Difference between revisions of "Finger Guard"

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Line 6: Line 6:
  00188308: 0c063248 jal 0x0018c920      Check if unit can react
  00188308: 0c063248 jal 0x0018c920      Check if unit can react
  0018830c: 00000000 nop             
  0018830c: 00000000 nop             
  00188310: 14400022 bne r2,r0,0x0018839c    
  00188310: 14400022 bne r2,r0,0x0018839c   Branch if unit can't react 
  00188314: 00000000 nop             
  00188314: 00000000 nop             
  00188318: 3c058019 lui r5,0x8019       
  00188318: 3c058019 lui r5,0x8019       
Line 13: Line 13:
  00188324: 90a2008e lbu r2,0x008e(r5)      Load 4th set of Reactions
  00188324: 90a2008e lbu r2,0x008e(r5)      Load 4th set of Reactions
  00188328: 00000000 nop             
  00188328: 00000000 nop             
  0018832c: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020      Branch if not equiped with Finger Guard
  0018832c: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020      Branch if not equipped with Finger Guard
  00188330: 1040001a beq r2,r0,0x0018839c
  00188330: 1040001a beq r2,r0,0x0018839c
  00188334: 34020064 ori r2,r0,0x0064      R2=100
  00188334: 34020064 ori r2,r0,0x0064      R2=100

Revision as of 21:06, 31 January 2016

Finger Guard:
001882f8: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019            
001882fc: 8c842d98 lw r4,0x2d98(r4)      Load Defender's Stats
00188300: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8      
00188304: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)      
00188308: 0c063248 jal 0x0018c920      Check if unit can react
0018830c: 00000000 nop            
00188310: 14400022 bne r2,r0,0x0018839c    Branch if unit can't react  
00188314: 00000000 nop            
00188318: 3c058019 lui r5,0x8019      
0018831c: 8ca52d98 lw r5,0x2d98(r5)      Load Defender's Stats....
00188320: 00000000 nop            
00188324: 90a2008e lbu r2,0x008e(r5)      Load 4th set of Reactions
00188328: 00000000 nop            
0018832c: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020      Branch if not equipped with Finger Guard
00188330: 1040001a beq r2,r0,0x0018839c
00188334: 34020064 ori r2,r0,0x0064      R2=100
00188338: 90a30024 lbu r3,0x0024(r5)      
0018833c: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019      
00188340: 8c842d90 lw r4,0x2d90(r4)      Load Current Action Data Pointer
00188344: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3      100 - Brave
00188348: 1040000a beq r2,r0,0x00188374      Branch if Brave > 100?
0018834c: a482002a sh r2,0x002a(r4)      Store Hit %
00188350: 0c0634e1 jal 0x0018d384      chance to React
00188354: 00a02021 addu r4,r5,r0      
00188358: 14400010 bne r2,r0,0x0018839c      
0018835c: 00000000 nop            
00188360: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019      
00188364: 8c42f5fc lw r2,-0x0a04(r2)      Load Something to do with Damage Display?
00188368: 00000000 nop            
0018836c: 1440000b bne r2,r0,0x0018839c      
00188370: 00000000 nop            
00188374: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019      
00188378: 8c422d90 lw r2,0x2d90(r2)      Load Current Action Data Pointer
0018837c: 00000000 nop            
00188380: a0400000 sb r0,0x0000(r2)      Change hit flag to miss
00188384: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019      
00188388: 8c632d90 lw r3,0x2d90(r3)      Load Current Action Data Pointer...
0018838c: 340201c0 ori r2,r0,0x01c0      
00188390: a462000e sh r2,0x000e(r3)      Store Reaction ID
00188394: 3402000b ori r2,r0,0x000b      
00188398: a0620002 sb r2,0x0002(r3)      Store Evade type?
0018839c: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)      
001883a0: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018      
001883a4: 03e00008 jr r31         
001883a8: 00000000 nop