Extract Colors Data

From Final Fantasy Hacktics Wiki
Revision as of 21:42, 1 May 2019 by Glain (talk | contribs) (Created page with " # ROUTINE: EXTRACT COLORS DATA # Parameters: # r4 = (colorsPtr) Colors pointer? # r5 = (sectionID) Section ID # r6 = (p3) ? (0 to 15...")
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#       Parameters:
#           r4 = (colorsPtr) Colors pointer?
#           r5 = (sectionID) Section ID
#           r6 = (p3) ? (0 to 15?) Inner section?

80092620: 00c07021 addu r14,r6,r0                   #   p3
80092624: 00004821 addu r9,r0,r0                    #   count = 0
80092628: 00051080 sll r2,r5,0x02                   #   sectionID * 4
8009262c: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5                    #   sectionID * 5
80092630: 00021080 sll r2,r2,0x02                   #   sectionID * 20
80092634: 00451023 subu r2,r2,r5                    #   sectionID * 19
80092638: 00021180 sll r2,r2,0x06                   #   sectionID * 1216
8009263c: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5                    #   sectionID * 1217
80092640: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01                   #   sectionID * 2434
80092644: 3c03800a lui r3,0x800a
80092648: 24639676 addiu r3,r3,-0x698a              #   0x80099676
8009264c: 00436821 addu r13,r2,r3                   #   (sectionID * 2434) + 0x80099676
80092650: 3c06800e lui r6,0x800e
80092654: 24c64ea4 addiu r6,r6,0x4ea4               #   0x800e4ea4
80092658: 00052a40 sll r5,r5,0x09                   #   sectionID * 512
8009265c: 00a66021 addu r12,r5,r6                   #   (sectionID * 512) + 0x800e4ea4
80092660: 24630700 addiu r3,r3,0x0700               #   0x80099d76
80092664: 00435821 addu r11,r2,r3                   #   (sectionID * 2434) + 0x80099d76
80092668: 00805021 addu r10,r4,r0                   #   colorPtr = colorsPtr
                                                    #   do {
8009266c: 95440000 lhu r4,0x0000(r10)               #       color = *colorPtr           // Color format (by bit) is: [ABBBBBGG][GGGRRRRR]
80092670: 000e2900 sll r5,r14,0x04                  #       p3 * 16
80092674: 00a92821 addu r5,r5,r9                    #       (p3 * 16) + count
80092678: 25290001 addiu r9,r9,0x0001               #       count = count + 1
8009267c: 00051840 sll r3,r5,0x01                   #       ((p3 * 16) + count) * 2
80092680: 006c1021 addu r2,r3,r12                   #       (((p3 * 16) + count) * 2) + ((sectionID * 512) + 0x800e4ea4)
80092684: 006b1821 addu r3,r3,r11                   #       (((p3 * 16) + count) * 2) + ((sectionID * 2434) + 0x80099d76)
80092688: 308703e0 andi r7,r4,0x03e0                #       color & 0x03e0
8009268c: 00073942 srl r7,r7,0x05                   #       green = (color & 0x03e0) >> 5
80092690: 30867c00 andi r6,r4,0x7c00                #       color & 0x7c00
80092694: 00063282 srl r6,r6,0x0a                   #       blue = (color & 0x7c00) >> 10
80092698: 000443c2 srl r8,r4,0x0f                   #       alpha = color >> 15
8009269c: a4440000 sh r4,0x0000(r2)                 #       *(((p3 * 16) + count) * 2) + ((sectionID * 512) + 0x800e4ea4) = color
800926a0: 000510c0 sll r2,r5,0x03                   #       ((p3 * 16) + count) * 8
800926a4: 00451023 subu r2,r2,r5                    #       ((p3 * 16) + count) * 7
800926a8: 01a21021 addu r2,r13,r2                   #       argbColorPtr = (sectionID * 2434) + 0x80099676 + (((p3 * 16) + count) * 7)
800926ac: a4640000 sh r4,0x0000(r3)                 #       *(((p3 * 16) + count) * 2) + ((sectionID * 2434) + 0x80099d76) = color
800926b0: 3084001f andi r4,r4,0x001f                #       red = color & 0x001f
800926b4: a0440000 sb r4,0x0000(r2)                 #       *argbColorPtr = red
800926b8: a0470001 sb r7,0x0001(r2)                 #       *(argbColorPtr + 1) = green
800926bc: a0460002 sb r6,0x0002(r2)                 #       *(argbColorPtr + 2) = blue
800926c0: a0480003 sb r8,0x0003(r2)                 #       *(argbColorPtr + 3) = alpha
800926c4: 29220010 slti r2,r9,0x0010
800926c8: 1440ffe8 bne r2,r0,0x8009266c
800926cc: 254a0002 addiu r10,r10,0x0002             #       colorPtr = colorPtr + 2
                                                    #   } while (count < 16);
800926d0: 03e00008 jr r31
800926d4: 00000000 nop