Call Inner Subroutine
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# ROUTINE: CALL INNER SUBROUTINE # This routine acts as a wrapper for a call to another routine, and may use a different stack pointer, but doesn't run any extra code... # This should essentially be the same as directly calling the specified routine. # Perhaps there is some purpose to this routine related to debugging, or perhaps it contained some debugging code while in development? # # Parameters: # Parameters for inner subroutine: r4 - r7 with additional parameters on the stack, as usual # RAM_WORD[0x80173ca8] = [Address of subroutine to call] # # Returns: # r2 = [Result of inner subroutine] 0014ceb4: 3c018015 lui r1,0x8015 0014ceb8: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cebc: ac3fcf5c sw r31,-0x30a4(r1) # Save return address to 0x8014cf5c 0014cec0: 3c018017 lui r1,0x8017 0014cec4: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cec8: 8c284038 lw r8,0x4038(r1) # RAM_WORD[0x80174038] 0014cecc: 00000000 nop 0014ced0: 11000015 beq r8,r0,0x0014cf28 # if (RAM_WORD[0x80174038] != 0) { 0014ced4: 00000000 nop 0014ced8: 3c018016 lui r1,0x8016 0014cedc: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cee0: 8c285f98 lw r8,0x5f98(r1) # RAM_WORD[0x80165f98] 0014cee4: 00000000 nop 0014cee8: 8d08003c lw r8,0x003c(r8) # [New stack pointer] = RAM_WORD[RAM_WORD[0x80165f98] + 0x3c] 0014ceec: 00000000 nop 0014cef0: 2108fff0 addi r8,r8,-0x0010 0014cef4: ad1d0004 sw r29,0x0004(r8) # Save stack pointer 0014cef8: ad1f0008 sw r31,0x0008(r8) 0014cefc: 0100e821 addu r29,r8,r0 # [Stack pointer] = [New stack pointer] 0014cf00: 3c018017 lui r1,0x8017 0014cf04: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cf08: 8c283ca8 lw r8,0x3ca8(r1) # RAM_WORD[0x80173ca8] 0014cf0c: 00000000 nop 0014cf10: 0100f809 jalr r8,r31 # ROUTINE: Call subroutine at RAM_WORD[0x80173ca8] 0014cf14: 00000000 nop 0014cf18: 8fbf0008 lw r31,0x0008(r29) 0014cf1c: 8fbd0004 lw r29,0x0004(r29) # Load stack pointer back 0014cf20: 03e00008 jr r31 # Return (exit the routine) 0014cf24: 00000000 nop # } 0014cf28: 3c018017 lui r1,0x8017 0014cf2c: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cf30: 8c283ca8 lw r8,0x3ca8(r1) # RAM_WORD[0x80173ca8] 0014cf34: 00000000 nop 0014cf38: 0100f809 jalr r8,r31 # ROUTINE: Call routine at RAM_WORD[0x80173ca8] 0014cf3c: 00000000 nop 0014cf40: 3c018015 lui r1,0x8015 0014cf44: 00200821 addu r1,r1,r0 0014cf48: 8c3fcf5c lw r31,-0x30a4(r1) # Load return address from 0x8014cf5c 0014cf4c: 00000000 nop 0014cf50: 03e00008 jr r31 # Return (exit the routine) 0014cf54: 00000000 nop
Call Locations
00134de8: Display Projected Action Effect (Inner call is to Find Action Highest Order Status Effect) 00135148: Display Projected Action Effect (Inner call is to Find Action Highest Order Status Effect)