Difference between revisions of "Map Order in Attack.out"

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(Created page with "Maps *Map - 00 - Blank Map (with invisible ledges) *Map - 01 - At the gate of Igros Castle *Map - 02 - Backgate of Lesalia Castle *Map - 03 - Murond Holy Place, Shrine Knight Fi...")
(Uses Map List template instead)
Tag: Replaced
Line 1: Line 1:
<font face="Courier New">{{Map List}}</font>
*Map - 00 - Blank Map (with invisible ledges)
*Map - 01 - At the gate of Igros Castle
*Map - 02 - Backgate of Lesalia Castle
*Map - 03 - Murond Holy Place, Shrine Knight Fight
*Map - 04 - Office in Lesalia
*Map - 05 - Rooftop of Riovanes
*Map - 06 - Outside Riovanes Castle
*Map - 07 - Inside Riovanes Castle
*Map - 08 - Meeting Room of Riovanes
*Map - 09 - Gardens of the Beoulve Residence
*Map - 0A - Inside of Igros Castle
*Map - 0B - Meeting room inside of Igros Castle
*Map - 0C - Gates of Lionel Castle
*Map - 0D - Draclau's Inner Sanctum
*Map - 0E - Draclau's Meeting Room
*Map - 0F - Gate of Lesalia Castle?
*Map - 10 - Inside of Limberry Castle
*Map - 11 - Tomb of Limberry Castle
*Map - 12 - Elmdor's Meeting Room
*Map - 13 - Gates of Limberry Castle
*Map - 14 - Inside of Zeltennia Castle
*Map - 15 - Orlandu's Room
*Map - 16 - Gariland Magic City
*Map - 17 - Outside of Beoulve Residence
*Map - 18 - Military Academy
*Map - 19 - Yardow Fort City
*Map - 1A - Weapon Storage of Yardow
*Map - 1B - Goland Coal City
*Map - 1C - Coillery Underground Third Floor
*Map - 1D - Coillery Underground Second Floor
*Map - 1E - Coillery Underground First Floor
*Map - 1F - Dorter 2
*Map - 20 - Slums of Dorter
*Map - 21 - Hospital in Slums (Unused?)
*Map - 22 - Sand Rat Cellar
*Map - 23 - Zaland Fort City
*Map - 24 - Outside the Church
*Map - 25 - Ruins where Ovelia and Agrias talk
*Map - 26 - Streets of Goug
*Map - 27 - Coillery
*Map - 28 - Slums of Goug
*Map - 29 - Besrodio's House
*Map - 2A - (Unknown?)
*Map - 2B - Warjilis
*Map - 2C - Bervenia Free City
*Map - 2D - Zeltennia Ruins
*Map - 2E - Balbanes's Tomb
*Map - 2F - Zarghidas Trade City
*Map - 30 - Aeris in Zarghidas
*Map - 31 - Fort Zeakden
*Map - 32 - Murond Holy Place Exterior
*Map - 33 - Murond Holy Place - Funeral's Room
*Map - 34 - Murond Holy Place Tomb
*Map - 35 - Murond Death City Entrance
*Map - 36 - Balk's portion of Murond Death City
*Map - 37 - Graveyard of Airships
*Map - 38 - Orbonne Monastary
*Map - 39 - Book Storage 3rd Floor? (Wiegraf's Room)
*Map - 3A - Book Storage 4th Floor? (Lancer/Time MAge fight)
*Map - 3B - Book Storage 2nd Floor? (Izlude's Room)
*Map - 3C - Book Storage 1st Floor? (Room before Rofel)
*Map - 3D - Book Storage Bottom Floor (Rofel fight)
*Map - 3E - Orbonne Altar
*Map - 3F - Golgorand Execution Site
*Map - 40 - Bethla Garrison
*Map - 41 - Cid's Prison
*Map - 42 - Bethla Garrison North Wall
*Map - 43 - Bethla Garrison South Wall
*Map - 44 - Goltana's Meeting Room
*Map - 45 - Murond Death City - Kletian
*Map - 46 - Nelveska Temple
*Map - 47 - Zigolis Swamp
*Map - 48 - Fovoham Plains
*Map - 49 - Inside the Windmill
*Map - 4A - Sweegy Woods
*Map - 4B - Bervenia Volcano?
*Map - 4C - Zeklaus Desert
*Map - 4D - Lenalia Plateau
*Map - 4E - ?????? (Broken?)
*Map - 4F - Yuguo Woods
*Map - 50 - Araguay Woods?
*Map - 51 - Grog Hill
*Map - 52 - Bed Desert
*Map - 53 - Zirekile Falls
*Map - 54 - Barius Hill
*Map - 55 - Mandalia Plains
*Map - 56 - Doguola Pass
*Map - 57 - Barius Valley
*Map - 58 - Finath River
*Map - 59 - Poeskas Lake
*Map - 5A - Germinas Peak
*Map - 5B - Thieves Hideout
*Map - 5C - Dycedarg's Room?
*Map - 5D - Interrogation Room in Dorter?
*Map - 5E - Bottom of Sand Rat Cellar
*Map - 5F - Inside Zeltennia Church
*Map - 60 - Pub Area
*Map - 61 - Inside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Beta?)
*Map - 62 - Bridge (Beta?)
*Map - 63 - Beta Town?
*Map - 64 - Public Cemetery
*Map - 65 - Test Map (Water on two sides)
*Map - 66 - Tutorial Test Map (Height)
*Map - 67 - Outside the Windmill
*Map - 68 - Balbanes's Room
*Map - 69 - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 6A - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 6B - N O G A I S
*Map - 6C - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 6D - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 6E - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 6F - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 70 - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 71 - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 72 - Deep Dungeon
*Map - 73 - Hidden Fortress
*Map - 74 - Zodiac Tutorial Map 
*Map - 75 - Height Test Map
*Map - 76 - Water World Map
*Map - 77 - Water World Map2?
*Map - 78 - (None)
*Map - 79 - (None)
*Map - 7A - (None)
*Map - 7B - (None)
*Map - 7C - (None)
*Map - 7D - Checkerboard Testing Area
*Map - 7E - (None)

Revision as of 18:53, 31 May 2022