00044a08 - 00044a30

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Revision as of 02:12, 30 July 2021 by Talcall (talk | contribs)
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If animating graphic results in an error, return here. seemingly does nothing important?

00044a08: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8
00044a0c: 00802821 addu r5,r4,r0          r5 = r4 (value depends on WEP loading routine. check later)
00044a10: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)
00044a14: 0c01127e jal 0x000449f8         this does nothing. like I'm not joking, it does nothing. it jumps and saves 0x00044a1c to r31 and then jr r31 nop.
00044a18: 00002021 addu r4,r0,r0          clears r4
00044a1c: 3c018005 lui r1,0x8005
00044a20: ac20c6c4 sw r0,-0x393c(r1)      clears ???? (is this a debug tool? it's always 0, this is the only place that even writes there, and r5 isn't even referenced as above, does it return some kind of error code for devs to read?)
00044a24: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)
00044a28: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018
00044a2c: 03e00008 jr r31
00044a30: 00000000 nop
Return addresses:
Load WEP graphic from WEP1 Sheet