rotation matrix by camera zoom. the other flags don't seem to be checked?
	0x08 - special function half (for 0x83 function, 2nd byte is added)
		// tbh don't think it's that. this is any extra XX XX offset appended to the parameter.
	0x0a - 0x03 and 0x04 of starting 5 bytes (half)(for 0x83 function, 3rd byte is added)
		// again, I don't think it's that. YY YY offset.
	0x0c - screen XX XX of current frame? maybe XX velocity?
	0x0e - screen YY YY of current frame? maybe YY velocity?
	0x10 - screen ZZ ZZ of current frame? maybe ZZ velocity?
	0x12 - angle between attacker and target
	0x14 - current 3rd byte?
	0x16 - Duration to hold frame
	0x18 - pointer to current Parameter data in file
	0x1c - parameter counter
	0x1e - next frame byte? VRAM flag check?
	0x1f - current frame
	0x20 - pointer to temp effect SHP or palette data?
801c24d0 - Effect ID (During effect animation, or last played effect); sometimes set to 0x0c when no effect is playing     //Current ability Effect
801c24da - ? Changes during effect
801c83f8 - Job Wheel Bytes(2 bytes each, goes until FF FF is reached)
       0x4000 - Grey out job on Job Wheel
       0x00xx - Job ID
801c8638 (WORLD.BIN)
   Formation screen unit definition : 0x128 (296) bytes
   Data copies here from party data at routine 0x80120bb0 (WORLD.BIN)
   Offset (bytes): Description
       0x000 (2): Level
       0x002 (2): 2 if unit is Guest, otherwise 0
       0x008 (2): Experience
       0x00a (2): Party unit index (controls portrait)
       0x00c (2): Max HP (HP?)
       0x010 (2): Max HP
       0x012 (2): Max MP (MP?)
       0x016 (2): Max MP
       0x018 (2): CT
       0x01c (2): 100 (Max CT)?
       0x022 (2): Party unit index (controls display name)
       0x024 (2): Job ID
       0x026 (2): Brave
       0x028 (2): Faith
       0x02a (2): Birthday (first 4 bits)
       0x02c (2): Party unit index
       0x030 (2): Move
       0x032 (2): Speed
       0x034 (2): Jump
       0x036 (2): Right Hand WP
       0x038 (2): Left Hand WP
       0x03a (2): Right Hand W-EV
       0x03c (2): Left Hand W-EV
       0x03e (2): 1 if primary skillset is Monster skillset (between 0xB0 and 0xDF, inclusive), 0 otherwise
       0x040 (2): Two Hands active (1 if active, 0 if inactive)
       0x042 (2): PA
       0x044 (2): C-Ev
       0x046 (2): Physical S-Ev
       0x048 (2): Physical A-Ev
       0x04c (2): MA
       0x04e (2): 0 (Magical C-Ev?)
       0x050 (2): Magical S-Ev
       0x052 (2): Magical A-Ev
       0x054 (2): Right Hand Equip
       0x056 (2): Left Hand Equip
       0x058 (2): Head Equip
       0x05a (2): Body Equip
       0x05c (2): Accessory
       0x05e (2): Primary skillset
       0x060 (2): Secondary skillset
       0x062 (2): Reaction ability
       0x064 (2): Support ability
       0x066 (2): Movement ability
       0x070 (1): Flags ("Gender" Byte)
           0x80 - Male
           0x40 - Female
           0x20 - Monster
           0x10 - Join after event
           0x08 - Load Formation
           0x04 - ??? Stats
           0x02 - 
           0x01 - Join as Guest
       0x072 (1): Base class
       0x073 (1): Equippable Items 1
           0x80 - Barehanded
           0x40 - Knife
           0x20 - Ninja Blade
           0x10 - Sword
           0x08 - Knight's Sword
           0x04 - Katana
           0x02 - Axe
           0x01 - Rod
       0x074 (1): Equippable Items 2
           0x80 - Staff
           0x40 - Flail
           0x20 - Gun
           0x10 - Crossbow
           0x08 - Bow
           0x04 - Instrument
           0x02 - Book
           0x01 - Polearm
       0x075 (1): Equippable Items 3
           0x80 - Pole
           0x40 - Bag
           0x20 - Cloth
           0x10 - Shield
           0x08 - Helmet
           0x04 - Hat
           0x02 - Hair Adornment
           0x01 - Armor
       0x076 (1): Equippable Items 4
           0x80 - Clothing
           0x40 - Robe
           0x20 - Shoes
           0x10 - Armguard
           0x08 - Ring
           0x04 - Armlet
           0x02 - Cloak
           0x01 - Perfume
       0x077 (1): Unlocked Jobs 1
       0x078 (1): Unlocked Jobs 2
       0x079 (1): Unlocked Jobs 3
       0x07a (1): Base Action Abilities 1-8
       0x07b (1): Base Action Abilities 9-16
       0x07c (1): Base R/S/M 1-6
       0x07d (1): Chemist Action Abilities 1-8
       0x07e (1): Chemist Action Abilities 9-16
       0x07f (1): Chemist R/S/M 1-6
       0x080 (1): Knight Action Abilities 1-8
       0x081 (1): Knight Action Abilities 9-16
       0x082 (1): Knight R/S/M 1-6
       0x083 (1): Archer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x084 (1): Archer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x085 (1): Archer R/S/M 1-6
       0x086 (1): Monk Action Abilities 1-8
       0x087 (1): Monk Action Abilities 9-16
       0x088 (1): Monk R/S/M 1-6
       0x089 (1): Priest Action Abilities 1-8
       0x08a (1): Priest Action Abilities 9-16
       0x08b (1): Priest R/S/M 1-6
       0x08c (1): Wizard Action Abilities 1-8
       0x08d (1): Wizard Action Abilities 9-16
       0x08e (1): Wizard R/S/M 1-6
       0x08f (1): Time Mage Action Abilities 1-8
       0x090 (1): Time Mage Action Abilities 9-16
       0x091 (1): Time Mage R/S/M 1-6
       0x092 (1): Summoner Action Abilities 1-8
       0x093 (1): Summoner Action Abilities 9-16
       0x094 (1): Summoner R/S/M 1-6
       0x095 (1): Thief Action Abilities 1-8
       0x096 (1): Thief Action Abilities 9-16
       0x097 (1): Thief R/S/M 1-6
       0x098 (1): Mediator Action Abilities 1-8
       0x099 (1): Mediator Action Abilities 9-16
       0x09a (1): Mediator R/S/M 1-6
       0x09b (1): Oracle Action Abilities 1-8
       0x09c (1): Oracle Action Abilities 9-16
       0x09d (1): Oracle R/S/M 1-6
       0x09e (1): Geomancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x09f (1): Geomancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a0 (1): Geomancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a1 (1): Lancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a2 (1): Lancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a3 (1): Lancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a4 (1): Samurai Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a5 (1): Samurai Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a6 (1): Samurai R/S/M 1-6
       0x0a7 (1): Ninja Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0a8 (1): Ninja Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0a9 (1): Ninja R/S/M 1-6
       0x0aa (1): Calculator Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0ab (1): Calculator Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0ac (1): Calculator R/S/M 1-6
       0x0ad (1): Bard Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0ae (1): Bard Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0af (1): Bard R/S/M 1-6
       0x0b0 (1): Dancer Action Abilities 1-8
       0x0b1 (1): Dancer Action Abilities 9-16
       0x0b2 (1): Dancer R/S/M 1-6
       0x0b3 (1): Base/Chemist Job Level
       0x0b4 (1): Knight/Archer Job Level
       0x0b5 (1): Monk/Priest Job Level
       0x0b6 (1): Wizard/Time Mage Job Level
       0x0b7 (1): Summoner/Thief Job Level
       0x0b8 (1): Mediator/Oracle Job Level
       0x0b9 (1): Geomancer/Lancer Job Level
       0x0ba (1): Samurai/Ninja Job Level
       0x0bd (1): Calculator/Bard Job Level
       0x0bc (1): Dancer/Mime Job Level
       (Gap for alignment?)
       0x0be (2): Base Job JP
       0x0c0 (2): Chemist Job JP
       0x0c2 (2): Knight Job JP
       0x0c4 (2): Archer Job JP
       0x0c6 (2): Monk Job JP
       0x0c8 (2): Priest Job JP
       0x0ca (2): Wizard Job JP
       0x0cc (2): Time Mage Job JP
       0x0ce (2): Summoner Job JP
       0x0d0 (2): Thief Job JP
       0x0d2 (2): Mediator Job JP
       0x0d4 (2): Oracle Job JP
       0x0d6 (2): Geomancer Job JP
       0x0d8 (2): Lancer Job JP
       0x0da (2): Samurai Job JP
       0x0dc (2): Ninja Job JP
       0x0de (2): Calculator Job JP
       0x0e0 (2): Bard Job JP
       0x0e2 (2): Dancer Job JP
       0x0e4 (2): Mime Job JP
       0x0e6 (2): Total Base Job JP
       0x0e8 (2): Total Chemist Job JP
       0x0ea (2): Total Knight Job JP
       0x0ec (2): Total Archer Job JP
       0x0ee (2): Total Monk Job JP
       0x0f0 (2): Total Priest Job JP
       0x0f2 (2): Total Wizard Job JP
       0x0f4 (2): Total Time Mage Job JP
       0x0f6 (2): Total Summoner Job JP
       0x0f8 (2): Total Thief Job JP
       0x0fa (2): Total Mediator Job JP
       0x0fc (2): Total Oracle Job JP
       0x0fe (2): Total Geomancer Job JP
       0x100 (2): Total Lancer Job JP
       0x102 (2): Total Samurai Job JP
       0x104 (2): Total Ninja Job JP
       0x106 (2): Total Calculator Job JP
       0x108 (2): Total Bard Job JP
       0x10a (2): Total Dancer Job JP
       0x10c (2): Total Mime Job JP
       0x10e-0x11d: Unit Name
       0x11e (1): Graphic
       0x11f (1): Proposition byte
       0x120 (2): Birthday
       0x122 (2): ? (0xd2 party data)
       0x124 (1): Support 1
           0x80 - Equip Armor
           0x40 - Equip Shield
           0x20 - Equip Sword
           0x10 - Equip Katana
           0x08 - Equip Crossbow
           0x04 - Equip Spear
           0x02 - Equip Axe
           0x01 - Equip Gun
       0x125 (1): Support 2
           0x80 - Half of MP
           0x40 - Gained JP-UP
           0x20 - Gained EXP-UP
           0x10 - Attack UP
           0x08 - Defense UP
           0x04 - Magic Attack UP
           0x02 - Magic Defense UP
           0x01 - Concentrate
       0x126 (1): Support 3
           0x80 - Train
           0x40 - Secret Hunt
           0x20 - Martial Arts
           0x10 - Monster Talk
           0x08 - Throw Item
           0x04 - Maintenance
           0x02 - Two Hands
           0x01 - Two Swords
       0x127 (1): Support 4
           0x80 - Monster Skill
           0x40 - Defend
           0x20 - Equip Change
           0x10 - 
           0x08 - Short Charge
           0x04 - Non-Charge
           0x02 - 
           0x01 -

801cd170 - Current thread ID (WORLD.BIN); index into array at 0x80195cd0

801cd330 - Unit Names

801cd43c - Reserve Items array for Fitting Room - Added to inventory after finished (Old equipment replaced with fitted equipment)
   10 bytes per unit (5 item IDs as halfwords)

801cd5ec - Formation unit reference array (WORLD.BIN); each entry is a pointer to formation unit data

801cd788 - Number of formation screen units (WORLD.BIN)