Get Inner Text (WORLD.BIN)

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Revision as of 02:05, 18 May 2018 by Glain (talk | contribs) (Created page with " # ROUTINE: GET INNER TEXT (WORLD.BIN) # Splits the input text on a sentinel value for inner text (0xFE or 0xFF), and returns a pointer to the inner text with the spe...")
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#       Splits the input text on a sentinel value for inner text (0xFE or 0xFF), and returns a pointer to the inner text with the specified index.
#       This is the same as the Get Inner Text routine in BATTLE.BIN.
#       Parameters:
#           r4 = (inputText) Input text
#           r5 = (innerTextIndex) Index of inner text
#       Returns:
#           r2 = Text character pointer to inner text with specified index

80100348: 20090000 addi r9,r0,0x0000                #   count = 0
8010034c: 200a00fe addi r10,r0,0x00fe               #   0xfe
                                                    #   ptr = inputText
                                                    #   do {
80100350: 90880000 lbu r8,0x0000(r4)                #       value = *ptr
80100354: 10a90008 beq r5,r9,0x80100378             #       if (innerTextIndex == count)
80100358: 00000000 nop                              #           break;
8010035c: 310800fe andi r8,r8,0x00fe                #       value & 0xfe
80100360: 150a0002 bne r8,r10,0x8010036c            #       if ((value & 0xfe) == 0xfe) {       // Sentinel value
80100364: 00000000 nop
80100368: 21290001 addi r9,r9,0x0001                #           count = count + 1      
                                                    #       }
8010036c: 20840001 addi r4,r4,0x0001                #       ptr = ptr + 1
80100370: 0401fff7 bgez r0,0x80100350               #   } while (0 >= 0);        // Loop condition always true.  Must break out (innerTextIndex == count) to exit loop.
80100374: 00000000 nop                              
80100378: 00041020 add r2,r0,r4                     #   return ptr;
8010037c: 03e00008 jr r31
80100380: 00000000 nop