Item and Shop Workbook Compilation

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Revision as of 14:11, 23 February 2012 by Choto (talk | contribs)
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- Store Inventory Editor: Columns are Shop Locations.  Rows are Gear.  Place any 
non-0 value in the correct Columns/Rows to change what gear is purchasable 
where.  This function works 100% correctly, unlike the function found in 
- Weapon Battle Sprites and Palettes Editor:  Use the graphics at the top of the 
spreadsheet to input which sprite you want in the Weapon Graphic Column.  To find 
what the palettes of weapons and shwooshes look like, open WEP1.SPR and WEP2.SPR 
in ShiShi, respectively, and cycle through their 16 palettes.
* - Player Starting Inventory Editor: Changes the start-of-game inventory of the 
player (IE, Potions / Phoenix Downs / etc.)  It can add any Item starting with 
the Materia Blade by ItemID (but none before it) to the player's Inventory at the 
start of the game, for up to a total of 14 "beginning" Inventory items and 3 
different starting values you can set between them.  (IE, in Vanilla, you started 
with 5 Potions, 2 each of Phoenix Downs, Eye Drops, Hi-Potion, and 1 of 
everything else.)
- Unrestricted Equip X and Gender Equips ASM:  Columns are Equip Functions and 
Male/Female.  Rows are Gear Types.  Use non-0 values to fill in the functions as 
you want them, same as the Store Inventory Editor.
- Weapon Proc Rate ASM: Enter the desired Proc Rate for each weapon (in Hex) 
going down the Row, and if desired, enter a Gear Type/Item ID below the Output 
field for an Item that can double Proc Rate.
- Critical Hit Rate ASM: Enter the desired Critical Rate for each weapon (in Hex) 
going down the Row, and if desired, enter a Gear Type/Item ID below the Output 
field for an Item that can double Proc Rate.  Above the Row, enter the *divisor* 
for the Critical Hit Rate you want, in Hex.  (It's defaulted at 100, so you 
really shouldn't need to touch it.)
 - Weapon Formula ASM: This allows you to, using drop down windows, change the 
formula of any weapon type to any existing Weapon Formula in FFT.  It also fixes 
various "Gun Glitches" and other related things.  This does not allow you to 
change the formula of a weapon type to one that does not already exist - you'll 
need to go in and edit the hack yourself for that.  See here for details.  BUGS: 
If using Two Swords / Dual Wield with a Rdm((PA/2)...PA+(PA/2))*WP formula weapon 
in the top hand, both weapons do Random Damage.  If using Two Swords / Dual Wield 
with a Rdm((PA/2)...PA+(PA/2))*WP formula weapon in the bottom hand, it always 
deals 50% of its max damage. NOTES: I miss-documented the Random Damage formula.  
It's listed as Rdm(1...PA)*WP in the Spreadsheet when it should be 
Rdm((PA/2)...PA+(PA/2))*WP.  This does not affect how the Spreadsheet actually 
works in any way, I just forgot formerdeathcorps changed the random damage 
formula when making his ASM.