Ability Data

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  • RAM location: 8005ebf0.
  • Section contains data for all 0x200 (512) Abilities.
  • Data length per Ability is 0x08 (8) bytes.
  • Additional data for specific ability types exist in their own sections, noted below.
  • In FFTPatcher, these are at the top of the ability editor.
	0x00 - JP Cost
	0x02 - Chance to Learn
	0x03 - Misc. flags & ability type (nibble)
		0xX0 - Misc. Flags
	 		0x80 - Learn with JP (off = can't learn with JP)
			0x40 - Display Ability Name
			0x20 - Learn on Hit
			0x10 - ?
		0x0X - Ability Type
			0x09 - Movement
			0x08 - Support
			0x07 - Reaction
			0x06 - Math
			0x05 - Aim
			0x04 - Jumping
			0x03 - Throwing
			0x02 - Item
			0x01 - Normal
			0x00 - None
	0x04 - AI Behavior Flags 1
		0x80 - HP
		0x40 - MP
		0x20 - Cancel Status
		0x10 - Add Status
		0x08 - Stats
		0x04 - Unequip
		0x02 - Target Enemies
		0x01 - Target Allies
	0x05 - AI Behavior Flags 2
		0x80 - Target map
		0x40 - Reflectable
		0x20 - Undead Reverse
		0x10 - Check CT/Target
		0x08 - Random Hits
		0x04 - Affected by Faith
		0x02 - Evadeable
		0x01 - Silence (on = affected by silence)
	0x06 - AI Behavior Flags 3
		0x80 - Arced (bow)
		0x40 - Stop at obstacle
		0x20 - Linear Attack
		0x10 - Non-Spear attack
		0x08 - 3 dir. melee
		0x04 - 3 dir. ranged
		0x02 - Magical attack
		0x01 - Physical attack
	0x07 - AI Behavior Flags 4?
		0x80 - Usable by AI
		0x40 - Only hits allies/self
		0x20 - Only hits enemies
		0x10 - 
		0x08 - Requires monster skill? (point?)
		0x04 - Use weapon range
		0x02 - 
		0x01 - Evade with motion

Related Data:

8005ebf0 - Ability Data - (0x8 bytes each)
8005fbf0 - Ability Secondary Data: Default Abilities - 0x000 to 0x16F (0xE bytes each)
80061010 - Ability Secondary Data: Item Abilities - 0x170 to 0x17D (0x1 bytes each)
80061020 - Ability Secondary Data: Throw Abilities - 0x17E to 0x189 (0x1 bytes each)
8006102c - Ability Secondary Data: Jump Abilities  - 0x18a to 0x195 (0x2 bytes each)
80061044 - Ability Secondary Data: Charge Abilities - 0x196 to 0x19D (0x2 bytes each)
80061054 - Ability Secondary Data: Math Abilities - 0x19E to 0x1A5 (0x1 bytes each)
8006105c - Ability Secondary Data: RSM Abilities - 0x1A6 to 0x1FF (0x1 bytes each)

See also