Difference between revisions of "Elemental Absorption"

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(Created page with " Elemental Absorption 001870fc: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019 00187100: 8c842d90 lw r4,0x2d90(r4) Load Current Attack Data Pointer 00187104: 00000000 nop 00187108: 90830002 lbu ...")
Line 21: Line 21:
  00187148: 03e00008 jr r31
  00187148: 03e00008 jr r31
  0018714c: 00000000 nop
  0018714c: 00000000 nop
== Return Locations ==
00188684: [[Weapon Damage Calculation]]
00188724: [[Routine used in formula 2B]]
001887cc: [[Elemental Absorb/Status]]
00188c84: [[04 Magic Gun]]
00189b74: [[2D Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)) 100% Status ]]
00189c38: [[2E Equipped:Break Dmg_(PA*WP)]]
00189d44: [[31 Dmg_((PA+Y)/2*PA)]]
0018ac2c: [[63 Dmg_(SP*WP)]]

Revision as of 12:37, 6 March 2012

Elemental Absorption
001870fc: 3c048019 lui r4,0x8019
00187100: 8c842d90 lw r4,0x2d90(r4)		Load Current Attack Data Pointer
00187104: 00000000 nop
00187108: 90830002 lbu r3,0x0002(r4)		Load ?
0018710c: 34020005 ori r2,r0,0x0005
00187110: 1062000d beq r3,r2,0x00187148		Branch if Element was nullified
00187114: 00000000 nop
00187118: 94820010 lhu r2,0x0010(r4)		Load ?
0018711c: 00000000 nop
00187120: 30420400 andi r2,r2,0x0400
00187124: 10400006 beq r2,r0,0x00187140		Branch if element was not absorbed
00187128: 34020040 ori r2,r0,0x0040
0018712c: 94830004 lhu r3,0x0004(r4)		Load HP Damage
00187130: a4800004 sh r0,0x0004(r4)		Store HP Damage = 0
00187134: a0820025 sb r2,0x0025(r4)		Store Attack Type = HP Recovery
00187138: 08061c52 j 0x00187148
0018713c: a4830006 sh r3,0x0006(r4)		Store HP Recovery = HP Damage
00187140: 34020080 ori r2,r0,0x0080
00187144: a0820025 sb r2,0x0025(r4)		Store Attack Type = HP Damage
00187148: 03e00008 jr r31
0018714c: 00000000 nop

Return Locations

  • Battle.bin
00188684: Weapon Damage Calculation
00188724: Routine used in formula 2B
001887cc: Elemental Absorb/Status
00188c84: 04 Magic Gun
00189b74: 2D Dmg_(PA*(WP+Y)) 100% Status 
00189c38: 2E Equipped:Break Dmg_(PA*WP)
00189d44: 31 Dmg_((PA+Y)/2*PA)
0018ac2c: 63 Dmg_(SP*WP)