Static Free Space Allocation

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Revision as of 07:27, 28 March 2022 by Xifanie (talk | contribs)
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Mem. Addr. ByteLn Description
0x80150284 0x0015 Event Instruction Upgrade - Unit Turn Counts (0-255 for each ENTD slot)
0x80150299 0x0001 Event Instruction Upgrade - Skip Standard Game Over Flag (ConditionalDefeat() Event Instruction)
0x8015029A 0x0001 Event Instruction Upgrade - Text Variable Increment (ResetTextIncrement()/PushTextVal()/PushTextVar() Event Instructions)
0x8015029B 0x0001 Event Instruction Upgrade - Event Sub Nest Count (DefineSub()/CallSub() Event Instructions)
0x8015029C 0x0002 Event Instruction Upgrade - ENTD Address Offset (LoadENTD() Event Instruction)
0x8015029E 0x0001 Equip Change Fix - Menu Index
0x8015029F 0x0001 Cancel Movement - 0xFF = Cannot Cancel Move
0x801502A0 0x0010 Event Instruction Upgrade - Event Sub Return Addresses
0x801502B0 0x0004 Map Extension - 128-255 Maps Table Pointer
0x801502B4 0x0004 Map Extension - EVENT\MAPTITLE_EXT.BIN LBA
0x801502B8 0x0004 Trap Extension - Active Traps Table Pointer
0x801502BC 0x0004 Extended Warranty - Player Stolen Inventory Table Pointer
0x801502C0 0x0004 Unused