Difference between revisions of "Store Casting Units Name and Data selected by cursor"

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Latest revision as of 21:22, 12 February 2015

Store Casting Units Name and Data selected by cursor 6e634: 0006e634 - 0006e6ac

	0007a2b8: Check if unit is on panel?
	0007a218: 0007a218 - 0007a258
	0013d634: Store unit names and some event block data

0006e634: 3c048009 lui r4,0x8009			
0006e638: 8c8461b4 lw r4,0x61b4(r4)			Load Cursor X Coordinate (Cursor)
0006e63c: 3c058009 lui r5,0x8009			
0006e640: 8ca561bc lw r5,0x61bc(r5)			Load Cursor Y Coordinate (Cursor)
0006e644: 3c068009 lui r6,0x8009			
0006e648: 8cc661b8 lw r6,0x61b8(r6)			Load Cursor Map Level (0 = base floor, 1 = higher floor)
0006e64c: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8			
0006e650: afbf0014 sw r31,0x0014(r29)			Store 0x0 onto Stack
0006e654: 0c01e8ae jal 0x0007a2b8			Check if unit is on panel?
0006e658: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)			Store 0x0 onto Stack
0006e65c: 0c01e886 jal 0x0007a218			0007a218 - 0007a258
0006e660: 00408021 addu r16,r2,r0
0006e664: 12000007 beq r16,r0,0x0006e684			Branch if Misc Unit Display Data  == 0x0
0006e668: 34040005 ori r4,r0,0x0005			r4 = (0x5) 5
0006e66c: 8c420134 lw r2,0x0134(r2)			Load 
0006e670: 8e030134 lw r3,0x0134(r16)			Load 
0006e674: 9045018a lbu r5,0x018a(r2)			Load Tile Data 
0006e678: 9066018a lbu r6,0x018a(r3)			Load Tile Data 
0006e67c: 0801b9a5 j 0x0006e694			
0006e680: 00000000 nop
0006e684: 8c420134 lw r2,0x0134(r2)			Load 
0006e688: 34040002 ori r4,r0,0x0002			r4 = (0x2) 2
0006e68c: 9045018a lbu r5,0x018a(r2)			Load Tile Data 
0006e690: 340600ff ori r6,r0,0x00ff			r6 = (0xFF) 255
0006e694: 0c04f58d jal 0x0013d634			Store unit names and some event block data
0006e698: 00000000 nop
0006e69c: 8fbf0014 lw r31,0x0014(r29)			Load Stack + 0x14
0006e6a0: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)			Load Stack + 0x10
0006e6a4: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018			
0006e6a8: 03e00008 jr r31			Jump to Address
0006e6ac: 00000000 nop