Difference between revisions of "Unit Animations"

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  [[T1 Spin1]] #2A (spin, starts from frame 2)
  [[T1 Spin1]] #2A (spin, starts from frame 2)
  [[T1 Spin2]] #2B (spin, starts from frame 8)
  [[T1 Spin2]] #2B (spin, starts from frame 8)
  [[T1 Critical & Dead]] #2C, 2D, 2E, and 2F (all only 1 frame each)
  [[T1 Critical & Defend]] #2C, 2D, 2E, and 2F (all only 1 frame each)

Revision as of 01:56, 7 March 2022

This page contains a comprehensive list to all unit animations, broken down manually. Progress is slow, I'm the only person who seems to care about these.
information regarding what commands are what can be found here: SEQ & Animation info page
these animation names are subject to change.
T1 Facing Angles		#Compacted because they're all only 1 frame each.
T1 Walk Forward		#animation 6
T1 Walk Backward		#7
T1 Walk Fast Forward	#8
T1 Walk Fast Backward	#9
T1 Walk Slow Forward	#A
T1 Walk Slow Backward	#B (I think these are just Idle walk frames?)
T1 Buffer Animations		#a few animations that all point to the same command in RAM, "pause animation". animations 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x10, and 0x11 all point here.
T1 Float Stop Forward 	#12 (also ?????)
T1 Float Stop Backward 	#13 (also ?????)
T1 Float Stop Fwd Haste	#14 (also ?????)
T1 Float Stop Bck Haste	#15 (also ?????)
T1 Float Stop Fwd Slow	#16 (also ?????)
T1 Float Stop Bck Slow	#17 (also ?????)
T1 Walk To Fwd		#18 (for walking to a destination? slightly different wait offsets.)
T1 Walk To Bck		#19
T1 Walk To Fwd Haste	#1A
T1 Walk To Bck Haste	#1B
T1 Walk To Fwd Slow	#1C
T1 Walk To Bck Slow	#1D
T1 Buffer Animations		#more animations that are just buffers, but they don't point to the same buffer? animations 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, and 0x23 point here.
				#0x24 - 0x29 are duplicates of 0x19 to 0x1D, but don't point to the same space.
T1 Spin1			#2A (spin, starts from frame 2)
T1 Spin2			#2B (spin, starts from frame 8)
T1 Critical & Defend	#2C, 2D, 2E, and 2F (all only 1 frame each)