Revision as of 04:44, 23 February 2021 by Xifanie (talk | contribs) (Xifanie moved page Event Instruction 84 to PlayTune)
{84} PlayTune
Plays a song file. Don't get excited, the list is very short and mostly useless.
See also: {22} SwitchTrack ― {60} FadeSound
Song ID : Byte (hex)
Any other value will freeze the game.
- x00: Nothing
- File:FFT Music (45).mp3x01: Plays 0x2D Level Up S
- File:FFT Music (46).mp3x02: Plays 0x2E Treasure Discovery S
- File:FFT Music (47).mp3x03: Plays 0x2F General Happiness S
- File:FFT Music (48).mp3x04: Plays 0x30 General Unhappiness S
- File:FFT Music (49).mp3x05: Plays 0x31 Job Change