Find Highest Target Priority in Ability Range (0019bf2c)

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Find Highest Target Priority in Ability Range
0019bf2c: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
0019bf30: 90420d7b lbu r2,0x0d7b(r2)
0019bf34: 27bdffe0 addiu r29,r29,0xffe0
0019bf38: afb00010 sw r16,0x0010(r29)
0019bf3c: 3c10801a lui r16,0x801a
0019bf40: 2610f3c4 addiu r16,r16,0xf3c4				Load AI Data
0019bf44: afbf0018 sw r31,0x0018(r29)
0019bf48: 10400016 beq r2,r0,0x0019bfa4				Branch and get Target Unit List if No Action Taken
0019bf4c: afb10014 sw r17,0x0014(r29)
0019bf50: 3c03801a lui r3,0x801a
0019bf54: 9063029d lbu r3,0x029d(r3)				Load ?
0019bf58: 00000000 nop
0019bf5c: 1060001d beq r3,r0,0x0019bfd4				Branch to and let the Frame RNG decide if false
0019bf60: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
0019bf64: 10620055 beq r3,r2,0x0019c0bc				Branch to ? if 1			
0019bf68: 00000000 nop
0019bf6c: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
0019bf70: 904202a0 lbu r2,0x02a0(r2)				Load ? ID
0019bf74: 00000000 nop
0019bf78: 000218c0 sll r3,r2,0x03					
0019bf7c: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2
0019bf80: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02
0019bf84: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
0019bf88: 9042029f lbu r2,0x029f(r2)				Load ?	
0019bf8c: 00701821 addu r3,r3,r16
0019bf90: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01
0019bf94: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2
0019bf98: 94710b94 lhu r17,0x0b94(r3)				r17 = "Current Map Data...?" Or Unit Target Matrix?
0019bf9c: 08067059 j 0x0019c164						Go directly into Target Matrix evaluation
0019bfa0: 00000000 nop
0019bfa4: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
0019bfa8: 904201f2 lbu r2,0x01f2(r2)				Load Acting Unit's ID
0019bfac: 00000000 nop
0019bfb0: 00501021 addu r2,r2,r16					Get Acting Unit's AI Data for next Routine
0019bfb4: 90510c8d lbu r17,0x0c8d(r2)				r17 = Targetable Unit List
0019bfb8: 0c0670f5 jal 0x0019c3d4					Generate new Targetable Unit List?
0019bfbc: a0400c8d sb r0,0x0c8d(r2)					Clear Targetable Unit List
0019bfc0: 3c02801a lui r2,0x801a
0019bfc4: 904201f2 lbu r2,0x01f2(r2)				Load Acting Unit's ID
0019bfc8: 00000000 nop
0019bfcc: 00501021 addu r2,r2,r16					Get Acting Unit's AI Data
0019bfd0: a0510c8d sb r17,0x0c8d(r2)				Restore Targetable Unit List
<Decide based on Frame Data>
0019bfd4: 0c0076ea jal 0x0001dba8					Get RNG from frame data
0019bfd8: 34040001 ori r4,r0,0x0001
0019bfdc: 284201b9 slti r2,r2,0x01b9
0019bfe0: 14400004 bne r2,r0,0x0019bff4				Branch to Can Target Enemy? unless RNG said not to
0019bfe4: 3c030400 lui r3,0x0400
0019bfe8: a2000ed9 sb r0,0x0ed9(r16)
0019bfec: 0806707d j 0x0019c1f4						RNG gods said not to use this skill; Exit and set to -1
0019bff0: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
0019bff4: 8e02000c lw r2,0x000c(r16)				Load AI Flags
0019bff8: a20019b7 sb r0,0x19b7(r16)				Clear Usage?
0019bffc: 00431024 and r2,r2,r3
0019c000: 1040000a beq r2,r0,0x0019c02c				Branch if allowed to target enemies
0019c004: a2000e4d sb r0,0x0e4d(r16)				Clear ?
0019c008: 3c03fdff lui r3,0xfdff
0019c00c: 8e020cb4 lw r2,0x0cb4(r16)				Load ?
0019c010: 3463ffff ori r3,r3,0xffff
0019c014: 00431024 and r2,r2,r3						Remove 0x04000000 from ?
0019c018: 0806701a j 0x0019c068
0019c01c: ae020cb4 sw r2,0x0cb4(r16)				Save ?
0019c020: a2020ed9 sb r2,0x0ed9(r16)				r2 = 0 (can be 1 if from XY loop or 2 from Targeting Matrix loop)
0019c024: 0806707d j 0x0019c1f4						This ability has units in range to be hit; is usable (jump to exit and set -1)
0019c028: 2402ffff addiu r2,r0,0xffff
0019c02c: 92030cbb lbu r3,0x0cbb(r16)				Load X?
0019c030: 92020cbc lbu r2,0x0cbc(r16)				Load Y?
0019c034: 00000000 nop
0019c038: 00620018 mult r3,r2
0019c03c: a2030eda sb r3,0x0eda(r16)				Save X?
0019c040: 00001012 mflo r2
0019c044: a2020eda sb r2,0x0eda(r16)				Save over X immediately...?
0019c048: 92020eda lbu r2,0x0eda(r16)				Load previous data before being saved over? Action Menu?
0019c04c: 00000000 nop
0019c050: 2c42000b sltiu r2,r2,0x000b
0019c054: 14400003 bne r2,r0,0x0019c064				Branch if normal menu ability?
0019c058: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
0019c05c: a2020e4d sb r2,0x0e4d(r16)				
0019c060: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
0019c064: a2020e4d sb r2,0x0e4d(r16)				This saves the exact same information to the exact same place.
0019c068: 8e020cb4 lw r2,0x0cb4(r16)				Load ?
0019c06c: 3c030200 lui r3,0x0200
0019c070: 00431024 and r2,r2,r3
0019c074: 14400005 bne r2,r0,0x0019c08c				Skip next branch if ? ["ability ID = holy water???"]
0019c078: 00000000 nop
0019c07c: 92020e4d lbu r2,0x0e4d(r16)				Load ?
0019c080: 00000000 nop
0019c084: 10400014 beq r2,r0,0x0019c0d8				Skip XY Loop if ?
0019c088: 00000000 nop
<XY Loop>
0019c08c: 92020cbb lbu r2,0x0cbb(r16)				Load X?
0019c090: 00000000 nop
0019c094: 10400054 beq r2,r0,0x0019c1e8				Store Unit Coordinates and exit routine to select ability if false
0019c098: 00000000 nop
0019c09c: 92020cbc lbu r2,0x0cbc(r16)				Load Y?
0019c0a0: 00000000 nop
0019c0a4: 10400050 beq r2,r0,0x0019c1e8				Store Unit Coordinates and exit routine to select ability if false
0019c0a8: 00000000 nop
0019c0ac: 0c0670a0 jal 0x0019c280					Find Highest Target Priority
0019c0b0: 00000000 nop
0019c0b4: 0c067083 jal 0x0019c20c					Check if units match their coordinates in the AI
0019c0b8: 00000000 nop
0019c0bc: 0c067367 jal 0x0019cd9c					Check if units are in Range
0019c0c0: 00000000 nop
0019c0c4: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff
0019c0c8: 1043ffd5 beq r2,r3,0x0019c020				branch, set true and exit if units in range
0019c0cc: 34020001 ori r2,r0,0x0001
0019c0d0: 08067023 j 0x0019c08c						Jump back until success
0019c0d4: 00000000 nop
</XY Loop>
0019c0d8: a2000edc sb r0,0x0edc(r16)				Initialize Current Map Level
<Map Level Loop>
0019c0dc: 92020e3b lbu r2,0x0e3b(r16)				Load Max Map Y
0019c0e0: 00000000 nop
0019c0e4: 10400037 beq r2,r0,0x0019c1c4				Exit if Max Y is false
0019c0e8: a2000edb sb r0,0x0edb(r16)				Initialize Y
<Y Loop>
0019c0ec: 92020edc lbu r2,0x0edc(r16)				Load Current Map Level
0019c0f0: 00000000 nop
0019c0f4: 000218c0 sll r3,r2,0x03					r3 = Level * 8
0019c0f8: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2					r3 = Level * 9
0019c0fc: 00031880 sll r3,r3,0x02					r3 = Level * 24
0019c100: 92020edb lbu r2,0x0edb(r16)				Load Current Y
0019c104: 00701821 addu r3,r3,r16					Get current unit AI Data
0019c108: 00021040 sll r2,r2,0x01					Y * 2
0019c10c: 00621821 addu r3,r3,r2
0019c110: 94710b94 lhu r17,0x0b94(r3)				Get Current Unit Target Matrix
0019c114: 00000000 nop
0019c118: 12200021 beq r17,r0,0x0019c1a0			Branch if not targeting anything
0019c11c: 00000000 nop
0019c120: 92020e3a lbu r2,0x0e3a(r16)				Load Max Map X
0019c124: 00000000 nop
0019c128: 1040001d beq r2,r0,0x0019c1a0				Exit if false
0019c12c: a2000eda sb r0,0x0eda(r16)				Initialize X
<X Loop>
0019c130: 92020eda lbu r2,0x0eda(r16)				Load X
0019c134: 00000000 nop
0019c138: 00511004 sllv r2,r17,r2
0019c13c: 30428000 andi r2,r2,0x8000
0019c140: 1040000d beq r2,r0,0x0019c178				Next X if nothing in the cell
0019c144: 00000000 nop
0019c148: 92020eda lbu r2,0x0eda(r16)				Load Current X
0019c14c: 92030edb lbu r3,0x0edb(r16)				Load Current Y
0019c150: 92040edc lbu r4,0x0edc(r16)				Load Current Map Level
0019c154: a2020018 sb r2,0x0018(r16)				Save as Acting Unit X
0019c158: a203001a sb r3,0x001a(r16)				Save as Acting Unit Y
0019c15c: 0c067083 jal 0x0019c20c					Check if Units match their coordinates in the AI
0019c160: a2040019 sb r4,0x0019(r16)				Save as Acting Unit Map Level
0019c164: 0c067367 jal 0x0019cd9c					Check if Units are in Range
0019c168: 00000000 nop
0019c16c: 2403ffff addiu r3,r0,0xffff
0019c170: 1043ffab beq r2,r3,0x0019c020				Branch to Exit Jump and set 2 if success
0019c174: 34020002 ori r2,r0,0x0002					Don't select ability just yet
0019c178: 92020eda lbu r2,0x0eda(r16)				Load Current X
0019c17c: 00000000 nop
0019c180: 24420001 addiu r2,r2,0x0001				Current X++
0019c184: a2020eda sb r2,0x0eda(r16)				Save Current X
0019c188: 92030eda lbu r3,0x0eda(r16)				Load Current X
0019c18c: 92020e3a lbu r2,0x0e3a(r16)				Load Max X
0019c190: 00000000 nop
0019c194: 0062182b sltu r3,r3,r2
0019c198: 1460ffe5 bne r3,r0,0x0019c130				Loop until Max X
0019c19c: 00000000 nop
</X Loop>
0019c1a0: 92020edb lbu r2,0x0edb(r16)				Load Current Y
0019c1a4: 92030e3b lbu r3,0x0e3b(r16)				Load Max Y
0019c1a8: 24420001 addiu r2,r2,0x0001				Current Y++
0019c1ac: a2020edb sb r2,0x0edb(r16)				Save Current Y
0019c1b0: 92020edb lbu r2,0x0edb(r16)				Load Current Y
0019c1b4: 00000000 nop
0019c1b8: 0043102b sltu r2,r2,r3
0019c1bc: 1440ffcb bne r2,r0,0x0019c0ec				Loop until Max Y
0019c1c0: 00000000 nop
</Y Loop>
<Map Level++>
0019c1c4: 92020edc lbu r2,0x0edc(r16)				Load Current Map Level
0019c1c8: 00000000 nop
0019c1cc: 24420001 addiu r2,r2,0x0001				Current Map Level++
0019c1d0: a2020edc sb r2,0x0edc(r16)				Save Current Map Level
0019c1d4: 92020edc lbu r2,0x0edc(r16)				Load Current Map Level
0019c1d8: 00000000 nop
0019c1dc: 2c420002 sltiu r2,r2,0x0002
0019c1e0: 1440ffbe bne r2,r0,0x0019c0dc				Loop again
0019c1e4: 00000000 nop
</Map Level Loop>
0019c1e8: 0c067c96 jal 0x0019f258					Store units coordinates
0019c1ec: 26040e30 addiu r4,r16,0x0e30				r4 = AI Coordinate Data
0019c1f0: 00001021 addu r2,r0,r0					No units in range (Return failure)
0019c1f4: 8fbf0018 lw r31,0x0018(r29)
0019c1f8: 8fb10014 lw r17,0x0014(r29)
0019c1fc: 8fb00010 lw r16,0x0010(r29)
0019c200: 27bd0020 addiu r29,r29,0x0020
0019c204: 03e00008 jr r31
0019c208: 00000000 nop