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{11} UnitAnim


This instruction is used load a humanoid shaped sprite off EVTCHR.BIN on a sprite using the original unit's palette.

See Also: {3B} SpriteMove{86} TempWeapon{87} Arrow{79} WalkToAnim{E5} WaitForInstruction(x0B,x00)

Unit ID : Byte (hex)

ID of the unit specified in the ENTD. The EVTCHR sprite will be pasted directly over the unit.

Affect All : Byte (hex)

0x01 : Affect all units on the field and not only the one assigned with the Unit ID.

SEQ ID : Byte (hex)

Load an animation sequence from the corresponding SEQ file for a unit.

EVTCHR Frame : Byte (hex)

Load an animation sequence or stance from the loaded EVTCHR.BIN block.

  • 0x00 = Use SEQ animation
  • 0x01 = EVTCHR Block 1
  • 0x02 = EVTCHR Block 2

Unknown : Byte (hex)

This mostly seems to be x00 and sometimes x01.