Routine Locations

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For additional ASM notes and an easier to use version of this data in .txt format, [download ASM Files] <-- possibly outdated
If you're just starting ASM, check this page first, it contains some important assorted information
For Data Tables, see Data/Table Locations
Main Routine Locations:

RAM -> File
   0x00F800 -> SCUS 942.21 Routines
   0x067000 -> WLDCORE.BIN Routines
   0x067000 -> BATTLE.BIN Routines
   0x067000 -> OPEN.BIN Routines
   0x0E0000 -> WORLD.BIN Routines
   0x1BF000 -> ATTACK.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> REQUIRE.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> OPTION.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> ETC.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> EQUIP.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> CARD.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> DEBUGCHR.OUT Routines
   0x1BF000 -> BUNIT.OUT Routines
   0x1DF000 -> JOBSTTS.OUT Routines
   0x1DF000 -> HELPMENU.OUT Routines
   0x1DF000 -> SMALL.OUT Routines
   0x1DF000 -> SP2 + effects + other.
PSX Console:

RAM -> File
   0x00000000 -> PSX BIOS
   0x07c00000 -> PSX Kernel