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Direction : Byte (hex)

Check the Map section to know what direction to use.

FFT Rotations.png Rotation Angles.png

Humanoids in their standing frame ({11} UnitAnim/{8C} UnitAnimRotate with animations x01 or x02) use 8 possible frames at different angles, while monsters and battling humanoids are limited to 4.

Depending on the camera angle, if you move it directly between 2 frames, the next one will have priority. In the images with the Squire and Panther, it is identified using a darker line of the given color.

  • 8 Frames: [ -22.5° ― +22.5° [
  • 4 Frames: [ -45.0° ― +45.0° [

To reset a unit's rotation to what it was during a battle before it changed during an event, set this to x14.