00068da4 - 00068e6c: Reset game if special keycode is pressed
00069934 - 000699e0: Set some proposition data
000699e4 - 00069ad4: Set Propositions based on location
00069918 - 0006992c: Get Proposition? Data Pointer
80069E38 - 80069E57: WLDCORE Get Party Data
0006aed0 - 0006b268: 0x6aed0
0006c3dc - 0006c444: Bar Menu Idle Routine
00071bb0 - 00072064: Bar Menu Controller Input Routine
0007206c - 000723b0: Set Rumors based on location
00072f38 - 000732b0: Controller input for rumor/proposition lists?
00073b2c - 00073ef0: Graphic displays for units on proposition list?
- Maybe controller input too for another menu
00074788 - 00074b28: Set Proposition Status (Complete, failed, in progress)
00074cd0 - 000757b0: Units to Send display? Large routine, probably other stuff too
000757b8 - 00075948: Load Available units to send on proposition?
000775b8 - 000777bc: Controller input during proposition description? Success calculation herein
000777c4 - 000779cc: idel during job report confirmation
00077bcc - 000785d4: Return from job processing Has the random success based on class check
00078bb8 - 00079180: Proposition Rewards
00078bb8 - 0007917c: Proposition resolution stores some gil rewards, jp gain, etc.
00079184 - 00079208: Return from job determinations
00079844 - 00079c64: Success determination for proposition
0007a2a8 - 0007a500: If preferred job for random success is present calculation
0008f08c - 0008f280: Contains the routine for moving from dot to dot & triggering random battles. Smart Encounters writes here.
00091238 - 0009137c: Process World Conditional Set | World Map Scripts
- Main Routine that reads the World Map Scripts
00091380 - 00091384: World Map Script 0x00 - (no-op)
00091388 - 800913A3: World Map Script 0x14 and 0x15 - add 1 to value at 0x800d4650 (byte # of how far the world map script has read into?)
000913a4 - 000913bc: World Map Script 0x05 through 0x0B and 0x1B - add 2 to value at 0x800d4650 (byte # of how far the world map script has read into?)
000913c0 - 000913d8: World Map Script 0x17 - add 3 to value at 0x800d4650
000913dc - 000913f4: World Map Script 0x18 - add 4 to value at 0x800d4650
000913f8 - 0009144c: World Map Script 0x01 - Var =
00091450 - 000914b8: Store Script Data into r4 and r5
- This routine is used in the World Map Script 0x01 - 0x03
000914bc - 00091514: World Map Script 0x02 - Var >=
00091518 - 00091570: World Map Script 0x03 - Var <=
00091574 - 0009162c: World Map Script 0x04 - HasUnit
00091630 - 00091648: World Map Script 0x0C - add 1 to value at 0x800d4650
0009164c - 00091664: World Map Script 0x0D - add 1 to value at 0x800d4650
00091668 - 000916d8: World Map Script 0x0E - Gil>=
000916dc - 0009174c: World Map Script 0x0F - Gil<=
00091750 - 000917c8: World Map Script 0x10 - Date>=
000917cc - 00091870: Store Script and Date
- This routine is used in the World Map Script 0x10 and 0x11
00091874 - 000918ec: World Map Script 0x11 - Date<=
000918F0 - 00091960: World Map Script 0x12 - Casualties>=
00091964 - 000919d4: World Map Script 0x13 - Casualties<=
000919d8 - 00091a44: World Map Script 0x19 - LoadEvent
00091a48 - 00091ae0: World Map Script 0x1A - Choice
00091ae4 - 00091b14: World Map Script 0x1C - SetVar
00091b18 - 00091b60: World Map Script 0x1D - Text
00091b64 - 00091bf4: World Map Script 0x1E - DDEntry
00091bf8 - 00091c64: World Map Script 0x1F - SetVar2
00091c68 - 00091cd4: World Map Script 0x20 - DrawPath
00091cd8 - 00091d44: World Map Script 0x21 - ErasePath
00091d48 - 00091d84: World Map Script 0x22 - DrawLocation
00091d88 - 00091dc4: World Map Script 0x23 - EraseLocation
00091dc8 - 00091e80: World Map Script 0x24 - FocusLocation
00091e84 - 00091efc: World Map Script 0x25 - MCBrave>=
00091f00 - 00091f70: WLDCORE Get Ramza's Roster Index
- This routine is used in the World Map Scripts 0x25 - 0x28
00091f74 - 00091fec: World Map Script 0x26 - MCBrave<=
00091ff0 - 00092068: World Map Script 0x27 - MCFaith>=
0009206c - 000920e4: World Map Script 0x28 - MCFaith<=
00092b2c - 0009e0e8:
0009e0ec -