Revision as of 15:34, 22 February 2021 by Xifanie (talk | contribs) (Xifanie moved page Event Instruction 80 to March)
{80} March
Make units start their walking animation, ready to fight. Even if not called, this instruction is automatically executed when a battle starts with 0 frames between units.
See Also: {11} UnitAnim ― {28} WalkTo
Affected Units : Byte (hex)
If Multi Targeting is set to x00:
- Unit ID: ID of the unit specified in the ENTD.
If Multi Targeting is set to x01:
- x00: Player's Team (blue)
- x01: Player's Team (blue)
- x02: All Enemy Teams (red/green/lightblue)
- x03: All Enemy Teams (red/green/lightblue)
- x04: All Teams
Multi Targeting : Byte (hex)
- x00: One Target → Unit ID
- x01: Various outcomes; see Affected Unit(s)
- x02: Target All Teams
Time : Byte (unsigned)
Time assigned in frames to complete the instruction. One frame is the equivalent of 1/60th of a second.
- 030 = 0,5 second
- 060 = 1 second
- 120 = 2 seconds
- 180 = 3 seconds
- 255 = 4,25 seconds
→ Time between each unit to start marching