Big map/panel routine

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This routine searches for a new destination for a unit around its point of origin. 
(For example to relocate the body of a dead rider around is chocobo)
This routine set Targetable grid (0x80192dd8) byte 0x02 to 0x01 if There is a unit on the panel  
Parameters r4 = Unit Raw ID (Unit data 0x18a)
Returns r2 = 0x00 if Tile to relocated is found and set
        r2 = -0x01 if No destination has been found
0017ec18: 27bdffc0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0040    |
0017ec1c: afb40028 sw r20,0x0028(r29)       |
0017ec20: 0080a021 addu r20,r4,r0           |r20 = Unit raw ID (Unit data 0x18a)
0017ec24: afb1001c sw r17,0x001c(r29)       |
0017ec28: 00a08821 addu r17,r5,r0           |r17 = Misc Unit 0x184 pointer
0017ec2c: 001410c0 sll r2,r20,0x03          |Unit ID * 8
0017ec30: 00541023 subu r2,r2,r20           |Unit ID * 7
0017ec34: 00021180 sll r2,r2,0x06           |Unit ID * 448
0017ec38: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019            |
0017ec3c: 246308cc addiu r3,r3,0x08cc       |0x801908cc (start of unit data - size per unit = 448)
0017ec40: 00432021 addu r4,r2,r3            |r4 = Unit data pointer
0017ec44: 340209fb ori r2,r0,0x09fb         |r2 = 0x9fb (last panel offset in targetable panel grid data table)  0x200 panel with 0x05 bytes of data
0017ec48: afbf0038 sw r31,0x0038(r29)       |
0017ec4c: afb70034 sw r23,0x0034(r29)       |
0017ec50: afb60030 sw r22,0x0030(r29)       |
0017ec54: afb5002c sw r21,0x002c(r29)       |
0017ec58: afb30024 sw r19,0x0024(r29)       |
0017ec5c: afb20020 sw r18,0x0020(r29)       |
0017ec60: afb00018 sw r16,0x0018(r29)       |
0017ec64: 90970047 lbu r23,0x0047(r4)       |r23 = Unit X coordinates
0017ec68: 90960048 lbu r22,0x0048(r4)       |r22 = Unit Y coordinates
0017ec6c: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019            @LOOP - though all panel of targetable grid and clear nb of units
0017ec70: 00220821 addu r1,r1,r2                |r1 = 0x801909fb last panel data pointer
0017ec74: a0202dda sb r0,0x2dda(r1)             |Nullify this iteration panel nb of unit 0x80192dd8 + 0x02 = number of unit on panel 
0017ec78: 2442fffb addiu r2,r2,-0x0005          |Previous panel offset
0017ec7c: 0441fffb bgez r2,0x0017ec6c       Λ Loop until first panel offset
0017ec80: 00008021 addu r16,r0,r0           |Initialize loop counter
0017ec84: 00009021 addu r18,r0,r0           |Initialize unit offset
0017ec88: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019            @LOOP through all units  set r19 and r20 when unit of interest is found
0017ec8c: 244208cc addiu r2,r2,0x08cc           |r2 = Start of unit data
0017ec90: 02422021 addu r4,r18,r2               |r4 = this iteration unit data pointer
0017ec94: 90830001 lbu r3,0x0001(r4)            |r3 = Unit ID
0017ec98: 340200ff ori r2,r0,0x00ff             |
0017ec9c: 1062001b beq r3,r2,0x0017ed0c         #If This iteration unit still exists
0017eca0: 00000000 nop                              |
0017eca4: 0c060428 jal 0x001810a0                   |-->Map_Location_Calculation returns r2 = unit Tile ID
0017eca8: 00000000 nop                              |
0017ecac: 00403021 addu r6,r2,r0                    |r6 = Unit's Tile ID
0017ecb0: 00061080 sll r2,r6,0x02                   |Tile ID * 4
0017ecb4: 00461021 addu r2,r2,r6                    |Tile ID * 5
0017ecb8: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019                    |
0017ecbc: 24632dd8 addiu r3,r3,0x2dd8               |Start of Targetable panel grid
0017ecc0: 00432021 addu r4,r2,r3                    |r4 = Unit's Targetable panel pointer
0017ecc4: 000618c0 sll r3,r6,0x03                   |Tile ID * 8
0017ecc8: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019                    |
0017eccc: 2442f8cc addiu r2,r2,0xf8cc               |Start of Tile's data
0017ecd0: 1614000c bne r16,r20,0x0017ed04           #if Loop counter = Unit of interest ID
0017ecd4: 00623821 addu r7,r3,r2                    |r7 = Unit's Tile data pointer
0017ecd8: 90e30002 lbu r3,0x0002(r7)                    |Load Unit Tile's Height
0017ecdc: 90e20003 lbu r2,0x0003(r7)                    |Load Unit Tile's Halves + depth
0017ece0: 00031840 sll r3,r3,0x01                       |Tile's Height *2
0017ece4: 3042001f andi r2,r2,0x001f                    |Tile's Halves
0017ece8: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2                        |r3 = Unit's Tile's Total height
0017ecec: 2473fff6 addiu r19,r3,-0x000a                 |r19 = Tile's height - 10 (Min allowed destination height)
0017ecf0: 06610002 bgez r19,0x0017ecfc                  #if Unit's Tile's Height - 10 is less than 0
0017ecf4: 24750004 addiu r21,r3,0x0004                  |r21 = Tile's height + 4 (Max allowed destination Height)
0017ecf8: 00009821 addu r19,r0,r0                           |Force minimal height to 0x00
0017ecfc: 0805fb44 j 0x0017ed10                         >>Jump to next iteration
0017ed00: 26100001 addiu r16,r16,0x0001                 |Loop counter + 1
                                                    #Else - Not unit of interest
0017ed04: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001                     |r2 = 0x01
0017ed08: a0820002 sb r2,0x0002(r4)                     |Set Number of unit in Unit's targetable panel to 0x01
0017ed0c: 26100001 addiu r16,r16,0x0001     #E  #E      | Loop counter + 1
0017ed10: 2a020015 slti r2,r16,0x0015           |Check loop limit
0017ed14: 1440ffdc bne r2,r0,0x0017ec88     Λ loop 0x15 times (all units)
0017ed18: 265201c0 addiu r18,r18,0x01c0         |Increase unit offset
0017ed1c: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019            |
0017ed20: 8c42f4f4 lw r2,-0x0b0c(r2)        |Number of Relocated units      8018f4f4 / 0x8018f4f4
0017ed24: 00000000 nop                      |
0017ed28: 18400021 blez r2,0x0017edb0       #If There's relocated units /Else avoid loop
0017ed2c: 00008021 addu r16,r0,r0               |Initialize counter
0017ed30: 3c088019 lui r8,0x8019                |
0017ed34: 25082dd8 addiu r8,r8,0x2dd8           |Start of Targetable panel grid
0017ed38: 34070001 ori r7,r0,0x0001             |r7 = 0x01
0017ed3c: 00002821 addu r5,r0,r0                |Unit's coordinates offset in Table of relocated unit's ( 0x80193880 ) 80193880
0017ed40: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                @Loop - Flag relocated units on targetable panel grid
0017ed44: 00250821 addu r1,r1,r5                    |Loop offset
0017ed48: 90233881 lbu r3,0x3881(r1)                |Load this iteration relocated unit's Y coordinates
0017ed4c: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e                    |
0017ed50: 90424e9c lbu r2,0x4e9c(r2)                |Load Map max X
0017ed54: 00000000 nop                              |
0017ed58: 00620018 mult r3,r2                       |Y * Map Max X
0017ed5c: 26100001 addiu r16,r16,0x0001             |Counter + 1
0017ed60: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                    |
0017ed64: 00250821 addu r1,r1,r5                    |
0017ed68: 90233882 lbu r3,0x3882(r1)                |Load this iteration relocated unit's Elevation
0017ed6c: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                    |
0017ed70: 00250821 addu r1,r1,r5                    |
0017ed74: 90243880 lbu r4,0x3880(r1)                |Load this iteration relocated unit's X coordinates
0017ed78: 00031a00 sll r3,r3,0x08                   |Elevation is 0x00 or 0x100
0017ed7c: 00001012 mflo r2                          |r2 = Y * Map Max X
0017ed80: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2                    |Y * Max X + elevation
0017ed84: 00643021 addu r6,r3,r4                    |This iteration relocated unit's tile ID (Y * Map X + X + Elevation)
0017ed88: 00061080 sll r2,r6,0x02                   |Tile ID * 4
0017ed8c: 00461021 addu r2,r2,r6                    |Tile ID * 5 (offset of data in targetable grid)
0017ed90: 00482021 addu r4,r2,r8                    | This iteration Unit Targetable grid's Panel data pointer (matching data stored at 0x80193880)
0017ed94: a0870002 sb r7,0x0002(r4)                 |Store unit Number on dead rider's panel = 0x01
0017ed98: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019                    |
0017ed9c: 8c42f4f4 lw r2,-0x0b0c(r2)                |Number of Relocated units
0017eda0: 00000000 nop                              |
0017eda4: 0202102a slt r2,r16,r2                    |Check counter limit (Nb of relocated units)
0017eda8: 1440ffe5 bne r2,r0,0x0017ed40         Λ loop
0017edac: 24a50003 addiu r5,r5,0x0003               |Panel Offset in panel data 0x3880
0017edb0: 00007821 addu r15,r0,r0           |Initialize LOOP 1 counter
                                            @LOOP1 - 2 iteration just set loop 2 limit
0017edb4: 11e00002 beq r15,r0,0x0017edc0        #If First Loop
0017edb8: 34120004 ori r18,r0,0x0004            |r18 = 0x04 (loop 2 limit)
0017edbc: 34120011 ori r18,r0,0x0011                |r18 = 0x11 (loop 2 limit)
0017edc0: 34100001 ori r16,r0,0x0001            |r16 = 0x01 (Loop 2 counter)
0017edc4: 0212102a slt r2,r16,r18               |Check if loop 2 counter is less than its limit
0017edc8: 10400085 beq r2,r0,0x0017efe0         #If limit is not reached  (never ?)
0017edcc: 00000000 nop                              |
                                                    @LOOP 2 -Proximity Loop  - Start at 0x01 (next to point of origin) until 0x04 - then exit loop and come back to 0x11 (whole map ?)
0017edd0: 00104823 subu r9,r0,r16                       |Initialize Loop 3 counter at - Loop2 counter
0017edd4: 0209102a slt r2,r16,r9                        |Check limits
0017edd8: 1440007d bne r2,r0,0x0017efd0                 #If limit not already reached ?  (never ?)
0017eddc: 00000000 nop                                      |
                                                            @LOOP 3 - X coordinates- Counter is r9 (aka Xmod) - [loop for Xmod = -loop2 counter to loop 2 counter]
0017ede0: 02e95821 addu r11,r23,r9                              |This iteration X = Unit X coordinates - X mod
0017ede4: 05600076 bltz r11,0x0017efc0                          #If This iteration X is >= 0x00
0017ede8: 00000000 nop                                              |
0017edec: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e                                    |
0017edf0: 90424e9c lbu r2,0x4e9c(r2)                                |Load Map Max X
0017edf4: 00000000 nop                                              |
0017edf8: 0162102a slt r2,r11,r2                                    |Check if X is Less than Max X
0017edfc: 10400070 beq r2,r0,0x0017efc0                             #If X is Valid (< Max X)
0017ee00: 00000000 nop                                                  |
0017ee04: 1d200002 bgtz r9,0x0017ee10                                   |if r9 <= 0x00
0017ee08: 02096823 subu r13,r16,r9                                      |Ymod  Start at 0x00 increase to r16 and decrease to 0x00 at last loop3
0017ee0c: 02096821 addu r13,r16,r9                                          |Y mod
0017ee10: 240affff addiu r10,r0,-0x0001                                 |r10 = -0x01 Loop 4 counter
0017ee14: 01607021 addu r14,r11,r0                                      |r14 = This iteration X coordinates
0017ee18: 02cd4023 subu r8,r22,r13                                      |Y coord = Unit Y - Y mod
                                                                        @LOOP 4 - Y coordinates - Counter is r10 - 2 iterations (-Ymod and + Ymod)
0017ee1c: 05000063 bltz r8,0x0017efac                                       #If This iteration Y is >= 0x00
0017ee20: 000d1040 sll r2,r13,0x01                                          |r2 = r13 * 2
0017ee24: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e                                                |
0017ee28: 90424ea0 lbu r2,0x4ea0(r2)                                            |Load Map Max Y
0017ee2c: 00000000 nop                                                          |
0017ee30: 0102102a slt r2,r8,r2                                                 |Check if Y is valid
0017ee34: 1040005d beq r2,r0,0x0017efac                                         #If Y is Valid (< Max Y)
0017ee38: 000d1040 sll r2,r13,0x01                                              |r2 = r13 * 2
0017ee3c: 00002021 addu r4,r0,r0                                                    |Initialize Elevation offset
0017ee40: 01006021 addu r12,r8,r0                                                   |r12 = This iteration Y coordinates
0017ee44: 3c02800e lui r2,0x800e                                                    @ Elevation LOOP - 2 iteration (0 and 1)
0017ee48: 90424e9c lbu r2,0x4e9c(r2)                                                    |Load Map Max X
0017ee4c: 00000000 nop                                                                  |
0017ee50: 00480018 mult r2,r8                                                           |Y * Max X
0017ee54: 00041a00 sll r3,r4,0x08                                                       |Elevation is 0x00 or 0x100 
0017ee58: 00001012 mflo r2                                                              |
0017ee5c: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2                                                        |
0017ee60: 006b3021 addu r6,r3,r11                                                       |r6 = Tile ID (X + Y*Max X + Elevation)
0017ee64: 000618c0 sll r3,r6,0x03                                                       |Tile ID * 8
0017ee68: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019                                                        |
0017ee6c: 2442f8cc addiu r2,r2,0xf8cc                                                   |Start of Tile's data
0017ee70: 00623821 addu r7,r3,r2                                                        |This iteration Tile's data pointer
0017ee74: 90e30003 lbu r3,0x0003(r7)                                                    |Tile's halves + depth
0017ee78: 00000000 nop                                                                  |
0017ee7c: 00031142 srl r2,r3,0x05                                                       |r2 <> 0x00 if tile's depth is > 1
0017ee80: 28420003 slti r2,r2,0x0003                                                    |Check if Tile's depth < 3
0017ee84: 10400045 beq r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                 #If Depth < 0x03
0017ee88: 3063001f andi r3,r3,0x001f                                                        |Tile's halves
0017ee8c: 28620003 slti r2,r3,0x0003                                                        |Check if tile's halves < 3
0017ee90: 10400042 beq r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                     #If Tile's halves < 0x03
0017ee94: 00000000 nop                                                                          |
0017ee98: 90e50006 lbu r5,0x0006(r7)                                                            |r5 = Tile's byte 0x06
0017ee9c: 00000000 nop                                                                          |
0017eea0: 30a20001 andi r2,r5,0x0001                                                            |Check if tile is selectable
0017eea4: 1440003d bne r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                         #If Tile is selectable
0017eea8: 30a20002 andi r2,r5,0x0002                                                                |Check if tile can be targeted
0017eeac: 1440003b bne r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                             #If Tile can be targeted
0017eeb0: 00061080 sll r2,r6,0x02                                                                       |Tile ID * 4
0017eeb4: 00461021 addu r2,r2,r6                                                                        |Tile ID * 5
0017eeb8: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                                                                        |
0017eebc: 00220821 addu r1,r1,r2                                                                        |8019 + Tile's matching panel offset (in targetable grid)
0017eec0: 90222dda lbu r2,0x2dda(r1)                                                                    |Load This iteration Panel Nb of Unit
0017eec4: 00000000 nop                                                                                  |
0017eec8: 14400034 bne r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                                 #If There's no units on panel
0017eecc: 00000000 nop                                                                                      |
0017eed0: 90e20000 lbu r2,0x0000(r7)                                                                        |Load this iteration Tile's Type
0017eed4: 00000000 nop                                                                                      |
0017eed8: 3045003f andi r5,r2,0x003f                                                                        |Filter just terrain type
0017eedc: 34020012 ori r2,r0,0x0012                                                                         |r2 = 0x12 (Lava check)
0017eee0: 10a2002e beq r5,r2,0x0017ef9c                                                                     #If Tile's terrain is not Lava
0017eee4: 3402001c ori r2,r0,0x001c                                                                             |0x1c (obstacle)
0017eee8: 10a2002c beq r5,r2,0x0017ef9c                                                                         #If Tile is not an obstacle
0017eeec: 00000000 nop                                                                                              |
0017eef0: 15e0000a bne r15,r0,0x0017ef1c                                                                            #If r15 = 0x00
0017eef4: 00000000 nop                                                                                                  |
0017eef8: 90e20002 lbu r2,0x0002(r7)                                                                                    |Load Tile's Height
0017eefc: 00000000 nop                                                                                                  |
0017ef00: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01                                                                                       |Height * 2
0017ef04: 00431821 addu r3,r2,r3                                                                                        |Height + Halves
0017ef08: 02a3102a slt r2,r21,r3                                                                                        |Check if Max allowed Height < Total Height 
0017ef0c: 14400023 bne r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                                                 #If Tile's Height < Max allowed Height
0017ef10: 0073102a slt r2,r3,r19                                                                                            |Check is Height is > Min allowed Height
0017ef14: 14400021 bne r2,r0,0x0017ef9c                                                                                     #If Tile's Height is > Min allowed Height
0017ef18: 00000000 nop                                                                                                          |
0017ef1c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef20: 8c63f4f4 lw r3,-0x0b0c(r3)                                                                                            |Number of Relocated units Dead riders to relocate counter
0017ef24: a62e0000 sh r14,0x0000(r17)                                                                                           |Store new Unit X coord at Misc Unit 0x184
0017ef28: 00031040 sll r2,r3,0x01                                                                                               |Relocated unit counter * 2
0017ef2c: 00431021 addu r2,r2,r3                                                                                                |Relocated unit counter * 3
0017ef30: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef34: 00220821 addu r1,r1,r2                                                                                                |8019 + Unit offset in Coordinate Table 80193880
0017ef38: a02e3880 sb r14,0x3880(r1)                                                                                            |Store new Unit X coord at 80193880 (list of relocated unit coordinates)
0017ef3c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef40: 8c63f4f4 lw r3,-0x0b0c(r3)                                                                                            |Number of Relocated units Dead riders to relocate counter
0017ef44: a62c0004 sh r12,0x0004(r17)                                                                                           |Store new Unit Y coord at Misc Unit 0x188
0017ef48: 00031040 sll r2,r3,0x01                                                                                               |
0017ef4c: 00431021 addu r2,r2,r3                                                                                                |
0017ef50: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef54: 00220821 addu r1,r1,r2                                                                                                |
0017ef58: a02c3881 sb r12,0x3881(r1)                                                                                            |Store new Unit Y coord at 80193880 (list of relocated unit coordinates)
0017ef5c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef60: 8c63f4f4 lw r3,-0x0b0c(r3)                                                                                            |Number of Relocated units Dead riders to relocate counter
0017ef64: a6240002 sh r4,0x0002(r17)                                                                                            |Store new Unit Elevation at Misc Unit 0x1886
0017ef68: 00031040 sll r2,r3,0x01                                                                                               |
0017ef6c: 00431021 addu r2,r2,r3                                                                                                |
0017ef70: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef74: 00220821 addu r1,r1,r2                                                                                                |
0017ef78: a0243882 sb r4,0x3882(r1)                                                                                             |Store new Unit Elevation at 80193880 (list of relocated unit coordinates)
0017ef7c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef80: 8c63f4f4 lw r3,-0x0b0c(r3)                                                                                            |Number of Relocated units Dead riders to relocate counter
0017ef84: 00000000 nop                                                                                                          |
0017ef88: 24630001 addiu r3,r3,0x0001                                                                                           |Counter +1
0017ef8c: 3c018019 lui r1,0x8019                                                                                                |
0017ef90: ac23f4f4 sw r3,-0x0b0c(r1)                                                                                            |Store updated counter
0017ef94: 0805fbfc j 0x0017eff0                                                                                                 >>Jump to  END
0017ef98: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0                                                                                                |r2 = 0x00
0017ef9c: 24840001 addiu r4,r4,0x0001                                                   |Elevation counter + 1
0017efa0: 28820002 slti r2,r4,0x0002                                                    |Check elevation limit (0x00 or 0x01)
0017efa4: 1440ffa7 bne r2,r0,0x0017ee44                                             Λ loop 2 times (elevation 0 and 1)
0017efa8: 000d1040 sll r2,r13,0x01                                                  |r2 = r13 * 2
0017efac: 01024021 addu r8,r8,r2                                            |This Y + Ymod * 2
0017efb0: 254a0002 addiu r10,r10,0x0002                                     |r10 + 2
0017efb4: 29420002 slti r2,r10,0x0002                                       |Check if r10 < 0x02
0017efb8: 1440ff98 bne r2,r0,0x0017ee1c                                 Λ loop 2 times (r10 is -0x01 then 0x01)
0017efbc: 00000000 nop                                                  |
0017efc0: 25290001 addiu r9,r9,0x0001                           |r9 + 1
0017efc4: 0209102a slt r2,r16,r9                                |Check if Loop 2 counter is less then r9
0017efc8: 1040ff85 beq r2,r0,0x0017ede0                     Λ loop while r16 >= r9
0017efcc: 00000000 nop                                          |
0017efd0: 26100001 addiu r16,r16,0x0001                 |Loop 2 counter + 1 - tile counter
0017efd4: 0212102a slt r2,r16,r18                       |Check 
0017efd8: 1440ff7d bne r2,r0,0x0017edd0             Λ loop (4 times  and then 17 times)
0017efdc: 00000000 nop                              |
0017efe0: 25ef0001 addiu r15,r15,0x0001         |Main loop counter +1
0017efe4: 29e20002 slti r2,r15,0x0002           |Check Main loop
0017efe8: 1440ff72 bne r2,r0,0x0017edb4     Λ Loop 2 times
0017efec: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff       |r2 = -0x01
0017eff0: 8fbf0038 lw r31,0x0038(r29)       END
0017eff4: 8fb70034 lw r23,0x0034(r29)
0017eff8: 8fb60030 lw r22,0x0030(r29)
0017effc: 8fb5002c lw r21,0x002c(r29)
0017f000: 8fb40028 lw r20,0x0028(r29)
0017f004: 8fb30024 lw r19,0x0024(r29)
0017f008: 8fb20020 lw r18,0x0020(r29)
0017f00c: 8fb1001c lw r17,0x001c(r29)
0017f010: 8fb00018 lw r16,0x0018(r29)
0017f014: 27bd0040 addiu r29,r29,0x0040
0017f018: 03e00008 jr r31
0017f01c: 00000000 nop

Return locations

00070f5c: In_between_turn_events
00070f8c: In_between_turn_events
00072248: Main_Post_Movement
00073294: 00073250_-_000732c4
00073c60: Set_some_target_coordinates/attacker_animation,_others - Called if Killing blow on ridding unit


The word at 0x8019f4f4 seems to be the counter of relocated unit (waiting for something i guess since it's reseted after the next action)

The Table at 0x80193880 store the coordinates of this relocated units. 
  0x00 is X coordinates
  0x01 is Y coordinates
  0x02 is Elevation