0007af08 - 0007af40

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Revision as of 10:20, 2 July 2021 by Talcall (talk | contribs)
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0007af08: 3c04800c lui r4,0x800c
0007af0c: 8484df08 lh r4,-0x20f8(r4)			appears to be one word shy of shp data.
0007af10: 00000000 nop
0007af14: 24830001 addiu r3,r4,0x0001			
0007af18: 04610002 bgez r3,0x0007af24			#branch if that's => 0
0007af1c: 00601021 addu r2,r3,r0				|r2 = r4 + 0x1
0007af20: 24820100 addiu r2,r4,0x0100				|r2 = r4 + 0x100
0007af24: 00021203 sra r2,r2,0x08			#we here at Squenix DISPISE the upper byte. thank you for your attention.
0007af28: 00021200 sll r2,r2,0x08			
0007af2c: 00621023 subu r2,r3,r2			r2 = 0 or 0xff
0007af30: 3c01800c lui r1,0x800c
0007af34: a422df08 sh r2,-0x20f8(r1)			save that back into that one word shy
0007af38: 00021400 sll r2,r2,0x10
0007af3c: 03e00008 jr r31
0007af40: 00021403 sra r2,r2,0x10