PSX Kernel

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Revision as of 08:21, 15 February 2025 by Talcall (talk | contribs)
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For some reason psxfin puts the bios here which would, from what I can tell, normally be an invalid address? 0xbfc00000 however does redirect here always in that case, so what do I know.
This data should start at 0xbfc00000. Unfortunately for all involved, I debug with psxfin.
07c018e0: A(0x3f) printf
07c01920: A(0x44) FlushCache
07c01a90: A(0x27) bcopy
07c01acc: A(0x28) bzero
07c01b08: A(0x29) bcmp Bugged!
07c01e24: A(0x39) InitHeap
07c01e5c: A(0x33) malloc
07c020f0: A(0x34) free
07c02104" A(0x38) realloc Slow
07c021a0: A(0x37) calloc Slow
07c02200: A(0x2f) rand
07c02230: A(0x30) srand
07c02240: A(0x13) setjmp
07c0227c: A(0x14) longjmp
07c022c0: A(0x0a) todigit
07c02324: A(0x32) strtod Doesn't work!
07c02590: A(0x0b) atof Doesn't work!
07c025b0: A(0x0c) strtoul
07c02738: A(0x0d) strtol
07c02918: A(0x0e) abs
07c02934: A(0x0f) labs
07c02950: A(0x10) atoi
07c02af0: A(0x11) atol
07c02b10: A(0x12) atob
07c02b50: A(0x2a) memcpy
07c02b8c: A(0x2b) memset 
07c02bc8: A(0x2c) memmove Bugged!
07c02c50: A(0x2d) memcmp Bugged!
07c02cc0: A(0x2e) memchr
07c02d20: A(0x35) lsearch
07c02dac: A(0x36) bsearch
07c02ea0: A(0x25) toupper
07c02edc: A(0x26) tolower
07c03098: A(0x31) qsort
07c03190: A(0x15) strcat
07c03200: A(0x16) strncat
07c03288: A(0x17) strcmp
07c03310: A(0x18) strncmp
07c033c8: A(0x19) strcpy
07c03418: A(0x1a) strncpy
07c03494: A(0x1b) strlen
07c034d0: A(0x1c) index
07c03514: A(0x1d) rindex
07c0357c: A(0x1e) strchr
07c035c0: A(0x1f) strrchr
07c03628: A(0x20) strpbrk
07c03694: A(0x21) strspn
07c036fc: A(0x22) strcspn
07c03764: A(0x23) strtok
07c03894: A(0x24) strstr Bugged!
07c039b0: A(0x41) LoadTest
07c03a18: A(0x42) Load
07c03aa4: A(0x51) LoadExec
07c03cf0: A(0x43) Exec
07c03d80: A(0x46) GPU_dw
07c03ea0: A(0x47) gpu_send_dma
07c03f8c: A(0x48) SendGP1Command
07c03fac: A(0x49) GPU_cw
07c03fe0: A(0x4a) GPU_cwp
07c03ff0: A(0x3b) getchar also B(0x3c)
07c0403c: A(0x4b) send_gpu_linked_list
07c040ec: A(0x4c) gpu_abort_dma
07c04120: A(0x4d) GetGPUStatus
07c04138: A(0x4e) gpu_sync
07c042a0: A(0x45) init_a0_b0_c0_vectors
07c04850: A(0xa2) EnqueueCdIntr
07c048d0: A(0xa3) DequeueCdIntr
07c04910: A(0x95) CdInitSubFunc
07c04aa0: A(0x94) CdromGetInt5errCode
07c04abc: A(0x78) CdAsyncSeekL
07c04bc4: A(0x7c) CdAsyncGetStatus
07c04c38: A(0x7e) CdAsyncReadSector
07c04d50: A(0x81) CdAsyncSetMode
07c04dec: A(0x90) CdromIoIrqFunc1
07c04fbc: A(0x91) CdromDmaIrqFunc1
07c0506c: A(0x92) CdromIoIrqFunc2
07c050a4: A(0x93) CdromDmaIrqFunc2
07c050dc: A(0x9e) SetCdromIrqAutoAbort
07c06680: A(0x9f) SetMem
07c06700: A(0xb2) ioabort_raw
07c06728: A(0x9d) GetConf
07c06750: A(0x9c) SetConf
07c06ca4: A(0xa0) _boot
07c06fdc: A(0x57) returnZero includes a large number of A(0x##) calls.
07c072b8: A(0x56) _96_remove also A(0x72), doesn't work
07c073a0: A(0x54) _96_init also A(0x71)
07c078a4: A(0x5f) dev_cd_open
07c079f8: A(0x61) dev_cd_close
07c07a04: A(0x60) dev_cd_read
07c07b88: A(0xa4) CdGetLbn
07c07c1c: A(0xa5) CdReadSector
07c07f28: A(0xa6) CdGetStatus
07c08098: A(0x63) dev_cd_nextfile
07c081fc: A(0x62) dev_cd_firstfile
07c08354: A(0x64) dev_cd_chdir
07c085b0: A(0x96) AddCDROMDevice
07c086b0: A(0x99) add_nullcon_driver
07c09914: A(0x55) _bu_init also A(0x70)
07c0996c: A(0x65) dev_card_open
07c09cdc: A(0x68) dev_card_close
07c09d3c: A(0x66) dev_card_read
07c0a080: A(0x67) dev_card_write
07c0a4b4: A(0x6a) dev_card_nextfile
07c0a5e4: A(0x69) dev_card_firstfile nice
07c0a8bc: A(0x6b) dev_card_erase
07c0ab60: A(0x6e) dev_card_rename
07c0ad08: A(0x6c) dev_card_undelete
07c0b0c4: A(0x6f) card_clear_error?
07c0b0d0: A(0x6d) dev_card_format
07c0c048: A(0xaf) card_write_test
07c0c0dc: A(0xab) _card_info
07c0c140: A(0xac) _card_load
07c0c1dc: A(0xad) _card_auto
07c0c1fc: A(0x97) AddMemCardDevice
07c0c220: A(0xa7) bufs_cb_0
07c0c248: A(0xa8) bufs_cb_1
07c0c270: A(0xa9) bufs_cb_2
07c0c298: A(0xaa) bufs_cb_3
07c0c2c0: A(0xae) bufs_cb_4
07c0c890: A(0x5b) dev_tty_init fun fact! breaks the ps2
07c0c9cc: A(0x5c) dev_tty_open also breaks the ps2
07c0cab4: A(0x5d) dev_tty_in_out *also* breaks the ps2
07c0cc68: A(0x5e) dev_tty_ioctl ditto
07c0d4cc: A(0x98) AddDuartTtyDevice breaks the ps2
07c0d4f0: A(0xb4) GetSystemInfo
07c0d8d0: A(0x3a) _exit traps cpu
07c0d8e0: A(0x40) SystemErrorUnresolvedException traps cpu
07c0d8f0: A(0x4f) SystemError traps cpu
07c0d900: A(0x50) SystemError traps cpu
07c0d910: A(0x52) GetSysSp also traps cpu, like an exit code. different function in sony devkit?
07c0d920: A(0x53) SystemError traps cpu
07c0d930: A(0x9a) SystemError traps cpu, used to link to windows to provide error messages!
07c0d940: A(0x9b) SystemError traps cpu
07c0d950: A(0xa1) SystemError external sources say this takes 2 arguments. I say that's bogus.