Effect Data
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801b48d0 - table of effect file start locations 801b53e8 - start of data (8 bytes each, by effect ID)
801b63e8 - Effect running state 0 = Not running 1 = Started (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing) // set to 0x03 after getting palette data 4 = Playing 801b63f0 - Ability Effect (2 bytes each, 0x1c6 total)
801b677c - Event & non-ability Effects (2 bytes each, 0x25 total)
801b84ac - table for secondary effect anims per 1st ability animation byte
801b8544 - 801b8874 - a gravity value? (0x53a) 801b8878 - "Gravity" Mod (0xa8000, constant? loaded with map?) (word) 28 (X/Y Mod mult) * 12 (tile height mult) * 2048 = 0xa8000 not really sure what it is exactly yet
801b8ba4 - Start of some data (0x54 bytes each, by effect ID) 0x00 - set to 0x03 when used?
801b8b60 - Acting Unit's ID (Word) 801b8b64 - Target's ID (Word) 801b8b68 - Attack's Current X (for checking targets) 801b8b6a - Attack's Current Map Level 801b8b6c - Attack's Current Y 801b8b70 - ArcTan Angle Mod (may be for other angle mods too) 801b8b74 - ??? Related to trajectory (see stored in arc weapon trajectory validation) 801b8b7c - Attack's X Mod Difference (Current X Mod - Previous X Mod) 801b8b80 - Attack's Z Mod Difference () 801b8b84 - Attack's Y Mod Difference 801b8b88 - ??? Stored (not seen set) in arc weapon trajectory routine 801b8b8c - Attack's Current X Mod 801b8b8e - Attack's Current Z Mod 801b8b90 - Attack's Current Y Mod 801b8b94 - Target Tile's 0x06 byte's 0x10-0x40 flags stored as 0x01 0x02 0x04(on hitting a tile) 801b8b9c - (byte, start/part of chunk with 84 byte long sections?) (replaces 0x1b9134) (replaced by 0x1b9130)
801b8bc0 - used weapon ID? (Word)
801b8ba4 - set to 1 after storing data
801b9144 - Effect instruct. 0x6: pointer to arg. 2's file by ID? could have up to 0xe pointers
801b925c - Acting Unit's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer 0x00/0x5c - X Mod 0x02/0x5e - Z Mod (-Height) 0x04/0x60 - Y Mod 801b9264 - Target's X/Y/Z Mods Pointer 0x00/0x64 - X Mod 0x02/0x66 - Z Mod (-Height) 0x04/0x68 - Y Mod
801bbf3c - 3D Step Counter / 4 (number of passes needed for 3D attack?) (can also store 3D Distance / 512) 801bbf64 - check for different abilities
801c24c8 - 801c24d0 - loaded ability effect (half)
Loaded into RAM 0x1dc000 during battle setup
801b48d0 - Per effect ID, start of effect data; will be different from 0x801c2500 if the file has any assembly/extraneous data to accompany it
801b53e8 - List of data by Effect ID (0x08 bytes each, goes to 801b63e8) 0x04 - LBA value (word) [Blank effects get routed to E0511, 71150 0x08 - Byte length rounded up to the nearest multiple of 0x800
801b63e8 - Effect running state 0 = Not running 1 = Started (2 and 3 are intermediate steps between Started and Playing) // set to 0x03 after getting palette data 4 = Playing
801b67c8 - list of effect code instruction return addresses 001b67c8: 801a2238 0x00 001b67cc: 801a225c 0x01 001b67d0: 801a2280 0x02 001b67d4: 801a22f8 0x03 001b67d8: 801a236c 0x04 001b67dc: 801a2374 0x05 001b67e0: 801a23a8 0x06 001b67e4: 801a2414 0x07 001b67e8: 801a2488 0x08 001b67ec: 801a2524 0x09 001b67f0: 801a2560 0x0a 001b67f4: 801a259c 0x0b 001b67f8: 801a262c 0x0c 001b67fc: 801a2668 0x0d 001b6800: 801a26a4 0x0e 001b6804: 801a2734 0x0f 001b6808: 801a2770 0x10 001b680c: 801a27b0 0x11 001b6810: 801a2810 0x12 001b6814: 801a2870 0x13 001b6818: 801a28d4 0x14 001b681c: 801a2938 0x15 001b6820: 801a2998 0x16 001b6824: 801a29e0 0x17 001b6828: 801a2a2c 0x18 001b682c: 801a2a7c 0x19 001b6830: 801a2b18 0x1a 001b6834: 801a2b70 0x1b 001b6838: 801a2bc8 0x1c 001b683c: 801a2c28 0x1d 001b6840: 801a2c7c 0x1e 001b6844: 801a2cfc 0x1f 001b6848: 801a2d48 0x20 001b684c: 801a2d94 0x21 001b6850: 801a2de0 0x22 001b6854: 801a2e2c 0x23 001b6858: 801a2e78 0x24 001b685c: 801a2eb4 0x25 001b6860: 801a30ec 0x26 001b6864: 801a3148 0x27 001b6868: 801a3408 0x28 001b686c: 801a4838 0x29 001b6870: 801a4c44 0x2a 001b6874: 801a4c84 0x2b 001b6878: 801a4cc0 0x2c 001b687c: 801a4cd8 0x2d 001b6880 - 001b69a4: 801a2214 0x2e - 0x??
801b69a8 - effect palette address
801b69cc - check this half! used in enormous determination routine
801b84dc - Table of Extra particle effect flags? AA BB CC DD 0x00 Nothing : 00 00 00 00 0x01 Bow Arrow : 08 00 00 01 0x02 Spell chrg : 00 00 00 04 0x03 X-bow Bolt : 08 00 00 14 0x04 Spell chrg : 00 01 00 04 0x05 Smn Chrg : 00 00 00 16 0x06 Throw Stone: 08 01 00 14 0x07 Glowing Tar: 00 00 00 02 0x08 Glowing Tar: 00 00 00 02 0x09 Falling far: 00 00 00 08 0x0a Reflect : 0c 02 00 12 0x0b Zodiac Poof: 00 00 00 11 0x0c Death Poof : 00 00 00 0f 0x0d Level Up : 00 00 00 0d 0x0e Venom trap : 00 00 00 0c 0x0f Splash : 00 00 00 09 0x10 Throw Item : ff ff 00 14 0x11 red orbs : 00 00 00 06 0x12 equip Break: 00 00 00 15 0x13 teleport : 00 00 00 13 0x14 Golem : 00 00 00 03 0x15 Erroneous? : 00 00 00 05 it's remarkable this isn't all hard coded, there's actually some wriggle room here if you know what you're doing. AA - no idea, seems to have very little effect. it's only set on empty set particles, and reflect, which is never read from. BB - for animation types 0x1 and 0x14, this is the model used for the projectile of the attack. ff is simply no model, or the item.bin graphic for the used weapon. Model data can be found Secondary Effect 0x1b69dc Table here, 0x801b69dc is the model data of an arrow, 0x801b6d00 for a stone, 0x801b6f00 for the reflect barrier. Not sure yet what spell charge is doing with a BB, but it is the only other instance of this being a non-0 value, and also the only other routine that reads the value. CC - zero DD - the actual function of the particles.
801b8900 - call addresses per secondary animation effect type Effect Related (0x1b47e0) 0x00 Nothing : 801b0fec 0x01 Arrow Arc : 801b0ffc 0x02 Glowing Tar: 801b153c 0x03 Golem : 801b1aec 0x04 Spell chrg : 801b1c04 0x05 Unsure : 801b27dc 0x06 Red Orbs : 801b284c 0x07 Not Called : 801b2968 0x08 Falling Tar: 801b2970 0x09 Splash : 801b2a88 0x0a Not Called : 801b2bfc 0x0b Not Called : 801b2c04 0x0c Venom Trap : 801b2c0c 0x0d Level Up : 801b2d28 0x0e Not Called : 801b2e60 0x0f Death Poof : 801b2e68 0x10 Not Called : 801b3118 0x11 Zodiac Poof: 801b3120 0x12 Reflect : 801b33d4 0x13 teleport : 801b3820 0x14 Lin. Proj. : 801b3938 0x15 Equip Break: 801b40f8 0x16 Smn chrg : 801b4234 801b895c
801b8a40 - first 0x10 bytes of first section of main motion data stored here 0x00 0x04 0x08 0x0c
801b8b9c - current effect target data (not in MISC/battle ID unit order; entries in order of unit being animated.) 0x54 bytes long per unit (up to 0x10 entries) 0x00 - previous effect target ID 0x01 - current effect target ID 0x02 - next effect target ID 0x03 - secondary effect's function byte 0x04 - Additional animation effects? 0x00 - nothing 0x01 - nothing 0x02 - spell charging spots and lines (if called incorrectly, will loop indefinitely) 0x03 - nothing 0x04 - spell charging spots and lines (ditto) 0x05 - Summon charge (if called incorrectly, will loop indefinitely) 0x06 - nothing 0x07 - an additional strike glow on target? 0x08 - an additional strike glow on target? 0x09 - landing from a height in sand 0x0a - reflect spiiiIIIiiIIiin 0x0b - green zodiac stone poof? 0x0c - death poof 0x0d - level up sparkles? job level up sparkles? 0x0e - triggering a venom trap 0x0f - landing in water 0x10 - nothing 0x11 - red focus orbs 0x12 - break equipment shatter particles 0x13 - teleport send-recieve 0x14 - golem block 0x06 - ability element, presented in awful format (none, fire, water, earth, wind, holy, dark, Ice, Lightning) and also its just a value, not bitflags. edits target palette? 0x08 - if prepared correctly, 0x01? 0x10 - Contains unit misc ID (and a bunch of unrelated stack.) 0x1a - X coordinate of target 0x1e - map level & Y coordinate of target - if effect target ID 0x00 (null); stores centre tile of ability aoe instead? 0x24 - used weapon ID 0x28 - hit counter 0x50 - pointer to effect data in RAM (after loaded in)
801b9130 - previous effect target ID 801b9134 - current effect target ID 801b9138 - Next effect target ID
801bacc8 - start of on hit effect header
801baccc - GTE data 0x14 - X vector 0x18 - Y vector 0x1c - Z vector
801bad0c - effect coordinate data stored here 0x00 - Hit Counter 0x02 - Counter of found targets 0x04 - animate on miss flag (01 if animate on miss 0x06 - Target ID / X coordinate for animate on miss 0x07 - Type of attack 0x00 - normal hit 0x01 - critical hit 0x02 - reflected 0x03 - evaded 0x08 - map level of animate on miss 0x0a - Y coordinate 0x0c - some address (word) 0x800bdd24 0x0e - 00? 0x10 - next units Data 0x12 - next target ID 0x34 - acting unit data address 0x38 - acting unit ID? byte
0x40 - some address (8017ac40) 0x48 - some address (80026cec) something for GPU? 0x54 - pointer to start of misc data 0x74 - unit ID 0x78 - 801938ef - post action byte address 0x7c - units misc data pointer 801badca - X/Y Coordinate for effect? 801badcc - map level 801badce - X/Y? 801bade0
-4088 801bbf78 - start of frame data address -4084 801bbf7c - 0x10 in effect data (coordinates?) 801bbf80 - effect palette address 801bbf84 - start of misc timed display? (effect misc. timing data + 0x8)
801bbf8c - parameter sets address (+ 0x04?)
801bbf90 - Is effect playing? 0 = false, 1 = true // used in effect control routine
801bc094 - Ptr. to effect's code scripts (relative to start of effect data.)
801bc0c8 - misc effect data address 801bc0cc - (while processing models/effects) pointer to polygons by depth table
0x1bc0d4 - set to 0 after storing data to 0x801bad0c 0x1bc0dc - 0x0a in sound effect data (word)
801bf000 - 2nd byte in header / 16 (shifted 0x04 right) 1 space to the right
801bf02c - Temp effect data table (0xf8 per phase?) 0x00 - Is effect playing(?) 0x06 - header counter 0x08 - Ptr. to effect code scripts 0x1c - 0x1e - 0x1, skip some step. 0x28 - timer 0x2c - when not 0, execute custom code in 0xd4? 0xd4 - ptr. to extra code for effect to execute
801bf21c - start of some data (temp effect data?) 0x00 -
801bf242 - skip effect routine if = 2? 0x1e - some counter (decremented)
801c00c8 - Copied/edited of effect parameter data in RAM. 0x24 bytes per parameter? 0x06 - Function flags for effect 0x01 - set when loading new frame. 0 otherwise. 0x02 - set on initialisation; Don't multiply motion vector by some matrix (describes camera rotation?) 0x04 - set on initialisation; Don't multiply rotation matrix by camera zoom. the other flags don't seem to be checked? 0x08 - special function half (for 0x83 function, 2nd byte is added) // tbh don't think it's that. this is any extra XX XX offset appended to the parameter.
0x0a - 0x03 and 0x04 of starting 5 bytes (half)(for 0x83 function, 3rd byte is added) // again, I don't think it's that. YY YY offset. 0x0c - screen XX XX of current frame? maybe XX velocity? 0x0e - screen YY YY of current frame? maybe YY velocity? 0x10 - screen ZZ ZZ of current frame? maybe ZZ velocity? 0x12 - angle between attacker and target 0x14 - current 3rd byte? 0x16 - Duration to hold frame 0x18 - pointer to current Parameter data in file 0x1c - parameter counter 0x1e - next frame byte? VRAM flag check? 0x1f - current frame 0x20 - pointer to temp effect SHP or palette data? 801c24d0 - Effect ID (During effect animation, or last played effect); sometimes set to 0x0c when no effect is playing //Current ability Effect 801c24da - ? Changes during effect