BMG errata

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Revision as of 19:48, 2 June 2022 by Raijinili (talk | contribs) (Adding Steal EXP correction for Qu_Marsh's guide.)
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Corrections and additions to the Battle Mechanics Guide.

Mechanics chances

Some of these aren't wrong in the BMG, but are listed with a source to confirm the BMG value.

Variable errors

(Incomplete. Should automate this. Especially since some flags are wrong.)

  • Ninja PAM: 120 -> 122
  • Samurai MPM: 75 -> 90
  • Orlandu SPC: 100 -> 98
  • Ramza MP is female (15-16), not male (14-15).
  • Monster raw MP is 8-9, not 6-9.
  • Muramasa causes Confusion or Death Sentence? (19% proc, Random:Confusion|DS).
  • Dark Sword and Night Sword are non-elemental, not weapon-elemental.


  • (Probably need to review whether each skill can crit.)
  • (Formulas should list proc(type:status/spell, chance), evasion(type), element(source), undeadreversal, crit, zodiac(chance/dmg), protect/shell/AUp/MAUp/MArts.)
  • (Boss flag immunities.)
  • XP kill bonus (for same level) is [20/kills], not 10 + <+10,+0,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-2,...>. (Attacker's Earned Experience)
  • Guest leaves party => Gear is returned.
  • Member crystallizes => Gear is returned. But not if Member treasures.
    • According to Daravon, at least.
  • (Test Jump timing when you have leftover CT from previous turn.)

  • Confused Berserk Monster can use skills other than Attack: [1]
  • Confused Berserk Human Attack activates Hamedo. [2]
  • Technically, you lose 100 CT at the start of your turn, then get refunds back if you end early without moving or acting.
    • Instead of losing it at the end of turn, like in "[A.2]:CR PHASE".
    • Tested using RAM viewer.
    • Testable by killing a unit on its turn before it moves.
    • Jumping and Charging don't give you refund.
    • You do get the refund by walking into deep water.
Spillover JP
  • Unit needs to be alive (and reactive?)
  • Base job counts as Squire. E.g. Holy Knight Agrias will grant Temple Knight JP to Beowulf.
    • (What about Dancer/Bard?)
  • Charm/Confuse/Invite

(Test these)

From [3]
  • If you attack Alice while next to Hamedo Bob, Bob will interrupt the attack with Hamedo. (This goes against everything I know. Is it a spear thing? Maybe they used Gun or Crossbow and didn't realize it would hit Bob.)
  • "When a unit is Charmed, it is considered a member of the team that charmed it in many ways. Spillover JP is shared with the team that charmed it. One of the more obscure traits is that when the game removes units in a two part fight in the main game, any units your team have Charmed that are still under the status will remain."
  • Modifying a special guest's Brave won't carry over when they join.
    • At least with Byblos.
    • Test if this works with random guests.

  • "Elemental ability [086] Sand Storm is missing from the "Big List" and the remaining elemental abilitiy indexes are subsequently off by -1h. It gets back on track at [08A] Head Break."
  • "Hashmalum's command set 70 is listed as Dimension Magic in section 3.3, but Dimension Magc in Apx.C."

Things that can be added

  • ENTD battle specifications.
    • AI targeting.
  • Height mechanics.


  • Barrage with a spell proc can trigger multiple times, and each proc deals full (not half) damage.

Errata to Qu_Marsh's WotL guide:

  • Unholy Sacrifice seems to be 30% (truncated), not 33%.
  • Steal EXP can be used against allies, not just enemies.