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{2E} Background


Creates a gradient background gradually by ignoring its current state using RGB. Battle and Effect safe.

(0,0,0) is black and (255,255,255) is white.

See Also: {31} ColorBGBeta{32} ColorUnit{33} ColorField

Red (Top) : Byte (unsigned)

Red value of the RGB color.

Green (Top) : Byte (unsigned)

Green value of the RGB color.

Blue (Top) : Byte (unsigned)

Blue value of the RGB color.

Red (Bottom) : Byte (unsigned)

Red value of the RGB color.

Green (Bottom) : Byte (unsigned)

Green value of the RGB color.

Blue (Bottom) : Byte (unsigned)

Blue value of the RGB color.

Time : Byte (unsigned)

Time assigned in frames to complete the instruction. One frame is the equivalent of 1/60th of a second.

  • 030 = 0,5 second
  • 060 = 1 second
  • 120 = 2 seconds
  • 180 = 3 seconds
  • 255 = 4,25 seconds

Unknown : Byte (hex)

Usually x00, sometimes x01