Store AT list ID = 0

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Revision as of 12:28, 3 April 2023 by WKW (talk | contribs) (Return locations and navigation)
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000683d4: 3c018009 lui r1,0x8009
000683d8: ac206110 sw r0,0x6110(r1)		store AT list ID = 0
000683dc: 03e00008 jr r31
000683e0: 00000000 nop

Return locations

000709c8: 00070998 - 000709f8 (Set casting unit ID = FF 2)
000711c8: 000711a4 - 000712d4
00071388: 0007134c - 0007139c (Highlight units based on team)
000718c0: 0007187c - 00071928
00071b30: 00071ab8 - 00071b48
00071c6c: 00071b4c - 00071c88
00072440: 000723d4 - 0007245c (Post Movement Display Prep)
00072654: 00072544 - 00072670
00072bd4: 00072b50 - 00072bec (Set item/throw stone ability display stuff? / Range 1 Ability Used)
00074050: 00073fe0 - 00074064 (Store animation and facing based on animation flag 1)
00074454: 00074308 - 0007446c
0007455c: 000744c8 - 000745a8 (Select Target Tile)



< Store AT list ID = 1 | Transfer Unit's X/Y/Map Level >