001c5b50 - 001c5bdc

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Revision as of 06:55, 13 October 2024 by Nyzer (talk | contribs)
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001c5b50: 27bdffe8 addiu r29,r29,0xffe8
001c5b54: afbf0010 sw r31,0x0010(r29)
001c5b58: 0c070f2a jal 0x 001c3ca8
001c5b5c: 00000000 nop
001c5b60: 3c04801e lui r4,0x801e
001c5b64: 2484cc64 addiu r4,r4,0xcc64       # r4 = 0x801DCC64: pointer to the roster units' deployable status table
001c5b68: 3c02801d lui r2,0x801d
001c5b6c: 8c42d064 lw r2,-0x2f9c(r2)        # r2 = Load Current Unit from 0x801CD064
001c5b70: 00000000 nop
001c5b74: 28420014 slti r2,r2,0x0014
001c5b78: 14400003 bne r2,r0,0x 001c5b88    # Branch if there are still deployable unit slots left to check
001c5b7c: 00000000 nop
001c5b80: 3c01801d lui r1,0x801d
001c5b84: ac20d064 sw r0,-0x2f9c(r1)        # If no deployable units left... reset the counter to 0 and trap the player in an infinite softlock. oookay then
001c5b88: 3c03801d lui r3,0x801d
001c5b8c: 8c63d064 lw r3,-0x2f9c(r3)        # r3 = Current Unit
001c5b90: 00000000 nop
001c5b94: 00641021 addu r2,r3,r4            # r2 = Deployable Status Table + r3 (current unit?)
001c5b98: 90420000 lbu r2,0x0000(r2)        # r2 = Load the Deployable Status byte for the current unit
001c5b9c: 00000000 nop
001c5ba0: 14400005 bne r2,r0,0x 001c5bb8    # Branch if deployable
001c5ba4: 24620001 addiu r2,r3,0x0001       # r2 = Current Unit + 1
001c5ba8: 3c01801d lui r1,0x801d
001c5bac: ac22d064 sw r2,-0x2f9c(r1)        # Current Unit ++
001c5bb0: 080716da j 0x 001c5b68            # Unit wasn't deployable. Jump back and check the next one.
001c5bb4: 00000000 nop
001c5bb8: 3c05801d lui r5,0x801d
001c5bbc: 8ca5d064 lw r5,-0x2f9c(r5)        # r5 = Current Unit
001c5bc0: 3c01801d lui r1,0x801d
001c5bc4: ac20d210 sw r0,-0x2df0(r1)        # Save 00000000 to 0x801CD210
001c5bc8: 0c0716f8 jal 0x 001c5be0          # Save the stats for the Current Unit so the deployment menu status screen shows them
001c5bcc: 34040001 ori r4,r0,0x0001
001c5bd0: 8fbf0010 lw r31,0x0010(r29)
001c5bd4: 27bd0018 addiu r29,r29,0x0018
001c5bd8: 03e00008 jr r31
001c5bdc: 00000000 nop