OPEN.BIN Put OPNTEX in Frame Buffer
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00069d7c: 27bdffc8 addiu r29,r29,0xffc8 00069d80: afb00028 sw r16,0x0028(r29) 00069d84: 00808021 addu r16,r4,r0 file source ptr. (starts with RECT information?) 00069d88: afbf0030 sw r31,0x0030(r29) 00069d8c: afb1002c sw r17,0x002c(r29) 00069d90: 8e020004 lw r2,0x0004(r16) 00069d94: 00000000 nop 00069d98: 30420008 andi r2,r2,0x0008
00069d9c: 10400018 beq r2,r0,0x00069e00 if OPNTEX has second image on lower half: (else branch) 00069da0: 26050014 addiu r5,r16,0x0014 file source + 0x14 (the actual image data) 00069da4: 8e02000c lw r2,0x000c(r16) get x (file source) 00069da8: 8e030008 lw r3,0x0008(r16) offset to second RECT information 00069dac: a7a20010 sh r2,0x0010(r29) put x (vram pos) 00069db0: 9602000e lhu r2,0x000e(r16) get y (file source) 00069db4: 00000000 nop 00069db8: a7a20012 sh r2,0x0012(r29) put y (vram pos) 00069dbc: 8e020010 lw r2,0x0010(r16) w (file source) 00069dc0: 00000000 nop 00069dc4: a7a20014 sh r2,0x0014(r29) w (vram pos) (incomplete) 00069dc8: 96060012 lhu r6,0x0012(r16) get width modifier 00069dcc: 00000000 nop 00069dd0: 00460018 mult r2,r6 w = w * width modifier 00069dd4: 27a40010 addiu r4,r29,0x0010 RECT* 00069dd8: 00031882 srl r3,r3,0x02 00069ddc: 24710002 addiu r17,r3,0x0002 set 00069de0: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001 h = 1 00069de4: a7a60016 sh r6,0x0016(r29) h (vram pos) 00069de8: a7a20016 sh r2,0x0016(r29) h (vram pos) (1) (?) 00069dec: 00003812 mflo r7 w = w * y (finalised) 00069df0: 0c00923f jal 0x000248fc SYS LoadImage 00069df4: a7a70014 sh r7,0x0014(r29) w (vram pos) (finalised) 00069df8: 0801a782 j 0x00069e08 00069dfc: 00112880 sll r5,r17,0x02
00069e00: 34110002 ori r17,r0,0x0002 set start of proper rect data here 00069e04: 00112880 sll r5,r17,0x02 00069e08: 00b01821 addu r3,r5,r16 00069e0c: 8c620004 lw r2,0x0004(r3) x (source) 00069e10: 00000000 nop 00069e14: a7a20010 sh r2,0x0010(r29) x 00069e18: 94620006 lhu r2,0x0006(r3) y (source) 00069e1c: 27a40010 addiu r4,r29,0x0010 00069e20: a7a20012 sh r2,0x0012(r29) y 00069e24: 8c620008 lw r2,0x0008(r3) w (source) 00069e28: 24a5000c addiu r5,r5,0x000c start of graphic information 00069e2c: a7a20014 sh r2,0x0014(r29) w 00069e30: 9462000a lhu r2,0x000a(r3) h (source) 00069e34: 02052821 addu r5,r16,r5 parse image source 00069e38: 0c00923f jal 0x000248fc SYS LoadImage 00069e3c: a7a20016 sh r2,0x0016(r29) h 00069e40: 0c0091b5 jal 0x000246d4 SYS DrawSync (0) 00069e44: 00002021 addu r4,r0,r0 00069e48: 8fbf0030 lw r31,0x0030(r29) 00069e4c: 8fb1002c lw r17,0x002c(r29) 00069e50: 8fb00028 lw r16,0x0028(r29) 00069e54: 27bd0038 addiu r29,r29,0x0038 00069e58: 03e00008 jr r31 00069e5c: 00000000 nop