Difference between revisions of "Attack.Out Battle Event Conditionals"

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Attack.Out Battle Event Conditionals define what conditions must be met for a certain event to trigger, e.g. Dialog between units, victory/defeat conditions, choices (save algus/defeat death corps), etc.
This editor is contained in Raven's spreadsheet compilation, and can be downloaded here:
A tutorial by RavenofRazgriz for this program can be found here:
A tutorial by RavenofRazgriz for this program can be found here:

Revision as of 15:04, 23 February 2012

Attack.Out Battle Event Conditionals define what conditions must be met for a certain event to trigger, e.g. Dialog between units, victory/defeat conditions, choices (save algus/defeat death corps), etc.

This editor is contained in Raven's spreadsheet compilation, and can be downloaded here:


A tutorial by RavenofRazgriz for this program can be found here:
