Find stat changes due to equipped abilities

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00122f0c: 27bdff38 addiu r29,r29,0xff38
00122f10: afb200c0 sw r18,0x00c0(r29)
00122f14: 00809021 addu r18,r4,r0
00122f18: afb000b8 sw r16,0x00b8(r29)
00122f1c: 00a08021 addu r16,r5,r0
00122f20: afb100bc sw r17,0x00bc(r29)
00122f24: 00c08821 addu r17,r6,r0
00122f28: 27a40010 addiu r4,r29,0x0010
00122f2c: afbf00c4 sw r31,0x00c4(r29)
00122f30: 0c048b90 jal 0x00122e40			#clears 0xe (half) and 0x14 (half) from r4, and everything from 0x0 to 0x23 from r5
00122f34: 02402821 addu r5,r18,r0
00122f38: 00108400 sll r16,r16,0x10
00122f3c: 00102403 sra r4,r16,0x10			#r4 = old ID
00122f40: 0c048ba2 jal 0x00122e88			#
00122f44: 27a50038 addiu r5,r29,0x0038			#r5 = stack pointer + 0x38
00122f48: 00118c00 sll r17,r17,0x10
00122f4c: 00112403 sra r4,r17,0x10			#r4 = new ID
00122f50: 0c048ba2 jal 0x00122e88			#Find stat changes due to equipped abilities
00122f54: 27a50078 addiu r5,r29,0x0078			#r5 = stack pointer + 0x78
00122f58: 97a20078 lhu r2,0x0078(r29)
00122f5c: 97a30038 lhu r3,0x0038(r29)
00122f60: 00000000 nop
00122f64: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00122f68: a6420000 sh r2,0x0000(r18)			#stores total move bonus to preview
00122f6c: 97a2007c lhu r2,0x007c(r29)
00122f70: 97a3003c lhu r3,0x003c(r29)
00122f74: 00000000 nop
00122f78: 00431023 subu r2,r2,r3
00122f7c: a6420004 sh r2,0x0004(r18)			#stores total jump bonus to preview
00122f80: 8fbf00c4 lw r31,0x00c4(r29)
00122f84: 8fb200c0 lw r18,0x00c0(r29)
00122f88: 8fb100bc lw r17,0x00bc(r29)
00122f8c: 8fb000b8 lw r16,0x00b8(r29)
00122f90: 27bd00c8 addiu r29,r29,0x00c8
00122f94: 03e00008 jr r31
00122f98: 00000000 nop

Return Locations

11e2a0: 0011e0b4 - 0011e4b0 (Show the preview when considering the remove all function by pressing Left on the Remove Ability menu)
11e47c: 0011e0b4 - 0011e4b0 (Show the preview when considering removing one of the Move+ or Jump+ abilities from the current slot in the Remove Ability menu)
11ebb0: 0011e630 - 0011ed14 (Show the preview when considering swapping a Move+ or Jump+ ability in or out from the Set Ability menu)