Revision as of 01:26, 17 June 2024 by Talcall (talk | contribs) (Talcall moved page 00015b00 - 00015b68 to Coda)
00015b00: 94c300ac lhu r3,0x00ac(r6) 00015b04: 00000000 nop 00015b08: 00031040 sll r2,r3,0x01 00015b0c: 00431021 addu r2,r2,r3 00015b10: 00021080 sll r2,r2,0x02 00015b14: 244200b0 addiu r2,r2,0x00b0 00015b18: 00c22821 addu r5,r6,r2 00015b1c: 90a20000 lbu r2,0x0000(r5) 00015b20: 340300ff ori r3,r0,0x00ff 00015b24: 2442ffff addiu r2,r2,0xffff 00015b28: a0a20000 sb r2,0x0000(r5) 00015b2c: 304200ff andi r2,r2,0x00ff 00015b30: 10430008 beq r2,r3,0x00015b54 00015b34: 00000000 nop 00015b38: aca40008 sw r4,0x0008(r5) 00015b3c: 90c2007e lbu r2,0x007e(r6) 00015b40: 8ca40004 lw r4,0x0004(r5) 00015b44: 90a30002 lbu r3,0x0002(r5) 00015b48: a0a20003 sb r2,0x0003(r5) 00015b4c: 080056d9 j 0x00015b64 00015b50: a4c3007e sh r3,0x007e(r6) 00015b54: 94c200ac lhu r2,0x00ac(r6) 00015b58: 00000000 nop 00015b5c: 2442ffff addiu r2,r2,0xffff 00015b60: a4c200ac sh r2,0x00ac(r6) 00015b64: 03e00008 jr r31 00015b68: 00801021 addu r2,r4,r0