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{53} FaceUnit

Make a unit rotate on itself until it faces desired target. The rotation direction is the shortest one.

See Also: {2D} RotateUnit{65} WaitRotateAll

Target Unit ID : Byte (hex)

ID of the unit specified in the ENTD that will be faced from the main unit.

Unknown 1 : Byte (hex)

Always x00.

Unit ID : Byte (hex)

ID of the unit specified in the ENTD.

All Face : Byte (hex)

If set to 0x01, every unit on the field except the target will perform the facing.

Unknown 2 : Byte (hex)

Always x00.

Rotation Speed : Byte (hex)

Time required between every 45 degrees rotation until unit is facing the other one.

  • 00: 3/8 seconds
  • 01: 1/4 seconds
  • 02: 1/16 seconds
  • 03: 1/16 seconds
  • 04: 1/16 seconds
  • 05: 1/4 seconds
  • 06: 1/8 seconds
  • 07: 1/16 seconds
  • 08: 3/4 seconds
  • 09: 5 seconds
  • 0A: 1 second
  • 0B: 1/2 seconds
  • 0C: 5/4 seconds
  • ??: 1/16 seconds

Unknown 3 : Byte (hex)

Often 0x00, 0x08 or 0x14.