SYS LoadImage

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#   ROUTINE: SYS LoadImage
#       transfer image data to frame buffer
#       Parameters:
#           r4 = RECT *recp (points to destination rectangular area to load image into)
#           r5 = u_long *p (points to source of transmission)

800248fc: 27bdffe0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0020
80024900: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)
80024904: 00808021 addu r16,r4,r0               #   p1
80024908: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)
8002490c: 00a08821 addu r17,r5,r0               #   p2
80024910: 3c048001 lui r4,0x8001
80024914: 248407f8 addiu r4,r4,0x07f8           #   "Load Image"
80024918: afbf0018 sw r31,0x0018(r29)
8002491c: 0c0091d0 jal 0x80024740               #   ROUTINE: CheckRECT ("Load Image",recp)
80024920: 02002821 addu r5,r16,r0               #   p1
80024924: 02002821 addu r5,r16,r0               #   p1
80024928: 3c028003 lui r2,0x8003
8002492c: 8c42288c lw r2,0x288c(r2)             #   *0x8003288c
80024930: 34060008 ori r6,r0,0x0008             #   8
80024934: 8c440020 lw r4,0x0020(r2)             #   *0x8003288c.0x20
80024938: 8c420008 lw r2,0x0008(r2)             #   _addque2
8002493c: 00000000 nop
80024940: 0040f809 jalr r2,r31                  #   _addque2 (*0x8003288c.0x20, p1, 8, p2)
80024944: 02203821 addu r7,r17,r0               #   p2
80024948: 8fbf0018 lw r31,0x0018(r29)
8002494c: 8fb10014 lw r17,0x0014(r29)
80024950: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)
80024954: 27bd0020 addiu r29,r29,0x0020
80024958: 03e00008 jr r31
8002495c: 00000000 nop