Difference between revisions of "Data/Table Locations"

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Line 2,701: Line 2,701:
  0x1c - MA
  0x1c - MA
  0x1e - "00" under c-ev
  0x20 - Shield M-Ev
  0x20 - Shield M-Ev
  0x22 - Accessory M-Ev
  0x22 - Accessory M-Ev

Revision as of 02:25, 6 March 2017

For additional ASM notes and an easier to use version of this data in .txt format, visit this thread: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6538.140#msg181059 and download New Asm Files.7z
Main Data Locations:

RAM -> File
-0x67000 -> WLDCORE.bin
-0x67000 -> Battle.bin
-0xE0000 -> World.bin
-0xF800 -> SCUS

Controller Inputs

Title Screen: 0x800851BC
Event/Battle: 0x80045944
World Map/Formation: 0x8019A204
   0x8000  Left
   0x4000  Down
   0x2000  Right
   0x1000  Up
   0x0800  Start
   0x0400  R3
   0x0200  L3
   0x0100  Select
   0x0080  Square
   0x0040  Cross (X)
   0x0020  Circle
   0x0010  Triangle
   0x0008  R1
   0x0004  L1
   0x0002  R2
   0x0001  L2

8002b0a4 - Arctan Angle * 64 list (0x401? entries)
8002b8b8 - Square Root Mods (0xc0 entries, halfwords)
8002bee8 - (0x401? entries, words)
8002fee8 - ArcTan Mod (0x401 entries, halfords)

800306ec - GPU Control Pointer
800306f0 - Horizontal Retrace Counter Pointer
800306f4 - Horizontal Retrace Counter Start? (gets subtracted from the counter)

80031b40 - cdreg0 address
80031b44 - cdreg1 address
80031b48 - cdreg2 address
80031b4c - cdreg3 address
80031b50 - hardware register address

80031b74 - hardware register address
80031b78 - hardware register address
80031b7c - hardware register address (address where address in RAM for file to be loaded to is stored)

80031b90 - starting address in RAM to load file to
80031b94 - current address in RAM to load file to

80031ba0 - counter for number of sections of file to load?
80031ba4 - ??
80031ba8 - First LBA Sector of file to load
80031bac - Current LBA Sector of file to load

80031bb4 - cdreg addresses... there are only 4 but for some reason they repeat like 8 times

80031c48 - hardware register addresses

80032a78 - address for controller button state to be stored; output of PAD_dr() - this address is loaded from 0x000074c4

80037880 - 80037B90 - Music Files
80037B90 - End of Music Files

800454d0 - ages for brave story

0x80045944 - controller input
   0x8000  Left
   0x4000  Down
   0x2000  Right
   0x1000  Up
   0x0800  Start
   0x0400  R3
   0x0200  L3
   0x0100  Select
   0x0080  Square
   0x0040  Cross (X)
   0x0020  Circle
   0x0010  Triangle
   0x0008  R1
   0x0004  L1
   0x0002  R2
   0x0001  L2

8004594c - copy of controller input

80045950 - copy of controller input

80045980 - (set to 1 after prepping Exp/JP) (word)
			set to 1 when targeting, set to 2 when attacking
			type of display byte

800459b8 - Milliseconds (also frame counter? max of 60 before Seconds ++)
800459bc - Seconds
800459c0 - Minutes
800459c4 - Hours

800473ac - Customized Options
	NOTE: each of the flags uses the next bit as well, but it's just to display
 	either "Customize" or "Initialize" (0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Custom, 3 = Initial)
	0x80000000 - 
	0x20000000 - Max Equip at Job Change
	0x08000000 - Target Flashing
	0x02000000 - Display Gained Exp/JP
	0x800000 - Show Unequipable Items
	0x400000 - Sound = Wide
	0x200000 - Sound = Stereo (both off = Mono)
	0x080000 - Show Effect Message
	0x020000 - Show Ability Name
	0x8000 - Navigation Message
	0x2000 - Message Speed = Slow (both off = Fast)
	0x1000 - Message Speed = Regular
	0x0c00 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Slowest
	0x0a00 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Slower
	0x0800 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Slow
	0x0600 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Regular
	0x0400 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Fast
	0x0200 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Faster
	0x0000 - Finger Cursor Repeat Speed = Fastest
	0x01c0 - (8 total CS on MH speeds?)
0xZ0 - Cursor speed on multiple heights
	0xc0 - Cursor Speed on Multiple Heights = Stop
	0x80 - Cursor Speed on Multiple Heights = Slow
	0x40 - Cursor Speed on Multiple Heights = Regular
	0x00 - Fast
	0x38 - (8 total cursor reset speeds?)
	0x10 - Cursor Repeat Speed = Slow
	0x08 - Cursor Repeat Speed = Regular (both off = Fast)
	0x07 - (8 total cursor movement types?)
	0x01 - Cursor Movement Type = B (off = A)
800473b0 - Default Options

8004a6c1 - start of event code
8004c6c1 - end of event code

8004eb10 - 
	0x01 - modified LBA sector to load data
	0x02 - modified LBA sector to load data
	0x00 - modified LBA sector to load data
80051318 - Music Data (0x800 bytes?)

56b18 - code pointers?


80057718 - Time played this session (increments every frame/millisecond)
8005771c - Map Data?

80057784 - Beginning of map command data
	0x00 - X Position
	0x04 - Z Position
	0x08 - Y Position
	0x0C - Angle
	0x10 - Map Rotation
	0x14 - Camera Rotation
	0x18 - Zoom
	0x1C - Timer

800577b8 - Event ID (used by Brave Story to load certain events)

800577c0 - locks controller input
	0x0001 - L2
	0x0002 - R2
	0x0004 - L1
	0x0008 - L2
	0x0080 - Square
	0x0040 - X
	0x0020 - circle
	0x0010 - triangle
	0x0100 - Select
	0x0200 -
	0x0400 -
	0x0800 -
	0x1000 - Up
	0x2000 - Right
	0x4000 - Down
	0x8000 - Left
800577cc - Gil

800577d4 - Month
800577d8 - Day

800577e0 - Current Location
	0x02 - Igros Castle
	0x06 - Gariland Magic City
	0x09 - Dorter Trade City
	0x0f - Fort Zeakden
	0x11 - Thieves Fort
	0x12 - Orbonne Monastery
	0x18 - Mandalia Plains
	0x19 - Fovoham Plains
	0x1a - Sweegy Woods
	0x1c - Zeklaus Desert
	0x1d - Lenalia Plateau
800577e4 - ENTD Data ID (ENTD to load)
800577e8 - Map ID
800577ec - Number of Teams
800577f0 - Battle Formation ID (for placement)

80057878 - Event Byte Counter? (maybe just text?)

80057884 - ID for "Person" pages in Brave Story?

800578a0 - Injured (Brave Story)
800578a4 - b - Casualties (Brave Story)

800578ac - Next Scenario? New Game?
800578B0 - Deep Dungeon list length (+1)

800578c0 - Town Background

800578d4 - Storyline Progression
800578d8 - Shop Item Availability

8005791E - Activation bytes	
		0x01		Activate the "Fur Shop"
		0x04		Activate the "Facts" Brave story section.

World Locations colors (0 = red ; 1 = blue/green)
		0x80	$00	Lesalia Imperial Capital's color
0x80057959	0x01	$01	Riovanes Castle's color
		0x02	$02	Igros Castle's color
		0x04	$03	Lionel Castle's color
		0x08	$04	Limberry Castle's color
		0x10	$05	Zeltennia Castle's color
		0x20	$06	Gariland Magic City's color
		0x40	$07	Yardow Fort City's color
		0x80	$08	Goland Coal City's color
0x8005795A	0x01	$09	Dorter Trade City's color
		0x02	$0A	Zaland Fort City's color
		0x04	$0B	Goug Machine City's color
		0x08	$0C	Warjilis Trade City's color
		0x10	$0D	Bervenia Free City's color
		0x20	$0E	Zarghidas Trade City's color
		0x40	$0F	Fort Zeakden's color
		0x80	$10	Murond Holy Place's color
0x8005795B	0x01	$11	Thieves Fort's color
		0x02	$12	Orbonne Monastery's color
		0x04	$13	Golgorand Execution Site's color
		0x08	$14	Murond Death City's color
		0x10	$15	Bethla Garrison's color
		0x20	$16	Deep Dungeon's color
		0x40	$17	Nelveska Temple's color
		0x80	$18	Mandalia Plains' color
0x8005795C	0x01	$19	Fovoham Plains' color
		0x02	$1A	Sweegy Woods' color
		0x04	$1B	Bervenia Volcano's color
		0x08	$1C	Zeklaus Desert's color
		0x10	$1D	Lenalia Plateau's color
		0x20	$1E	Zigolis Swamp's color
		0x40	$1F	Yuguo Woods' color
		0x80	$20	Araguay Woods' color
0x8005795D	0x01	$21	Grog Hill's color
		0x02	$22	Bed Desert's color
		0x04	$23	Zirekile Falls' color
		0x08	$24	Dolbodar Swamp's color
		0x10	$25	Bariaus Hill's color
		0x20	$26	Doguola Pass' color
		0x40	$27	Bariaus Valley's color
		0x80	$28	Finath River's color
0x8005795E	0x01	$29	Poeskas Lake's color
		0x02	$2A	Germinas Peak's color
		0x04	$2B	-blank-

80057970 - Treasures
	0x01	$0 	None
	0x02	$1 	Four Gods Set
	0x04	$2 	Statue of Lylis
	0x08	$3 	Beetle Charm
	0x10	$4 	Tobacco Pipe
	0x20	$5 	Zeni-Sword
	0x40	$6 	Black Cat
	0x80	$7 	Malice Mask
	0x01	$8 	Parade Helmet
	0x02	$9 	Kid's Bread
	0x04	$0A	Adult's Bread
	0x08	$0B	Calcobrina
	0x10	$0C	Yurgeivogue
	0x20	$0D	Red Materia
	0x40	$0E	Blue Materia
	0x80	$0F	Black Materia
	0x01	$10 	White Materia
	0x02	$11 	Rat Tail
	0x04	$12 	M-Fiction Novel
	0x08	$13 	Diary of Nanai
	0x10	$14 	Wyuvle
	0x20	$15 	Book of Enavia
	0x40	$16 	Magical Gun
	0x80	$17 	M Machine Gun
	0x01	$18 	Magi-Sword
	0x02	$19 	Minu Orb
	0x04	$1A		Tarot of Ben
	0x08	$1B		Excalipar
	0x10	$1C		Parasite Tree
	0x20	$1D		Longibunne Spear
	0x40	$1E		Chocobo Cannon
	0x80	$1F		St. Elmo's Fire
	0x01	$20 	Germonik Scriptures
	0x02	$21 	Dummy Data 1
	0x04	$22 	Dummy Data 2
	0x08	$23 	Aries
	0x10	$24 	Taurus
	0x20	$25 	Gemini
	0x40	$26 	Cancer
	0x80	$27 	Leo
	0x01	$28 	Virgo
	0x02	$29 	Libra
	0x04	$2A	Scorpio
	0x08	$2B	Sagittarius
	0x10	$2C	Capricorn
	0x20	$2D	Aquarius
	0x40	$2E	Pisces
	0x80	$2F	Serpentarius

80057976 - Unexplored Lands
	0x01	$0 	Shrine of Chaos
	0x02	$1 	Forbidden Land Eureka
	0x04	$2 	Pandemonium
	0x08	$3 	Mirage Tower
	0x10	$4 	Floating Castle
	0x20	$5 	Matoya Cave
	0x40	$6 	Crystal Tower
	0x80	$7 	Magic Continent
	0x01	$8 	Castle of Trials
	0x02	$9 	Tower of Babel
	0x04	$0A	Ronkan Ruins
	0x08	$0B	Falgabird
	0x10	$0C	Magic Train
	0x20	$0D	Touzas Village
	0x40	$0E	Chocobo Forest
	0x80	$0F	Semite Falls

80057978 - Proposition (0x02 jobs per byte, 0xF0 and 0x0F)
0x08 - called back
0x0a - in progress
0x0c - finished
	0x80057978	0x0F	$0 	Highwind Salvage
				0xF0	$1 	Salvage Tour Thoughts
	0x80057979	0x0F	$2 	Sailor Tour Thoughts
				0xF0	$3 	Enterprise Salvage
	0x8005797A	0x0F	$4 	Attractive Workplace?
				0xF0	$5 	Hindenburg Salvage
	0x8005797B	0x0F	$6 	Falcon Salvage
				0xF0	$7 	Legend of Heroic King
	0x8005797C	0x0F	$8 	Doga Salvage
				0xF0	$9 	Envoy Ship of Lionel Castle
	0x8005797D	0x0F	$0A	Luxurious ship salvage
				0xF0	$0B	Lost Ancient Writings
	0x8005797E	0x0F	$0C	Good Workplace and Job?
				0xF0	$0D	Salvage in Riovanes!
	0x8005797F	0x0F	$0E	Vessel of Istanbul
				0xF0	$0F	Douing Salvage
	0x80057980	0x0F	$10 	Mining Tour Thoughts
				0xF0	$11 	Miner's Tour Thoughts
	0x80057981	0x0F	$12 	Letter to the Family
				0xF0	$13 	Miner's Tour Repeated!
	0x80057982	0x0F	$14 	Anything's possible!
				0xF0	$15 	Guide to Miners
	0x80057983	0x0F	$16 	Miner's Day Off
				0xF0	$17 	Girl of Flame!?
	0x80057984	0x0F	$18 	The First One Back
				0xF0	$19 	Behind the Cliff
	0x80057985	0x0F	$1A	Meet with the Unknown
				0xF0	$1B	One Activity
	0x80057986	0x0F	$1C	Fight of the Miners
				0xF0	$1D	Ghost Staffs
	0x80057987	0x0F	$1E	Tears of an Ex-miner
				0xF0	$1F	15 Black Knights
	0x80057988	0x0F	$20 	After the Discovery Race
				0xF0	$21 	Things at Lake bottom
	0x80057989	0x0F	$22 	After 2nd Discovery Race
				0xF0	$23 	Thing at Myst. Frontier
	0x8005798A	0x0F	$24 	After 3rd Discovery Race
				0xF0	$25 	Thing in Deep Forest
	0x8005798B	0x0F	$26 	Thing at Bed Desert
				0xF0	$27 	Thing at Zeklaus Desert
	0x8005798C	0x0F	$28 	Over Mountain Pass
				0xF0	$29 	Discovery Tour Thoughts
	0x8005798D	0x0F	$2A	Thing in the Swamps
				0xF0	$2B	Maze of Ancient People
	0x8005798E	0x0F	$2C	Join the Adventurer Team!
				0xF0	$2D	Report! It is true!
	0x8005798F	0x0F	$2E	Merchants' Worries!
				0xF0	$2F	In the Mist...
	0x80057990	0x0F	$30 	Wyberns Annihilated!
				0xF0	$31 	Wild Kingdom
	0x80057991	0x0F	$32 	Battle! Demon Lylis
				0xF0	$33 	Father and Child
	0x80057992	0x0F	$34 	Whisper Grass in Dark
				0xF0	$35 	Battle! Whirlwind Karz!
	0x80057993	0x0F	$36 	Crime of Ct. Minimum!
				0xF0	$37 	Battle! Assault Cave!
	0x80057994	0x0F	$38 	That is not the Aim!
				0xF0	$39 	Too Naive
	0x80057995	0x0F	$3A	Pleasure of a Goddess
				0xF0	$3B	Women held in arms...
	0x80057996	0x0F	$3C	Bye, Noble of Darkness!
				0xF0	$3D	At the Hilltop Mansion?
	0x80057997	0x0F	$3E	Unfortunate Monsters
				0xF0	$3F	Fiar's Intentions!
	0x80057998	0x0F	$40 	Back then...
				0xF0	$41 	Rescue of Cornelia!
	0x80057999	0x0F	$42 	Return of Pappal!
				0xF0	$43 	Ultimate Atavism
	0x8005799A	0x0F	$44 	Thoughts of a Doll
				0xF0	$45 	Letter from distant
	0x8005799B	0x0F	$46 	Battle! Mud Man!
				0xF0	$47 	Darkness of Eternal Way
	0x8005799C	0x0F	$48 	Demon Golem
				0xF0	$49 	Final Resistance
	0x8005799D	0x0F	$4A	Informant
				0xF0	$4B	Most Precious Thing
	0x8005799E	0x0F	$4C	Poet Gilbert's Thoughts
				0xF0	$4D	Delighted Ct. Minimum!
	0x8005799F	0x0F	$4E	Cannibalistic Plant
				0xF0	$4F	Joyous Song for You
	0x800579A0	0x0F	$50 	The Talkative, Katedona
				0xF0	$51 	Courage of Durman!
	0x800579A1	0x0F	$52 	Regain Ability!
				0xF0	$53 	Delighted Ct. Minimum!
	0x800579A2	0x0F	$54 	Won Machinist Contest!
				0xF0	$55 	Artist Mameko Leaves!
	0x800579A3	0x0F	$56 	Chocobo Restaurant
				0xF0	$57 	Ship Casino, Black Jack
	0x800579A4	0x0F	$58 	Storm of 777!
				0xF0	$59 	Inside Lakam Trade Co.
	0x800579A5	0x0F	$5A	Cherish Memories
				0xF0	$5B	A Perfect Smile!
	0x800579A6	0x0F	$5C	Won the Yardow Fight!
				0xF0	$5D	Won the Zaland Fight!
	0x800579A7	0x0F	$5E	Won the Magic Contest!
				0xF0	$5F	Won the Meister Contest!
800579a8 - "Person" data flags


80057b18 - saved data

80057b5c - Weapon Page Order (FF = early end; uses Item ID's, 0x8c long)
80057be8 - Helmet Page Order (0x20 long)
80057c08 - Armor Page Order (0x28 long)
80057c30 - Accessory Page Order (0x24 long)
80057c54 - Item Page Order (0x14? long)

80057c7c - saved data
80057d02 - saved data
80057d24 - saved data

80057d84 - Save screeen data? (0x18 long, 15 total?)
	0x00 - File ID?
	0x01 - Name (0x15 long)
	0x10 - ? Text (0x2 long, unused?)
	0x12 - Ramza's Job ID
	0x13 - Ramza's Level
	0x14 - Month
	0x15 - Day
	0x16 - Location?
	0x17 - ?

80057e60 - list of return addresses for evade types

80057eec - Current Proposition data (9 bytes each, 8 sections)
	0x00 - proposition on when set to 1
	0x01 - Prop ID
	0x02 - Amount of days spent
	0x03 - Amount of days needed
	0x04 - Location of proposition
	0x05 - number of units on prop
	0x06 - unit ID


80057f74 - Party Data (256 bytes each, 20 sections)
	0x00 - Sprite Set
		0x7F - Special Character
		0x80 - Generic Male
		0x81 - Generic Female
		0x82 - Monster
	0x01 - Party ID
	0x02 - Job ID
	0x03 - Palette
		0x00 Default
		0x01 Hokuten
		0x02 Nanten
		0x03 Death Corps
		0x04 Glabados Church
		0x05 No Palette? 
	0x04 - Gender Byte
		0x80 - Male
		0x40 - Female
		0x20 - Monster
		0x10 - Join after event
		0x08 - Load Formation
		0x04 - ??? Stats
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Save Formation
	0x05 - Birthday (days, plus bit 0 from next byte)
		0x000-0x01e - January
		0x01f-0x03a - February
		0x03b-0x059 - March
		0x05a-0x077 - April
		0x078-0x096 - May
		0x097-0x0b4 - June
		0x0b5-0x0d3 - July
		0x0d4-0x0f2 - August
		0x0f3-0x110 - September
		0x111-0x12f - October
		0x130-0x14d - November
		0x14e-0x16c - December
	0x06 - Zodiac Sign
		0xf0 - 
		0xe0 - 
		0xd0 - 
		0xc0 - Serpentarius
		0xb0 - Pisces
		0xa0 - Aquarius
		0x90 - Capricorn
		0x80 - Sagittarius
		0x70 - Scorpio
		0x60 - Libra
		0x50 - Virgo
		0x40 - Leo
		0x30 - Cancer
		0x20 - Gemini
		0x10 - Taurus
		0x00 - Aries
	0x07 - Secondary Skillset
	0x08 - Reaction Ability
	0x0a - Support Ability
	0x0c - Movement Ability
	0x0e - Head
	0x0f - Body
	0x10 - Accessory
	0x11 - Right Hand Weapon
	0x12 - Right Hand Shield
	0x13 - Left Hand Weapon
	0x14 - Left Hand Shield
	0x15 - Experience
	0x16 - Level
	0x17 - Brave
	0x18 - Faith
	0x19 - Raw HP
	0x1c - Raw MP
	0x1f - Raw SP
	0x22 - Raw PA
	0x25 - Raw MA
	0x28 - Unlocked Jobs 1-8 (All of these start from 0x80)
	0x29 - Unlocked Jobs 9-16
	0x2a - Unlocked Jobs 17-20
	0x2b - Base Action Abilities 1-8
	0x2c - Base Action Abilities 9-16
	0x2d - Base R/S/M 1-6
	0x2e - Chemist Action Abilities 1-8
	0x2f - Chemist Action Abilities 9-16
	0x30 - Chemist R/S/M 1-6
	0x31 - Knight Action Abilities 1-8
	0x32 - Knight Action Abilities 9-16
	0x33 - Knight R/S/M 1-6
	0x34 - Archer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x35 - Archer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x36 - Archer R/S/M 1-6
	0x37 - Monk Action Abilities 1-8
	0x38 - Monk Action Abilities 9-16
	0x39 - Monk R/S/M 1-6
	0x3a - Priest Action Abilities 1-8
	0x3b - Priest Action Abilities 9-16
	0x3c - Priest R/S/M 1-6
	0x3d - Wizard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x3e - Wizard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x3f - Wizard R/S/M 1-6
	0x40 - Time Mage Action Abilities 1-8
	0x41 - Time Mage Action Abilities 9-16
	0x42 - Time Mage R/S/M 1-6
	0x43 - Summoner Action Abilities 1-8
	0x44 - Summoner Action Abilities 9-16
	0x45 - Summoner R/S/M 1-6
	0x46 - Thief Action Abilities 1-8
	0x47 - Thief Action Abilities 9-16
	0x48 - Thief R/S/M 1-6
	0x49 - Mediator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x4a - Mediator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x4b - Mediator R/S/M 1-6
	0x4c - Oracle Action Abilities 1-8
	0x4d - Oracle Action Abilities 9-16
	0x4e - Oracle R/S/M 1-6
	0x4f - Geomancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x50 - Geomancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x51 - Geomancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x52 - Lancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x53 - Lancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x54 - Lancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x55 - Samurai Action Abilities 1-8
	0x56 - Samurai Action Abilities 9-16
	0x57 - Samurai R/S/M 1-6
	0x58 - Ninja Action Abilities 1-8
	0x59 - Ninja Action Abilities 9-16
	0x5a - Ninja R/S/M 1-6
	0x5b - Calculator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x5c - Calculator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x5d - Calculator R/S/M 1-6
	0x5e - Bard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x5f - Bard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x60 - Bard R/S/M 1-6
	0x61 - Dancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x62 - Dancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x63 - Dancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x64 - Base/Chemist Job Level
	0x65 - Knight/Archer Job Level
	0x66 - Monk/Priest Job Level
	0x67 - Wizard/Time Mage Job Level
	0x68 - Summoner/Thief Job Level
	0x69 - Mediator/Oracle Job Level
	0x6a - Geomancer/Lancer Job Level
	0x6b - Samurai/Ninja Job Level
	0x6c - Calculator/Bard Job Level
	0x6d - Dancer/Mime Job Level
	0x6e - Base Job JP
	0x70 - Chemist Job JP
	0x72 - Knight Job JP
	0x74 - Archer Job JP
	0x76 - Monk Job JP
	0x78 - Priest Job JP
	0x7a - Wizard Job JP
	0x7c - Time Mage Job JP
	0x7e - Summoner Job JP
	0x80 - Thief Job JP
	0x82 - Mediator Job JP
	0x84 - Oracle Job JP
	0x86 - Geomancer Job JP
	0x88 - Lancer Job JP
	0x8a - Samurai Job JP
	0x8c - Ninja Job JP
	0x8e - Calculator Job JP
	0x90 - Bard Job JP
	0x92 - Dancer Job JP
	0x94 - Mime Job JP
	0x96 - Total Base Job JP
	0x98 - Total Chemist Job JP
	0x9a - Total Knight Job JP
	0x9c - Total Archer Job JP
	0x9e - Total Monk Job JP
	0xa0 - Total Priest Job JP
	0xa2 - Total Wizard Job JP
	0xa4 - Total Time Mage Job JP
	0xa6 - Total Summoner Job JP
	0xa8 - Total Thief Job JP
	0xaa - Total Mediator Job JP
	0xac - Total Oracle Job JP
	0xae - Total Geomancer Job JP
	0xb0 - Total Lancer Job JP
	0xb2 - Total Samurai Job JP
	0xb4 - Total Ninja Job JP
	0xb6 - Total Calculator Job JP
	0xb8 - Total Bard Job JP
	0xba - Total Dancer Job JP
	0xbc - Total Mime Job JP
	0xbe-0xcd - Unit Name
	0xce - Unit Name ID
		0x00XX - Special
		0x01XX - Generic Male
		0x02XX - Generic Female
		0x03XX - Generic Monster
	0xd0 - Proposition byte
	0xd0/0xd2 bytes set to 0 at initialization
	0xd2 - 0-3 for newly created eggs
	0xd3-0xdf - Free data
	0xe0 - 0xff - data doesn't save
80059374 - (End of Party Data)

80059414 -  Move-Find item items found flags (4 bits each, 0x40 bytes total)
 - http://ffhacktics.com/wiki/Variables#Propositions_.2F_Jobs
	0xF0 - ??
	0x0F - At the main gate of igros

80059494 - Poached Item Quantities (same order as item ID's)

800596e0 - Available Item Quantities (same order as item ID's)[Amount owned - amount equipped]

800597e0 - Save Times (15? total, 3 bytes each)
	0x00 - Hours
	0x01 - Minutes
	0x02 - Seconds

80059594 - 

80059818 - Level UP Stat Storing Code Pointers
	0x00 - 5ba08 (HP)
	0x04 - 5ba18 (MP)
	0x08 - 5ba28 (SP)
	0x0c - 5ba38 (PA)
	0x10 - 5ba48 (MA)

80059830 - Action Status Code Pointers
	0x00 - 5e810 (Normal Action)
	0x04 - 5e84c (Blank Status?)
	0x08 - 5e84c (Crystal?)
	0x0c - 5e84c (Dead?)
	0x10 - 5e84c (Undead?)
	0x14 - 5e81c (Charging)
	0x18 - 5e824 (Jump)
	0x1c - 5e82c (Defending)
	0x20 - 5e838 (Performing)

59854-5e90b code is here

8005e90c - Base Data (12 bytes each, 4 total)
	Order: 0 = Male, 1 = Female, 2 = Ramza, 3 = Monster
	0x00 - HP (these * 16384 = Min Raw)
	0x01 - MP
	0x02 - SP
	0x03 - PA
	0x04 - MA
	0x05 - Helmet
	0x06 - Armor
	0x07 - Accessory
	0x08 - RH Weapon
	0x09 - RH Shield
	0x0a - LH Weapon
	0x0b - LH Shield
8005e93c - Base Raw Random Mod (5 bytes each, 4 total)
	Order: Same as above
	0x00 - HP
	0x01 - MP
	0x02 - SP
	0x03 - PA
	0x04 - MA
8005e950 - movement cost/geomancy/movement support tables

8005e9d0 - Geomancy Ability Table (based on tile type, 0x40 long)
8005ea10 - (end of above)
8005ea50 - (0x180 long?, 0x40 per section)

8005ebd0 - ? Reaction Flags (1 byte each)
	0x80 - 
	0x40 - 
	0x20 - 
	0x10 -
17cacc routine	
	0x08 - Use weapon range?
	0x04 - 1 Hit on Self?
	0x02 - 
	0x01 - skips 18af2c routine - sets attack type in action data if ONLY 0x01 is set
	0x00 - 06 = A Save
	0x01 - 06 = MA Save
	0x02 - 06 = Speed Save
	0x03 - 06 = Sunken State
	0x04 - 06 = Caution
	0x05 - 06 = Dragon Spirit
	0x06 - 06 = Regenerator
	0x07 - 06 = Brave Up
	0x08 - 06 = Face Up
	0x09 - 06 = HP Restore
	0x0a - 06 = MP Restore
	0x0b - 06 = Critical Quick
	0x0c - 29 = Meatbone Slash
	0x0d - 29 = Counter Magic
	0x0e - 29 = Counter Tackle
	0x0f - 2a = Counter Flood
	0x10 - 29 = Absorb Used MP
	0x11 - 2d = Gilgame Heart
	0x12 - 06 = Reflect
	0x13 - 06 = Auto Potion
	0x14 - 10 = Counter
	0x15 - 0e = 
	0x16 - 06 = Distribute
	0x17 - 29 = MP Switch
	0x18 - 10 = Damage Split
	0x19 - 10 = Weapon Guard
	0x1a - 10 = Finger Guard
	0x1b - 0e = Abandon
	0x1c - 19 = Catch
	0x1d - 10 = Blade Grasp
	0x1e - 10 = Arrow Guard
	0x1f - 10 = Hamedo
8005ebf0 - Ability Data 1
	0x00 - JP Cost
	0x02 - Chance to Learn
	0x03 - 
		0x80 - Learn with JP (off = can't learn with JP)
		0x40 - Display Ability Name
		0x20 - Learn on Hit
		0x10 - 
		0xX9 - Movement
		0xX8 - Support
		0xX7 - Reaction
		0xX6 - Math
		0xX5 - Aim
		0xX4 - Jumping
		0xX3 - Throwing
		0xX2 - Item
		0xX1 - Normal
		0xX0 - None
	0x04 - AI Behavior Flags 1
		0x80 - HP
		0x40 - MP
		0x20 - Cancel Status
		0x10 - Add Status
		0x08 - Stats
		0x04 - Unequip
		0x02 - Target Enemies
		0x01 - Target Allies
	0x05 - AI Behavior Flags 2
		0x80 - Ignore Range/Affect Self??
		0x40 - Reflectable
		0x20 - Undead Reverse
		0x10 - Follow Target?
		0x08 - Random Hits
		0x04 - Faith
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
	0x06 - AI Behavior Flags 3
		0x80 - Arc Attack?
		0x40 - Direct Attack
		0x20 - Linear Attack
		0x10 - Vertical Increase (default off)
		0x08 - Triple Attack
		0x04 - Triple Bracelet
		0x02 - Magic Defense UP
		0x01 - Defense UP
	0x07 - AI Behavior Flags 4?
		0x80 - Usable by AI
		0x40 - Cannot Target Enemy?
		0x20 - Cannot Target ally?
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - requires monster skill
		0x04 - Use Weapon Range
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Can use physical Reactions? / Avoid with motion

8005fbf0 - Ability Data 2
	0x00 - Range
	0x01 - Effect Area
	0x02 - Vertical
	0x03: Flags 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - Ranged Weapon
		0x10 - Vertical Fixed
		0x08 - Vertical Tolerence
		0x04 - Weapon Strike
		0x02 - Auto
		0x01 - Can't Target Self
	0x04: Flags 2
		0x80 - Can't Hit Enemies
		0x40 - Can't Hit Allies
		0x20 - Top-down Targeting (hits higher elevation tiles first)
		0x10 - Can't Follow Target
		0x08 - Random Fire
		0x04 - Linear Attack
		0x02 - 3 Directions
		0x01 - Can't Hit Caster
	0x05: Flags 3
		0x80 - Reflectable
		0x40 - Math Skill
		0x20 - Affected By Silence
		0x10 - Can't Mimic
		0x08 - Normal Attack?
		0x04 - Persevere
		0x02 - Quote
		0x01 - Animate on Miss
	0x06: Flags 4
		0x80 - Counter Flood
		0x40 - Counter Magic
		0x20 - Direct
		0x10 - Blade Grasp
		0x08 - Requires Sword
		0x04 - Requires Materia Blade
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - No Targeting
	0x07 - Element
	0x08 - Formula
	0x09 - X
	0x0a - Y
	0x0b - Inflict Status
	0x0c - CT
	0x0d - MP Cost

80061010 - Item Abilities
	0x00 - Item Used ID

80061020 - Throw Abilities
	0x00 - Item Type Thrown

8006102c - Jump Abilities
	0x00 - Range
	0x01 - Vertical

80061044 - Charge Abilities
	0x00 - CT
	0x01 - Power

80061054 - Calculator Abilities
	0x00 - ID

8006105c - R/S/M Abilities
	0x00 - Ability ID

800610b8 - Job Data
	0x00 - Skillset
	0x01 - Innate Ability 1
	0x03 - Innate Ability 2
	0x05 - Innate Ability 3
	0x07 - Innate Ability 4
	0x09 - Equippable Items 1
		0x80 - Unarmed
		0x40 - Knife
		0x20 - Ninja Blade
		0x10 - Sword
		0x08 - Knight's Sword
		0x04 - Katana
		0x02 - Axe
		0x01 - Rod
	0x0a - Equippable Items 2
		0x80 - Staff
		0x40 - Flail
		0x20 - Gun
		0x10 - Crossbow
		0x08 - Bow
		0x04 - Instrument
		0x02 - Book
		0x01 - Polearm
	0x0b - Equippable Items 3
		0x80 - Pole
		0x40 - Bag
		0x20 - Cloth
		0x10 - Shield
		0x08 - Helmet
		0x04 - Hat
		0x02 - Hair Adornment
		0x01 - Armor
	0x0c - Equippable Items 4
		0x80 - Clothing
		0x40 - Robe
		0x20 - Shoes
		0x10 - Armguard
		0x08 - Ring
		0x04 - Armlet
		0x02 - Cloak
		0x01 - Perfume
	0x0d - HP Growth
	0x0e - HP Multiplier
	0x0f - MP Growth
	0x10 - MP Multiplier
	0x11 - Speed Growth
	0x12 - Speed Multiplier
	0x13 - PA Growth
	0x14 - PA Multiplier
	0x15 - MA Growth
	0x16 - MA Multiplier
	0x17 - Move
	0x18 - Jump
	0x19 - C-EV
	0x1a - Innate Statuses 1
	0x1b - Innate Statuses 2
	0x1c - Innate Statuses 3
	0x1d - Innate Statuses 4
	0x1e - Innate Statuses 5
	0x1f - Status Immunity 1
	0x20 - Status Immunity 2
	0x21 - Status Immunity 3
	0x22 - Status Immunity 4
	0x23 - Status Imminity 5
	0x24 - Starting Statuses 1
	0x25 - Starting Statuses 2
	0x26 - Starting Statuses 3
	0x27 - Starting Statuses 4
	0x28 - Starting Statuses 5
	0x29 - Absorbed Elements
	0x2a - Nullified Elements
	0x2b - Halved Elements
	0x2c - Elemental Weakness
	0x2d - Monster Portrait
	0x2e - Monster Palette
	0x2f - Monster Graphic

80062eb8 - Item Data Start (12 bytes each)
	0x00 - Palette
	0x01 - Sprite ID
	0x02 - Required Level (for random generation)
	0x03: Type Flags
		0x80 - Weapon
		0x40 - Shield
		0x20 - Headgear
		0x10 - Armor
		0x08 - Accessory
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - Rare
		0x01 - 
	0x04 - Second Table ID
	0x05: Item Type
		01 - Knife
		02 - Ninja Blade
		03 - Sword
		04 - Knight Sword
		05 - Katana
		06 - Axe
		07 - Rod
		08 - Staff
		09 - Flail
		0a - Gun
		0b - Crossbow
		0c - Bow
		0d - Instrument
		0e - Book
		0f - Polearm
		10 - Pole
		11 - Bag
		12 - Cloth
		13 - Shield
		14 - Helmet
		15 - Hat
		16 - Hair Adornment
		17 - Armor
		18 - Clothing
		19 - Robe
		1a - Shoes
		1b - Armguard
		1c - Ring
		1d - Armlet
		1e - Cloak
		1f - Perfume
		20 - Throwing
		21 - Bomb
		22 - Item
	0x06 - 
	0x07 - Item Attributes
	0x08 - Price
	0x0a - Shop Availability
	0x0b - 

80063ab8 - Weapon Secondary Data
	0x00 - Range
	0x01 - Attack Flags
		0x80 - Striking
		0x40 - Lunging
		0x20 - Direct
		0x10 - Arc
		0x08 - 2 Swords
		0x04 - 2 Hands
		0x02 - Throwable
		0x01 - Forced 2 Hands
	0x02 - Formula
	0x03 - 
	0x04 - Weapon Power
	0x05 - Evade
	0x06: Element
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x07 - Inflict Status/Cast Spell

80063eb8 - Shield Secondary Data
	0x00 - Physical Evade
	0x01 - Magical Evade

80063ed8 - Helm/Armor Secondary Data
	0x00 - HP Bonus
	0x01 - MP Bonus

80063f58 - Accessory Secondary Data
	0x00 - Physical Evade
	0x01 - Magical Evade

80063f98 - Item Secondary Data
	0x00 - Formula
	0x01 - Z value
	0x02 - Inflict Status ID

80063fc4 - Inflict Statuses
	0x00 - Infliction Type
	0x01 - Inflicted Statuses 1
	0x02 - Inflicted Statuses 2
	0x03 - Inflicted Statuses 3
	0x04 - Inflicted Statuses 4
	0x05 - Inflicted Statuses 5

800642c4 - Item Attributes
	0x00 - PA
	0x01 - MA
	0x02 - Speed
	0x03 - Move
	0x04 - Jump
	0x05 - Innate Statuses 1
	0x06 - Innate Statuses 2
	0x07 - Innate Statuses 3
	0x08 - Innate Statuses 4
	0x09 - Innate Statuses 5
	0x0a - Status Immunity 1
	0x0b - Status Immunity 2
	0x0c - Status Immunity 3
	0x0d - Status Immunity 4
	0x0e - Status Immunity 5
	0x0f - Starting Status 1
	0x10 - Starting Status 2
	0x11 - Starting Status 3
	0x12 - Starting Status 4
	0x13 - Starting Status 5
	0x14 - Absorbed Elements
	0x15 - Nullified Elements
	0x16 - Halved Elements
	0x17 - Elemental Weakness
	0x18 - Elements Strengthened

80064a94 - Skillsets
	0x00 - Ability Flags 1-8 (ID + 100h if enabled, 0x80 = Ability 1, 0x40 = 2, etc.)
	0x01 - Ability Flags 9-16
	0x02 - R/S/M Flags (0x02 and 0x01 are unused)
	0x03 - Ability ID 1
	0x04 - Ability ID 2
	0x05 - Ability ID 3
	0x06 - Ability ID 4
	0x07 - Ability ID 5
	0x08 - Ability ID 6
	0x09 - Ability ID 7
	0x0a - Ability ID 8
	0x0b - Ability ID 9
	0x0c - Ability ID 10
	0x0d - Ability ID 11
	0x0e - Ability ID 12
	0x0f - Ability ID 13
	0x10 - Ability ID 14
	0x11 - Ability ID 15
	0x12 - Ability ID 16
	0x13 - R/S/M ID 1
	0x14 - R/S/M ID 2
	0x15 - R/S/M ID 3
	0x16 - R/S/M ID 4
	0x17 - R/S/M ID 5
	0x18 - R/S/M ID 6

80065bc4 - Monster Skillsets
	0x00 - Ability Flags (ID + 100h if enabled, 0x80 = Ability 1)
	0x01 - Ability ID 1
	0x02 - Ability ID 2
	0x03 - Ability ID 3
	0x04 - Ability ID 4

80065cb4 - Action Menus (1 byte for all skillsets)
	0x00 - Menu ID
		0x00 - Default
		0x01 - Item Inventory
		0x02 - Weapon Inventory
		0x03 - Arithmeticks
		0x04 - Elements
		0x05 - Blank
		0x06 - Monster
		0x07 - Katana Inventory
		0x08 - Attack
		0x09 - Jump
		0x0a - Charge
		0x0b - Defend
		0x0c - Change Equipment
		0x0d - Unknown
		0x0e - Blank
		0x0f - Unknown
80065d94 - table 0x50 long..

80065de4 - Status Effects
	0x00 - Unknown
	0x01 - Unknown
	0x02 - Order
	0x03 - CT
	0x04 - Checks 1
		0x80 - Freeze CT (Checks 4)
		0x40 - (Crystal/Treasure)
		0x20 - (Defend/Perform)
		0x10 - (Poison/Regen)
		0x08 - (Confusion/Transparent/Charm/Sleep)
		0x04 - (Checks 3)
		0x02 - (Checks 2)
		0x01 - KO (Checks 1)
	0x05 - Checks 2
		0x80 - Can't React (Checks 5)
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - Ignore Attacks
		0x10 - (Checks 10)
		0x08 - (Checks 9)
		0x04 - (Checks 8)
		0x02 - (Checks 7) (Cancelled by Immortal?)
		0x01 - (Checks 6)
	0x06 - Cancels 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x07 - Cancels 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x08 - Cancels 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x09 - Cancels 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0a - Cancels 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x0b - Can't Stack On 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x0c - Can't Stack On 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x0d - Can't Stack on 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x0e - Can't Stack on 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0f - Can't Stack on 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
80066064 - Poach List
	0x00 - Common Item (88%)
	0x01 - Uncommon Item (12%)
800660c4 - Job Unlock Requirements (High nybble/low nybble)
	0x00 - Squire/Chemist
	0x01 - Knight/Archer
	0x02 - Monk/Priest
	0x03 - Wizard/Time Mage
	0x04 - Summoner/Thief
	0x05 - Mediator/Oracle
	0x06 - Geomancer/Lancer
	0x07 - Samurai/Ninja
	0x08 - Calculator/Bard
	0x09 - Dancer/Mime
80066182 - Job Level JP Requirements (some checks start at 66184)
	0x00 - Level 0 (just 0)
	0x02 - Level 1
	0x04 - Level 2
	0x06 - Level 3
	0x08 - Level 4
	0x0a - Level 5
	0x0c - Level 6
	0x0e - Level 7
	0x10 - Level 8
80066194 - Job Data Pointer
80066198 - Prime Number List
800661ce - Month Day Values
	0x00 - No Month
	0x02 - January
	0x04 - February
	0x06 - March
	0x08 - April
	0x0a - May
	0x0c - June
	0x0e - July
	0x10 - August
	0x12 - September
	0x14 - October
	0x16 - November
	0x18 - December
800661e8 - Zodiac Day Limits
	0x00 - Capricorn
	0x02 - Aquarius
	0x04 - Pisces
	0x06 - Aries
	0x08 - Taurus
	0x0a - Gemini
	0x0c - Cancer
	0x0e - Leo
	0x10 - Virgo
	0x12 - Libra
	0x14 - Scorpio
	0x16 - Sagittarius
80066200 - Start of Battle Flag? (1 = Initialize data?)
80066204 - Temp Ability List (used for setting usable abilities)

80066234 - pointer to current units party ID?
80066238 - Current ENTD Pointer

800662d0 - Status checks (determined from 0x4/5 of 80065de4 data?)
	0x00 - Statuses 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x01 - Statuses 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x02 - Statuses 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x03 - Statuses 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x04 - Statuses 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	ID's (based on Status Effects bytes 0x4/5):
		0x0 - KO (0x01 in 0x04)
			Crystal, Dead, Petrify, Invite, Blood Suck, Treasure
		0x1 - Team Loss (Enemy?) (0x02 in 0x04)
			Crystal, Invite, Treasure
		0x2 - Team Loss (Ally?) (0x04 in 0x04)
			Crystal, Treasure
		0x3 - Freeze CT (0x80 in 0x04)
			Crystal, Petrify, Treasure, Stop, Sleep
		0x4 - (0x80 in 0x05) (unit is in water and isn't a monster?)
			Crystal, Dead, Jump, Petrify, Confusion, Blood Suck, Treasure,
			Berserk, Chicken, Frog, Stop, Sleep, Don't Act
		0x5 - Immortal Immunities (0x01 in 0x05)
			Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Blood Suck.
			Treasure, Chicken, Frog, Charm, Sleep, Don't Act, Death Sentence
		0x6 - Load/Save Formation Immunities (0x02 in 0x05)
			Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Blood Suck, Treasure,
			Chicken, Frog, Charm, Death Sentence
		0x7 - (0x04 in 0x05)
			Darkness, Confusion, Transparent, Berserk, Chicken, Frog, Stop,
			Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act
		0x8 - (0x08 in 0x05)
			Crystal, Dead, Undead, Jump, Petrify, Invite, Treasure, Critical
		0x9 - (0x10 in 0x5)
			Confusion, Berserk, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act,
			Death Sentence
		0xa - Unmountable (Job ID 5e-60, hardcoded statuses)
			Crystal, Dead, Petrify, Blood Suck, Treasure, Berserk, Chicken,
			Frog, Charm

80066308 - Highest Party Level

80067000 - List of return addresses (0x794 lines or 0x1e4 addresses)

80067830 - 

80067838 - Pointers for Numerical Display Color Code (0xd1 pointers)
80067b80 - Pointers for Display Type Code (SP/CT/Br/Fa/PA/MA)
80067bac - ? (0x2a long)
80067bd8 - ?2
80067c04 - ?3
80067c30 - ?4
80067c5c - ?5
80067c88 - ?6

80067cb8 - return address list based on post-action display type (exp,jp, etc.) (for 0x51 display types)

80067e60 - Whoosh sounds?

80067e98 - return address list based on weapon type/direction (0x1dc in misc data)
			sets attackers animation

800682cc - Color Modification Code Pointers

8006fbf0 - Ability Data Pointer 2 (loading to skillset?)
	0x00 - Range
	0x01 - Effect Area
	0x02 - Vertical
	0x03: Flags 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - Ranged Weapon
		0x10 - Vertical Fixed
		0x08 - Vertical Tolerence
		0x04 - Weapon Strike
		0x02 - Auto
		0x01 - Can't Target Self
	0x04: Flags 2
		0x80 - Can't Hit Enemies
		0x40 - Can't Hit Allies
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - Can't Follow Target
		0x08 - Random Fire
		0x04 - Linear Attack
		0x02 - 3 Directions
		0x01 - Can't Hit Caster
	0x05: Flags 3
		0x80 - Reflectable
		0x40 - Math Skill
		0x20 - Affected By Silence
		0x10 - Can't Mimic
		0x08 - Normal Attack?
		0x04 - Persevere
		0x02 - Quote
		0x01 - Animate on Miss
	0x06: Flags 4
		0x80 - Counter Flood
		0x40 - Counter Magic
		0x20 - Direct
		0x10 - Blade Grasp
		0x08 - Requires Sword
		0x04 - Requires Materia Blade
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - No Targeting
	0x07 - Element
	0x08 - Formula
	0x09 - X
	0x0a - Y
	0x0b - Inflict Status
	0x0c - CT
	0x0d - MP Cost

80093d08 - Display Type
	0x00 - HP Damage
	0x01 - HP Healing
	0x02 - MP Damage
	0x03 - MP Healing
	0x04 - SP Damage
	0x05 - SP Bonus
	0x06 - CT Damage
	0x07 - CT Bonus
	0x08 - Brave Damage
	0x09 - Brave Bonus
	0x0a - Faith Damage
	0x0b - Faith Bonus
	0x0c - PA Damage
	0x0d - PA Bonus
	0x0e - MA Damage
	0x0f - MA Bonus
80093d18 - Status ID's for Display Type
	0x00 - 
	0x01 - Crystal
	0x02 - Dead
	0x03 - Undead
	0x04 - Charging
	0x05 - Jump
	0x06 - Defending
	0x07 - Performing
	0x08 - Petrify
	0x09 - Invite
	0x0a - Darkness
	0x0b - Confusion
	0x0c - Silence
	0x0d - Blood Suck
	0x0e - Cursed
	0x0f - Treasure
	0x10 - Oil
	0x11 - Float
	0x12 - Reraise
	0x13 - Transparent
	0x14 - Berserk
	0x15 - Chicken
	0x16 - Frog
	0x17 - Critical
	0x18 - Poison
	0x19 - Regen
	0x1a - Protect
	0x1b - Shell
	0x1c - Haste
	0x1d - Slow
	0x1e - Stop
	0x1f - Wall
	0x20 - Faith
	0x21 - Innocent
	0x22 - Charm
	0x23 - Sleep
	0x24 - Don't Move
	0x25 - Don't Act
	0x26 - Reflect
	0x27 - Death Sentence

	0x00 - Dead?
	0x01 - Undead
	0x02 - Petrify
	0x03 - Invite
	0x04 - Darkness
	0x05 - Confusion
	0x06 - Silence
	0x07 - Blood Suck
	0x08 - Oil
	0x09 - Float
	0x0a - Reraise
	0x0b - Transparent
	0x0c - Berserk
	0x0d - Poison
	0x0e - Regen
	0x0f - Protect
	0x10 - Shell
	0x11 - Haste
	0x12 - Slow
	0x13 - Stop
	0x14 - Faith
	0x15 - Innocent
	0x16 - Charm
	0x17 - Sleep
	0x18 - Don't Move
	0x19 - Don't Act
	0x1a - Reflect
	0x1b - Death Sentence
Weapon Sounds (0x00 = item type 0x01 - knife)
80093d40 - Weapon Whoosh
80093d60 - Weapon Hit
80093d80 - Shield Deflection

80093de8 - Ability Animation number	

80093e10 - Ability Animation Flags (0x1C6 abilities, 3 bytes each) (Doesn't include all 0x200 because Support and Movement abilities are not included)
	0x00 - Flags 1
	0x01 - Flags 2 (Monster Animations)
	0x02 - Flags 3

800942ab - 
800943e4 - Item Graphic Data (0x7f total?)
	0x00 - Palettes
		0xF0 - WEP1 Palette
		0x0F - WEP2 Palette
	0x01 - Graphic ID (multiple of 2)

80094508 - halves, based on number of sprite sections


80094748 - Spritesheet Data (4 bytes each, 0x9f total)
	0x00 - SHP ID
		0x00 - Type 1
		0x01 - Type 2
		0x02 - Cyoko
		0x03 - Mon
		0x04 - 
		0x05 - Ruka
		0x06 - Arute
		0x07 - Kanzen
	0x01 - SEQ ID
		0x00 - Type 1
		0x01 - Type 2
		0x02 - Cyoko
		0x03 - Mon
		0x04 - 
		0x05 - Ruka
		0x06 - Arute
		0x07 - Kanzen
	0x02 - Flying Flag
	0x03 - Spritesheet Value? (listed as flags in shishi, but doesn't seem to be flags)
800949c4 - ? SHP Data (12? entries, one for each type)
        0x00 - Type 1 = 0x0b
        0x01 - Type 2 = 0x0b
        0x02 - Cyoko = 0x02
        0x03 - Mon = 0x02
        0x04 - ??? = 0x01
        0x05 - Ruka = 0x02
        0x06 - Arute = 0x01
        0x07 - Kanzen = 0x01
        0x08-0x0c - 0x00
800949d0 - ? SHP Data (12? entries, one for each type)
        0x00 - Type 1 = 0x10
        0x01 - Type 2 = 0x10
        0x02 - Cyoko = 0x04
        0x03 - Mon = 0x04
        0x04 - ??? = 0x06
        0x05 - Ruka = 0x04
        0x06 - Arute = 0x0a
        0x07 - Kanzen = 0x0a
        0x08-0x0c - 0x00
800949dc - X coordinates to load status bubble icons (KO stars, AT icon also), starts with KO stars: 22 bytes long
800949f4 - Y coordinates to load status bubble icons (KO stars, AT icon also), starts with KO stars: 22 bytes long

80094a0c - X coordinates to load death counter numbers
80094a24 - Y coordinate to load death counter numbers	
80094a40 - (start of below? Counter is set to +1 before so it starts at 94a44)
80094a44 - Status Flags (for Display? 28 total, 4 bytes each)
80094ae4 - Start of some list of palettes
80094ba4 - ? Palettes
80096024 - ? (set to 0 after prepping to display earned Exp/JP) (word)
800960c0 - 
800960c4 - 
800960cc - set to 04 in map zoom routine
800960d0 - Map Zoom
	0x04 - Zoomed out
	0x01 - Zoomed In
800960d4 - controller input for map tilt?	
800960d8 - Map Tilt
	0x02 - Steep
	0x01 - Flat
800960dc - cleared before setting next control script

800960e4 - (set to 0x28 after prepping earned Exp/JP) (Word)
			set to 0x2b after prepping ability effect?
			Type of display - Has something to do with what display function is happening
			0x2b - ability Effect
			0x29 - Action being taken?
			0x28 - Exp/JP
			0x1b - Action confirmation
			0x19 - Targeting, Target selected
			0x18 - Select within firing range
			0x17 - Targeting, no target selected
			0x16 - Specify target with cursor message (pre-targeting) / Can't execute action, no targets from panel
			0x14 - Specify Direction for wait message
			0x13 - Selecting direction for wait
			0x08 - AT / Unit list / Options
			0x04 - All menus + status screen
			0x00 - Moving around battleground with cursor (Free cursor)
800960e8 - value of 800960e4 stored here			
800960f0 - Set to 1 when status is selected in main battle menu
80096100 - AT List ID (used to determine which data to load from the AT list)
80096104 - Map ID
80096110 - cleared in ability effect routines
80096118 - Casting units ID? (mimic?), ability CT resolution
8009611c - Casting units Misc ID?
8009612c - ? (word)
800961b4 - Cursor X Coordinate (Cursor)
800961b8 - Cursor Map Level (0 = base floor, 1 = higher floor)
800961bc - Cursor Y Coordinate (Cursor)
800961c0 - Timer Counter for cursor repeat speed
80096200 - learned ability (learn on hit)?
80096204 - post action display phase
80096208 - Move find item/trap/move-stat up results for display
	0x01 - treasure chest item?
	0x02 - move XX up activation?
	0x04 - item found
	0x08 - trap
	0x10 - remove charging?
	0x20 - move hp up
	0x40 - move MP up
	0x80 - move exp up
	0x0100 - move jp up
	0x0400 - status changes
8009620c - trap to display?
80096210 - Item to display
80096214 - Action Phase
 0x00 - pre-action
 0x01  - acting unit's action
 0x02 - reacting unit's action
 0x03 - post-action
8009621C - Unit misc ID when selected by cursor
80096220 - Target/Attacker Tile pointer
80096224 - Target/Attacker Tile Pointer
80096244 - unit number?
80096248 - units action data 0x08 long?, 0x0b sections?
		-0x28 - speed change
	0x01 - unit ID
8009624c - item to break
(stuff for display)
800962d4 - HP Damage
800962d6 - HP Healing
800962d8 - MP Damage
800962da - MP Healing
800962dc - SP Damage
800962de - SP Bonus
800962e0 - CT Damage
800962e2 - CT Bonus
800962e4 - Brave Damage
800962e6 - Brave Bonus
800962e8 - Faith Damage
800962ea - Faith Bonus
800962ec - PA Damage
800962ee - PA Bonus
800962f0 - MA Damage
800962f2 - MA Bonus
800962f4 - Data for spritesheets? (0x688 each, 5 sections - up to Ruka sheets) SHP
	0x00 - start of Type 1
	0x688 - start of type 2
	0xD10 - start of Cyoko
	0x1398 - start of Mon
	0x1a20 - start of Ruka
8009839c - end of above data

80098a24 - Rotation matrix elements (0x13 long, word each)
80098a38 - Translation vectors (3 words)
	0x00 trx
	0x04 try
	0x08 trz
80098a54 - Some units Misc Data Pointer

80098a54 - Pointer to last unit's Misc Data?
80098d84 - Type of action (mimic / ability CT resolution)
	0x0100 - active turn?
	0x0200 - ability CT resolution
	0x0300 - crystal/treasure?
80098db8 - ?? cleared after post action
80098dbc - some effect address
80098d70 - ??(word)
80098dcc - numerical display data 
80098dd4 - numerical display data?
800995ec - (word)
800995f4 - (14 groups at 0x982 bytes each)
	set 4 = Unit (team?) Palettes?
800995f5 - 1 = skip setting below data?
800995f6 - (16 sections, 8 bytes each)
	0x00 - (1 = active?)
	0x01 - 
	0x02 - 
	0x03 - (set to PV2 in 0x8f710)
	0x04 - (set to 0 if PV = 10 in 0x8f710)
	0x05 - Red Mod (for what changed the below section)
	0x06 - Green Mod
	0x07 - Blue Mod
80099676 - Palette Color Mod Data (16 sect. w/ 16 colors; 7 bytes each color (0x700 total))
	0x00 - Red Value
	0x01 - Green Value
	0x02 - Blue Value
	0x03 - Alpha Flag
	0x04 - Modified Red? (0x1f if total of RGB = 0)
	0x05 - Modified Green?
	0x06 - Modified Blue?
80099d76 - Raw Palettes (16 sections, 16 colors, 2 bytes each (0x200 total))
8009b27c - list of some misc data

800a1c90 - frames for animations (each animation runs until frame = 0xff)(Corrsponds to BFA30 addresses) SEQ Data
	0x00 - Frame to load
	0x01 - duration of frame
800a69d0 - frames for animations for Mon sheets?
800a7784 - Map Tilt
	0x2e - flatter
	0xc0 - steeper
800a7786 - Map Rotation (half)
800a7790 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vxy0
800a7794 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vz0
800a7798 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr01_vxy1
800a779c - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr01_vz1
800a77a0 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr02_vxy2
800a77a4 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr02_vz2
before rtpt
800a77a8 - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vxy0
800a77ac - word loaded to coprocessor 2 register: gtedr00_vz0
before rtps
800a839c - some pointer for Ruka and above spritesheets?

800b6698 - word, deals with palette modification
	0x03 - 
		0x02 - skips stormy weather palette mod?
		0x01 - skips time of day palette mod?
800b7308 - Miscellaneous Unit Data? (0x440 bytes each)
	0x000 - Pointer to previous unit's misc data (00000000 means this is the first)
	0x004 - Unit Misc ID?
	0x005 - Spritesheet VRAM slot
	0x006 - Spritesheet ID
	0x007 - Stored Palette? (Xif)
	0x008 - ? (less than 31 skips Unit ID check?) (halfword)
			incremented on ability display
	0x00a - set to 1 when using ability
	0x00c (half) -Change of animation (set when changing animation) 
		animation = unit animation(see video in important links) + 01
	0x0e - (half) - VRAM Spritesheet ID?
			0x14 - First Unit Spritesheet
			0x1c - Last Unit Spritesheet
			0x1e - Wep sheet? item.bin?
			0x1f - Frame.bin
			0x3f - Item.bin
	0x10 - (half) - VRAM palette ID
	0x012 - (halfword)
		0x40 - (Disabled when Transparent)
		0x20 - (Disabled when Transparent)
		0x02 - set when moving/acting
		0x01 - (Enabled when Transparent) 
	0x018 - X Mod * 4096
	0x01c - Height Mod * 4096
	0x020 - Y Mod * 4096
	0x038 - half, initialized to 0x2000 special movement flags?
	-----These values used to create vectors for effects processing
	0x040 - X Mod (X * 28 + some value) - X Location on screen
	0x042 - Height Mod (negative) - Z Location on screen
	0x044 - Y Mod (Y * 28 + some value) - Y Location on Screen
	0x050 - X ?(halfword)
	0x052 - Height? ?(halfword)
	0x054 - Y ?(halfword)
	0x060 - X ?(halfword)
	0x062 - Height? ?(halfword)
	0x064 - Y ?(halfword)
	0x070 - Current Facing? (/ 0x400 = facing)
		0xc00 - Facing East
		0x800 - Facing North
		0x400 - Facing West
		0x000 - Facing South
	0x072 - Attack Facing? (FFFF = no facing change; this is the facing after attack)
		NOTE: Counter sets 0x72 to 0x70, 0x70 gets changed to facing towards
		attacker, then 0x70 is set back to 0x72 and 0x72 set to FFFF (end)
	0x074 - (gets added to depth * 12 before subtracting from height)(halfword)
	0x076 - (added to final height value)(halfword)
	0x7a - 
	0x07c - Unit's X Coordinate initialized to ENTD (current location?)
	0x07d - Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x07e - Unit's Map Level (0 = Floor 1, 1 = Floor 2)
	0x07f - Unit's offset from normal position on tile? (e.g. When moving, how far off the center of the tile the unit is as it moves to the next tile)?
first to be changed
	0x080 - Unit's X Coordinate (While moving)
	0x081 - Unit's Y Coordinate (While moving)
	0x082 - Unit's Map Level + flags (While moving) (with 0x83 byte)
	0x083 - Motion Flags
		0x10 - Float
	0x084 - Unit's X Coordinate (Previous Location?) (saved location until move confirmed)
	0x085 - Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x86 - Units map level
	0x98 - Number of tiles moved so far in current movement     //cleared when knocked back
       0x9c - Number of tiles in movement?                         //List of tiles to move to?
       0x9d - 0x9d + (Number at 0x9c) - 1:
           0x00 = Move east
           0x40 = Move west
           0x80 = Move south
           0xc0 = Move north
           0x20 flag = Higher Elevation
       // Not sure about these...
	0x9d - Unit's X Coordinate (Current location?)
	0x9e - Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x9f -  Unit's Map Level 
	0x11b - (allows 0x9d flags to get 0x10 to set 0x11e, if != 0)
                only ever saw this variable set to 0, so it may not work
    0x11c - (some flags stored to 0x9621c, stored here from 0x9d list)  // (Current movement value?)
    0x11e - 0x18a Unit ID + 1 (not sure what unit though)
    0x11f - Previous 0x11e
	0x130 - Mount/Rider Value
                0x00 = N/A
                0x01 = Riding 0x131
                0x02 = Mount for 0x131
	0x131 - Mount/Rider ID
	0x132 - Previous Mount/Rider Value?
	0x133 - Previous Mount/Rider ID?
	0x134 - Pointer to Unit's Data
	0x138 - Used Ability ID
	0x13a - used Item/Weapon ID
	0x13b - animation flag - determines high/mid/low strike
	0x13c - set to 0 when ability CT resolves / mimic ability used
	0x13d - ENTD flags from Unit data
	0x13e - (skips 0x822bc code if != 0)(byte) - modified palette byte
	0x13f - (byte)
	0x140 - Status Flags 1
		0x80 - Confusion
		0x40 - Sleep
		0x20 - Petrify
		0x10 - Stop
		0x08 - Critical
		0x04 - Dead
		0x02 - (disabled if 0x130 = 1)
		0x01 - 
	0x141 - Status Flags 2
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Berserk
		0x20 - Cursed
		0x10 - Haste
		0x08 - Slow
		0x04 - Defending
		0x02 - Charging
		0x01 - Performing
	0x142 - Status Flags 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Poison
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Don't Act
		0x04 - Don't Move
		0x02 - Blood Suck
		0x01 - Innocent
	0x143 - Status Flags 4
		0x80 - (Originally Reflect?)
		0x40 - Undead
		0x20 - Regen
		0x10 - Reraise
		0x08 - Darkness
		0x04 - Death Sentence
		0x02 - Silence
		0x01 - Charm
	0x144 - Status Flags 5 (word)
		0x80 - Poached
		0x40 - Jump
		0x20 - Float
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Treasure (Enabling only)
		0x04 - Frog
		0x02 - Chicken/Crystal (removal only)
		0x01 - Crystal
	0x145 - Status Flags 6
		0x80 -
		0x40 -
		0x20 -
		0x10 -
		0x08 -
		0x04 -
		0x02 -
		0x01 - Morbol virus'd
	NOTE: Unused, Invite, Wall and Reflect aren't set
	0x148 - Statuses to Add 1
	0x14c - Statuses to Add 5
	0x150 - Statuses to Remove 1
	0x154 - Statuses to Remove 5
	0x158 - 2 = AI Error? (word)
			0x16e -  in Unit Data:
	0x15c - Target ID
	0x15d - Skillset used ID
	0x15e - Ability used ID
	0x160 - Calculator type abiltiy ID
	0x162 - Calculator Multiplier abiltiy ID
	0x164 - used Item ID
	0x165 - 
	0x166 - reaction ID?
		0x05 - Tile-Specific Ability?
		0x06 - Target-Specific Ability?
	0x167 - Target ID? 
	0x168 - X target panel coordinate (half)
	0x16a - Target map level
	0x16c - Y target panel coordinate
	0x16e - 0x180 in unit data
	0x16f - 0x181 in unit data
	0x174 - ability range? (return value from 0x17a8c0
	0x17c - some word checked before action phase routines
	0x180 - (word) 0xff if target ID = 0xff
		skips movement stuff if 0
	0x184 - X Coordinate to move to?
	0x186 - (byte)
	0x188 - Y Coordinate to move to?
		Current action data?
	0x18c - Reaction ID / Attacking unit ID? - Used Ability ID
	0x18d - Limit for 0x18e data (Targets Hit Counter)
	0x18e - Target list - Ends when 0xff is reached
		0x00 - Target unit ID?
	0x19e/0x12 - set to 1 when animate on miss is not true, cleared when units are hit
	0x19f/0x13 - control value
		0x01 - math skill 
	0x1a0/0x14 - last attack used ID (half)
	0x1a2/0x16 - ability formula? can poach?
	0x1a3/0x17 - ?? control value? set to 1 if reaction occurred
	0x1a4/0x18 - Continue attack byte?
		0x01 - continue
		0x00 - end
	0x1a5/0x19 - Current Hit number
	0x1a6/0x1a - reaction ID?
	0x1a7/0x1b -
	0x1a8/0x1c - target new X coordinate
	0x1a9/0x1d - Target new Y coordinate(for post action knockback?)
	0x1aa/0x1e - target map level
	0x1ab/0x1f - used weapon ID
	0x1ac/0x20 -
	0x1ad/0x21 -
	0x1ae/0x22 - can poach flag?
	0x1af - can earn experience	
	0x1b0 - Earned Experience (For Display?)
	0x1b1 - Earned JP
	0x1b2 - Level (For Level UP! event?)
	0x1b3 - Job Level (stored if level changed)
	0x1b4 - ? (byte)
	0x1b5 - 
	0x1b7 - Inflicted/Removed Status Counter (max of 0x1b)
	0x1b8 - Display Flags 1
		0x80 - CT Bonus
		0x40 - CT Damage
		0x20 - SP Bonus
		0x10 - SP Damage
		0x08 - MP Healing
		0x04 - MP Damage
		0x02 - HP Healing
		0x01 - HP Damage
	0x1b9 - Display Flags 2
		0x80 - MA Bonus
		0x40 - MA Damage
		0x20 - PA Bonus
		0x10 - PA Damage
		0x08 - Faith Bonus
		0x04 - Faith Damage
		0x02 - Brave Bonus
		0x01 - Brave Damage
	0x1ba - Display Flags 3
		0x80 - "Guarded"
		0x40 - "Missed!"
		0x20 - "CT0"
		0x10 - "Quick"
		0x08 - "Broken"
		0x04 - "Stolen"
		0x02 - +"1Lv."
		0x01 - -"1Lv."
	0x1bb - Display Flags 4
		0x20 - "No MP"
		0x10 - "Silenced"
		0x08 - "No Target"
		0x04 - Gained JP
		0x02 - Gained Exp
		0x01 - "Caught"
	0x1bc - End of Inflicted/Removed Status ID List (0x1b long, counts backwards)
		0x80 - Removal Flag
	0x01d8 - Frame/Animation Data (0x30 bytes each referring to Sprite/WEP/etc.)
		Main Sprite
		0x0000 - Sprite Activation Flag (disappears when set to 0
						Set to 1 when using ability
		0x0004 - Current animation? Half
		0x0006 - halfword
		0x0008 - Current Frame displayed for animation in 0x0004
		0x000c - Timer increments by 1 or 2 every second
		0x0014 - 
		0x0018 - 
		0x1c/0x1f4 - SHP Data Pointer
		0x20/0x1f8 - SEQ Data Pointer
		0x24/0x1fc - SHP Data Pointer
		0x28/0x200 - SEQ Data Pointer
		0x2C/0x204 - Sprite Display Section Pointer in Misc Data
	0x208 - WEP Sprite Data? (0x362)
	0x238 - WEP2 Sprite Data? (0x3e6)
	0x268 - Numerical Display Data? (0x3aa)
	0x298 - Shadow (0x3ce)
	0x2bc - Activation flag for Numerical Display/Status text
~	0x2be - Display Type
		0x0200 - (uses 0x18e list?)
		0x0100 - "No MP"
		0x00f0 - "Silenced"
		0x00e0 - "No Target"
		0x00d0 - "CT0"
		0x00c0 - "Quick"
		0x00b0 - "Broken"
		0x00a0 - "Stolen"
		0x0090 - +"1Lv."
		0x0080 - -"1Lv."
		0x0070 - Status Removal
		0x0060 - Status Infliction
		0x0050 - Gained JP
		0x0040 - Gained Exp
		0x0030 - "Caught"
		0x0020 - "Guarded"
		0x0010 - "Missed!"
		0x000f - MA Bonus
		0x000e - MA Damage
		0x000d - PA Bonus
		0x000c - PA Damage
		0x000b - Faith Bonus
		0x000a - Faith Damage
		0x0009 - Brave Bonus
		0x0008 - Brave Damage
		0x0007 - CT Bonus
		0x0006 - CT Damage
		0x0005 - SP Bonus
		0x0004 - SP Damage
		0x0003 - MP Healing
		0x0002 - MP Damage
		0x0001 - HP Healing
		0x0000 - HP Damage
	0x2c0 - Number to Display (JP/EXP/HP/MP/CT/SP/PA/MA/Br/Fa)
		NOTE: the way they go about doing it is messy; you could get the same
		result by dividing by 10 each pass through a loop (with the limit = # of
		digits to display), storing the remainder as the digit, and sending the
		remaining value through the next pass.
	0x2c2 - Display Type (set to 0 if 0x2bc = 0, capped at 0x15; gets 0x45980 added to it)
		(some frame/animation thing? used for loading 0x67bac data)
	0x2c4 - Numerical Display Pointer 1
	0x2c8 - Numerical Display Pointer 2
	0x2cc - Numerical Display Pointer 3
	0x2d0 - something with display for item abilities?
	0x2d8 - Item/Equip Display Pointer
	0x2dc - Activation byte for Status Bubble
	0x2dd - Which status bubble to show
	0x2de - X location of status bubble
	0x2df - Y location of status bubble
	0x2e0 - Timer (word)
	0x2e4 - ? Pointer to 0x410 data - Status Bubble
	0x2e8 - Unused Section
	0x31c - Sprite Display Section (8 graphical sections) (0x46 each) - Main Sprite
	<Section 1 - Unit Sprite>
		0x00 - Red Shading
		0x01 - Green Shading
		0x02 - Blue Shading
		0x03 - Sprite Type?
			0x00 - None
			0x01 - Text?
			0x02 - Monster? (Panther)
			0x03 - Type 1? (Units and Goblin)
			0x04 - ? (one frame in chanting/riding chocobo)
			0x06 - Chocobo?
		0x04 - VRAM Spritesheet ID
			0x00 - Map
			0x01 - Map?
			0x02 - Map?
			0x03 - Map? (had height) (upper right screen
			0x04 - active unit spritesheet?
			0x05 - Formation screen
			0x06 - Last loaded Menus
			0x07 - unit billboard
			0x08 - Wep2, Wep3
			0x09 - Wep1
			0x0a - some background
			0x0b - frog/chicken/crystals
			0x0c - none
			0x0d - some checkerboard with fonts?
			0x0e - checkerboard with fronts + random stuff
			0x0f - more checkerboard + random
			0x10 - 0x13 - maps again
			0x14 - First Unit Spritesheet
			0x1c - Global Portrait list?
			0x1d - in battle portraits + random spritesheet stuff
			0x1e - Wep sheet? item.bin?
			0x1f - Frame.bin
			0x3f - Item.bin
			0x80 - some flag
			0x40 - ??
			0x20 - some flag, does nothing?
		0x06 - VRAM Palette ID
		0x08 - ? (01 seems to shift left 1 pixel)
		0x09 - X Size (stretches sprite to this size)
		0x0a - 
		0x0b - Y Size (stretches sprite to this size)
		0x0c - 
			0xF0 - Spin on Y axis (direction sprite is facing)
		0x0d - ?
			0x0F - Spin on Y axis (direction sprite is facing)
		*Sprite Data (7 bytes each)*
		0x0e - X Shift on screen
		0x0f - Y Shift on screen
		0x10 - Image Width
		0x11 - Image Height
		0x12 - X Load Location from spritesheet
		0x13 - Y Load Location (2 bytes?)
		0x14 - special effects
			0x01 - transparent
			0x02 - mirror horizontal
			0x04 - mirror vertical
			0x08 - ???
	0x362 - ? Display (3 Sprite Data Sections, plus 1 byte padding?)
	<WEP1 Sprite>
	0x386 - ? Display (3 Sprite Data Sections, plus 1 byte padding?)
	<WEP2 Sprite>
	0x3aa - ? Display (3 Sprite Data Sections, plus 1 byte padding?)
	0x3ce - Numerical Display Section 1 (these have 1 Sprite Data section) (0x16 bytes each) 
		0x00 - Red
		0x01 - Green
		0x02 - Blue
		0x03 - Image type
		0x04 - VRam Spritesheet ID
		0x05 - 
		0x06 - half - initialized to 0x10 in misc data + 0x0100
		0x08 - X stretch (half)
		0x0a - Y stretch (half)
		0x14 - initialized to 0
	0x3e4 - Numerical Display Section 2
		0x00 - X Shift
		0x01 - Y Shift
		0x02 - Image Width
		0x03 - Image Height
		0x04 - X Load Location
		0x05 - Y Load Loaction (2 bytes?)
	0x3fa - Numerical Display Section 3
		0x00 - X Shift
		0x01 - Y Shift
		0x02 - Image Width
		0x03 - Image Height
		0x04 - X Load Location
		0x05 - Y Load Loaction (2 bytes?)
	0x410 - Status Text/Bubbles Display Section (1 Sprite Data Section)
		0x00 - Red Shading
		0x01 - Green Shading
		0x02 - Blue Shading
~		0x03 - Sprite Type?
			0x00 - None
			0x01 - Text?
			0x02 - Monster? (Panther)
			0x03 - Type 1? (Units and Goblin)
`			0x04 - ? (one frame in chanting/riding chocobo)
			0x06 - Chocobo?
~		0x04 - VRAM Spritesheet ID
			0x00 - Map
			0x01 - Map?
			0x02 - Map?
			0x03 - Map? (had height) (upper right screen
			0x04 - active unit spritesheet?
			0x05 - Formation screen
			0x06 - Last loaded Menus
			0x07 - unit billboard
			0x08 - Wep2, Wep3
			0x09 - Wep1
			0x0a - some background
			0x0b - frog/chicken/crystals
			0x0c - none
			0x0d - some checkerboard with fonts?
			0x0e - checkerboard with fronts + random stuff
			0x0f - more checkerboard + random
			0x10 - 0x13 - maps again
			0x14 - First Unit Spritesheet
			0x1c - Global Portrait list?
			0x1d - in battle portraits + random spritesheet stuff
			0x1e - Wep sheet? item.bin?
			0x1f - Frame.bin
			0x3f - Item.bin
			0x80 - some flag
			0x40 - ??
`			0x20 - some flag, does nothing?
		0x06 - VRAM Palette ID
		0x08 - ? (01 seems to shift left 1 pixel)
		0x09 - X Size (stretches sprite to this size)
		0x0a - 
		0x0b - Y Size (stretches sprite to this size)
		0x0c - 
		0xF0 - Spin on Y axis (direction sprite is facing)
		0x0d - ?
			0x0F - Spin on Y axis (direction sprite is facing)
		*Sprite Data (7 bytes each)*
		0x0e - X Shift on screen
		0x0f - Y Shift on screen
		0x10 - Image Width
		0x11 - Image Height
		0x12 - X Load Location from spritesheet
		0x13 - Y Load Loaction (2 bytes?)
		0x14 - special effects
	0x426 - Item/Equip Display Section (1 Sprite Data Section)
	0x43c - initialization byte
*end of Misc Data*
800b9eb4 - gtecr31_flag
800b9f14 - 
800bb704 - start of some data
800bcbf4 - start of some data
800bd8cc - data sent back from GPU?
800bd8e4 - data sent back from GPU - gtedr14_sxy2
800bda04 - 
	0x04 - X/Y Shift for number display
	0x06 - Image Width/Height
800bdd24 - some effect coordinate address?
800bdf0c - SHP data (0xc40 each?)
800bfa30 - Address pointers to frame animations (Type 1) [Animation*4 + 8 = address]
800c1260 - Type 1 SHP
800c5e8e? - WEP 1 SHP

800c7ca8 - Camera zoom level (word); Higher number means more zoom
   Normal battle zoomed-out value: 0x0c00
   Normal battle zoomed-in value: 0x1000

800c7ce8 - start of VRAM spritesheet data? (0x32d6 each, 0x09 sections
	0x00 - spritesheet ID?
	0x01 - spritesheet ID?
800c0e58 - ARUTE/KANZEN SEQ data
800cfa30 - SEQ data (0x408 each, 5 sections
800d0e58 - end

800d4640 - Palettes
800e466e - end of VRAM spritesheet data
800e4e90 - Cursor X Coordinate
800e4e94 - Cursor Map Level
800e4e98 - Cursor Y Coordinate
800e4e9c - Map Max X coordinate
800e4ea0 - Map Max Y coordinate
800e4ea4 - Modified Palettes (14 chunks at 512 bytes each)
	0x000 -> Modified Palettes
	0x982 -> 
800e6b94 - current map data
800e6bb0 - list of return addresses
800e6c98 - list of return addresses

800e6edc - 
800f5ba8 - current loaded map (set at f385c)
800f5c58 - map data
800f5c74 - found in move-find item routines f3680
800f5c5c - found in map loading routines f3850
800f5e74 - Move-Find Item Data (and Traps)
	0x00 - X/Y Coordinate (Y + X * 16, up to 15 each)
	0x01 - Trap
		0x80 - Unknown
		0x40 - Unknown
		0x20 - Unknown
		0x10 - Unknown
		0x08 - Steel Needle
		0x04 - Sleeping Gas
		0x02 - Deathtrap
		0x01 - Degenerator
	0x02 - Rare Item ID
	0x03 - Common Item ID
	0x04-0x0f - same as above, but for locations 2-4
800f6860 - Map Max X
800f6864 - Map Max Y

800f70b4 - map data?
800fc558 - ?? map data?

80121d58 - ?
80121d8f - list of data, 0x12 bytes long each, 9 entries
80124604 - Map GNS Data?
	0x00 - stored 0x00 at 0x07c01af0
	0x04 - File Type? (0117 = Texture)
	0x08 - LBA Sector
	0x0c - File Size (multiples of 0x800)
80132824 - ?
8014cf68 - Status Image Data (4 bytes each, 0xc4 total)
		0x00 - X Load Location
		0x01 - Y Load Location
		0x02 - Image Width
		0x03 - Image Height
		0x00 - "Dead"
		0x04 - "Undead"
		0x08 - "Petrify"
		0x0c - "Invite"
		0x10 - "Darkness"
		0x14 - "Confusion"
		0x18 - "Silence"
		0x1c - "Blood Suck"
		0x20 - "Oil"
		0x24 - "Float"
		0x28 - "Reraise"
		0x2c - "Transparent"
		0x30 - "Berserk"
		0x34 - "Poison"
		0x38 - "Regen"
		0x3c - "Protect"
		0x40 - "Shell"
		0x44 - "Haste"
		0x48 - "Slow"
		0x4c - "Stop"
		0x50 - "Faith"
		0x54 - "Innocent"
		0x58 - "Charm"
		0x5c - "Sleep"
		0x60 - "Don't Move"
		0x64 - "Don't Act"
		0x68 - "Reflect"
		0x6c - "Death Sentence"
		0x70 - "Stolen"
		0x74 - "Broken"
		0x78 - (these 6 are unused)
		0x7c - 
		0x80 - 
		0x84 - 
		0x88 - 
		0x8c - 
		0x90 - "Quick"
		0x94 - "HP"
		0x98 - "MP"
		0x9c - "CT"
		0xa0 - "Speed"
		0xa4 - "Brave"
		0xa8 - "Faith"
		0xac - Sword Icon (PA)
		0xb0 - Rod Icon (MA)
		0xb4 - "Lv."
		0xb8 - "GIL"
		0xbc - "Exp."
		0xc0 - "Frog"
8014d02c - Tile type ID of currently selected tile (e.g. Grassland, Stone Floor, Tree, etc.)
8014d038 - pre-attack display
8014d05c - Start of display data (when menu is loaded in battle)
	0x00 - level
	0x02 - enemy/ally/Autobattle flag
	0x08 - Experience
	0x0c - Current HP
	0x10 - Max HP
	0x12 - Current MP
	0x16 - Max MP
	0x18 - CT
	0x26 - Job ID
	0x28 - Brave
	0x2a - Faith
	0x2c - modified Birthday
8014d08a - Selected unit index (halfword)
8014d09a - hit % data (for display?)
8014d0a0 - Billboard data?
	0x00 - Move
	0x02 - Speed
	0x04 - Jump
	0x06 - WP 1
	0x08 - WP 2
	0x0a - W-Ev 1
	0x0c - W-Ev 2
	0x0e - Primary Skillset
	0x12 - PA
	0x14 - C-Ev
	0x16 - Shield P-Ev
	0x18 - Accessory P-Ev
	0x1c - MA
	0x1e - "00" under c-ev
	0x20 - Shield M-Ev
	0x22 - Accessory M-Ev
	0x24 - Right hand equipment
	0x26 - left hand equipment
	0x28 - head
	0x2a - Body
	0x2c - accessory
	0x30 - secondary skillset
	0x32 - Reaction
	0x34 - Support
	0x36 - Movement

8014d13c - Skillset Display?
8014d13d - 
8014d148 - Unit Name
8014d264 - Player abilities display (greying out ability, blinking red, etc.)
	0x00 - normal
	0x01 - normal greyed out
	0x04 - normal greyed out
	0x05 - normal greyed out
	0x08 - blinking red
	0x09 - greyed out and blinking
	0x0c - greyed, blinking blue
8014d304 - Unit ID
8014d308 - used ability for spell qoutes (word)
8014d30c - used skillset (word)
8014d310 - used item (regardless of thrown/attack) (word)
8014d314 - Autobattle Setting?
8014d318 - function setting for 141b0c routine (r4)
8014d31c - r5 setting for 141b0c routine
8014d320 - Ability CT?
80143d24 - set to 1 when ability is selected
8014d32c - some data, 0x8 bytes each, 0x9 sections

8014d374 - list of menu data (from 165f84)
	0x00 - menu directive
		0x0e - Units turn menu can't move, not on chocobo
		0x13 - Units turn menu can move, can't act, not on chocobo
		0x14 - Units turn menu can't move or act, not on chocobo
		0x2e - Units turn menu with move/act usable, On Mount
		0x2f - Units turn menu with move usable, on mount
		0x30 - Units turn menu with move usable, act not usable, on mount
		0x31 - Units turn menu with move/act not usable, on mount
	0x04 - address

8014d46c - AI data? Menu Data? cleared if under manual control (0x11 bytes each for each unit ID)
	0x00 - set to a value if using/charging an ability
	0x01 - 0xff for all units
	0x02 - set to 01 if using/charging ability?
8015d304 - Current Unit's ID (* 0x1c0 for Data Pointer)

801612dc - start of some data - used in Set Unit Names routine ~133434
	list of words, values loaded and added to 8016135c
	that address is then stored in 173f8c + offset

Text Data (Some sections behave differently. 
		   Menus 2e and 00 cannot be greyed out by making the 0x01 byte
801630da - Act menu display data (0x05 bytes each, 0x06 for each unit?)
	0x00 - Letter
	0x01 - availability byte
		0x04 - abilities not known in skillset? (greyed out)
		0x00 - abilities known in skillset
	0x02 - set to 0xff if no command displayed
	0x03 - set to 0xfa
	0x82 - 1637b2
	0x83 - 1637de - move disabled
801612dc - Start of SAMPLE.LZW
8016135c - 80161928 - Battle Error Messages Text
80161929 - 80161d41 - Battle Messages Text
80161d41 - 801622c2 - Job Names Text
801622c3 - 80162e48 : Item Names Text
80162e50 - 801630d9 - Japanese writing (FREE SPACE)
801630da - 80163b87 - Act menus display data (0x05 bytes each, 0x06 for each unit?)
80163b88 - Ability Names Text
Battle Messages
Status Names
8016593a - 165d73 - Skillset Names
"Anything" in between
80165d88 - Summon Names
80165df6 - Draw Out Names
80165e64 - Start of some other data 
80165ea4 - 
80165eb4 - Palette Pointer Mod 1? (halfword)
80165eb6 - Palette Pointer Mod 2? (halfword)
	(((b6 + Palette / 8) * 64) OR 
	(((b4 + (Palette MOD 8) * 16) / 16) AND 0x3f
	forms some sort of palette value stored in 0x06/0x07 of sprite data sections
80165ee4 - Menu selection (act/wait/move) stored here (counter #)
	0x00 - Main Menu
	0x02 - Skillsets Menu - Also Execute Action menu
	0x04 - Ability Menu/First Math bytes
	0x06 - Second Math Bytes
	0x08 - Math Ability
80165ee6 - Menu Selection (Execute Action. Ok?) counter
	0x00  - execute
	0x01 - Quit
80165ef4 - calculator type ability ID / Item ID?
		 - also skillset to display + 0xb000
80165ef8 - Calculator multiplier ability ID
		 - also second skillset to display + 0xb000
80165efc - used ability ID
		 - also ....
80165f84 - Menu/ message display byte
	0x0e - Units turn menu can't move, not on chocobo
	0x13 - Units turn menu can move, can't act, not on chocobo
	0x14 - Units turn menu can't move or act, not on chocobo
	0x2e - Units turn menu with move/act usable, On Mount
	0x2f - Units turn menu with move usable, on mount
	0x30 - Units turn menu with move usable, act not usable, on mount
	0x31 - Units turn menu with move/act not usable, on mount
141654 inputs
	0x01 - wait message
	0x06 - attack selected (select target to attack)
	0x07 - movement message?
	0x08 - continue?
	0x0a - normal ability name display
	0x14 - select target to attack (auto battle fight for life)
	0x1a - target confirmation (Unit to attack for auto battle)
	0x1b - target confirmation (unit to protect for auto battle)
	0x1d - job level up/level up?
	0x1e - learn on hit
	0x1f - crystal/treasure menus
	0x21 - after move, confirmation to move there
	0x22 - 0x25 - traps?
	0x26 - move find item
	0x32 - calculator stuff?
80165f98 -  pointer to 0x8016986c - Thread array base pointer
80165f9c -  pointer to 0x5771c - Start of main data

80165fa0 - changes depending on displayed menu/message during battle
80165fa2 - same as above, changed when scroll you scroll past the initial abilities displayed
80165fb4 - move selected, panel selected - set to 1 (Move to panel?)
80166018 - incremented
80166048 - freezes control to go to next event
8016604a - 
801660a3 - control variable used in 0x13b590
801660ec - half
801660ee - half
801660f0 - half
801660f2 - half
801696a8 - 
801696aa - 
80169994 - limit the cursor can scroll before menu shifts
80169996 - number of slots the menu can shift downward
80169998 - ability name X display location
8016999a - MP/Stock X display location
8016699c - Turns/CT X Display Location
8016699e - Ability name display
801669a0 - Controls menu display of abilities (stock, mp, turns, etc.)
	0x02 - "Now"
	0x03 - initialized to this
801669a2 - Controls menu display of abilities (stock, mp, turns, etc.)
	0x00 - 
	0x01 - 
	0x02 - removes stock numbers
	0x03 - initialized to this
801669a4 - pointer to start of AI data / skillset abilities
801669a8 - pointer to AI data + 0xa4
801669ac - pointer to AI data + 0x148
801669b0 - ability display flags
801669bc - Amount of slots the menu scrolled down (to display more abilities)
80166a40 - some skillset data, half each
	0x1000 - abilities not known in skillset (removes sound effect when skillset is selected)
	0x0016 - set to this if nothing to display for that skillset slot
	0x0003 - always set?

	Menu List
80166b10 - Main Menu
80166bc4 - ability menu (math skill menus included)
	0x2c - type of menu
80166c00 - Act menu (skillsets + attack)
80166b10 - Menu Data  (0x3c each)
	0x38 - Move/Act/Wait/Status/etc. menu counter
	0xe0 - Header set for menu
			0x00 - none
			0x01 - "Menu"
			0x02 - "Check"
			0x03 - "Effect"
			0x04 - "Turn"
			0x05 - "Ability"     "Ref" "Turn"
			0x06 - "Ability"     "Ref" "Mp" "Turn"
			0x07 - ""            "Ref" "Stock" "Turn"
			0x08 - ""            "Ref" "Turn" ""
			0x09 - "Ability"
			0x0a - "Menu" all blotchy
			0x0b - "Ability"     "Ref" "Mp" "Turn"
			0x0c - none
			everything else seems to be none
	0xec - Counter
	0xee - Type of menu? (ability list)
	0xbe -
	0x167614 - 2f Menu
167124 - counter for movement confirmation
167430 - counter for Execute Action check menu (only Attack picked
1675d4 - counter for Execute Action check menu (skillset picked)
801675d8 - Menu data for riding chocobo
	0x00 - X load location on sheet?
	0x02 - Y load location on Sheet?
	0x04 - Menu background width (behind)
	0x06 - Menu background height (Behind)
	0x08 - X position
	0x0a - Y position
	0x14 - Menu background width in front
	0x16 - Menu background height in front
	0x18 - X position (in front)
	0x1a - Y position (in front)
	0x1c - Menu to load (half)
		0x83 - Chocobo, no movement
	0x1e - Menu counter limit
	0x20 - ?? (word)
	0x24 - ?? Address
	0x38 - Move/Act/Wait/Status/etc. menu counter

80167920 - Maps status index to text image data index (Index for array at 0x8014cf68)
       ff ff 00 01 ff ff ff ff
       02 03 04 05 06 07 ff ff
       08 09 0a 0b 0c ff 30 ff
       0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 ff
       14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b
80167994 - Height (with halves; displayed height * 2) image display data array (for top right of screen) (Size of element = 12 bytes)
   Even heights use 2 entries:  one for "h", one for height number / 2
   Odd heights use 3 entries: one for "h", one for height number / 2, one for .5
       0x00: X Load Location (2 bytes, but high byte is ignored) 
       0x02: Y Load Location (2 bytes, but high byte is ignored)
       0x04: Width (2 bytes)
       0x06: Height (2 bytes)
       0x08: X Screen Location Offset (2 bytes) - Negative value to shift image left, Positive to shift image right
       0x0a: Y Screen Location Offset (2 bytes) - Negative value to shift image up, Positive to shift image down
80168324 - Maps height number (displayed height * 2) to start of height image display data index (Index for array at 0x80167994)
       00 02 05 07 0a 0c 0f 11
       14 16 19 1b 1e 20 23 25
       28 2a 2d 2f 32 35 39 3c
       40 43 47 4a 4e 51 55 58
       5c 5f 63 66 6a 6d 71 74
       78 7b 7f 82 86 89 8d 90
       94 97 9b 9e a2 a5 a9 ac
       b0 b3 b7 ba b3 c1 c5 c8
8016836c - Color shading values for height number (top right) display
   0x00: Red shading value for top-left corner
   0x01: Green shading value for top-left corner
   0x02: Blue shading value for top-left corner
   0x04: Red shading value for top-right corner
   0x05: Green shading value for top-right corner
   0x06: Blue shading value for top-right corner
   0x08: Red shading value for bottom-left corner
   0x09: Green shading value for bottom-left corner
   0x0a: Blue shading value for bottom-left corner
   0x0c: Red shading value for bottom-right corner
   0x0d: Green shading value for bottom-right corner
   0x0e: Blue shading value for bottom-right corner

8016866c - start of a set of data 0x0c long, (0x1b0 total) (0x24 sets)
	0x00 - address to ?? (word)
	0x04 - 
8016881d - 
8016923c - list of menu data (0x05 bytes each)
	0x00 - Menu type number (corresponds to 0x165f84 data)
80169266 - start of some data
801692a4 - data based on action bytes/skillsets?
80169828 - ability selected byte? (word)
	Control byte
	0x03 - learn on hit (ability known)
	0x02 - learn on hit
8016982d - Skillset (ability loading routines)
8016982e - Used Ability (half)

80169840 - returned value from routine 0x181530 (skillset/act menu loading)
801692b8 - 
169828 data
	0x05 - used skillset
	0x06 - used item if not throw/draw out/item skillset
	0x0c - used item in throw ability setting
	0x0e - Tells the game to commence execution of attack
8016986c - Thread array (Each thread data block is 0x400 = 1024 bytes, and includes its own stack); 16 entries total
   0x00 - Thread function parameter 1
   0x04 - Thread function parameter 2
   0x08 - Thread function parameter 3
   0x0c - ? (Set to 0 when thread is initialized)
   0x10 - 0x2c: Saved register values for this thread ($s0 - $s7)
   0x30 - 0x34: Kernal register values for this thread ($k0 - $k1)
   0x38 - Global pointer for this thread ($gp)
   0x3c - Stack pointer for this thread ($sp)
   0x40 - Frame pointer for this thread ($fp)
   0x44 - Address of first command for this thread to run upon being started or resumed ($ra)
   0x48 - IsRunning value (boolean; True (1) if thread is currently active/running, false (0) if not)
   0x4c - Task ID (Matches those listed in WaitForInstruction event command)
   0x50 - 0x68: ? (Set to 0 when thread is initialized)
   0x6c and beyond: Stack for this thread; ~900 bytes available
	0x10 - unit ID?
	0x14 - unit Data
8016ac6c - corresponds to 
8016b06c - Corresponds to skillset menu
	0x00 - Menu Address?
8016b46c - Corresponds to main menu

80172258 - target current action pointer

801739c8 - 
80173b00 - 
80173c6c - action menu byte
80173c74 - next event?
80173ca8 - return address in 14ceb4 routine
80173cb8 - pointer to 166b10
80173cbc - List of entries for height display
   Struct data for height display entry: 0x34 (52) bytes long
       0x00 - 0x02: Byte sequence 0x17, 0x3c, 0xf0; Can sometimes be other values; Causes bizarre display errors if value is wrong
       0x03: Flags? 0x0c? (1 byte)
       0x04: Red shading value for top-left corner (1 byte)
       0x05: Green shading value for top-left corner (1 byte)
       0x06: Blue shading value for top-left corner (1 byte)
       0x07: Flags? 0x3e, or 0x3c? (1 byte)
       0x08: X Screen Location (2 bytes)
       0x0a: Y Screen Location (2 bytes)
       0x0c: X Load Location (1 byte)
       0x0d: Y Load Location (1 byte)
       0x0e: 0x7cfc? (2 bytes)
       0x10: Red shading value for top-right corner (1 byte)
       0x11: Green shading value for top-right corner (1 byte)
       0x12: Blue shading value for top-right corner (1 byte)
       0x13: Zero (0) (Unused)? (1 byte)
       0x14: X Screen Location + Width (2 bytes)
       0x16: Y Screen Location (2 bytes)
       0x18: X Load Location + Width (1 byte)
       0x19: Y Load Location (1 byte)
       0x1a: Spritesheet ID (0x001e = ITEM.BIN, 0x001f = FRAME.BIN) (2 bytes)
       0x1c: Red shading value for bottom-left corner (1 byte)
       0x1d: Green shading value for bottom-left corner (1 byte)
       0x1e: Blue shading value for bottom-left corner (1 byte)
       0x1f: Zero (0) (Unused)? (1 byte)
       0x20: X Screen Location (2 bytes)
       0x22: Y Screen Location + Height (2 bytes)
       0x24: X Load Location (1 byte)
       0x25: Y Load Location + Height (1 byte)
       0x26: Zero (0) (Unused)? (2 bytes)
       0x28: Red shading value for bottom-right corner (1 byte)
       0x29: Green shading value for bottom-right corner (1 byte)
       0x2a: Blue shading value for bottom-right corner (1 byte)
       0x2b: Zero (0) (Unused)? (1 byte)
       0x2c: X Screen Location + Width (2 bytes)
       0x2e: Y Screen Location + Height (2 bytes)
       0x30: X Load Location + Width (1 byte)
       0x31: Y Load Location + Height (1 byte)
       0x32: Zero (0) (Unused?) (2 bytes)
80173e00 - Same structure as 80173cbc
80173e68 - ? changes with different message displayed (execute action, select target, etc.)
	0x04 in memory changes
	50 29 03 0c - nothing displayed - free cursor (targeting)
	1c(or 98) bb 16 0c - normal menu/act menu
	3c bb 16 0c - specify the target with cursor, press 0 to select, or specify move, panel/unit follow option
	b8 bb 16 0c - execute action?
80173f44 - Pointer to height display entry (see 80173cbc); placing a pointer here makes the display happen?
80173f8c - Pointers to Text Data (Mod below / 0x200 + 173f8c)
	0x5000 - Menus items
	0x4000 - Unit Name
	0x3000 - Job Name
	0x2000 - 
	0x1000 - Skillset Name	
: 8016135c
: 8016135d 
: 8016135e - Skillsets
: 80161929 
: 80161d3f 
: 80161d40
: 80161d41 - Job Name
: 801622c3 
: 80162e4c - Unit Name
: 80163006
: 801630da - menu items
: 801639cc 
: 80163b86 
: 80163b87
: 80163b88
: 80164ebb 
: 80164ebc 
: 80165281
: 801653b2
: 80165937 
: 80165938 
: 80165939
: 8016593a 
: 80165d89 
: 8016135c 
: 8016135c 
: 8016135c 
: 8016135c 
: 8016135c 
: 8016135c
: 8016135c 

80174038 - Currently running thread ID (i.e. which thread has the CPU right now)
8017403c - Skillset determinations (set to 1 if no abilities known?), 0 if not
80174042 - end of previous list
80174048 - pointer to start of AI data / skillset
8017404c - Action menu byte list for skillsets
80174060 - Displayed Skillsets (act Menu) - ff in first slot that doesn't have skillset, rest 00
80174068 - Return address for ability range (based on action menu byte)17a8c0 routine
801740a8 - Code Pointers for ability targeting (Action menu byte) 17aaf8 routine
	0x00 - 8017abac - Default
	0x04 - 8017abb8 - Item Inventory
	0x08 - 8017abb8 - Weapon Inventory
	0x0c - 8017abc0 - Arithmeticks
	0x10 - 8017abd4 - Elements
	0x14 - 8017ab2c - Blank
	0x18 - 8017abac - Monster
	0x1c - 8017abe4 - Katana Inventory
	0x20 - 8017abb8 - Attack
	0x24 - 8017abb8 - Jump
	0x28 - 8017abb8 - Charge
	0x2c - 8017ac08 - Defend
	0x30 - 8017ac08 - Change Equipment
	0x34 - 8017ac08 - Unknown
	0x38 - 8017ac08 - Blank
	0x3c - 8017ac2c - Unknown
801740e8 - Code Pointers for attack preparation routine(Action menu byte) 17c45c routine
	0x00 - 8017c7fc - Default
	0x04 - 8017c548 - Item Inventory
	0x08 - 8017c5b4 - Weapon Inventory
	0x0c - 8017c658 - Arithmeticks
	0x10 - 8017c6b8 - Elements
	0x14 - 8017c818 - Blank
	0x18 - 8017c7fc - Monster
	0x1c - 8017c6c8 - Katana Inventory
	0x20 - 8017c704 - Attack
	0x24 - 8017c730 - Jump
	0x28 - 8017c79c - Charge
	0x2c - 8017c7ec - Defend
	0x30 - 8017c7f4 - Change Equipment

80174102 - 
80174144 -
80174174 - 001829a8
80178f74 - 
801792b8 - 
80179828 - some pointer (word)
8018f4e0 - Some kind of pointer
8018f4e4 - some kind of pointer
8018f4f4 - Counter for some panel targeting
8018f4f8 - set to 1 during linear attack routine (word)
8018f4fc - 

8018f510 - 
8018f518 - In between turn control variable
	0x00 - next clocktick
	0x01 - dead processing, next turn processing
	0x02 - ability CT decrement
	0x03 - Post ability ability CT setting
	0x04 - status CT decrement
	0x05 - set AI CT data?
	0x06 - ??
	0x07 - blank
	0x08 - blank
	0x09 - find highest CT
	0x0a - after setting characters turn active (validate units turn)
	0x0b - blank
	0x0c - blank
	0x0d - set some AI weapon data?
	0x0e - mimic ability setting
	0x0f - transparent removal
	0x10 - blank
	0x11 - poison marsh status
	0x12 - blank
	0x13 - poison/regen HP changes
	0x14 - get tile type
8018f51c - Control Variable (word) - used in skillset loading
	0x09 - after setting characters turn active
	0x03 - find highest CT - then stored into 8018f518 - go to post-ability CT setting
	0x01 - main selection screen (move, act, etc.)
8018f520 - active units ID?
8018f5f0 - Type of action (word)
	0x01 - Reacting
	0x00 - pre-attack, initial attack
8018f5f4 - Team golem amounts
8018f5fc - targeting/executing check? (word)
	0x02 - targeting unit? (skips conditional proc roll and displays average damage for random), also mimic ability
			also AI performing attack?
	0x01 - AI/enemy considering attacks?
8018f5fc - Dealing with displayed damage?
        = 2 skips MP Cost subtraction
        = 0 allows items to be used up

8018f600: Zodiac Compatability Modifiers
	00 - Neutral
	01 - Bad
	02 - Good
	03 - Special (becomes 04 (Worst), 05 (Best), or 01 (Bad, Monsters only))
8018f600 - Aries
8018f601 - Taurus
8018f602 - Gemini
8018f603 - Cancer
8018f604 - Leo
8018f605 - Virgo
8018f606 - Libra
8018f607 - Scorpio
8018f608 - Sagittarius
8018f609 - Capricorn
8018f60a - Aquarius
8018f60b - Pisces
8018f60c - Rider Allowed Status Inflictions (5 entries, 1 byte each)
        (for 0x184b24 routine)
        0x00 - Crystal/Dead/Undead/Charging/Jump/Defending/Performing
        0x01 - NONE
        0x02 - Reraise/Transparent/Critical
        0x03 - Regen/Protect/Shell/Haste/Wall
        0x04 - Faith/Innocent/Charm/Reflect
8018f610 - Formula Code Pointers (overlaps with above, but 0x00 is no formula)
        0x0000/0x00 - N/A (shared with Rider statuses; fake pointer)
        0x0004/0x01 - 80188b64
        0x0008/0x02 - 80188ba4
        0x000c/0x03 - 80188be4
        0x0010/0x04 - 80188c24
        0x0014/0x05 - 80188c9c
        0x0018/0x06 - 80188cf4
        0x001c/0x07 - 80188d3c
        0x0020/0x08 - 80188d84
        0x0024/0x09 - 80188df4
        0x0028/0x0a - 80188e78
        0x002c/0x0b - 80188eb8
        0x0030/0x0c - 80188ef8
        0x0034/0x0d - 80188f38
        0x0038/0x0e - 80188f90
        0x003c/0x0f - 80189084
        0x0040/0x10 - 801890dc
        0x0044/0x11 - 80189124
        0x0048/0x12 - 8018912c
        0x004c/0x13 - 80189164
        0x0050/0x14 - 8018916c
        0x0054/0x15 - 801891ac
        0x0058/0x16 - 80189204
        0x005c/0x17 - 8018925c
        0x0060/0x18 - 8018929c
        0x0064/0x19 - 801892a4
        0x0068/0x1a - 801892ac
        0x006c/0x1b - 8018933c
        0x0070/0x1c - 8018937c
        0x0074/0x1d - 801893d8
        0x0078/0x1e - 80189434
        0x007c/0x1f - 80189464
        0x0080/0x20 - 801895c4
        0x0084/0x21 - 801895f4
        0x0088/0x22 - 80189654
        0x008c/0x23 - 8018967c
        0x0090/0x24 - 801896b4
        0x0094/0x25 - 801896ec
        0x0098/0x26 - 80189794
        0x009c/0x27 - 80189828
        0x00a0/0x28 - 80189870
        0x00a4/0x29 - 80189910
        0x00a8/0x2a - 801899a4
        0x00ac/0x2b - 80189a90
        0x00b0/0x2c - 80189ad8
        0x00b4/0x2d - 80189b20
        0x00b8/0x2e - 80189b94
        0x00bc/0x2f - 80189c50
        0x00c0/0x30 - 80189c90
        0x00c4/0x31 - 80189cd0
        0x00c8/0x32 - 80189d74
        0x00cc/0x33 - 80189e28
        0x00d0/0x34 - 80189e94
        0x00d4/0x35 - 80189f08
        0x00d8/0x36 - 801868f0
        0x00dc/0x37 - 80189f84
        0x00e0/0x38 - 80187f24
        0x00e4/0x39 - 80186d2c
        0x00e8/0x3a - 80186d00
        0x00ec/0x3b - 80186d58
        0x00f0/0x3c - 80186dbc
        0x00f4/0x3d - 80189fcc
        0x00f8/0x3e - 8018a00c
        0x00fc/0x3f - 8018a02c
        0x0100/0x40 - 8018a088
        0x0104/0x41 - 8018a114
        0x0108/0x42 - 8018a17c
        0x010c/0x43 - 80186e28
        0x0110/0x44 - 80186e54
        0x0114/0x45 - 80186e78
        0x0118/0x46 - 8018a218
        0x011c/0x47 - 8018a220
        0x0120/0x48 - 8018a250
        0x0124/0x49 - 80188288
        0x0128/0x4a - 8018a2c4
        0x012c/0x4b - 8018a2ec
        0x0130/0x4c - 8018a3a0
        0x0134/0x4d - 8018a3d0
        0x0138/0x4e - 8018a420
        0x013c/0x4f - 8018a458
        0x0140/0x50 - 8018a4a0
        0x0144/0x51 - 8018a4e8
        0x0148/0x52 - 8018a554
        0x014c/0x53 - 8018a5e4
        0x0150/0x54 - 8018a668
        0x0154/0x55 - 8018a698
        0x0158/0x56 - 8018a6f8
        0x015c/0x57 - 8018a758
        0x0160/0x58 - 8018a824
        0x0164/0x59 - 8018a908
        0x0168/0x5a - 8018a980
        0x016c/0x5b - 8018a9c4
        0x0170/0x5c - 8018aa10
        0x0174/0x5d - 8018aa54
        0x0178/0x5e - 8018aa98
        0x017c/0x5f - 8018aac8
        0x0180/0x60 - 8018aaf8
        0x0184/0x61 - 8018ab18
        0x0188/0x62 - 8018ab58
        0x018c/0x63 - 8018ab98
        0x0190/0x64 - 8018ac44
8018f7ec - Used Ability Flags 1
8018f7f0 - 
8018f86d - current units movement supports
	0x80 - fly
	0x40 - float
	0x20 - walk on water
	0x10 - move in water
	0x08 - teleport (1 and 2)
	0x04 - 
	0x02 - silent walk
	0x01 - 
	0x00 - default
8018f89c - 
8018f8a4 - ID of found item for move-find item (word)
	0x00 Item ID
8018f8a8 - Move-Find Item/trap flags
	0x00 - activation type
		0x02 - found trap
		0x01 - found item
		0x00 - none?
	0x01 - Trap Setting or number of trap activated
		0x00 - Degenerator
		0x01 - Deathtrap
		0x02 - Sleeping Gas
		0x03 - Steel Needle
	0x02 - Rare Item
	0x03 - Common Item
Mimic Check(0x15 in battle ID order) - If ability occured, and if job = mimic, stores 01
										for that unit ID's byte.
8018f8b0 - if 01 allows mimic setting
8018f8c5 - end
8018f8c8 - Acting Unit ID (word)
8018f8cc - Tile Data Start (8 bytes each, +100h for Higher Elevation tiles)
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x3F - Cross section 
		0x3e - 
		0x3d - 
		0x3c - 
		0x3b - 
		0x3a - 
		0x39 - 
		0x38 - 
		0x37 - 
		0x36 - 
		0x35 - 
		0x34 - 
		0x33 - 
		0x32 - 
		0x31 - 
		0x30 - 
		0x2F - 
		0x2E - Coffin
		0x2D - Waterfall
		0x2C - Tombstone
		0x2B - Moss
		0x2A - Iron plate
		0x29 - Machine
		0x28 - Deck
		0x27 - Ivy
		0x26 - Furniture
		0x25 - Stairs
		0x24 - Water plant
		0x23 - Bridge
		0x22 - Mud wall
		0x21 - Chimney
		0x20 - Brick
		0x1F - Box
		0x1E - Tree
		0x1D - Rug
		0x1C - Obstacle
		0x1B - Book
		0x1A - Salt
		0x19 - Darkness
		0x18 - Sky
		0x17 - Stone wall
		0x16 - Roof
		0x15 - Stone floor
		0x14 - Wooden floor
		0x13 - Road
		0x12 - Lava
		0x11 - Sea
		0x10 - Lake
		0x0E - Waterway
		0x0D - Ice
		0x0C - Lava rocks
		0x0B - Poisoned marsh
		0x0A - Marsh
		0x09 - Swamp
		0x08 - Wasteland
		0x07 - Gravel
		0x06 - Rocky cliff
		0x05 - Snow
		0x04 - Thicket
		0x03 - Grassland
		0x02 - Stalactite
		0x01 - Sand area
		0x00 - Natural Surface
	0x02 - Height (whole numbers)
	0x03 - Height (halves) + Depth
		0x80 - Depth 4
		0x60 - Depth 3
		0x40 - Depth 2
		0x20 - Depth 1
		0x1F - height(halves)
	0x04: Slope height (i.e. where the unit stands on the tile)?
		0x80 - Green Panel - Enemy in Range (fdc)
		0x40 - Used in targeting
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Heavy shadow (sprite effect)
		0x04 - Slight shadow (sprite effect)
		0x02 - Cannot Target (Red cursor)
               0x01 - Unselectable via cursor
801908cc - Unit Data start (Unit ID * 0x1c0 for specific location)
	0x0000: Sprite Set
		0x?? - Special Character
		0x80 - Generic Male
		0x81 - Generic Female
		0x82 - Monster
	0x0001: Unit ID (FF doesn't exist)
	0x0002: Party ID (FE prevents HP/MP growth?)
	0x0003: Job ID
	0x0004: Palette
		0x00 Default
		0x01 Hokuten
		0x02 Nanten
		0x03 Death Corps
		0x04 Glabados Church
		0x05 No Palette? 
	0x0005: ENTD Flags
		0x80 - Always Present
		0x40 - Randomly Present
		0x3X - Green Team
		0x2X - Light Blue Team
		0x1X - Red Team
		0x0X - Blue Team
		0x08 - Control
		0x04 - Immortal
		0x02 - (both set by Ramza when initialized)
		0x01 - 
	0x0006: Gender Byte
		0x80 - Male
		0x40 - Female
		0x20 - Monster
		0x10 - Join after event
		0x08 - Load Formation
		0x04 - ??? Stats
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Save Formation
	0x0007: Death Counter (3 for living units)
	0x0008: Bithday (days, plus bit 0 from next byte)
		0x000-0x01e - January
		0x01f-0x03a - February
		0x03b-0x059 - March
		0x05a-0x077 - April
		0x078-0x096 - May
		0x097-0x0b4 - June
		0x0b5-0x0d3 - July
		0x0d4-0x0f2 - August
		0x0f3-0x110 - September
		0x111-0x12f - October
		0x130-0x14d - November
		0x14e-0x16c - December
	0x0009: Zodiac Sign
		0xf0 - 
		0xe0 - 
		0xd0 - 
		0xc0 - Serpentarius
		0xb0 - Pisces
		0xa0 - Aquarius
		0x90 - Capricorn
		0x80 - Sagittarius
		0x70 - Scorpio
		0x60 - Libra
		0x50 - Virgo
		0x40 - Leo
		0x30 - Cancer
		0x20 - Gemini
		0x10 - Taurus
		0x00 - Aries
	0x000a - Innate Ability 1
	0x000c - Innate Ability 2
	0x000e - Innate Ability 3
	0x0010 - Innate Ability 4
	0x0012 - Primary Skillset
	0x0013 - Secondary Skillset
	0x0014 - Reaction Ability
	0x0016 - Support Ability
	0x0018 - Movement Ability
	0x001a - Head
	0x001b - Body
	0x001c - Accessory
	0x001d - Right Hand Weapon
	0x001e - Right Hand Shield
	0x001f - Left Hand Weapon
	0x0020 - Left Hand Shield
	0x0021 - Experience
	0x0022 - Level
	0x0023 - Original Brave
	0x0024 - Brave
	0x0025 - Original Faith
	0x0026 - Faith
	0x0027 - 1 = Unit's Turn?
	0x0028 - HP
	0x002a - Max HP
	0x002c - MP
	0x002e - Max MP
	0x0030 - Original PA
	0x0031 - Original MA
	0x0032 - Original SP
	0x0033 - Bonus PA (doubles as minimum (bonus + 1) stats?)
	0x0034 - Bonus MA
	0x0035 - Bonus SP
	0x0036 - PA
	0x0037 - MA
	0x0038 - SP
	0x0039 - CT
	0x003a - Move
	0x003b - Jump
	0x003c - WP 1
	0x003d - WP 2
	0x003e - WEVA 1
	0x003f - WEVA 2
	0x0040 - Acc. PEV
	0x0041 - RH Shield PEV
	0x0042 - LH Shield PEV
	0x0043 - C-Ev
	0x0044 - Acc. MEV
	0x0045 - RH Shield MEV
	0x0046 - LH Shield MEV
	0x0047 - X Coordinate
	0x0048 - Y Coordinate
		0x80 - Higher Elevation
		0x40 - Stepping Stone
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - 
		0x03 - Facing East
		0x02 - Facing North
		0x01 - Facing West
		0x00 - Facing South
	0x004a: Equippable Items 1
		0x80 - Barehanded
		0x40 - Knife
		0x20 - Ninja Blade
		0x10 - Sword
		0x08 - Knight's Sword
		0x04 - Katana
		0x02 - Axe
		0x01 - Rod
	0x004b: Equippable Items 2
		0x80 - Staff
		0x40 - Flail
		0x20 - Gun
		0x10 - Crossbow
		0x08 - Bow
		0x04 - Instrument
		0x02 - Book
		0x01 - Polearm
	0x004c: Equippable Items 3
		0x80 - Pole
		0x40 - Bag
		0x20 - Cloth
		0x10 - Shield
		0x08 - Helmet
		0x04 - Hat
		0x02 - Hair Adornment
		0x01 - Armor
	0x004d: Equippable Items 4
		0x80 - Clothing
		0x40 - Robe
		0x20 - Shoes
		0x10 - Armguard
		0x08 - Ring
		0x04 - Armlet
		0x02 - Cloak
		0x01 - Perfume
	0x004e: Innate Statuses 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x004f: Innate Statuses 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x0050: Innate Statuses 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x0051: Innate Statuses 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0052: Innate Statuses 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x0053: Status Immunities 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x0054: Status Immunities 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x0055: Status Immunities 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x0056: Status Immunities 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x0057: Status Immunities 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x0058: Current Statuses 1
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - Crystal
		0x20 - Dead
		0x10 - Undead
		0x08 - Charging
		0x04 - Jump
		0x02 - Defending
		0x01 - Performing
	0x0059: Current Statuses 2
		0x80 - Petrify
		0x40 - Invite
		0x20 - Darkness
		0x10 - Confusion
		0x08 - Silence
		0x04 - Blood Suck
		0x02 - Cursed
		0x01 - Treasure
	0x005a: Current Statuses 3
		0x80 - Oil
		0x40 - Float
		0x20 - Reraise
		0x10 - Transparent
		0x08 - Berserk
		0x04 - Chicken
		0x02 - Frog
		0x01 - Critical
	0x005b: Current Statuses 4
		0x80 - Poison
		0x40 - Regen
		0x20 - Protect
		0x10 - Shell
		0x08 - Haste
		0x04 - Slow
		0x02 - Stop
		0x01 - Wall
	0x005c: Current Statuses 5
		0x80 - Faith
		0x40 - Innocent
		0x20 - Charm
		0x10 - Sleep
		0x08 - Don't Move
		0x04 - Don't Act
		0x02 - Reflect
		0x01 - Death Sentence
	Status CT decrement routines ~1837A0
	0x005d - Poison CT
	0x005e - Regen CT
	0x005f - Protect CT
	0x0060 - Shell CT
	0x0061 - Haste CT
	0x0062 - Slow CT
	0x0063 - Stop CT
	0x0064 - Wall CT
	0x0065 - Faith CT
	0x0066 - Innocent CT
	0x0067 - Charm CT
	0x0068 - Sleep CT
	0x0069 - Don't Move CT
	0x006a - Don't Act CT
	0x006b - Reflect CT
	0x006c - Death Sentence CT
	0x006d: Elemental Absorption
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x006e: Elemental Nullification
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x006f: Elemental Halving
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0070: Elemental Weakness
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0071: Elements Strengthened
		0x80 - Fire
		0x40 - Lightning
		0x20 - Ice
		0x10 - Wind
		0x08 - Earth
		0x04 - Water
		0x02 - Holy
		0x01 - Dark
	0x0072 - Raw HP
	0x0075 - Raw MP
	0x0078 - Raw SP
	0x007b - Raw PA
	0x007e - Raw MA
	0x0081 - HP Growth
	0x0082 - HP Multiplier
	0x0083 - MP Growth
	0x0084 - MP Multiplier
	0x0085 - SP Growth
	0x0086 - SP Multiplier
	0x0087 - PA Growth
	0x0088 - PA Multiplier
	0x0089 - MA Growth
	0x008a - MA Multiplier
	0x008b: Reactions 1
		0x80 - PA Save
		0x40 - MA Save
		0x20 - Speed Save
		0x10 - Sunken State
		0x08 - Caution
		0x04 - Dragon Spirit
		0x02 - Regenerator
		0x01 - Brave UP
	0x008c: Reactions 2
		0x80 - Face (Faith) UP
		0x40 - HP Restore
		0x20 - MP Restore
		0x10 - Critical Quick
		0x08 - Meatbone Slash
		0x04 - Counter Magic
		0x02 - Counter Tackle
		0x01 - Counter Flood
	0x008d: Reactions 3
		0x80 - Absorb Used MP
		0x40 - Gilgame Heart
		0x20 - Reflect
		0x10 - Auto Potion
		0x08 - Counter
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - Distribute
		0x01 - MP Switch
	0x008e: Reactions 4
		0x80 - Damage Split
		0x40 - Weapon Guard
		0x20 - Finger Guard
		0x10 - Abandon
		0x08 - Catch
		0x04 - Blade Grasp
		0x02 - Arrow Guard
		0x01 - Hamedo
	0x008f: Support 1
		0x80 - Equip Armor
		0x40 - Equip Shield
		0x20 - Equip Sword
		0x10 - Equip Katana
		0x08 - Equip Crossbow
		0x04 - Equip Spear
		0x02 - Equip Axe
		0x01 - Equip Gun
	0x0090: Support 2
		0x80 - Half of MP
		0x40 - Gained JP-UP
		0x20 - Gained EXP-UP
		0x10 - Attack UP
		0x08 - Defense UP
		0x04 - Magic Attack UP
		0x02 - Magic Defense UP
		0x01 - Concentrate
	0x0091: Support 3
		0x80 - Train
		0x40 - Secret Hunt
		0x20 - Martial Arts
		0x10 - Monster Talk
		0x08 - Throw Item
		0x04 - Maintenance
		0x02 - Two Hands
		0x01 - Two Swords
	0x0092: Support 4
		0x80 - Monster Skill
		0x40 - Defend
		0x20 - Equip Change
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Short Charge
		0x04 - Non-Charge
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0093: Movement 1
		0x80 - Move +1
		0x40 - Move +2
		0x20 - Move +3
		0x10 - Jump +1
		0x08 - Jump +2
		0x04 - Jump +3
		0x02 - Ignore Height
		0x01 - Move-HP UP
	0x0094: Movement 2
		0x80 - Move-MP UP
		0x40 - Move-Get EXP
		0x20 - Move-Get JP
		0x10 - Cannot Enter Water
		0x08 - Teleport
		0x04 - Teleport 2
		0x02 - Any Weather
		0x01 - Any Ground
	0x0095: Movement 3
		0x80 - Walk on Water
		0x40 - Move in Water
		0x20 - Move on Lava
		0x10 - Move Underwater
		0x08 - Float
		0x04 - Fly
		0x02 - Silent Walk
		0x01 - Move-Find Item
	0x0096 - Unlocked Jobs 1-8 (all of these start at 0x80 and count down)
	0x0097 - Unlocked Jobs 9-16
	0x0098 - Unlocked Jobs 17-20
	0x0099 - Base Action Abilities 1-8
	0x009a - Base Action Abilities 9-16
	0x009b - Base R/S/M 1-6
	0x009c - Chemist Action Abilities 1-8
	0x009d - Chemist Action Abilities 9-16
	0x009e - Chemist R/S/M 1-6
	0x009F - Knight Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A0 - Knight Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A1 - Knight R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A2 - Archer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A3 - Archer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A4 - Archer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A5 - Monk Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A6 - Monk Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00A7 - Monk R/S/M 1-6
	0x00A8 - Priest Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00A9 - Priest Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00AA - Priest R/S/M 1-6
	0x00AB - Wizard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00AC - Wizard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00AD - Wizard R/S/M 1-6
	0x00AE - Time Mage Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00AF - Time Mage Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B0 - Time Mage R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B1 - Summoner Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B2 - Summoner Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B3 - Summoner R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B4 - Thief Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B5 - Thief Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B6 - Thief R/S/M 1-6
	0x00B7 - Mediator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00B8 - Mediator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00B9 - Mediator R/S/M 1-6
	0x00BA - Oracle Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00BB - Oracle Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00BC - Oracle R/S/M 1-6
	0x00BD - Geomancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00BE - Geomancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00BF - Geomancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C0 - Lancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C1 - Lancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C2 - Lancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C3 - Samurai Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C4 - Samurai Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C5 - Samurai R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C6 - Ninja Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00C7 - Ninja Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00C8 - Ninja R/S/M 1-6
	0x00C9 - Calculator Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00CA - Calculator Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00CB - Calculator R/S/M 1-6
	0x00CC - Bard Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00CD - Bard Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00CE - Bard R/S/M 1-6
	0x00CF - Dancer Action Abilities 1-8
	0x00D0 - Dancer Action Abilities 9-16
	0x00D1 - Dancer R/S/M 1-6
	0x00D2 - Base/Chemist Job Level
	0x00D3 - Knight/Archer Job Level
	0x00D4 - Monk/Priest Job Level
	0x00D5 - Wizard/Time Mage Job Level
	0x00D6 - Summoner/Thief Job Level
	0x00D7 - Mediator/Oracle Job Level
	0x00D8 - Geomancer/Lancer Job Level
	0x00D9 - Samurai/Ninja Job Level
	0x00DA - Calculator/Bard Job Level
	0x00DB - Dancer/Mime Job Level
	0x00DC - Base Job JP
	0x00DE - Chemist Job JP
	0x00E0 - Knight Job JP
	0x00E2 - Archer Job JP
	0x00E4 - Monk Job JP
	0x00E6 - Priest Job JP
	0x00E8 - Wizard Job JP
	0x00EA - Time Mage Job JP
	0x00EC - Summoner Job JP
	0x00EE - Thief Job JP
	0x00F0 - Mediator Job JP
	0x00F2 - Oracle Job JP
	0x00F4 - Geomancer Job JP
	0x00F6 - Lancer Job JP
	0x00F8 - Samurai Job JP
	0x00FA - Ninja Job JP
	0x00FC - Calculator Job JP
	0x00FE - Bard Job JP
	0x0100 - Dancer Job JP
	0x0102 - Mime Job JP
	0x0104 - Total Base Job JP
	0x0106 - Total Chemist Job JP
	0x0108 - Total Knight Job JP
	0x010A - Total Archer Job JP
	0x010C - Total Monk Job JP
	0x010E - Total Priest Job JP
	0x0110 - Total Wizard Job JP
	0x0112 - Total Time Mage Job JP
	0x0114 - Total Summoner Job JP
	0x0116 - Total Thief Job JP
	0x0118 - Total Mediator Job JP
	0x011A - Total Oracle Job JP
	0x011C - Total Geomancer Job JP
	0x011E - Total Lancer Job JP
	0x0120 - Total Samurai Job JP
	0x0122 - Total Ninja Job JP
	0x0124 - Total Calculator Job JP
	0x0126 - Total Bard Job JP
	0x0128 - Total Dancer Job JP
	0x012A - Total Mime Job JP
	0x012C - 0x013B Unit Name
	0x013C - 0x014B Job Name
	0x014C - 0x0153 Primary Skillset Name (first 8 bytes)
	0x0154 - 0x015B Secondary Skillset Name (First 8 bytes)
 	0x015c - Number of times unit has been KOed this battle
	0x015d - Current Ability CT
	0x015e - Graphic
	0x015f - Portrait
	0x0160 - Palette
	0x0161 - ENTD ID
	0x0162 - Special Skillset? (Specials set their skillset here)
	0x0163 - War Trophy
	0x0164 - Bonus Money Mod (* 100 = Gil)
	0x0165 - X Location? (For where AI tends to stay near)
	0x0166 - Y Location?
	0x0167 - 
		0x80 - Higher Elevation Flag (for location)?
		0x40 - Focus on target?
		0x20 - Stay near X/Y? (+0x08 = never move once there)
		0x10 - more aggressive?
		0x08 - Coward-like?
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0168 - Prioritized Target
	0x0169 - (ENTD)
	0x016a - (ENTD)
		0x04 - Save CT? (don't move unless needed?)
	0x016b - (ENTD)
	0x016c - Unit Name ID
		0x00XX - Special
		0x01XX - Generic Male
		0x02XX - Generic Female
		0x03XX - Generic Monster
	Target Data for action
	0x016e/0x00 - Attacker/Self ID? (this data for charging attacks?)
	0x016f/0x01 - Skillset of Last Attack Used
	0x0170/0x02 - Last Attack Used ID (Currently Charging/performing action?)(half)
	0x0172/ox04 - Calculator Type Ability ID
	0x0174/0x06 - Calculator Multiplier Ability ID
	0x0176/0x08 - Used Item/Equip ID?
	0x0178/0x0a - reaction ID?
		0x05 - Tile-Specific Ability?
		0x06 - Target-Specific Ability?
	0x0179/0x0b - Target ID? 
	0x017a/0x0c - X target panel coordinate (half)
	0x017c/0x0e - half - Target map level   (half)
	0x017e/0x10 - Y target panel coordinate (half
	0x0180/0x12 - death on chocobo?
	0x0181/0x13 - 
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - Stepping Stone
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - 
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Walkable
	0x0182/0x14: Mount Info
		0x80 - Riding A Unit
		0x40 - Being Ridden
		0x20 - 
		0x1f - ID of unit Riding/Being ridden by this unit
	0x0183 - Dealing with unit's ability to appear in battle?
			(FF if unit can't exist?)
			(01 if unit exists, 00 if not (but later can?)?)
		0x80 - Was active, but is now disabled?
		0x02 - Unit will be removed from party? (no longer exists, treas/cryst?)
	0x0184: Equipped Flags?
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Sword Equipped
		0x04 - Materia Blade Equipped
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - 
	0x0185 - 
	0x0186 - Character's turn if 01, otherwise 00 - able to use move/act/wait menu
	0x0187 - Movement Taken 
		0x01 - Movement taken
		0x00 - has not moved yet
	0x0188 - Action Taken
		0x01 - action taken
		0x00 - has not acted yet
	0x0189 - 
		0x80 - 
		0x40 - 
		0x20 - 
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - 
		0x04 - target learning ability?
		0x02 - Target hit by ability?
		0x01 - Turn ended (set to 01 when reacting)
	0x018a - Unit ID (without "Unit Exists" check)
	0x018b - Ability CT

	0x018c/0x00 - Hit Flag
			0x00 - Miss
			0x01 - Hit
	0x018d/0x01 - Critical Hit Flag
	0x018e/0x02 - Evade Type
			0x00 - Hit
			0x01 - Guarded (Accessory)
			0x04 - Arrow Guard?
			0x05 - Nullified
			0x06 - Miss
			0x07 - Catch?
			0x08 - 
			0x09 - Reflected?
			0x0a - Golem
			0x0b - Blade Grasp?
	0x018f/0x03 - Item to break/use
	0x0190/0x04 - HP Damage
	0x0192/0x06 - HP Recovery
	0x0194/0x08 - MP Damage
	0x0196/0x0a - MP Recovery
	0x0198/0x0c - Gil Stolen/Lost
	0x019a/0x0e - Reaction ID
	0x019c/0x10 - Special Flags 1
			0x80 - +1 Level
			0x40 - Switch Team
			0x20 - Poached
			0x10 - Steal Item
			0x08 - Stole targets item?
			0x04 - Break Item
			0x02 - Malboro (moldball virus)
			0x01 - Golem
	0x019d/0x11 - Special Flags 2
			0x80 - Reducing Golem Amount?
			0x40 - Knockback
			0x20 - 
			0x10 - 
			0x08 - Weakness?
			0x04 - Absorption?
			0x02 - Nullification? (Disabled by nullification)
			0x01 - -1 Level
	0x019e/0x12 - SP Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x019f/0x13 - CT Change
			0xFF = "Quick"
			0x7F = "CT0"
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a0/0x14 - PA Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x01a1/0x15 - MA Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a2/0x16 - Brave Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
    0x01a3/0x17 - Faith Change
			0x80 - Bonus Flag
	0x01a4/0x18 - Status Change?
			0x80 - animate on miss
			0x02 - ("Guarded"?)
			0x01 - Failed status infliction? ("Missed!")
	0x01a5/0x19 - Remove Equipment
			0x80 - Remove Helmet
			0x40 - Remove Armor
			0x20 - Remove Accessory
			0x10 - Remove Right Hand Weapon
			0x08 - Remove Right Hand Shield
			0x04 - Remove Left Hand Weapon
			0x02 - Remove Left Hand Shield
			0x01 - 
	0x01a6/0x1a - Stolen Item ID
	0x01a7/0x1b - Attack's Status Infliction 1
			0x80 - 
			0x40 - Crystal
			0x20 - Dead
			0x10 - Undead
			0x08 - Charging
			0x04 - Jump
			0x02 - Defending
			0x01 - Performing
	0x01a8/0x1c - Attack's Status Infliction 2
			0x80 - Petrify
			0x40 - Invite
			0x20 - Darkness
			0x10 - Confusion
			0x08 - Silence
			0x04 - Blood Suck
			0x02 - Cursed
			0x01 - Treasure
	0x01a9/0x1d - Attack's Status Infliction 3
			0x80 - Oil
			0x40 - Float
			0x20 - Reraise
			0x10 - Transparent
			0x08 - Berserk
			0x04 - Chicken
			0x02 - Frog
			0x01 - Critical
	0x01aa/0x1e - Attack's Status Infliction 4
			0x80 - Poison
			0x40 - Regen
			0x20 - Protect
			0x10 - Shell
			0x08 - Haste
			0x04 - Slow
			0x02 - Stop
			0x01 - Wall
	0x01ab/0x1f - Attack's Status Infliction 5
			0x80 - Faith
			0x40 - Innocent
			0x20 - Charm
			0x10 - Sleep
			0x08 - Don't Move
			0x04 - Don't Act
			0x02 - Reflect
			0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x01ac/0x20 - Attack's Status Removal 1
			0x80 - 
			0x40 - Crystal
			0x20 - Dead
			0x10 - Undead
			0x08 - Charging
			0x04 - Jump
			0x02 - Defending
			0x01 - Performing
	0x01ad/0x21 - Attack's Status Removal 2
			0x80 - Petrify
			0x40 - Invite
			0x20 - Darkness
			0x10 - Confusion
			0x08 - Silence
			0x04 - Blood Suck
			0x02 - Cursed
			0x01 - Treasure
	0x01ae/0x22 - Attack's Status Removal 3
			0x80 - Oil
			0x40 - Float
			0x20 - Reraise
			0x10 - Transparent
			0x08 - Berserk
			0x04 - Chicken
			0x02 - Frog
			0x01 - Critical
	0x01af/0x23 - Attack's Status Removal 4
			0x80 - Poison
			0x40 - Regen
			0x20 - Protect
			0x10 - Shell
			0x08 - Haste
			0x04 - Slow
			0x02 - Stop
			0x01 - Wall
	0x01b0/0x24 - Attack's Status Removal 5
			0x80 - Faith
			0x40 - Innocent
			0x20 - Charm
			0x10 - Sleep
			0x08 - Don't Move
			0x04 - Don't Act
			0x02 - Reflect
			0x01 - Death Sentence
	0x01b1/0x25: Attack Type
			0x80 - HP Damage
			0x40 - HP Recovery
			0x20 - MP Damage
			0x10 - MP Recovery
			0x08 - Status Change?
			0x04 - ?
			0x02 - ?
			0x01 - Pseudo-Status change?
	0x01b2/0x26 - Last Attack Recieved
	0x01b4/0x28 - Stolen Exp?
	0x01b5/0x29 - Stolen JP?
	0x01b6/0x2a - Hit % (Display data?)
	0x01b7/0x2b - 
	0x01b8/0x2c - Auto Battle Flag
	0x01b9/0x2d - Main Target ID?
	0x01ba/0x2e - Modified ENTD Flags
			0x80 - Always Present
			0x40 - Randomly Present
			0x3X - Green Team
			0x2X - Light Blue Team
			0x1X - Red Team
			0x0X - Blue Team
			0x08 - Control
			0x04 - Immortal
			0x02 - 
			0x01 - 
	0x01bb/0x2f - Inflicted Status List 1
	0x01bc/0x30 - Inflicted Status List 2
	0x01bd/0x31 - Inflicted Status List 3
	0x01be/0x32 - Inflicted Status List 4
	0x01bf/0x33 - Inflicted Status List 5
80192d8c - Attacker Current Action Data Pointer
80192d90 - Target Current Action Data Pointer
80192d94 - Attacker's Data Pointer
80192d98 - Target Data Pointer
80192d9c - Reaction ID
80192da0 - Copy of Acting Unit's Current Action Data? 0x2c long

80192db0 - 
80192dcc - X coordinate of target
80192dd0 - Y coordinate of target
80192dd4 - map level of target
80192dda - 
80192dd8 - Moveable/Targetable Panel Grid (By rows of X panels, 0x10 in each row)
	0x00 - AoE of panels to highlight (1 only highlights panel, 2 highlights AoE 1 panels, etc.)
	0x01 - set to 01 when panel is green (targeted with ability)
	0x02 - Unit Number (battle) of unit standing on panel?
	0x03 -
	0x04 - Obstructed (set to 0xff if panel is obstructed)/ Not reachable?

80193848 - (Data from 0x16e-0x182 of Unit Data)
8019385c - end of above data
80193860 - ? (set to 0 if an item is used on undead)

80193868 - Targets hit by ability (0x10 bytes; amount of non-FF data is counted, 
			and the data c/p to misc. unit data, 0x18e)
	0x0f long
80193877 - End of target list
80193878 - Targets Hit Counter 
80193881 - start of some panel data (0x03 bytes each)
Current Ability Data
8019389c - Attacker's Facing (byte)
8019389d - (set to 1 when setting the weapon IDs) action performed byte?
8019389e - Attacker's RH Weapon
8019389f - Attacker's LH Weapon
801938a0 - Attacker's Team
801938a2 - X Distance between Attacker/Target (halfword)
801938a4 - Y Distance between Attacker/Target (halfword)
801938a6 - Attacker/Self ID
801938a7 - Used Skillset ID
801938a8 - Used Ability ID
801938aa - Calculator Type ID
801938ac - Calculator Multiplier ID
801938ae - Used Item/Equip ID
801938af - (0x177)
801938b0 - Reaction ID?/flags
801938b1 - Target ID?
801938b2 - Target X
801938b4 - Target Map Level
801938b6 - Target Y
801938b8 - (0x180)
801938b9 - (0x181) stepping stone flags?
801938ba - Mount Info
801938bb - 
801938bc - (word) Learn on hit?   Hamedo Byte (set to 1 if hamedoing) - tells you to skip original attack

801938c0 - Attacker Unit ID
801938c1 - Target Unit ID
801938c2 - #Hits
801938c3 - Strike Counter
801938c4 - Primary Weapon ID (Also used for used item/weapon ID for Weapon Inventory)
801938c5 - Secondary Weapon ID
801938c6 - Reaction ID (half)
		also set to 0x01 if reaction is occurring, then later set with ability ID
801938c8 - ? (Deals with elemental nullification)/poach (post action thing? used in reaction routine too) (half)
		0x01 - perform reaction?
801938ca - Target new X Coordinate
801938cb - Target new Y coordinate
801938cc - target new elevation
801938cd - Caster Tile Type
801938ce - XA
801938d0 - YA
801938d2 - Defender's Effective Faith
801938d3 - Attacker's Effective Faith (set to 100 after checking faith)
801938d4 - Used Ability's Skillset 
801938d6 - Used Ability ID?
801938d8 - Used Weapon ID
801938d9 - ? (01 = two-hands is in use?)
801938da - Proc ID
801938db - Used Item ID
801938dc - Base Hit
801938de - Accessory Evade
801938df - RH Evade
801938e0 - LH Evade
801938e1 - Class Evade
801938e2 - Facing Modifier (00 Front, 01 Side, 02 Back)
801938e4 - Charge's Power?
801938e5 - Ability Formula?
801938e7 - Earned Experience
801938e8 - Can earn EXP?
801938e9 - defaults to weapon attack? (default to attack flag?)
			0x01 - default to weapon attack?
			0x00 - don't default
801938ea - 			
801938eb - MP Used
801938ec - able to knock back? (checked in knockback calculation) / Target Counter
801938ed - can poach?/fall damage flags?
		0x80 - Fall damage not calculated
        0xX2 - Ignore Fall Damage (Flying Unit)
        0xX1 - Take Fall Damage (non-flying units, flying 
801938ee - Fall Distance (divide by 2 for tiles fallen)
801938ef - post-action target ID? (used in knockback 2)
801938f0 - Ability Range
801938f1 - Ability Effect Area
801938f2 - Ability Vertical
801938f3 - Ability Flags 1
	0x80 - 
	0x40 - 
	0x20 - Ranged Weapon
	0x10 - Vertical Fixed
	0x08 - Vertical Tolerence
	0x04 - Weapon Strike
	0x02 - Auto
	0x01 - Can't Target Self
801938f4 - Ability Flags 2
	0x80 - Can't Hit Enemies
	0x40 - Can't Hit Allies
	0x20 - 
	0x10 - Can't Follow Target
	0x08 - Random Fire
	0x04 - Linear Attack
	0x02 - 3 Directions
	0x01 - Can't Hit Caster
801938f5 - Ability Flags 3
	0x80 - Reflectable
	0x40 - Math Skill
	0x20 - Affected By Silence
	0x10 - Can't Mimic
	0x08 - Normal Attack?
	0x04 - Persevere
	0x02 - Quote
	0x01 - Animate on Miss
801938f6 - Ability Flags 4
	0x80 - Counter Flood
	0x40 - Counter Magic
	0x20 - Direct
	0x10 - Blade Grasp
	0x08 - Requires Sword
	0x04 - Requires Materia Blade
	0x02 - Evadeable
	0x01 - Np Targetting
801938f7 - Ability Element
801938f8 - Ability Formula
801938f9 - Ability X
801938fa - Ability Y
801938fb - Ability Inflict Status ID
801938fc - Ability CT
801938fd - Ability MP Cost
801938fe - Weapon Range
801938ff: Weapon Characteristics
	0x80 - Striking
	0x40 - Lunging
	0x20 - Direct
	0x10 - Arc Attack
	0x08 - 2 Swordable
	0x04 - 2h enabled
	0x02 - Cast Spell (disabled, with formula 02), or inflict status (enabled)?
	0x01 - Forced 2h
80193900 - Weapon Formula
80193901 - 
80193902 - WP
80193903 - W-Evade
80193904 - Weapon's Element
80193905 - Inflict Status/Cast Spell Index
80193906 - Status Infliction Type
	0x80 - All or Nothing
	0x40 - Random
	0x20 - Separate
	0x10 - Cancel
	0x08 - 
	0x04 - 
	0x02 - 
	0x01 - 
80193907 - Status Set 1
	0x80 - 
	0x40 - Crystal
	0x20 - Dead
	0x10 - Undead
	0x08 - Charging
	0x04 - Jump
	0x02 - Defending
	0x01 - Performing
80193908 - Status Set 2
	0x80 - Petrify
	0x40 - Invite
	0x20 - Darkness
	0x10 - Confusion
	0x08 - Silence
	0x04 - Blood Suck
	0x02 - Cursed
	0x01 - Treasure
80193909 - Status Set 3
	0x80 - Oil
	0x40 - Float
	0x20 - Reraise
	0x10 - Transparent
	0x08 - Berserk
	0x04 - Chicken
	0x02 - Frog
	0x01 - Critical
8019390a - Status Set 4
	0x80 - Poison
	0x40 - Regen
	0x20 - Protect
	0x10 - Shell
	0x08 - Haste
	0x04 - Slow
	0x02 - Stop
8019390b - Status Set 5
	0x80 - Faith
	0x40 - Innocent
	0x20 - Charm
	0x10 - Sleep
	0x08 - Don't Move
	0x04 - Don't Act
	0x02 - Reflect
	0x01 - Death Sentence
	wrong i think
			8019390c - Ability Type
			8019390d - Ability Element
			8019390e - Ability Formula - used in poach/train?
			8019390f - Ability Power 1 
			80193910 - Ability Power 2
			80193911 - Ability Inflict Status ID?
			80193912 - Ability CT (?)
			80193913 - Ability MP Cost

During movement?
80193910 - Move find item data 1
	0x00 - coordinates (XY)
	0x01 - Trap Flags/activation
		0x20 - always trap
		0x10 - disable trap
		0x03 - steel needle
		0x02 - sleeping gas
		0x01 - deathtrap
		0x00 - degenerator
	0x02 - Rare Item
	0x03 - Common Item
 Move find item data 2
 Move find item data 3
 Move find item data 4

80193924 - Unit AI Extended Status Data (16 total, 0x40 bytes each)
	0x00 - Unit ID
	0x01 - Death Counter
	0x02 - Death Sentence CT?
	0x03 - Current Statuses 1
	0x04 - Current Statuses 2
	0x05 - Current Statuses 3
	0x06 - Current Statuses 4
	0x07 - Current Statuses 5
	0x08 - Poison CT
	0x09 - Regen CT
	0x0a - Protect CT
	0x0b - Shell CT
	0x0c - Haste CT
	0x0d - Slow CT
	0x0e - Stop CT
	0x0f - Wall CT
	0x10 - Faith CT
	0x11 - Innocent CT
	0x12 - Charm CT
	0x13 - Sleep CT
	0x14 - Don't Move CT
	0x15 - Don't Act CT
	0x16 - Reflect CT
	0x17 - Death Sentence CT
	0x18 - ENTD Flags
	0x19 - Faith
	0x1a - Turn Flag?
	0x1b - HP
	0x1e - MP
	0x20 - Current Ability CT
	0x21 - Base PA
	0x22 - Base MA
	0x23 - Base SP
	0x24 - PA
	0x25 - MA
	0x26 - SP
	0x27 - CT
	0x28 - X Coordinate
	0x29 - Y Coordinate
	0x2a - Map Flags (Map Level, Facing, etc.)
	0x2b - Turn Flag?
	0x2c - Unit Moved Flag?
	0x2d - Unit Acted Flag?
	0x2e - (0x1b8 in unit data)
	0x2f - Main Target ID?
	0x30 - Modified ENTD Flags
	0x31 - Inflicted Statuses 1
	0x32 - Inflicted Statuses 2
	0x33 - Inflicted Statuses 3
	0x34 - Inflicted Statuses 4
	0x35 - Inflicted Statuses 5
	0x36 - Helmet
	0x37 - Armor
	0x38 - Accessory
	0x39 - Right Hand Weapon
	0x3a - Right Hand Shield
	0x3b - Left Hand Weapon
	0x3c - Left Hand Shield
	0x3d - Brave
	0x3e - Mount Info
80193d24 - Attacker's AI Data
	0x00 - Facing
	0x01 - (set to 1 when setting the weapon IDs)
	0x02 - RH Weapon
	0x03 - LH Weapon
	0x04 - Team
	0x05 - 
	0x06 - X Distance between Attacker/Target
	0x08 - Y Distance between Attacker/Target
	0x0a - Attacker/Self ID
	0x0b - Used Skillset ID
	0x0c - Used Ability ID
	0x0e - Calculator Type ID
	0x10 - Calculator Multiplier ID
	0x12 - Used Item/Equip ID
	0x13 - (0x177)
	0x14 - Reaction ID?/flags
	0x15 - Target ID?
	0x16 - Target X
	0x17 - 
	0x18 - Target Map Level
	0x19 - 
	0x1a - Target Y
	0x1b - 
	0x1c - (0x181) stepping stone flags?
	0x1d - Mount Info

80193d44 - Acting Unit's Used Ability ID
80193d98 - AI Targeting? Code Pointers
80193aec - Player unit information (0x40 long for 5 units?)
	0x0000 - Poison CT
	0x0001 - Regen CT
	0x0002 - Protect CT
	0x0003 - Shell CT
	0x0004 - Haste CT
	0x0005 - Slow CT
	0x0006 - Stop CT
	0x0007 - Wall CT
	0x0008 - Faith CT
	0x0009 - Innocent CT
	0x000a - Charm CT
	0x000b - Sleep CT
	0x000c - Don't Move CT
	0x000d - Don't Act CT
	0x000e - Reflect CT
	0x000f - Death Sentence CT
	0x0010 - Units Current Faith (not original)
	0x0011 - Unit CT
	0x0012 - Units HP
	0x0013 - Units HP (2nd Byte)
	0x0019 - Original PA
	0x001a - Original MA
	0x001b - Original Speed
	0x001c - Current MA?
	0x001d - Current Spd
	0x001e - byte 0x39 in unit data... other CT byte?
	0x001f - X Coordinate
	0x0020 - Y Coordinate
	0x0021 - Higher Elevation, facing direction?
	0x0022 - Movement taken flag
	0x0023 - action taken flag    (perhaps double as "Able to Move/Act")
	0x0024 - Main Target ID
	0x0025 - Copy of 0x0006 in unit data, team/ENTD/Immortal flags (Current Action Data)
	0x0026 - Inflicted statii (factors in random/seperate/etc. and accuracy) (Current Action Data)
	0x0027 - Byte 2 ^^
	0x0028 - Byte 3 ^^
	0x0029 - Byte 4 ^^
	0x002a - 2d - Last bytes of unit data?? (list may have gotten out of order)
	( Routine (0x0019ab44) starts loading THIS data into UNIT data.... wtF?)
	0x002e - Equipped body
	0x002f - equipped accessory
	0x0030 - equipped right hand weapon
	0x0031 - equipped right hand shield
	0x0032 - equipped left hand weapon
	0x0033 - equipped left hand shield
80193b2c - Unit 2
80193b6c - unit 3
80193bac - unit 4
80193bec - unit 5
80193c2c - ??

80193d48 - code
Table of Offsets from 0x193D48-E4F
801959D4 (Throw Item)
80195A30 (Something to do with moving?)
80195BBC (?)
80195C00 (?)
80195A24 (?)
80195944 (?)
80195A90 (CTR calculation for spells)
80195BA0 (?)
80198578 (?)
801985F8 (?)
8019870C (Checks r2 for 1 or -1 at beginning, ELSE, proceed to bottom routines...stuff for positive or negative status, maybe?)
80198748 (?)
80198788 (?...very similar to above...one's for damage, the other healing?)
801987C0 (?...very similar to above...this one's for pseudo-status?)
801986A0 (Goes into routine 0x19870C but inputs different variables)
801992E8 (Blood Suck)
80199240 (All routines that go to the same place as Blood Suck...telling the AI know unit is KO'd?)
80199288 (Check something?  Increment r18 by 1 to check 21 times.)
801992FC (AI Routine for crystal/treasure?)
801992A0 (More routines that go to the same place as Blood Suck)
80199214 (Check something different?  Increment r18 by 1 to check 21 times.)
8019B0B8 (?)
8019B100 (?...very similar to above...again, there's a check for -1 that voids the routine)
8019B160 (?...very similar to above...again, there's a check for -1 that voids the routine)
8019B1CC (?)
8019B240 (?)
8019B2C0 (?)
8019B068 (?...leads into 0x190B8 but with 2 extra checks, with a check for -1 that voids the 80routine)
8019AF74 (?...leads into previous routine but loads a random number...something to do with decision making?)
8019B094 (The second check of 0x19B068)
8019D8EC (Multiplies X? with r4 for CT?)
8019D91C (AI on CT effects like slow/stop and sleep/don't move/don't act)
8019D8F8 (Multiplies Y? with r4 for CT?)
8019D978 (CT effects' AI)
8019D950 (AI for control effects like Blood Suck/Confuse/Charm...my AI hack for Invite probably also needs to edit this or the AI won't use invite the way he uses charm...0x19D974 touches something important?)

8019f358 - X/Y Mods (2 bytes each, 4 total)(for targeting? gets added to base values)
	0x00 - X Mod
	0x01 - Y Mod
	0x00 - -1 Y
	0x02 - -1 X
	0x04 - +1 Y
	0x06 - +1 X
8019f3ac - pointer to start of skillset/AI data (8019f3c4)
8019f3c0 - Unit AI Extended Status Data Pointer
8019f3c4 - Start of AI data
	*AI Ability Use Data (0x14 total?)*
	0x0000 - Skillset
	0x0001 - CT
	0x0002 - Ability ID
	0x0004 - Range
	0x0005 - AoE
	0x0006 - Item Considered (Destroyed/Stolen/Used)
	0x0007 - Status Infliction 1
	0x0008 - Status Infliction 2
	0x0009 - Status Infliction 3
	0x000a - Status Infliction 4
	0x000b - Status Infliction 5
	0x000c - AI Behavior Flags 1
		0x80 - HP
		0x40 - MP
		0x20 - Cancel Status
		0x10 - Add Status
		0x08 - Stats
		0x04 - Unequip
		0x02 - Target Enemies
		0x01 - Target Allies
	0x000d - AI Behavior Flags 2
		0x80 - Ignore Range?
		0x40 - Reflectable
		0x20 - Undead Reverse
		0x10 - Follow Target?
		0x08 - Random Hits
		0x04 - Faith
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
	0x000e - AI Behavior Flags 3
		0x80 - Arc Attack?
		0x40 - Direct Attack
		0x20 - Linear Attack
		0x10 - Vertical Increase (default off)
		0x08 - Triple Attack
		0x04 - Triple Bracelet
		0x02 - Magic Defense UP
		0x01 - Defense UP
	0x000f - AI Behavior Flags 4?
		0x80 - Usable by AI?
		0x40 - Cannot Target Enemy?
		0x20 - Cannot Target Ally?
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Requires Monster Skill?
		0x04 - Weapon-Range? (physical/weapon attacks)
		0x02 - (raise/wall/Wave fist/dash/accumulate)
		0x01 - Evade with Motion
	0x0010 - Ability Elements
	0x0011 - MP Cost
	0x0014 - (set to 1 after setting AI Targeting Flags)
	0x0018 - Acting Unit's X Coordinate
	0x0019 - Acting Unit's Map Level
	0x001a - Acting Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x001b - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0xf3df/0x001b - (set to 0 when initializing current unit's data)
	0xf3e0/0x001c/0x00 - Acting Unit's ID
	0xf3e1/0x001d/0x01 - Skillset of Last Attack
	0xf3e2/0x001e/0x02 - Last Attack Used ID
	0xf3e4/0x0020/0x04 - Calculator Type Ability ID
	0xf3e6/0x0022/0x06 - Calculator Multiplier Ability ID
	0xf3e8/0x0024/0x08 - Item Destroyed/Stolen ID
	0xf3ea/0x0026 - 
		0x05 - ability that uses weapon/physical animation
		0x06 - ability that uses a target-specific animation
	0xf3eb/0x0027 - Target ID?
	0xf3ec/0x0028 - Target X
	0xf3ee/0x002a - Target Map Level
	0xf3f0/0x002c - Target Y
	0xf3f4/0x0030 - Mount Info
	0xf3f5/0x0031 - Base Hit%
	0xf3f6/0x0032 - (halfword) - set to 0 after setting AI extended status
	0xf3f8/0x0034 - ??
	0xf3f9/0x0035 - ??
	0x0050 - 
	0x0000/0x0082 - set to 1 if ability is affect MP but not target enemy
	0xf468/0x00a4 - Start of some data
	0x????/0x0100 - ?? some flag?
	0x????/0x0148 - Start of some data
	0x????/0x01ec - ability MP cost list? (0x51 bytes, 0xff marks end of list)
	0x????/0x0200 - Golem Amounts
		0x00 - Blue Team
		0x01 - Red Team
		0x02 - Light Blue Team
		0x03 - Green Team
	0xf5f4/0x0230 - ? list (list from 0xe3c, 8 bytes)
	0xf5f0/0x022c - AI Calculation Types?
                        0 skips Reaction calculations (Attack Phase?)
	0xf5f4/0x0230 - ? list (list from 0xe3c, 8 bytes)
	0xf5fc/0x0238 - set to 1 when moving Acting Unit data to AI (word)
                        0 = Attack Phase?
                        2 skips storing MP after subtracting MP used in 0x0017da20
                        != 0 skips formulas 1e and 1f random hits calculation
	0x????/0x23e - action menu byte?
		  /0x290 - 
	0xf750/0x038c - Graphical Data?
		   0x4e4 - trap settings?
	      /0x04ec - unit has weapon bytes? (check routine at 80182f34)
		  0x0a74 - data based on unit ID (0x48 bytes each)
	0x0031/0x0c6d - set to 0 if 0xffff returned from 0x1971b8
	0x0032/0x0c6e - set to 1 if able to move to target? (cleared when main target ID is set?
	0x0036/0x0c72 - set to 0 if 801a0d7b != 0, else set to 1
	0x0038/0x0c74 - X Coordinate
	0x0039/0x0c75 - Map Level
	0x003a/0x0c76 - Y Coordinate
	0x003b/0x0c77 - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0x003c/0x0c78 - Active Unit List? (0x15 long)
	0x0051/0x0c8d - Targetable Unit List (0x15 long, initialized targetable)
	0x0065/0x0ca1 - 
	0x0078/0x0cb4 - (word)
		0x40000000 - enabled after setting some targetability flags
		0x20000000 - set if ability ID = holy water???
		0x01000000 - (enabled after setting AI Targeting Data)
	0x007c/0x0cb8 - (halfword)
	0x007e/0x0cba - (checked against FF)(byte) (set to 0xFF based on skillset = 0, 2?
	0x0082/0x0cbe - (set to 0 after checking AI move list stuff)
                        (set to 1 if MP/Target Enemies isn't enabled)
	0x0000/0x0cc4 - list of words determined by 0x01f1 in AI data
	0x0082/0x???? - set to 1 if ability has MP or target enemies flagged
	0x0098/0x0cd4 - List of Unit AI/Action? Data
		0x00 - Attacker/Self? ID
		0x01 - Last Attack Skillset
		0x02 - Last Attack ID
		0x04 - Calculator Type ID
		0x06 - Calculator Multiplier ID
		0x08 - Used Item/Equip? ID
		0x09 - (0x177 in unit data)
		0x0a - (0x178)
		0x0b - Target ID?
		0x0c - Target X
		0x0d - (0x17b)
		0x0e - Map Level Flag
		0x0f - (0x17d)
		0x10 - Target Y
		0x11 - (0x17f)
		0x12 - (0x180)
		0x13 - (0x181)
	0x01d8/0x0e14 - Chosen Throw Ability ID?
	0x01da/0x0e16 - Chosen Throw Weapon ID?
	0x01dc/0x0e18 - ? list (0x14 bytes)
		Set to 0 after Extended Status CT is set
	0x01f1/0x0e2d - cleared after setting main target ID
	0x01f2/0x0e2e - Acting Unit's ID
		  /0x0e2f - Acting units ID?
	0x01f3/0x0e3e - Acting Unit's Battle ID
	0x01f4/0x0e30 - Acting Unit's X Coordinate
	0x01f5/0x0e31 - Acting Unit's Map Level
	0x01f6/0x0e32 - Acting Unit's Y Coordinate
	0x01f7/0x0e33 - ? (set to 0 when getting X/Y)
	0x01f8/0x0e34 - Acting Unit's AI Decision Pointer
	0x01fc/0x0e38 - Acting Unit's Move
	0x01fd/0x0e39 - Acting Unit's Team
	0x01fe/0x0e3a - Map Max X
	0x01ff/0x0e3b - Map Max Y
	0x0200/0x0e3c - ? list (8 bytes)
	0x0000/0x0e44 - Status inflictions 1
	0x0000/0x0e45 - Status inflictions 2
	0x0000/0x0ef6 - Status inflictions 3
	0x0000/0x0ef7 - Status inflictions 4
	0x0000/0x0ef8 - Status inflictions 5
	0x0213/0x0e4f - Remaining Clockticks
	0x0214/0x0e50 - Unit AI Status Data Pointer (16 total, 8 bytes each)
		0x00 - Unit ID
		0x01 - Death Counter
		0x02 - Death Sentence CT
		0x03 - Current Statuses 1
		0x04 - Current Statuses 2
		0x05 - Current Statuses 3
		0x06 - Current Statuses 4
		0x07 - Current Statuses 5
	0x0294/0x0ed0 - current abiliity CT
	0x0295/0x0ed1 - current status
	0x0296/0x0ed2 - inflicted status list 1
	0x0298/0x0ed4 -0x0298/0x0ed4 - Main AI Progress? (0-2, for 0x00193e50)(byte) set to 0x02 if ability fails?
	0x029a/0x0ed6 - 
	0x0???/0x0ee0 - In between turn control variable 
	0x0???/0x0ee4 - Menu loading control variable?
	0x0???/0x0ee8 - active unit ID?
	0x02b2/0x0eee - AI Progress? (0-2, for 0x0019d37c)(byte)
	0x02b4/0x0ef0 - Unit's Move List (0x4 bytes each, 0x22 abilities per unit, 16 units, 0x88 bytes per unit, 0x880 total)
		0x00 - Ability/R/S/M/Item ID
		0x01 - 
			0x80 - 
			0x7c - Unit ID << 2
			0x02 - 
			0x01 - bit 8 of A/R/S/M ID
		0x02 - Ability's Skillset
		0x03 - Usage Type?
			0x80 - Set if usable ability?
			0x40 - Allies/Self Only
			0x20 - Enemies Only
			0x10 - 
			0x08 - Requires Monster Skill?
			0x04 - Weapon-Range? (physical/weapon attacks)
			0x02 - (raise/wall/Wave fist/dash/accumulate)
			0x01 - Evade with Motion? (may mean fail)
	0x0b34/0x1770 - Hardcoded AI-Status abilities
		0x00 - C8 - Blood Suck
		0x01 - 00 (Target ID stored here shifted by 0x0a)
		0x02 - A7
		0x03 - Usage Type = 0x84
		0x04 - 6F (frog attack?)
		0x05 - 01
		0x06 - A9
		0x07 - Usage Type = 0x84			
	0x0b3c/0x1778 - Unit Weapon? Attack Data (16 entries, 8 bytes each)
		0x00 - Range
		0x01 - AI Behavior Flags 1
			0x80 - HP
			0x40 - MP
			0x20 - Cancel Status
			0x10 - Add Status
			0x08 - Stats
			0x04 - Unequip
			0x02 - Target Enemies
			0x01 - Target Allies
		0x02 - AI Behavior Flags 2
			0x80 - Ignore Range?
			0x40 - Reflectable
			0x20 - Undead Reverse
			0x10 - Follow Target?
			0x08 - Random Hits
			0x04 - Faith
			0x02 - Evadeable
			0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
		0x03 - AI Behavior Flags 3
			0x80 - Arc Attack?
			0x40 - Direct Attack
			0x20 - Linear Attack
			0x10 - Vertical Increase (default off)
			0x08 - Triple Attack
			0x04 - Triple Bracelet
			0x02 - Magic Defense UP
			0x01 - Defense UP
		0x04 - Weapon ID
		0x05 - Elements
		0x06 - 
		0x07 - 
	0x0bbc/0x17f8 - Acting Unit's Data Pointer
	0x0bc3/0x17ff - (byte)
	0x0000/0x1800 - word from AI + cc4 stored here
	0x0bdc/0x1818 - (byte)

	0x0bf0/0x182c - AI Decision Data? (16 bytes each, 21 total?)
		0x00 - X Location? (these 3 are for where the AI will stay around)
		0x01 - Higher Elevation Flag?
		0x02 - Y Location?
		0x03 - (set to 0 after finding usable abilities)
		0x04 - (0x167 in Unit's Data)
			0x80 - Charging/Performing + not dead/petrified/death sentenced / Ally unit
			0x40 - Focus on Target? (Auto flags this as well)
			0x20 - Stay Near X/Y Location?
			0x10 - More Aggressive?
			0x08 - Coward-like? (0x19a1 value set to 0x11)
			0x04 - unit is jumping
			0x02 - needs to be un-petrified
			0x01 - needs to be revived
		0x05 - Main Target ID (Based on Unit ID)
		0x06 - (0x169 ")AI Targeting Flags 1
			0x80 -
			0x40 -
			0x20 -
			0x10 -
			0x08 - Charging?(disabled if Ability CT = FF)
			0x04 - Unit has largest # of usable abilities?
			0x02 - Has HP recovery on ally ability?
			0x01 - has ability that's not direct or arcing attack?
		0x07 - AI Targeting Flags
			0x80 - Critical HP Unit (HP < 12.5% Max HP)
			0x40 - Dead Unit with Reraise
			0x20 - Dead Unit without Reraise
			0x10 - Can't be targeted? (enabled if result from 0x196ce8 = 1)
			0x08 - Allied target?
			0x04 - Save CT/Protect self?
			0x02 - Low MP Unit (MP < 50% Max MP)
			0x01 - Low HP Unit (HP < 50% Max HP)
		0x08 - Enemy Flag (set to 1 if Acting Unit's team is different)(0x16b ")
		0x09 - Highest MP Cost
		0x0a - Lowest MP Cost
		(These have a value of 0-4, possibly for priorities)
		0x0b - MP Using Ability Mod (# MP Using abilities * 4 / # abilities)
		0x0c - Silence Blocking Mod (# silence ignoring abilities ")
		0x0d - Evade Ignoring Mod (# evadeable (physical?) abilities ")
		0x0e - Range of Lowest range ability
		0x0f - Range of Highest range ability

	0x0d50/0x198c - Unit's Battle ID (21 unit ID's; based on number of units; FF = not used) 
	0x0d65/0x19a1 - ? (21 unit values?)
		0x11 - (AI set to Coward? + Save CT/Protect self
		0x0e - (AI set to Target Unit + Aggressive?, and teams are different)
		0x0c - (AI set to Target Unit + Aggressive?, and teams are the same)
	0x0d7a/0x19b6 -  AI/Autobattle setting (0x1b8 in unit data)
	0x0d7b/0x19b7 - (byte) - involved in skillset/ability usage calculations (able to act if = 0?)
	0x0d7c/0x19b8 - # of random hits abilities*128 / number of usable abilities...
	0x0d7d/0x19b9 - water movement flag
		0x01 - normal movement capability
		0x00 - move in water/walk on water/float

	0x0d7e/0x19ba -  0 if base hit = FF (byte)
	0x0d7f/0x19bb - Unit targetable flag?
	0x0d80/0x19bc - (byte)set to 0 in section after initialization 
	0x0d81/0x19bd - AI Action Taken Flag?
	0x0d82/0x19be -  AI Movement Taken Flag?
	0x0d8b/0x19c7 - (byte)
	0x????/0x245c - List of tile data? (half each, 0x24 bytes for each map level, 0x48 total)
		0x8000 - Moveable panel?
0x8019f3c4 - Player's loaded abilities for skillset (if unit is under player control) 0xA4 long, half each
	0x0XXX - Ability ID
	0x7000 - normal ability
	0x38XX - Item List
	0x00XX - second byte displays some message
	0x01XX - Item list
	0x02XX - name list
	0x06XX - skillset list
8019f468/0x00a4 - "Stock" "MP"
8019f50c/0x0148 - "Turns"
8019f5ac - word
8019f5b0/0x01ec - Items used list/ MP list?
8019f602/0x23e - ability CT?
8019f654/0x0290 - Silence/persevere/reflect flags
	0x02 - affected by silence
	0x01 - reflect
	0x00 - none
8019f6a6/0x2e2 - "Turns"?	
8019f6f8/0x334 - CT?
	0x00 - now
	0xff - now
	0x0X - 01 turn

801b48d0 - table of effect file start locations
801b53e8 - start of data (8 bytes each, by effect ID)
801b637c - Event Effects (2 bytes each, 0x25 total)
801b63e8 - Effect running state 
   0 = Not running
   1 = Started
   (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing)    // set to 0x03 after getting palette data
   4 = Playing
801b63f0 - Ability Effect (2 bytes each, 0x1c6 total)

801b84ac - list of bytes based on ability animation flags
801b8544 - 
801b8ba4 - Start of some data (0x54 bytes each, by effect ID)
	0x00 - set to 0x03 when used?
801b8b60 - Acting Unit's ID (Word)
801b8b64 - Target's ID (Word)
801b8b68 - Attack's Current X (for checking targets)
801b8b6a - Attack's Current Map Level
801b8b6c - Attack's Current Y
801b8b70 - ArcTan Angle Mod (may be for other angle mods too)
801b8874 - a gravity value? (0x53a)
801b8878 - "Gravity" Mod (0xa8000, constant? loaded with map?) (word)
           28 (X/Y Mod mult) * 12 (tile height mult) * 2048 = 0xa8000
           not really sure what it is exactly yet
801b8b7c - Attack's X Mod Difference (Current X Mod - Previous X Mod)
801b8b80 - Attack's Z Mod Difference ()
801b8b84 - Attack's Y Mod Difference
801b8b8c - Attack's Current X Mod
801b8b8e - Attack's Current Z Mod
801b8b90 - Attack's Current Y Mod
801b8b94 - Target Tile's 0x6 byte's 0x10-0x40 flags (on hitting a tile)
801b8b9c - (byte, start/part of chunk with 84 byte long sections?)
                (replaces 0x1b9134)
                (replaced by 0x1b9130)
801b8bc0 - used weapon ID? (Word)

801b8ba4 - set to 1 after storing data
801b8da4 - 
801b9134 - ?
801b925c - Acting Unit's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer
        0x00/0x5c - X Mod
        0x02/0x5e - Z Mod (-Height)
        0x04/0x60 - Y Mod
801b9264 - Target's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer
        0x00/0x64 - X Mod
        0x02/0x66 - Z Mod (-Height)
        0x04/0x68 - Y Mod
801bbf3c - 3D Step Counter / 4 (number of passes needed for 3D attack?)
           (can also store 3D Distance / 512)
801bbf64 - check for different abilities
801c24c8 - 
801c24d0 - loaded ability effect (half)
Loaded into RAM 0x1dc000 during battle setup
0x00 - Sprite Set
0x01 - Gender Byte
0x02 - Name
0x03 - Level (over 99 = Party Level + Value - 100)
0x04 - Birth Month
0x05 - Birth Day
0x06 - Brave
0x07 - Faith
0x08 - Job Unlocked
	0x13 - Mime
	0x12 - Dancer
	0x11 - Bard
	0x10 - Calculator
	0x0f - Ninja
	0x0e - Samurai
	0x0d - Lancer
	0x0c - Geomancer
	0x0b - Oracle
	0x0a - Mediator
	0x09 - Thief
	0x08 - Summoner
	0x07 - Time Mage
	0x06 - Wizard
	0x05 - Priest
	0x04 - Monk
	0x03 - Archer
	0x02 - Knight
	0x01 - Chemist
0x09 - Job Level
0x0a - Job ID
0x0b - Secondary ID
0x0c - Reaction
0x0e - Support
0x10 - Movement
0x12 - Helmet
0x13 - Armor
0x14 - Accessory
0x15 - RH Equip
0x16 - LH Equip
0x17 - Palette
0x18 - ENTD Flags
	0x80 - Always Present
	0x40 - Randomly Present
	0x3X - Green Team
	0x2X - Light Blue Team
	0x1X - Red Team
	0x0X - Blue Team
	0x08 - Control
	0x04 - Immortal
	0x02 - 
	0x01 - 
0x19 - X Coordinate
0x1a - Y Coordinate + Facing/Upper Level Flag
0x1c - Starting Experience
0x1d - Primary Skillset
0x1e - War Trophy
0x1f - Gil (* 100)
0x20 - Unit ID
0x21 - X Position (for AI)
0x22 - Y Position
0x23 - 
	0x40 - Focus on Target in 0x24?
	0x20 - Stay near X/Y in 0x21/22? (0x28 = move and stay at position)
	0x10 - More aggressive? (when with 40, ONLY target that unit unless healing self)
	0x08 - Coward-like? (stay behind X/Y location?)
	Notes:  0x10 seems to override 0x20
		0x20 seems to keep it's distance until it can get close enough to you?
		0x08 will move up to 4 tiles away from the X/Y listed (0/0 = anywhere?)
			seems to keep a 10 tile distance, unless an enemy moves within
			their 10 tile radius (testing with 3 move archer with bow)
			they will not move unless they need to.
		seem to keep 10 away unless unable to move farther back, then they move
		back towards the center of their radius. you can force them out of their
		area by moving towards them (but out of their firing range), and continue
		to push them out, but the turn after they leave the area they will move
		back towards it, even if you are within the 10 tile radius.
		managed to get a 4 move unit 12 tiles away by moving close to them when
		they had a bow... they seem to retreat away from the spot if they can't
		get to it and can still attack you (close-range would move to you)
0x24 - Target Unit ID
0x25 - 
0x26 - 
	0x04 - Save CT (don't move if not needed; also buff before attacking?)?
0x27 -
***Effect Data Section

801b48d0 - Table of where in ram the start of normal effect file is loaded
801b53e8 - List of data by Effect ID (0x08 bytes each, goes to 801b63e8)
	0x04 - LBA value (word) [Blank effects get routed to E0511, 71150
	0x08 - Byte length?

801b63e8 - Effect running state 
   0 = Not running
   1 = Started
   (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing)    // set to 0x03 after getting palette data
   4 = Playing
801b67c8 - list of return address (chosen based on first half in header in effect data AND 0x1ff?)
			001b67c8: 801a2238     0x00
			001b67cc: 801a225c     0x01
			001b67d0: 801a2280     0x02
			001b67d4: 801a22f8     0x03
			001b67d8: 801a236c     0x04
			001b67dc: 801a2374     0x05
			001b67e0: 801a23a8     0x06
			001b67e4: 801a2414     0x07
			001b67e8: 801a2488     0x08
			001b67ec: 801a2524     0x09
			001b67f0: 801a2560     0x0a
			001b67f4: 801a259c     0x0b
			001b67f8: 801a262c     0x0c
			001b67fc: 801a2668     0x0d
			001b6800: 801a26a4     0x0e
			001b6804: 801a2734     0x0f
			001b6808: 801a2770     0x10
			001b680c: 801a27b0     0x11
			001b6810: 801a2810     0x12
			001b6814: 801a2870     0x13
			001b6818: 801a28d4     0x14
			001b681c: 801a2938     0x15
			001b6820: 801a2998     0x16
			001b6824: 801a29e0     0x17
			001b6828: 801a2a2c     0x18
			001b682c: 801a2a7c     0x19
			001b6830: 801a2b18     0x1a
			001b6834: 801a2b70     0x1b
			001b6838: 801a2bc8     0x1c
			001b683c: 801a2c28     0x1d
			001b6840: 801a2c7c     0x1e
			001b6844: 801a2cfc     0x1f
			001b6848: 801a2d48     0x20
			001b684c: 801a2d94     0x21
			001b6850: 801a2de0     0x22
			001b6854: 801a2e2c     0x23
			001b6858: 801a2e78     0x24
			001b685c: 801a2eb4     0x25
			001b6860: 801a30ec     0x26
			001b6864: 801a3148     0x27
			001b6868: 801a3408     0x28
			001b686c: 801a4838     0x29
			001b6870: 801a4c44     0x2a
			001b6874: 801a4c84     0x2b
			001b6878: 801a4cc0     0x2c
			001b687c: 801a4cd8     0x2d
			001b6880 - 001b69a4: 801a2214    0x2e - 0x??

801b69a8 - effect palette address
801b69cc - check this half! used in enormous determination routine
801b84ac - list of pre-cast effects based on 1st animation flag (only for the first 0x14 flags?)
	0x00 - none
	0x01 - freeze
	0x02 - magic charge
	0x03 - freeze
	0x04 - magic charge
	0x05 - summon balls
	most just freeze.. all the testing i did
801b8900 - list of return addresses
801b8a40 - first 0x10 bytes of first section of main motion data stored here
801b9130 - Resets to zero when effect is finished
801b9134 - Seems to control something relating to unit animation and effects? Increases for each target of an effect? Doesn't reset? Can soft lock game if value is wrong
801b9138 - Resets to zero when effect is finished
801bacc8 - start of on hit effect header
801baccc - GTE data
	0x14 - X vector
	0x18 - Y vector
	0x1c - Z vector
801bad0c - effect coordinate data stored here
	0x00 - Hit Counter
	0x02 - Counter of found targets
	0x04 - animate on miss flag (01 if animate on miss
	0x06 - Target ID / X coordinate for animate on miss
	0x07 - Type of attack
			0x00 - normal hit
			0x01 - critical hit
			0x02 - reflected
			0x03 - evaded
	0x08 - map level of animate on miss
	0x0a - Y coordinate
	0x0c - some address (word) 0x800bdd24
	0x0e - 00?
	0x10 - next units Data
	0x12 - next target ID
	0x34 - acting unit data address
	0x38 - acting unit ID? byte
	0x40 - some address (8017ac40)
	0x48 - some address (80026cec) something for GPU?
	0x54 - pointer to start of misc data
	0x74 - unit ID
	0x78 - 801938ef - post action byte address
	0x7c - units misc data pointer
801badca - X/Y Coordinate for effect?
801badcc - map level
801badce - X/Y?

801bbf78 - start of frame data address
801bbf7c - 0x10 in effect data (coordinates?)
801bbf80 - effect palette address
801bbf84 - start of misc timed display? (0x1c address + 0x08)
801bbf8c - parameter sets address (+ 0x04?)
801bbf90 - Is effect playing? 0 = false, 1 = true
           // used in effect control routine
801bc0c8 - misc effect data address

0x1bc0d4 - set to 0 after storing data to 0x801bad0c
0x1bc0dc - 0x0a in sound effect data (word)
801bf000 - 2nd byte in header / 16 (shifted 0x04 right) 1 space to the right
801bf02c - some table
801bf124 -
	0x06 - header counter
	0x08 - header address
	0x1c - 
	0x28 - Time counter for effect
801bf21c - start of some data (temp effect data?
0x00 - 
801bf242 - skip effect routine if = 2?
0x1e - some counter (decremented)
801c00c8 - start of parameter data?
		0x01 - changing to new frame
	0x08 - special function half (for 0x83 function, 2nd byte is added)
		0xffff - X offset for all frames
	0x0a - 0x03 and 0x04 of starting 5 bytes (half)(for 0x83 function, 3rd byte is added)
		0xffff - Y offset for all frames
	0x14 - current 3rd byte?
	0x16 - current duration byte
	0x18 - current parameter set address
	0x1c - distance from 0x82 byte (counter)
	0x1e - next frame byte?
	0x1f - current frame byte?
801c24d0 - Effect ID (During effect animation, or last played effect); sometimes set to 0x0c when no effect is playing     //Current ability Effect
801c24da - ? Changes during effect

801cd330 - Unit Names