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  Set AI Flags/Usable Abilities
  [[Routine_Locations#BATTLE.BIN_RAM|BATTLE.BIN]] : Set AI Flags/Usable Abilities - (some [[#0019a2f0_Notes|notes]])
  0019a2f0: 27bdffc0 addiu r29,r29,0xffc0
  0019a2f4: afb3002c sw r19,0x002c(r29)
Parameters : r4 = Unit ID
  0019a2f8: 00809821 addu r19,r4,r0 r19 = Unit's ID
  0019a2fc: afb10024 sw r17,0x0024(r29)
Returns : nothing
  0019a300: 001310c0 sll r2,r19,0x03 ID * 8
  0019a304: 00531023 subu r2,r2,r19 ID * 7
  0019a2f0: 27bdffc0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0040    |
  0019a308: 00021180 sll r2,r2,0x06 ID * 1c0
  0019a2f4: afb3002c sw r19,0x002c(r29)       |
  0019a30c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019
  0019a2f8: 00809821 addu r19,r4,r0           |{{f/std|<nowiki>r19 = Unit's ID</nowiki>}}
  0019a310: 246308cc addiu r3,r3,0x08cc
  0019a2fc: afb10024 sw r17,0x0024(r29)       |
  0019a314: afb20028 sw r18,0x0028(r29)
  0019a300: 001310c0 sll r2,r19,0x03         |{{f/std|ID * 8}}
  0019a318: 00439021 addu r18,r2,r3 r18 = Unit's Data Pointer
  0019a304: 00531023 subu r2,r2,r19           |{{f/std|ID * 7}}
  0019a31c: afb50034 sw r21,0x0034(r29)
  0019a308: 00021180 sll r2,r2,0x06           |{{f/std|ID * 0x1c0}}
  0019a320: 3c15801a lui r21,0x801a
  0019a30c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019           |
  0019a324: 26b5f3c4 addiu r21,r21,0xf3c4 r21 = AI Data Pointer
  0019a310: 246308cc addiu r3,r3,0x08cc       |{{f/std|Start of Unit Battle data}}
  0019a328: afbf003c sw r31,0x003c(r29)
  0019a314: afb20028 sw r18,0x0028(r29)       |
  0019a32c: afb60038 sw r22,0x0038(r29)
  0019a318: 00439021 addu r18,r2,r3           |{{f/adr|<nowiki>r18 = Unit's Data Pointer</nowiki>}}
  0019a330: afb40030 sw r20,0x0030(r29)
  0019a31c: afb50034 sw r21,0x0034(r29)       |
  0019a334: afb00020 sw r16,0x0020(r29)
  0019a320: 3c15801a lui r21,0x801a           |
  0019a338: 92420012 lbu r2,0x0012(r18) Load Unit's Primary Skillset
  0019a324: 26b5f3c4 addiu r21,r21,-0x0c3c    |{{f/adr|<nowiki>r21 = AI used ability Data Pointer</nowiki>}} {{f/std| 8019f3c4 / 0x8019f3c4 }}
  0019a33c: 3c01801a lui r1,0x801a
  0019a328: afbf003c sw r31,0x003c(r29)       |
  0019a340: 00330821 addu r1,r1,r19
  0019a32c: afb60038 sw r22,0x0038(r29)       |
  0019a344: 90340d50 lbu r20,0x0d50(r1) Load Unit's Battle ID?
  0019a330: afb40030 sw r20,0x0030(r29)       |
  0019a348: 2c4200b0 sltiu r2,r2,0x00b0
  0019a334: afb00020 sw r16,0x0020(r29)       |
  0019a34c: 10400047 beq r2,r0,0x 0019a46c Branch if using a monster skillset
  0019a338: 92420012 lbu r2,0x0012(r18)       |{{f/load|Load Unit's Primary Skillset}}
  0019a350: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0 Counter = 0
  0019a33c: 3c01801a lui r1,0x801a           |
  0019a354: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04 ID * 16
  0019a340: 00330821 addu r1,r1,r19           |
  0019a358: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20 ID * 17
  0019a344: 90340d50 lbu r20,0x0d50(r1)       |{{f/load|Load Unit's Battle ID (From AI data)}}
  0019a35c: 000210c0 sll r2,r2,0x03 ID * 136
  0019a348: 2c4200b0 sltiu r2,r2,0x00b0       |{{f/std|Check if skillset is a monster skillset (start at 0xb0)}}
  0019a360: 00551021 addu r2,r2,r21
  0019a34c: 10400047 beq r2,r0,0x0019a46c    {{f/Cond|If not a monster skillset}}
  0019a364: 34160001 ori r22,r0,0x0001 r22 = 1
  0019a350: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0           |{{f/std|<nowiki>Ability counter = 0x00</nowiki>}}
  0019a368: 00131a80 sll r3,r19,0x0a ID * 1024
  0019a354: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04             |{{f/std|ID * 16}}
  0019a36c: a0560ef2 sb r22,0x0ef2(r2) Store Skillset = 1 (Attack)
  0019a358: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20               |{{f/std|ID * 17}}
0019a370: a4430ef0 sh r3,0x0ef0(r2) Store Unit's ID
  0019a35c: 000210c0 sll r2,r2,0x03               |{{f/std|ID * 0x88}}
  0019a374: 001410c0 sll r2,r20,0x03 ID * 8
  0019a360: 00551021 addu r2,r2,r21               |{{f/adr|Part of pointer to unit AI move list}} {{f/std|8019f3c4 + Unit offset (for unit moves list)}}
  0019a378: 24421778 addiu r2,r2,0x1778
  0019a364: 34160001 ori r22,r0,0x0001           |{{f/std|<nowiki>r22 = 1</nowiki>}}
  0019a37c: 00558021 addu r16,r2,r21
  0019a368: 00131a80 sll r3,r19,0x0a             |{{f/std|ID * 0x400}}
  0019a380: ae000000 sw r0,0x0000(r16) Store Physcal Attack Data 1 = 0
  0019a36c: a0560ef2 sb r22,0x0ef2(r2)           |{{f/store|<nowiki>Store 1st usable ability Skillset = 1 (Attack) </nowiki>}} {{f/adr| 0x8019f3c4 + 0xef0 - 0x02 + Unit offset}}
  0019a384: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a370: a4430ef0 sh r3,0x0ef0(r2)             |{{f/store|Store Unit's ID * 4 in 1st usable ability byte 0x01}}
  0019a388: 92030003 lbu r3,0x0003(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 3
  0019a374: 001410c0 sll r2,r20,0x03             |{{f/std|ID * 8 (unit offset)}}
  0019a38c: ae000004 sw r0,0x0004(r16) Store Physical Attack Data 2 = 0
  0019a378: 24421778 addiu r2,r2,0x1778           |
  0019a390: 34420080 ori r2,r2,0x0080 Enable HP Check
  0019a37c: 00558021 addu r16,r2,r21             |{{f/adr|Pointer to unit AI weapon data (AI 0x1778 + Unit offset)}}
  0019a394: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 1
  0019a380: ae000000 sw r0,0x0000(r16)           |{{f/store|Nullify Unit's AI weapon data from range to AI behavior flag3}}
  0019a398: 92020002 lbu r2,0x0002(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 2
  0019a384: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a39c: 34630001 ori r3,r3,0x0001 Enable Defense UP
  0019a388: 92030003 lbu r3,0x0003(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 3}}
  0019a3a0: a2030003 sb r3,0x0003(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 3
  0019a38c: ae000004 sw r0,0x0004(r16)           |{{f/store|Nullify Unit's AI weapon data  from Weapon ID to Byte 0x07}}
  0019a3a4: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002 Enable Evadeable? Flag
  0019a390: 34420080 ori r2,r2,0x0080             |{{f/std|Enable [Affect HP] flag}}
  0019a3a8: a2020002 sb r2,0x0002(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 2
  0019a394: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 1 (with affect HP)}}
  0019a3ac: afa00010 sw r0,0x0010(r29) Store Stack Flags = 0
  0019a398: 92020002 lbu r2,0x0002(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 2 (? Just nullified)}}
  0019a3b0: 92420006 lbu r2,0x0006(r18) Load Unit's Gender byte
  0019a39c: 34630001 ori r3,r3,0x0001             |{{f/std|Enable [Physical Attack] flag}}
  0019a3b4: 00000000 nop
  0019a3a0: a2030003 sb r3,0x0003(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 3 (Physical Attack)}}
  0019a3b8: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020
  0019a3a4: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |{{f/std|Enable [Evadeable] Flag}}
  0019a3bc: 14400008 bne r2,r0,0x 0019a3e0 Branch if Unit is a monster
  0019a3a8: a2020002 sb r2,0x0002(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 2 (Just Evadable flag)}}
  0019a3c0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0 r4 = Physical Attack AI Data Pointer
  0019a3ac: afa00010 sw r0,0x0010(r29)           |{{f/store|Nullify Stack pointer}}
  0019a3c4: 9245001d lbu r5,0x001d(r18) Load Unit's RH Weapon
  0019a3b0: 92420006 lbu r2,0x0006(r18)           |{{f/load|Load Unit's Gender byte}}
  0019a3c8: 0c06694b jal 0x 0019a52c Store Weapon? Attack Data
  0019a3b4: 00000000 nop                         |
0019a3cc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010 r6 = Pointer to stack
  0019a3b8: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020           |{{f/std|Check for Monster}}
  0019a3d0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0 r4 = ? AI Pointer
  0019a3bc: 14400008 bne r2,r0,0x0019a3e0        {{f/Cond|If Unit is not a monster}}
  0019a3d4: 9245001f lbu r5,0x001f(r18) Load Unit's LH Weapon
  0019a3c0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0                   |{{f/adr|<nowiki>r4 = Unit's AI Weapon data pointer</nowiki>}}
  0019a3d8: 0c06694b jal 0x 0019a52c Store Weapon? Attack Data
  0019a3c4: 9245001d lbu r5,0x001d(r18)               |{{f/load|Load Unit's RH Weapon ID}}
  0019a3dc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010 r6 = Pointer to stack
  0019a3c8: 0c06694b jal 0x0019a52c                  |{{f/jal|Store Weapon? Attack Data|Store Weapon? Attack Data}} {{f/std|Update, Range, Behavior 3, ID and Elements  and returns flags on stack pointer}}
  0019a3e0: 8fa30010 lw r3,0x0010(r29) Load Stack Flags
0019a3cc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010             |{{f/std|<nowiki>r6 = Pointer to stack</nowiki>}}
  0019a3e4: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001 r2 = 1
  0019a3d0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0                   |{{f/adr|<nowiki>r4 = Unit's AI Weapon data pointer</nowiki>}}
  0019a3e8: 10620010 beq r3,r2,0x 0019a42c Branch if using a normal weapon
  0019a3d4: 9245001f lbu r5,0x001f(r18)               |{{f/load|Load Unit's LH Weapon}}
  0019a3ec: 28620002 slti r2,r3,0x0002
  0019a3d8: 0c06694b jal 0x0019a52c                  |{{f/jal|Store Weapon? Attack Data|Store Weapon? Attack Data}} {{f/std|Same as above, Overwrite ID and Range, Combine Behavior and Elements}}
  0019a3f0: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x 0019a408 Branch if not unarmed
  0019a3dc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010             |{{f/std|<nowiki>r6 = Pointer to stack</nowiki>}}
  0019a3f4: 00000000 nop
  0019a3e0: 8fa30010 lw r3,0x0010(r29)           |{{f/adr|Load Flags stored on Stack ( Normal - Absorb - Heal)}}
  0019a3f8: 1060000b beq r3,r0,0x 0019a428 Branch if Unarmed
  0019a3e4: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001             |
  0019a3fc: 00000000 nop
  0019a3e8: 10620010 beq r3,r2,0x0019a42c        {{f/Cond|<nowiki>Branch to Normal weapon section if flag = 0x01</nowiki>}}
  0019a400: 0806691b j 0x 0019a46c Negative check
  0019a3ec: 28620002 slti r2,r3,0x0002           |{{f/std|check if flag is 0x00 (since 0x01 has branched))}}
  0019a404: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001 Counter ++
  0019a3f0: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0019a408            {{f/Cond|If unit don't uses a special weapon (Flag is not 0x00 and not 0x01)}}
  0019a408: 34020002 ori r2,r0,0x0002
  0019a3f4: 00000000 nop                                 |
  0019a40c: 1062000c beq r3,r2,0x 0019a440 Branch if using Absorption Weapon
  0019a3f8: 1060000b beq r3,r0,0x0019a428                {{f/Cond|<nowiki>Branch to unarmed section if flag = 0x00</nowiki>}}
  0019a410: 00000000 nop
  0019a3fc: 00000000 nop                                     |
  0019a414: 34020004 ori r2,r0,0x0004
  0019a400: 0806691b j 0x0019a46c                        {{f/jump|Negative check : Avoid all section}} {{f/std|<nowiki>Should never happen (Flag is not 0x01 not 0x00 and not>= 0x02)</nowiki>}}
  0019a418: 1062000d beq r3,r2,0x 0019a450 Branch if using Healing weapon
  0019a404: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001                 |{{f/std|<nowiki>Ability counter = 0x01</nowiki>}}
  0019a41c: 00000000 nop
  0019a408: 34020002 ori r2,r0,0x0002                 {{f/Cond|Else : Unit uses a special weapon }}
  0019a420: 0806691b j 0x 0019a46c Dual wielding diff weapon types?
  0019a40c: 1062000c beq r3,r2,0x0019a440            {{f/Cond|<nowiki>Branch to Absorption section if Flag = 0x02</nowiki>}}
  0019a424: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001 Counter ++
  0019a410: 00000000 nop                                 |
  0019a428: a2160000 sb r22,0x0000(r16) Store Range? = 1
  0019a414: 34020004 ori r2,r0,0x0004                     |
  0019a42c: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 1
  0019a418: 1062000d beq r3,r2,0x0019a450            {{f/Cond|<nowiki>Branch to Healing section if Flag = 0x04</nowiki>}}
  0019a430: 00000000 nop
  0019a41c: 00000000 nop                                 |
  0019a434: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002 Enable Target Enemies
  0019a420: 0806691b j 0x0019a46c                    {{f/jump|Avoid all sections if Complex flag (Dual wielding with different flags)}}
  0019a438: 0806691a j 0x 0019a468
  0019a424: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001             |{{f/std|<nowiki>Ability counter = 0x01</nowiki>}} {{f/std|Counter ++}}
  0019a43c: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 1
  0019a440: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 1
{{f/sec|---- Unarmed section ----}}
  0019a444: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 2
  0019a428: a2160000 sb r22,0x0000(r16)           |{{f/store|<nowiki>Force Range = 1 for unarmed attacks</nowiki>}}
  0019a448: 08066917 j 0x 0019a45c
  0019a44c: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002 Enable Target Enemies
{{f/sec|---- Unarmed or Normal Weapon ---- }}
  0019a450: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 1
  0019a42c: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a454: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16) Load AI Behavior Flags 2
  0019a430: 00000000 nop                         |
  0019a458: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001 Enable Target Allies
  0019a434: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |{{f/std|Enable Target Enemies}}
  0019a45c: 34630020 ori r3,r3,0x0020 Enable Undead Reverse
  0019a438: 0806691a j 0x0019a468                {{f/jump|Avoid other section}}
  0019a460: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 1
  0019a43c: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a464: a2030002 sb r3,0x0002(r16) Store new AI Behavior Flags 2
  0019a468: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001 Counter ++
{{f/sec|---- Absorption Weapon section ----  }}
  0019a46c: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0 r4 = Unit's ID
  0019a440: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a470: 92450012 lbu r5,0x0012(r18) Load Unit's Primary Skillset
  0019a444: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 2}}
  0019a474: 0c06697e jal 0x 0019a5f8 Usable Ability Setting
  0019a448: 08066917 j 0x0019a45c                {{f/jump|Avoid Healing section}}
  0019a478: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0 r6 = Counter
  0019a44c: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |{{f/std|Enable Target Enemies}}
  0019a47c: 92430012 lbu r3,0x0012(r18) Load Unit's Primary Skillset
  0019a480: 00000000 nop
{{f/sec|---- Healing Weapon section ---- }}
  0019a484: 2c6300b0 sltiu r3,r3,0x00b0
  0019a450: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a488: 10600006 beq r3,r0,0x 0019a4a4 Branch if Unit is a monster
  0019a454: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16)           |{{f/load|Load AI Behavior Flags 2}}
  0019a48c: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0 r17 = Counter
  0019a458: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001             |{{f/std|Enable Target Allies}}
  0019a490: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0 r4 = Unit's ID
  0019a494: 92450013 lbu r5,0x0013(r18) Load Unit's Secondary Skillset
{{f/sec|---- Healing or Absorption Weapon section ---- }}
  0019a498: 0c06697e jal 0x 0019a5f8 Usable Ability Setting
  0019a45c: 34630020 ori r3,r3,0x0020             |{{f/std|Enable Undead Reverse}}
  0019a49c: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0 r6 = Counter
  0019a460: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 1}}
  0019a4a0: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0 r17 = Counter
  0019a464: a2030002 sb r3,0x0002(r16)           |{{f/store|Store new AI Behavior Flags 2}}
  0019a4a4: 00112080 sll r4,r17,0x02 Counter * 4
  0019a4a8: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001 Counter ++
  {{f/sec|----  Unarmed - Normal - Healing - Absorbtion (but not complex flag)---- }}
  0019a4ac: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04 Battle ID * 16
0019a468: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001         |{{f/std|Counter ++}}
  0019a4b0: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20 ID * 17
  0019a4b4: 000228c0 sll r5,r2,0x03 ID * 136
{{f/sec|---- Any flag result (even complex dual wielding or negative check---- }}
  0019a4b8: 00851821 addu r3,r4,r5
  0019a46c: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0           |{{f/std|<nowiki>r4 = Unit's ID</nowiki>}}
  0019a4bc: 02a31821 addu r3,r21,r3
  0019a470: 92450012 lbu r5,0x0012(r18)       |{{f/load|Load Unit's Primary Skillset}}
  0019a4c0: 340200a9 ori r2,r0,0x00a9 r2 = 0xa9
  0019a474: 0c06697e jal 0x0019a5f8          |{{f/jal|Usable_Ability_Setting |Usable_Ability_Setting }} {{f/std|<nowiki>Check usable abilities in skillset - returns r2 = Nb of Ability on usable list</nowiki>}}
  0019a4c4: a0620ef2 sb r2,0x0ef2(r3) Store Skillset = Attack?
  0019a478: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0           |{{f/std|<nowiki>r6 = Counter</nowiki>}}
  0019a4c8: 00131280 sll r2,r19,0x0a
  0019a47c: 92430012 lbu r3,0x0012(r18)       |{{f/load|Load Unit's Primary Skillset}}
  0019a4cc: 2442016f addiu r2,r2,0x016f
  0019a480: 00000000 nop                     |
  0019a4d0: a4620ef0 sh r2,0x0ef0(r3) Store Attack? ID + Unit's ID * 1024
  0019a484: 2c6300b0 sltiu r3,r3,0x00b0       |{{f/std|Check if skillset is a monster skillset (start at 0xb0)}}
  0019a4d4: 00b51021 addu r2,r5,r21
  0019a488: 10600006 beq r3,r0,0x0019a4a4    {{f/Cond|If Skillset is not a monster skillset}}
  0019a4d8: 00822021 addu r4,r4,r2
  0019a48c: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0           |{{f/std|<nowiki>r17 = Counter</nowiki>}}
  0019a4dc: 34020084 ori r2,r0,0x0084 r2 = 0x84
  0019a490: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0               |{{f/std|<nowiki>r4 = Unit's ID</nowiki>}}
  0019a4e0: a0820ef3 sb r2,0x0ef3(r4) Store Usage Type?
  0019a494: 92450013 lbu r5,0x0013(r18)           |{{f/load|Load Unit's Secondary Skillset}}
  0019a4e4: 2a220022 slti r2,r17,0x0022
  0019a498: 0c06697e jal 0x0019a5f8              |{{f/jal|Usable_Ability_Setting|Usable_Ability_Setting}} {{f/std|<nowiki>Check usable abilities - returns r2 = Nb of Ability on usable list</nowiki>}}
  0019a4e8: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x 0019a500 Branch if Pointer >= 34
  0019a49c: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0               |{{f/std|<nowiki>r6 = Counter</nowiki>}}
  0019a4ec: 00111080 sll r2,r17,0x02 r2 = Counter * 4
  0019a4a0: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0               |{{f/std|<nowiki>r17 = Counter</nowiki>}}
  0019a4f0: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5
  0019a4a4: 00112080 sll r4,r17,0x02         |{{f/std|Counter * 4 (Ability offset)}}
  0019a4f4: 02a21021 addu r2,r21,r2
  0019a4a8: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001     |{{f/std|Ability counter + 1}}
  0019a4f8: 340300ff ori r3,r0,0x00ff r3 = FF
  0019a4ac: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04         |{{f/std|Battle ID * 16}}
  0019a4fc: a0430ef2 sb r3,0x0ef2(r2) Store Skillset = FF (end marker)
  0019a4b0: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20           |{{f/std|ID * 17}}
  0019a500: 8fbf003c lw r31,0x003c(r29)
  0019a4b4: 000228c0 sll r5,r2,0x03           |{{f/std|ID * 0x88 (unit offset)}}
  0019a4b8: 00851821 addu r3,r4,r5           |{{f/std|Unit Offset + Ability Offset}}
  0019a4bc: 02a31821 addu r3,r21,r3           |{{f/adr|Part of pointer to Unit usable move list}} {{f/std| 0x8019f3c4 + unit offset + ability offset}}
  0019a4c0: 340200a9 ori r2,r0,0x00a9         |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0xa9</nowiki>}}
  0019a4c4: a0620ef2 sb r2,0x0ef2(r3)         |{{f/store|Store 0xA9 as skillset after last usable ability}}
  0019a4c8: 00131280 sll r2,r19,0x0a         |{{f/std|Units ID * 0x400}}
  0019a4cc: 2442016f addiu r2,r2,0x016f       |{{f/std|+Frog attack ID}}
  0019a4d0: a4620ef0 sh r2,0x0ef0(r3)         |{{f/store|Store Frog Attack ID + Unit's ID * 0x400}}
  0019a4d4: 00b51021 addu r2,r5,r21           |
  0019a4d8: 00822021 addu r4,r4,r2           |
  0019a4dc: 34020084 ori r2,r0,0x0084         |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = 0x84</nowiki>}}
  0019a4e0: a0820ef3 sb r2,0x0ef3(r4)         |{{f/store|Store Usage Type?}}
  0019a4e4: 2a220022 slti r2,r17,0x0022       |{{f/std|check if Ability counter is less than maximum storable abilities}}
  0019a4e8: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0019a500    {{f/Cond|If there's still room}}
  0019a4ec: 00111080 sll r2,r17,0x02             |{{f/std|<nowiki>r2 = Ability offset</nowiki>}}
  0019a4f0: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5               |{{f/std|+Unit offset}}
  0019a4f4: 02a21021 addu r2,r21,r2               |{{f/adr|Part of pointer to Unit usable move list}} {{f/std| 0x8019f3c4 + unit offset + ability offset}}
  0019a4f8: 340300ff ori r3,r0,0x00ff             |{{f/std|<nowiki>r3 = FF</nowiki>}}
  0019a4fc: a0430ef2 sb r3,0x0ef2(r2)             |{{f/store|<nowiki>Store Skillset = 0xFF (end marker)</nowiki>}}
  0019a500: 8fbf003c lw r31,0x003c(r29)       END
  0019a504: 8fb60038 lw r22,0x0038(r29)
  0019a504: 8fb60038 lw r22,0x0038(r29)
  0019a508: 8fb50034 lw r21,0x0034(r29)
  0019a508: 8fb50034 lw r21,0x0034(r29)
Line 143: Line 162:
  0019a524: 03e00008 jr r31
  0019a524: 03e00008 jr r31
  0019a528: 00000000 nop
  0019a528: 00000000 nop
=== Notes ===
'''Routine''' <span id = "0019a2f0_Notes"></span>
Fill Unit AI list of usable moves (0x8019f3c4 - 0x0ef0)
- 1st Ability is Attack (if not a monster)
- Other abilities are set via [[Usable_Ability_Setting]]
- Last Ability is Frog Attack with skillset 0xA9 (hardcoded)
- If there's room after the frog thing, the end of the list is flaged with a skillset 0xff
Set data for Unit's AI weapon data (0x8019f3c4 - 0x1778) via [[Store Weapon? Attack Data]]
    - Behavior flag are hardcoded, tied to weapon formula (Absorption - Heal)
    - No behavior flag if dual wielding weapons with different flag (Normal - Absorb - heal)
If Monster primary skillset : avoid weapon flags
If Monster primary skillset : avoid secondary skillset
=== Return location ===
00199f44: [[Usable_Ability_Setting/ENTD_AI_Calculations]]

Latest revision as of 09:54, 8 July 2024

BATTLE.BIN : Set AI Flags/Usable Abilities - (some notes)
Parameters : r4 = Unit ID

Returns : nothing 
0019a2f0: 27bdffc0 addiu r29,r29,-0x0040    |
0019a2f4: afb3002c sw r19,0x002c(r29)       |
0019a2f8: 00809821 addu r19,r4,r0           |r19 = Unit's ID
0019a2fc: afb10024 sw r17,0x0024(r29)       |
0019a300: 001310c0 sll r2,r19,0x03          |ID * 8
0019a304: 00531023 subu r2,r2,r19           |ID * 7
0019a308: 00021180 sll r2,r2,0x06           |ID * 0x1c0
0019a30c: 3c038019 lui r3,0x8019            |
0019a310: 246308cc addiu r3,r3,0x08cc       |Start of Unit Battle data
0019a314: afb20028 sw r18,0x0028(r29)       |
0019a318: 00439021 addu r18,r2,r3           |r18 = Unit's Data Pointer
0019a31c: afb50034 sw r21,0x0034(r29)       |
0019a320: 3c15801a lui r21,0x801a           |
0019a324: 26b5f3c4 addiu r21,r21,-0x0c3c    |r21 = AI used ability Data Pointer  8019f3c4 / 0x8019f3c4 
0019a328: afbf003c sw r31,0x003c(r29)       |
0019a32c: afb60038 sw r22,0x0038(r29)       |
0019a330: afb40030 sw r20,0x0030(r29)       |
0019a334: afb00020 sw r16,0x0020(r29)       |
0019a338: 92420012 lbu r2,0x0012(r18)       |Load Unit's Primary Skillset
0019a33c: 3c01801a lui r1,0x801a            |
0019a340: 00330821 addu r1,r1,r19           |
0019a344: 90340d50 lbu r20,0x0d50(r1)       |Load Unit's Battle ID (From AI data)
0019a348: 2c4200b0 sltiu r2,r2,0x00b0       |Check if skillset is a monster skillset (start at 0xb0)
0019a34c: 10400047 beq r2,r0,0x0019a46c     #If not a monster skillset
0019a350: 00008821 addu r17,r0,r0           |Ability counter = 0x00
0019a354: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04              |ID * 16
0019a358: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20               |ID * 17
0019a35c: 000210c0 sll r2,r2,0x03               |ID * 0x88
0019a360: 00551021 addu r2,r2,r21               |Part of pointer to unit AI move list 8019f3c4 + Unit offset (for unit moves list)
0019a364: 34160001 ori r22,r0,0x0001            |r22 = 1
0019a368: 00131a80 sll r3,r19,0x0a              |ID * 0x400
0019a36c: a0560ef2 sb r22,0x0ef2(r2)            |Store 1st usable ability Skillset = 1 (Attack)   0x8019f3c4 + 0xef0 - 0x02 + Unit offset
0019a370: a4430ef0 sh r3,0x0ef0(r2)             |Store Unit's ID * 4 in 1st usable ability byte 0x01
0019a374: 001410c0 sll r2,r20,0x03              |ID * 8 (unit offset)
0019a378: 24421778 addiu r2,r2,0x1778           |
0019a37c: 00558021 addu r16,r2,r21              |Pointer to unit AI weapon data (AI 0x1778 + Unit offset)
0019a380: ae000000 sw r0,0x0000(r16)            |Nullify Unit's AI weapon data from range to AI behavior flag3
0019a384: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a388: 92030003 lbu r3,0x0003(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 3
0019a38c: ae000004 sw r0,0x0004(r16)            |Nullify Unit's AI weapon data  from Weapon ID to Byte 0x07
0019a390: 34420080 ori r2,r2,0x0080             |Enable [Affect HP] flag
0019a394: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 1 (with affect HP)
0019a398: 92020002 lbu r2,0x0002(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 2 (? Just nullified)
0019a39c: 34630001 ori r3,r3,0x0001             |Enable [Physical Attack] flag
0019a3a0: a2030003 sb r3,0x0003(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 3 (Physical Attack)
0019a3a4: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |Enable [Evadeable] Flag
0019a3a8: a2020002 sb r2,0x0002(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 2 (Just Evadable flag)
0019a3ac: afa00010 sw r0,0x0010(r29)            |Nullify Stack pointer
0019a3b0: 92420006 lbu r2,0x0006(r18)           |Load Unit's Gender byte
0019a3b4: 00000000 nop                          |
0019a3b8: 30420020 andi r2,r2,0x0020            |Check for Monster
0019a3bc: 14400008 bne r2,r0,0x0019a3e0         #If Unit is not a monster
0019a3c0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0                   |r4 = Unit's AI Weapon data pointer
0019a3c4: 9245001d lbu r5,0x001d(r18)               |Load Unit's RH Weapon ID
0019a3c8: 0c06694b jal 0x0019a52c                   |-->Store Weapon? Attack Data Update, Range, Behavior 3, ID and Elements  and returns flags on stack pointer
0019a3cc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010              |r6 = Pointer to stack
0019a3d0: 02002021 addu r4,r16,r0                   |r4 = Unit's AI Weapon data pointer
0019a3d4: 9245001f lbu r5,0x001f(r18)               |Load Unit's LH Weapon
0019a3d8: 0c06694b jal 0x0019a52c                   |-->Store Weapon? Attack Data Same as above, Overwrite ID and Range, Combine Behavior and Elements
0019a3dc: 27a60010 addiu r6,r29,0x0010              |r6 = Pointer to stack
0019a3e0: 8fa30010 lw r3,0x0010(r29)            |Load Flags stored on Stack ( Normal - Absorb - Heal)
0019a3e4: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001             |
0019a3e8: 10620010 beq r3,r2,0x0019a42c         #Branch to Normal weapon section if flag = 0x01
0019a3ec: 28620002 slti r2,r3,0x0002            |check if flag is 0x00 (since 0x01 has branched))
0019a3f0: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0019a408             #If unit don't uses a special weapon (Flag is not 0x00 and not 0x01)
0019a3f4: 00000000 nop                                  |
0019a3f8: 1060000b beq r3,r0,0x0019a428                 #Branch to unarmed section if flag = 0x00
0019a3fc: 00000000 nop                                      |
0019a400: 0806691b j 0x0019a46c                         >>Negative check : Avoid all section Should never happen (Flag is not 0x01 not 0x00 and not>= 0x02)
0019a404: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001                 |Ability counter = 0x01
0019a408: 34020002 ori r2,r0,0x0002                 #Else : Unit uses a special weapon 
0019a40c: 1062000c beq r3,r2,0x0019a440             #Branch to Absorption section if Flag = 0x02
0019a410: 00000000 nop                                  |
0019a414: 34020004 ori r2,r0,0x0004                     |
0019a418: 1062000d beq r3,r2,0x0019a450             #Branch to Healing section if Flag = 0x04
0019a41c: 00000000 nop                                  |
0019a420: 0806691b j 0x0019a46c                     >>Avoid all sections if Complex flag (Dual wielding with different flags)
0019a424: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001             |Ability counter = 0x01 Counter ++

---- Unarmed section ---- 
0019a428: a2160000 sb r22,0x0000(r16)           |Force Range = 1 for unarmed attacks

---- Unarmed or Normal Weapon ----  
0019a42c: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a430: 00000000 nop                          |
0019a434: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |Enable Target Enemies
0019a438: 0806691a j 0x0019a468                 >>Avoid other section
0019a43c: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 1

---- Absorption Weapon section ----   
0019a440: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a444: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 2
0019a448: 08066917 j 0x0019a45c                 >>Avoid Healing section
0019a44c: 34420002 ori r2,r2,0x0002             |Enable Target Enemies

---- Healing Weapon section ----  
0019a450: 92020001 lbu r2,0x0001(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a454: 92030002 lbu r3,0x0002(r16)           |Load AI Behavior Flags 2
0019a458: 34420001 ori r2,r2,0x0001             |Enable Target Allies

---- Healing or Absorption Weapon section ----  
0019a45c: 34630020 ori r3,r3,0x0020             |Enable Undead Reverse
0019a460: a2020001 sb r2,0x0001(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 1
0019a464: a2030002 sb r3,0x0002(r16)            |Store new AI Behavior Flags 2

----  Unarmed - Normal - Healing - Absorbtion (but not complex flag)----  
0019a468: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001         |Counter ++

---- Any flag result (even complex dual wielding or negative check----  
0019a46c: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0           |r4 = Unit's ID
0019a470: 92450012 lbu r5,0x0012(r18)       |Load Unit's Primary Skillset
0019a474: 0c06697e jal 0x0019a5f8           |-->Usable_Ability_Setting  Check usable abilities in skillset - returns r2 = Nb of Ability on usable list
0019a478: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0           |r6 = Counter
0019a47c: 92430012 lbu r3,0x0012(r18)       |Load Unit's Primary Skillset
0019a480: 00000000 nop                      |
0019a484: 2c6300b0 sltiu r3,r3,0x00b0       |Check if skillset is a monster skillset (start at 0xb0)
0019a488: 10600006 beq r3,r0,0x0019a4a4     #If Skillset is not a monster skillset
0019a48c: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0           |r17 = Counter
0019a490: 02602021 addu r4,r19,r0               |r4 = Unit's ID
0019a494: 92450013 lbu r5,0x0013(r18)           |Load Unit's Secondary Skillset
0019a498: 0c06697e jal 0x0019a5f8               |-->Usable_Ability_Setting Check usable abilities - returns r2 = Nb of Ability on usable list
0019a49c: 02203021 addu r6,r17,r0               |r6 = Counter
0019a4a0: 00408821 addu r17,r2,r0               |r17 = Counter
0019a4a4: 00112080 sll r4,r17,0x02          |Counter * 4 (Ability offset)
0019a4a8: 26310001 addiu r17,r17,0x0001     |Ability counter + 1
0019a4ac: 00141100 sll r2,r20,0x04          |Battle ID * 16
0019a4b0: 00541021 addu r2,r2,r20           |ID * 17
0019a4b4: 000228c0 sll r5,r2,0x03           |ID * 0x88 (unit offset)
0019a4b8: 00851821 addu r3,r4,r5            |Unit Offset + Ability Offset
0019a4bc: 02a31821 addu r3,r21,r3           |Part of pointer to Unit usable move list  0x8019f3c4 + unit offset + ability offset
0019a4c0: 340200a9 ori r2,r0,0x00a9         |r2 = 0xa9
0019a4c4: a0620ef2 sb r2,0x0ef2(r3)         |Store 0xA9 as skillset after last usable ability
0019a4c8: 00131280 sll r2,r19,0x0a          |Units ID * 0x400
0019a4cc: 2442016f addiu r2,r2,0x016f       |+Frog attack ID
0019a4d0: a4620ef0 sh r2,0x0ef0(r3)         |Store Frog Attack ID + Unit's ID * 0x400
0019a4d4: 00b51021 addu r2,r5,r21           |
0019a4d8: 00822021 addu r4,r4,r2            |
0019a4dc: 34020084 ori r2,r0,0x0084         |r2 = 0x84
0019a4e0: a0820ef3 sb r2,0x0ef3(r4)         |Store Usage Type?
0019a4e4: 2a220022 slti r2,r17,0x0022       |check if Ability counter is less than maximum storable abilities
0019a4e8: 10400005 beq r2,r0,0x0019a500     #If there's still room
0019a4ec: 00111080 sll r2,r17,0x02              |r2 = Ability offset
0019a4f0: 00451021 addu r2,r2,r5                |+Unit offset
0019a4f4: 02a21021 addu r2,r21,r2               |Part of pointer to Unit usable move list  0x8019f3c4 + unit offset + ability offset
0019a4f8: 340300ff ori r3,r0,0x00ff             |r3 = FF
0019a4fc: a0430ef2 sb r3,0x0ef2(r2)             |Store Skillset = 0xFF (end marker)
0019a500: 8fbf003c lw r31,0x003c(r29)       END
0019a504: 8fb60038 lw r22,0x0038(r29)
0019a508: 8fb50034 lw r21,0x0034(r29)
0019a50c: 8fb40030 lw r20,0x0030(r29)
0019a510: 8fb3002c lw r19,0x002c(r29)
0019a514: 8fb20028 lw r18,0x0028(r29)
0019a518: 8fb10024 lw r17,0x0024(r29)
0019a51c: 8fb00020 lw r16,0x0020(r29)
0019a520: 27bd0040 addiu r29,r29,0x0040
0019a524: 03e00008 jr r31
0019a528: 00000000 nop


Fill Unit AI list of usable moves (0x8019f3c4 - 0x0ef0)
- 1st Ability is Attack (if not a monster) 
- Other abilities are set via Usable_Ability_Setting
- Last Ability is Frog Attack with skillset 0xA9 (hardcoded)
- If there's room after the frog thing, the end of the list is flaged with a skillset 0xff

Set data for Unit's AI weapon data (0x8019f3c4 - 0x1778) via Store Weapon? Attack Data
   - Behavior flag are hardcoded, tied to weapon formula (Absorption - Heal)
   - No behavior flag if dual wielding weapons with different flag (Normal - Absorb - heal)

If Monster primary skillset : avoid weapon flags
If Monster primary skillset : avoid secondary skillset

Return location

00199f44: Usable_Ability_Setting/ENTD_AI_Calculations