Dragon Check

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Revision as of 16:42, 11 March 2012 by Choto (talk | contribs)
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001875bc: 3c028019 lui r2,0x8019		
001875c0: 8c422d98 lw r2,0x2d98(r2)		Load Target's stats
001875c4: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8		
001875c8: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)		
001875cc: 9042015e lbu r2,0x015e(r2)		Load Target's Graphic
001875d0: 00000000 nop				
001875d4: 2442fff1 addiu r2,r2,0xfff1		Target's Graphic - E
001875d8: 2c420002 sltiu r2,r2,0x0002		Set to 1 if Target's Graphic is E, F, or 10 
001875dc: 14400003 bne r2,r0,0x001875ec		Branch to end if target is using Graphic E, F, 10
001875e0: 00000000 nop				
001875e4: 0c0610c3 jal 0x0018430c		Force Attack Miss
001875e8: 00000000 nop				
001875ec: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)		
001875f0: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018		
001875f4: 03e00008 jr r31			
001875f8: 00000000 nop

Return Locations

  • Battle.bin
0018a980 - 5A Dragon: Hit(100)%
0018a9c4 - 5B Dragon: Heal_(Y)% 100% Add Status
0018aa10 - 5C Dragon: +Brave_(X) +PA/MA/SP(Y)
0018aa54 - 5D Dragon: Set_Quick