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The routine: [[Load WEP graphic from WEP1 Sheet]] references this table to load a series of commands (otherwise named 'frame commands') that vary in width depending on various inputs - but they seem mostly independent as commands. This page is an attempt to catalogue their effects. The pointer to these commands is located in SEQ Data, at address 0x800be74c + Weapon animation * 4.
SEQ (Sequence) files contain the information to animate a [[unit]] or a [[weapon and its effect]]. While [[SHP]] files contain the breakdown of each frame, Sequence files describe how they are strung together, plus some additional commands that dictate sound, loading graphics related to the unit, and sliding the unit graphic on the screen, among others.
==Section 1==
Using Type 1 SEQ as an example:
          AA AA BB BB
00000000: 78 00 FF 00
These first few bytes dictate some specifics regarding unit interactions. In RAM, they are expanded to take up a word of space each.
*AA - This number tells the game to set an animation for the target as well as an animation for the attacker. this animation puts them standing upright, and may be overridden by damage or dodging.
*BB - This number tells the game to stop this process.
Leading Byte:
==Section 2==
0xff -> triggers alternate instructions:
          Animation 1|Animation 2|Animation 3|Animation 4|...
      0xbe -> clears some unused data. for no reason.
00000004: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 ...
      0xbf -> jumps to somewhere with no routine recorded on the wiki.
These are all pointers to animations. This section is always exactly 0x400 bytes long.
      0xc0 -> some kind of conditional wait command? unsure what the condition is. 3 bytes long.
      0xc1 -> no idea. clears some positional/map data, maybe? 4 bytes long.
      0xc2 -> queues next command immediately. no other known purpose.
      0xc3 -> saves 0 to item display (clears?). 2 bytes long
      0xc4 -> similarly no idea. saves some data related to items. 4 bytes long.
      0xc5 -> saves 1 to item display (item?). 2 bytes long
      0xc6 -> triggers a check for the animation continuing. if post action has completed, repeat last few frames of animation until it is engaged again. unit anim only.
      0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xea, 0xf1, 0xf8, 0xfb -> 3 bytes long, no known effect.
      0xca, 0xd7, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe9, 0xed -> increments r17 by 1. no other known effect.
      0xcb -> decreases the height of the unit by 2, probably
      0xcc -> decreases the height of the unit by 1, probably
      0xcd -> changes the position of the unit by -2 in either the same or perpendicular direction to facing
      0xce -> changes the position of the unit by -1 in either the same or perpendicular direction to facing
      0xcf -> increases the height of the unit by 2... probably?
      0xd0 -> increases the height of the unit by 1... probably?
      0xd1 -> changes the position of the unit by 2 in either the same or perpendicular direction to facing
      0xd2 -> changes the position of the unit by 1 in either the same or perpendicular direction to facing (no, really, I can't tell, it's too ambiguous)
      0xd3 -> triggers a check for the animation continuing. only repeats last (input) number of bytes if animation check is 1, otherwise continues next command. WeaponSheatheCheck1(##)
      0xd4 -> no idea, routine is undocumented.
      0xd5 -> increments loop count by 1 after every animation loop. said animation loop seems to serve no other purpose. maybe debug tool? IncrementLoop()
      0xd6 -> queues a check for the animation continuing. repeats last (input) number of bytes if sheathe check value is not 0. WeaponSheatheCheck2(##)
      0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5 -> increments r17 by 1. no other known effect.
      0xd8 -> saves the value in (input) to weapon rotation byte (misc unit data). SaveRotation(##)
      0xd9 -> jumps directly to [[Set evade type data, item and throw stone hardcoding]], and continues next command from the top. QueueThrowAnim(##)
      0xda -> unused command, ends animation early by deactivating graphic, potentially just unwritten.
      0xdb -> Resets frame delay based on SEQ data. ResetWait1()
      0xdc -> Loads last saved animation number and byte pointer from Sprite data, and continues from where it was last saved. ReloadAnimation()
      0xdd -> Saves animation number and byte pointer to Sprite data, then queues the animation in the third byte. OverrideAnimation(##)
      0xde -> after any attack, frog attack, sharpshoot, charge, or jump command (hardcoded to ability ID slots), manually set target hurt/block/dodge animation, and weapon element effect data if display data turns up not erroneous? only works as a unit animation command, not a weapon or effect command. PostGenericAttack()
      0xdf -> Sets graphic's Y rotation to 0. SetYRotation0()
      0xe0, 0xe1 -> likely unwritten commands, or used for another purpose. no-op.
      0xe2 -> Resets frame delay based on SEQ data. ResetWait2()
      0xe5 -> 4bytes long (?), saves a new spin on the Y axis into sprite, byte 3 is in the lower byte, and byte 4 is in the upper byte. SaveYSpin(####)
      0xeb -> flips horizontal bitflag in sprite data. FlipHorizontal()
      0xec -> flips vertical bitflag in sprite data. FlipVertical()
      0xee -> moves unit in either the same or perpendicular direction to facing by the value of (input). unit only.
      0xef -> moves unit up or down by the value of (input). unit only. MoveUnitUp(##)
      0xf0 -> moves unit in either the perpendicular or same direction to facing by the value of (input). unit only.
      0xf2 -> resets to 0, and prepares weapon, effect, or unit ($$) graphics for frame 1 of their appropriate animation (##). QueueSpriteAnimation($$,##) 00 - Unit 01 - Weapon 02 - Effect
      0xf6 -> currently unsure. does something really technical with button inputs.
      0xf7 -> increments r17 by 3, skipping over a whole command's worth of bytes. other effects are unknown.
      0xf9 -> does something vectory.
      0xfa -> unit animation trigger only, moves the unit in the direction it's facing by (input 1)'s value, moves them up or down by (input 2)'s value, and then something else undocumented, presumably with (input 3)'s value, probably motion in the perpendicular direction. MoveUnit(%%,$$,##)
      0xfc -> 4 bytes long, seems to be some sort of timed counter. repeats last (input) bytes until (input2) counts down to 0. useful for bows? wait($$,##)
      0xfd -> identical secondary effects to d6, however the effects are guaranteed, and do not need the sheathe check. repeats last few commands of attack animation. HoldWeapon()
      0xfe -> clears graphic trigger and sets delay to 0, ending animation. EndAnimation()
      0xff -> Sets delay to 0, without clearing the graphic trigger, pausing the animation indefinitely. PauseAnimation()
if the lead byte is NOT 0xff, then it performs a basic 2 byte command loading the appropriate frame of animation. LoadFrameWait($$,##)
==Section 3==
for units, the generic 2 byte command is functionally identical.
          Anim0|Anim1|Anim2|Anim3|Anim4|Anim5|Animation 6 ...
  additional notes:
  00000406: 00 00 03 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 07 00 0B 06 0A 08 ...
this command loads the hardcoded number of graphics to load per any given frame/SHP, and loads and displays the graphic on screen based on data somewhere in ram, such as the size of the graphic on the sheet, and where on the sheet the graphic is.
This section contains the animation commands themselves. it stretches on until the end of the file.
    psuedo commands?
    0x$$##       -> LoadFrameWait($$,##)
==Noteworthy RAM locations==
    0xffd3##     -> WeaponSheatheCheck1(##)
0x80094364: Weapon Change of Animation (Animation - 1 (if away from camera) / 2)
    0xffd4      -> ReturnErrorFinishAnim1()
0x00 + weapon type * 3: Low swing animation
    0xffd5      -> IncrementLoop()
0x01 + weapon type * 3: Same-height swing animation
    0xffd6##     -> WeaponSheatheCheck2(##)
0x02 + weapon type * 3: high swing animation
    0xffd8##     -> SaveRotation(##)
- These are loaded when the unit attacks or the UnitAnim for attacking with the current/temp weapon is called.
    0xffd9####  -> QueueThrowAnimation(####)
    0xffda      -> ReturnErrorFinishAnim2()
0x80094548: Unit, weapon, effect, and damage text layer priority quadruplets
    0xffdb      -> ResetWait1()
Every 4 words is a unique set of values (0 through 3) that govern when a certain graphic is loaded, so it is under/over other graphics. this only applies to a unit and its weapon, its swing effect, and the damage/status text.
    0xffdc      -> ReloadAnimation()
Possible values:
    0xffdd##    -> OverrideAnimation(##)
- 0x00: unit graphic
    0xffde      -> PostGenericAttack()
- 0x01: weapon graphic
    0xffdf      -> SetYRotation0()
- 0x02: effect graphic
    0xffe2      -> ResetWait2()
- 0x03: status/damage text graphic
    0xffe5####  -> SaveYSpin(####)
    0xffeb      -> FlipHorizontal()
0x800a1c84: Location of First loaded section 3 in RAM
    0xffec      -> FlipVertical()
- This location stores the animations for the unit.
    0xffef##    -> MoveUnitUp(##)
! To investigate ! do Arute and Kanzen have reserved spaces due to their complicated animation set?
    0xfff2$$##  -> QueueSpriteAnim($$,##)
    0xfffa%%$$## -> MoveUnit(%%,$$,##)
0x800bfa30: Location of First loaded section 1 & 2 in RAM
    0xfffc$$##   -> Wait($$,##)
- this location stores pointers to the unit animations, which are updated according to section 2 in RAM, and the location of section 3 when it is stored in RAM.
    0xfffd##    -> HoldWeapon(##)
- Section 1 is stored as words here instead of halfwords, as in the file.
    0xfffe      -> EndAnimation()
    0xffff      -> PauseAnimation()
==Known SEQ Commands==
*LoadFrameAndWait (Frame, Wait)
- Frame
- Loads the frame of animation from SHP Data
- for weapons, the weapon type will dictate the 0-frame of animation, and count from there with the value.
- For units, above a certain value, the second half of the spritesheet is loaded from. Above another value, swimming top half sprites, and then swimming bottom half sprites.
- Wait
- Waits to execute the next command by the designated number of frames.
*WaitForDistort(ffc0, ##)
- If no animation has been set by QueueDistortAnim(), this instruction does nothing.
- No Bytes (##)
- loops the last ## bytes of animation (signed) if a distortion animation is currently underway
*QueueDistortAnim(ffc1, Distort ID, Var)
- Queues a secondary graphic animation to trigger (such as mounting a unit, or jumping). can distort unit graphic.
- sets a byte check that allows WaitForDistort() to loop until the secondary animation is complete
- Distort ID
- ID of secondary animation to trigger
- Var
- Initial variable that has a variety of effects. typically monitors the rate at which an animation is completed.
*UnloadMFItem (ffc3)
- clears Move Find Item graphic trigger
- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
*MFItemPos (ffc4, XX, YY)
- X Pos (XX)
- Sets front/back (+/-) position of item, relative to unit centre
- Y Pos (YY)
- Sets Down/Up (+/-) position of item, relative to feet of unit
- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
*LoadMFItem (ffc5)
- Sets Move Find Item trigger
- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
*WaitForInput (ffc6, ##)
- No. Bytes (##)
- waits for controller confirmation while looping last ## bytes of animation. Signed.
*MoveUp2 (ffcb)
- Moves the unit upwards by 2 units.
*MoveUp1 (ffcc)
- Moves the unit upwards by 1 unit.
*MoveBackward2 (ffcd)
- Moves the unit backwards by 2 units.
*MoveBackward1 (ffce)
- Moves the unit backwards by 1 unit.
*MoveDown2 (ffcf)
- Moves the unit downwards by 2 units.
*MoveDown1 (ffd0)
- Moves the unit downwards by 1 unit.
*MoveForward2 (ffd1)
- Moves the unit forward by 2 units.
*MoveForward1 (ffd2)
- Moves the unit forward by 1 unit.
*WeaponSheatheCheck1 (ffd3, ##)
- No. Bytes (##)
- Loops the last few command bytes until damage numbers fade. Signed.
*PlayAttackSound (ffd4, SoundID)
- Sound ID
- 0x00 calls woosh sound, 0x01 calls hit sound.
- Use for weapons or effects returns an error and deactivates the animation.
*IncrementLoop (ffd5)
- Used by animations that loop. Will increment a loop counter on trigger, and loop the animation indefinitely.
*WeaponSheatheCheck2 (ffd6, ##)
- No. Bytes (##)
- Loops last ## command bytes until damage numbers fade. Signed
*SetFrameOffset (ffd8, Rotation)
- Rotation
- Sets a constant value to the frame offset (added to frames called by LoadFrameWait())
*QueueThrowAnimation (ffd9, ####)
- Queues a hardcoded routine that saves thrown Item ID.
*ReturnErrorFinishAnim (ffda)
- returns an error. likely no use.
*SetSlowdown (ffdb, Wait)
- Wait
- Sets constant slow down amount in frames. Does not persist between animations.
*ReloadAnimation (ffdc)
- Reloads previously saved information about the last animation (prior to executing OverrideAnimation(ID))
*OverrideAnimation (ffdd, ID)
- ID
- Saves all information about the current animation to graphic data, and overrides the current animation.
*PostGenericAttack (ffde)
- Calculates damage numbers to appear at the end of an animation
- Allows Sheathe Checks to continue animation (uncertain)
- if ability has a secondary particle affect (Knight break, aim, snipe, jump):
- sets attack woosh colour based on weapon element, if ability has a secondary particle effect (Break equipment, Aim, Snipe, or jump)
- Saves appropriate dodge/block animations to target & attacker
*SetYRotation0 (ffdf)
- Resets graphic rotation to 0.
*ClearShadow (ffe0)
- Removes the unit's shadow
*SetShadow (ffe1)
- Enable the unit's shadow
*SetLayerPriority (ffe2, LayerID)
- No Notes on valid Layer ID's.
- for weapons/woosh effects, sets starting frame offset to LayerID. this would be useful if weapons did not already automatically set their own 0 frame based on their weapon type.
- for units, sets their current [[Animation layer priority]]. these priorities are found in quadruplets at 0x80094548
*SaveYSpin (ffe5, Spin)
- Spin (halfword)
- Saves a value directly to Y spin.
*FlipVertical (ffeb)
- Flips the graphic vertically.
*FlipHorizontal (ffec)
- Flips the graphic horizontally.
*MoveUnitFB (ffee, XX)
- Movement in pixels (XX)
- Moves the unit forward (+) or backward (-) by XX units, relative to how they're facing.
*MoveUnitDU (ffef, YY)
- Movement in pixels (YY)
- Moves the unit down (+) or up (-) by YY units.
*MoveUnitRL (fff0, ZZ)
- Movement in Pixels (ZZ)
- Moves the unit right (+) or left (-) by ZZ units.
*QueueSpriteAnim (fff2, Graphic, ID)
- Graphic
- Prepares weapon (01) or effect (02) for animation.
- ID
- The Animation of the Graphic being called.
*PlaySound(fff6, ID)
- ID
- the ID of the audio byte to play (only ever used in the same capacity as PlayAttackSound()?)
*MoveUnit (fffa, ZZ, YY, XX)
- Movement in Pixels (ZZ, YY, XX)
- Moves the unit in any/all 3 perpendicular directions. Right(+)/Left(-) by ZZ, Down(+)/Up(-) by YY, and forward(+)/backward(-) by XX.
*Wait (fffc, ##, Loops)
- No. Bytes (##)
- Loops last ## command bytes.
- Loops
- The number of times to repeat those bytes.
*HoldWeapon (fffd, ##)
- No. Bytes (##)
- Has the same looping effect as the Sheathe checks, but without checking if the damage numbers have faded.
*EndAnimation (fffe)
- Finishes the animation, deactivating the graphic.
- Sets wait to 0, without deactivating the graphic, pausing the animation until it's ended by another process.
==Unknown SEQ commands==
    0xbe -> clears some unused data?
    0xbf -> jumps to somewhere with no routine recorded on the wiki.
    0xc2 -> queues next command immediately. no other known purpose.
    0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xed, 0xd7, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf8, 0xfb -> skips over input value. no other known effect.
    0xda -> unused command, ends animation early by deactivating graphic, potentially just unwritten.
    0xf7 -> skips 3 input values. other effects are unknown.
    0xf9 -> does something vectory. seems to slide the unit rapidly to the right of the screen.

Latest revision as of 10:39, 31 October 2022

SEQ (Sequence) files contain the information to animate a unit or a weapon and its effect. While SHP files contain the breakdown of each frame, Sequence files describe how they are strung together, plus some additional commands that dictate sound, loading graphics related to the unit, and sliding the unit graphic on the screen, among others.

Section 1

Using Type 1 SEQ as an example:

          AA AA BB BB
00000000: 78 00 FF 00

These first few bytes dictate some specifics regarding unit interactions. In RAM, they are expanded to take up a word of space each.

  • AA - This number tells the game to set an animation for the target as well as an animation for the attacker. this animation puts them standing upright, and may be overridden by damage or dodging.
  • BB - This number tells the game to stop this process.

Section 2

          Animation 1|Animation 2|Animation 3|Animation 4|...
00000004: 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 ...

These are all pointers to animations. This section is always exactly 0x400 bytes long.

Section 3

          Anim0|Anim1|Anim2|Anim3|Anim4|Anim5|Animation 6 ...
00000406: 00 00 03 00 02 00 01 00 08 00 07 00 0B 06 0A 08 ...

This section contains the animation commands themselves. it stretches on until the end of the file.

Noteworthy RAM locations

0x80094364: Weapon Change of Animation (Animation - 1 (if away from camera) / 2)
	0x00 + weapon type * 3: Low swing animation
	0x01 + weapon type * 3: Same-height swing animation
	0x02 + weapon type * 3: high swing animation
- These are loaded when the unit attacks or the UnitAnim for attacking with the current/temp weapon is called.
0x80094548: Unit, weapon, effect, and damage text layer priority quadruplets
	Every 4 words is a unique set of values (0 through 3) that govern when a certain graphic is loaded, so it is under/over other graphics. this only applies to a unit and its weapon, its swing effect, and the damage/status text.
	Possible values:
		- 0x00: unit graphic
		- 0x01: weapon graphic
		- 0x02: effect graphic
		- 0x03: status/damage text graphic
0x800a1c84: Location of First loaded section 3 in RAM
- This location stores the animations for the unit.
! To investigate ! do Arute and Kanzen have reserved spaces due to their complicated animation set?
0x800bfa30: Location of First loaded section 1 & 2 in RAM
- this location stores pointers to the unit animations, which are updated according to section 2 in RAM, and the location of section 3 when it is stored in RAM.
- Section 1 is stored as words here instead of halfwords, as in the file.

Known SEQ Commands

  • LoadFrameAndWait (Frame, Wait)
		- Frame
			- Loads the frame of animation from SHP Data
			- for weapons, the weapon type will dictate the 0-frame of animation, and count from there with the value.
			- For units, above a certain value, the second half of the spritesheet is loaded from. Above another value, swimming top half sprites, and then swimming bottom half sprites.

		- Wait
			- Waits to execute the next command by the designated number of frames.
  • WaitForDistort(ffc0, ##)
		- If no animation has been set by QueueDistortAnim(), this instruction does nothing.

		- No Bytes (##)
			- loops the last ## bytes of animation (signed) if a distortion animation is currently underway
  • QueueDistortAnim(ffc1, Distort ID, Var)
		- Queues a secondary graphic animation to trigger (such as mounting a unit, or jumping). can distort unit graphic.

		- sets a byte check that allows WaitForDistort() to loop until the secondary animation is complete

		- Distort ID
			- ID of secondary animation to trigger

		- Var
			- Initial variable that has a variety of effects. typically monitors the rate at which an animation is completed.
  • UnloadMFItem (ffc3)
		- clears Move Find Item graphic trigger

		- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
  • MFItemPos (ffc4, XX, YY)
		- X Pos (XX)
			- Sets front/back (+/-) position of item, relative to unit centre

		- Y Pos (YY)
			- Sets Down/Up (+/-) position of item, relative to feet of unit

		- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
  • LoadMFItem (ffc5)
		- Sets Move Find Item trigger

		- Is also used for Chests and Crystals
  • WaitForInput (ffc6, ##)
		- No. Bytes (##)
			- waits for controller confirmation while looping last ## bytes of animation. Signed.
  • MoveUp2 (ffcb)
		- Moves the unit upwards by 2 units.
  • MoveUp1 (ffcc)
		- Moves the unit upwards by 1 unit.
  • MoveBackward2 (ffcd)
		- Moves the unit backwards by 2 units. 
  • MoveBackward1 (ffce)
		- Moves the unit backwards by 1 unit.
  • MoveDown2 (ffcf)
		- Moves the unit downwards by 2 units.
  • MoveDown1 (ffd0)
		- Moves the unit downwards by 1 unit.
  • MoveForward2 (ffd1)
		- Moves the unit forward by 2 units.
  • MoveForward1 (ffd2)
		- Moves the unit forward by 1 unit.
  • WeaponSheatheCheck1 (ffd3, ##)
		- No. Bytes (##)
			- Loops the last few command bytes until damage numbers fade. Signed.
  • PlayAttackSound (ffd4, SoundID)
		- Sound ID
			- 0x00 calls woosh sound, 0x01 calls hit sound.

		- Use for weapons or effects returns an error and deactivates the animation.
  • IncrementLoop (ffd5)
		- Used by animations that loop. Will increment a loop counter on trigger, and loop the animation indefinitely.
  • WeaponSheatheCheck2 (ffd6, ##)
		- No. Bytes (##)
			- Loops last ## command bytes until damage numbers fade. Signed
  • SetFrameOffset (ffd8, Rotation)
		- Rotation
			- Sets a constant value to the frame offset (added to frames called by LoadFrameWait())
  • QueueThrowAnimation (ffd9, ####)
		- Queues a hardcoded routine that saves thrown Item ID.
  • ReturnErrorFinishAnim (ffda)
		- returns an error. likely no use.
  • SetSlowdown (ffdb, Wait)
		- Wait
			- Sets constant slow down amount in frames. Does not persist between animations.
  • ReloadAnimation (ffdc)
		- Reloads previously saved information about the last animation (prior to executing OverrideAnimation(ID))
  • OverrideAnimation (ffdd, ID)
		- ID
			- Saves all information about the current animation to graphic data, and overrides the current animation.
  • PostGenericAttack (ffde)
		- Calculates damage numbers to appear at the end of an animation

		- Allows Sheathe Checks to continue animation (uncertain)

		- if ability has a secondary particle affect (Knight break, aim, snipe, jump):
			- sets attack woosh colour based on weapon element, if ability has a secondary particle effect (Break equipment, Aim, Snipe, or jump)

			- Saves appropriate dodge/block animations to target & attacker
  • SetYRotation0 (ffdf)
		- Resets graphic rotation to 0.
  • ClearShadow (ffe0)
		- Removes the unit's shadow
  • SetShadow (ffe1)
		- Enable the unit's shadow
  • SetLayerPriority (ffe2, LayerID)
		- No Notes on valid Layer ID's.

		- for weapons/woosh effects, sets starting frame offset to LayerID. this would be useful if weapons did not already automatically set their own 0 frame based on their weapon type.

		- for units, sets their current Animation layer priority. these priorities are found in quadruplets at 0x80094548
  • SaveYSpin (ffe5, Spin)
		- Spin (halfword)
			- Saves a value directly to Y spin.
  • FlipVertical (ffeb)
		- Flips the graphic vertically.
  • FlipHorizontal (ffec)
		- Flips the graphic horizontally.

  • MoveUnitFB (ffee, XX)
		- Movement in pixels (XX)
			- Moves the unit forward (+) or backward (-) by XX units, relative to how they're facing.
  • MoveUnitDU (ffef, YY)
		- Movement in pixels (YY)
			- Moves the unit down (+) or up (-) by YY units.
  • MoveUnitRL (fff0, ZZ)
		- Movement in Pixels (ZZ)
			- Moves the unit right (+) or left (-) by ZZ units.
  • QueueSpriteAnim (fff2, Graphic, ID)
		- Graphic
			- Prepares weapon (01) or effect (02) for animation.

		- ID
			- The Animation of the Graphic being called.
  • PlaySound(fff6, ID)
		- ID
			- the ID of the audio byte to play (only ever used in the same capacity as PlayAttackSound()?)
  • MoveUnit (fffa, ZZ, YY, XX)
		- Movement in Pixels (ZZ, YY, XX)
			- Moves the unit in any/all 3 perpendicular directions. Right(+)/Left(-) by ZZ, Down(+)/Up(-) by YY, and forward(+)/backward(-) by XX.
  • Wait (fffc, ##, Loops)
		- No. Bytes (##)
			- Loops last ## command bytes.

		- Loops
			- The number of times to repeat those bytes.
  • HoldWeapon (fffd, ##)
		- No. Bytes (##)
			- Has the same looping effect as the Sheathe checks, but without checking if the damage numbers have faded.
  • EndAnimation (fffe)
		- Finishes the animation, deactivating the graphic.
  • PauseAnimation(ffff)
		- Sets wait to 0, without deactivating the graphic, pausing the animation until it's ended by another process.

Unknown SEQ commands

   0xbe -> clears some unused data?
   0xbf -> jumps to somewhere with no routine recorded on the wiki.
   0xc2 -> queues next command immediately. no other known purpose.
   0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xed, 0xd7, 0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf8, 0xfb -> skips over input value. no other known effect.
   0xda -> unused command, ends animation early by deactivating graphic, potentially just unwritten.
   0xf7 -> skips 3 input values. other effects are unknown.
   0xf9 -> does something vectory. seems to slide the unit rapidly to the right of the screen.