Useful SaveAddress Commands

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SaveAddress & LoadAddress

SaveAddress and LoadAddress allow you to accomplish a lot of things that would otherwise be completely impossible with standard event commands. It also allows you to break things in an infinite number of ways. For the sake of convenience, some helpful little premade sets of commands can be found here (though there currently isn't much just yet, but hopefully folks can band together and fill this with useful entries).

Smaller Ideas

  • Adjust the valid Text Advancement buttons during an event by altering the two bytes found at x801316D0. This allows other buttons like L or R to let Messages that use {end} finish and either clear out automatically or await a ChangeDialog. The default value is x0160, and you can enable all buttons by setting it to xFFFF.
  • You can also use this in the opposite way to prevent secondary text boxes from closing if the player presses X or Start when the primary box has a choice menu, if for some reason the x9X-xEX message type values aren't working out. Just disable every button except Circle.


Button Presses During Events

Manually Setting Up Roster Nicknames in Battle